Whispering Verse

Chapter 2049 Real things in Yuewan

None of the Cavendish girls and ladies were spending the night at Shadd's. Although Monday's "birthday party" was fun, it also really scared them. So Shade separated from them at the entrance of Yodel Palace, and when he took little Mia back to St. Teresa Square, he also checked the neighbor's house first to make sure that the house number and traces on the wall were all right before returning. In your own home:

"You should remind Dorothy, the priest and the doctor. There is no need for Dorothy, she already knows; there is no need for the priest, the relic should not dare to be a neighbor of Dawn Church. As for the doctor."

Considering the doctor's bad luck, it was necessary to remind him about this sage-level relic.

[So, what would you do if a friendly neighbor showed up next door to our house? 】

"She" asked softly as Shade held little Mia and walked through the dark but particularly reassuring stairwell on the wooden stairs.

"I'll make it look good."

Shade replied in a good mood. The reason why he was in a good mood was probably because of the way of referring to "our family".

The silver moon still shines on No. 6, Saint Teresa Square.

(Fiona is on the line. Beep~beep~beep. No answer)

When I woke up, it was already Thursday morning.

Shade originally planned to start the adventure of a new time key after breakfast. He didn't use the normal time key for a month, and he even missed those adventures in the fifth era.

But when I put on my slippers and went to get goat milk from the milk box outside the door at the urging of little Mia, I saw Director Anlos walking towards me from this morning's heavy fog.

To be honest, I just told Miss Carina last night that my boss probably didn't even eat breakfast this morning and came to his house in the heavy fog. Shade still felt very sorry.

He stood at the door to greet Director Anlos and invited him upstairs to have breakfast with him. But Director Anlos obviously still had something to do. After declining Sha De's invitation, he just went to the second floor to talk to Sha De.

After seeing Shade put the newspaper and goat's milk on the dining table, he actually sat down on the sofa. The cat, who was waiting for breakfast, was a little unhappy. So Shade put it on his lap, and the cat settled down again.

"I have already heard what happened from Miss Carina. Are you going on a business trip to the Moon Bay area recently?"

Director Anlos used a more cautious way of describing it, and when Shade nodded, he let out a sigh of relief:

"The situation in the Yuewan area is quite complicated now. Since the interruption of the Green Lake negotiations and the confrontation between the armies of the two countries at the Green Lake border, Yuewan City seems calm, but in fact there has been an undercurrent surging under the water. If you are in the Yuewan area In action, we must not only pay attention to the 'Glorious Seven Families of Moon Bay'. Hawthorne, Eddington and Belinda, who still control the city council, have withdrawn from the other four core power families and still have a large presence in the Moon Bay area. Impact."

He carried a document bag with him, and after opening it, he gave Shade some basic information:

"The Wood family now controls the local logging industry in the Moon Bay area. There are many trees in the mountainous forest area of ​​the Moon Bay area, and the organized loggers have formed the Loggers Association. Their influence is far less than that of the Randall Valley. The Stonemason's Guild is so big, so the Wood family is also the one with the smallest power among the former "Seven Glory Families".

The Blue family, a local wealthy businessman, controls many fleets that travel to the New World. However, because it has been suppressed by the traditional shipping family, the Aurora family, its development has not been very fast in recent years. They have a group of thugs in the dock area of ​​Yuewan City, and it is rumored that they have some relationship with Gray Gloves.

The Black family is notorious, and most of the notorious local gangs are related to them. He was originally considered a long-established noble, but in recent decades he has lost all the honor of the nobles. It is worth mentioning that they have several generations of in-law relationships with the Hawthorne family, which still holds power. Although the Black family does not admit that they are vassals of the Hawthorne family, in fact it is not much different.

The Light family transformed into machinery manufacturing and now became large factory owners. Their reputation in Yuewan City is mixed. Some people believe that they provide numerous employment opportunities for the poor in Yuewan City, but some people think that they are eating human flesh and blood because of their exploitation of workers. "

Director Anlos concluded:

"Although these four families are no longer able to directly influence the city council compared to Hawthorne, Eddington and Belindle, the seven families are still more or less connected, and the relationship between them is extremely complicated due to many years of marriage. Therefore, we cannot underestimate them.”

"Actually, it's hard for me to have a direct understanding of what you've said. Can you tell me directly which party our MI6 is involved with?"

MI6 must have deployed a large number of lurkers and agents in such an important and complex area of ​​Yuewan City, so it is impossible not to be connected with the local forces in Yuewan City.

