Whispering Verse

Chapter 2050 Fifth Era Year 5180

"The god this time is the [Giver of Dreams]?"

This old god is not the "God of Dreams". He is often called the "God of Wishes" and belongs to the relatively less famous Old Gods. Shade can know Him because the God of Wishes - [Giver of Dreams], the God of Toys - [Creator of Innocence], and the God of Fairy Tales - [Fairy Tale Poet] are all called "Guardians of Children".

None of these three are very famous, and the information circulated in the Sixth Age is pitiful. Needless to say, Shade's relationship with the "Creator of Innocence" goes without saying, so he knows about this not-so-famous god who is also related to "Guardian of Children", but he doesn't know much specific information:

"At least this one is a good god."

As for the two magic arts given by the tree father, the former corresponds to the miracle of the first ring - [Echo] Spirit Rune, which comes from the original mission of Hope Town; the latter corresponds to the enlightenment of the seventh ring - [Flesh] Spirit Rune, which is The spiritual rune that Shade realized after copying the "Edwards Den Magic".

I haven't obtained the two magic arts yet, so I naturally don't know the specific effects. Therefore, although the "dragon roar" sounds very bluffing, there is no need to think too much now. Shade just sighed that the tree father can indeed provide any magic magic. And the two thaumaturgy techniques this time seemed to be harmful thaumaturgy techniques.

"The time is 5180 of the Fifth Epoch. Has it only been three years since I met Miss Violet and Miss Theresa in 5177? It seems that the key time I checked in advance is correct, but this year The major events related to the witch don’t seem to have anything to do with the cruise ship.”

He couldn't figure it out for the moment. Considering that this time was related to the shipwreck, Shade first activated the spell "Walk on Water" in the white mist, and then took a step forward.

The white mist dispersed, and the environment of the so-called "lightless sea" indeed had no light. Just as darkness enveloped the surroundings, Shade indeed sensed the water beneath his feet. But before he could be happy because he had started walking on water in advance, he fell into the sea.

"Oh, water walking is prohibited in this area!"

I have encountered areas where space power and reconnaissance power are prohibited before, so even though he fell into the water and got soaked all over, Shade could understand the current situation.

The darkness around me became deeper when I entered the water, and my body felt extremely heavy when I wanted to float up. But fortunately, this kind of heaviness is not the same as when the old god "Drowner of the Deep Sea" forced Shade into the bottom of the sea. As the chill in the dark waters spread throughout his body, Shade also emerged from the water.

The waves on the endless sea are rough, and the turbulent black water is as frightening as the skin of some giant beast. The dark sky looks like an abyss hanging upside down above your head, but the water surface without any light illuminating is the area that creates the most instinctive fear in people.

There is really no light here. If it weren't for his "dark vision", Shade wouldn't even be able to see the waves that are constantly crashing.

Even though he had dark vision, he still instinctively called for moonlight illumination. However, after chanting "Silver Moon", the light on his fingertips was as weak as a firefly, and it could only slightly illuminate his palm:

"Sunless Sea, is this what you mean?"

According to the accumulated experience, Tree Father will never directly send Shade to the people of the Fifth Era. Once he stays in the original position for too long, danger will come. Shade fell into the sea and then raised his head to call out the moonlight. This series of actions only took more than ten seconds, but something was already wrong.

The perception affected by the chaotic spirits and elements clearly detected that under the water where the depth of the bottom could not be observed, a huge thing that frightened the current Shade was rising rapidly at some point.

The sense of crisis at that moment forced Xia De to turn into a red butterfly and come to the water. After Hongdie reached a certain height from the sea surface, he was immediately pressed back to a position close to the sea surface, but the liftoff just now allowed him to see the only light spot in the darkness.

The red butterfly quickly clung to the sea and flew towards the only ray of light in the distance. The translucent butterflies that were originally able to spontaneously emit warm red light are now almost unable to maintain their own light, not to mention spreading red light spots. But fortunately, their appearance does not affect the effect of the spell.

The surging waves covered most of the sounds coming from the bottom of the sea, but the terrifying cry of "Ang~" that followed appeared directly in the "ears" of the red butterflies.

With just one cry, a quarter of the red butterflies were scattered, and then something that Shade didn't even see stretched out from under the water extinguished another quarter of the red butterflies.

When the remaining red butterflies approached the ray of light, the huge creature of unknown identity under the water gradually disappeared. The red butterflies also saw that the ray of light was a flame ignited on a huge floating board floating on the water.