Director Anlos smiled:

"Your question is really direct. It is about the Wood family. They are the easiest to get on the line with. To be more precise, the contact between the Wood family and Delarion has been from the Civil War in the Old Continent and the Moon Bay area has not yet completely belonged to the card. The Senrik era has already begun. I won't say that the Wood family will never betray MI6, but they can still be trusted at least for now."

Shade nodded understandingly, and Director Anlos gave him a new certificate:

"But you should not have direct contact with the Wood family. I have arranged a contact for you. If you need any help during the operation in the Moon Bay area, you can ask this agent codenamed 'Boatman' for help."

The certificate given to Shade was a "first-level salesman" of the "United Fruit Company". The text on the certificate was in Carsonic, and the name was left behind for the convenience of tax accounting when Shade joined MI6. Pseudonym "Sherlock Holmes".

But Shade had never heard of this fruit company, and it was probably one of MI6's disguises in Kasenlik.

"So do you know about a local organization in Moon Bay called 'Eternal Light'?"

Shade asked again, and Director Anlos nodded unexpectedly:

"Do you even know this? The Eternal Light is a church organization that has developed from the countryside and downtown areas of the Yuewan area in the past ten years. However, they do not believe in any gods, but believe in the light itself. Because it does not It develops believers in the traditional sense, and its scope of influence is limited to the Yuewan area, and its size is also very small, so the Five Gods Church did not intervene."

"So what does this organization do?"

“In the beginning, we just encouraged people to face life positively, and occasionally organized some trauma mutual aid meetings to help people who were in trouble because of the loss of their loved ones to become positive and optimistic, and sometimes even provided legal consultation, which allowed them to establish a good relationship in the early stage. reputation.

Later, Eternal Light began to encourage people to resist darkness and injustice. At this stage, they attracted the attention of Yuewan City Hall. It was not until recent years that their ideas became much more radical, and they began to promote their ideas and concepts on a large scale in the city. "

Director Anlos shook his head:

"Xia De, you should know very well that the world is not black and white. Well, next is their philosophy: light dispels darkness. They want to change the Yuewan area in their own way, so the Yuewan Police Department launched a Make up your mind to change them first. Don't feel sorry for them. There is a lot of evidence that there are other people standing behind this group of people, otherwise their financial resources cannot be explained.

Moreover, the Yuewan City Police Department has completely banned all kinds of propaganda of 'Eternal Light' in the city since the winter of 1852. But now in the summer of 1854, even those who live in Tobesk know their names, which also shows that someone helped them. "

"Those seven families in Yuewan?"

"It's hard to tell clearly. Our people rarely come into contact with the 'Eternal Light' in the Moon Bay area."

Director Anlos said, getting up and preparing to leave. He didn't mention that there was a mission for Shade to complete in the Moon Bay area. But if it is really necessary, he will not forget the ace agent Shade.

So Shade stood at the door and said goodbye to his boss, quite curious about what Director Anlos thought of him.


"I know, I know, let's have breakfast."


This cat is really incredibly easy to understand.

After breakfast, Shade took out the time key obtained from the treasure of the Mimic in the Green Lake area. Because he had rested for a month, he also used formal means in advance, that is, he put the key under the pillow and fell asleep to understand the time corresponding to the key.

It will lead Shade to the late Fifth Era for another brand new adventure. I just don’t know what the story will be this time.

"It feels like life is back on track. It's the late fifth era. See you in three seconds, Mia. May the World Tree protect me in time."

The door to the side of the room was opened, and the cat squatting on the back of the sofa watched Shade step into the white mist as thick as cotton wool.

[Outlander, you have stepped into the "corridor of time". 】

[Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree": ]

[Spring of the Fifth Age 5180, the outer sea, the lightless sea. 】

[Event: The "Glory Messenger" cruise ship crashed. 】

[Duration thirty minutes (1/3). 】

"The location that was supposed to be the Eastern Continent, the Western Continent or the Broken Islands has become the 'outer sea', which seems to be outside the land. Wu Guang. The description of the event is simple this time. What is the mission?"

[You have obtained additional information. 】

[The figure of the father of the infinite tree is watching you. 】

[The ancient god of time gives you a test. 】

[Help the old god "The Giver of Dreams" complete four fishing trips. 】

[The Father of the Infinite Tree will give you rewards: Thaumaturgy - Dragon Roar, Thaumaturgy - Corrupted Blood Mist. 】

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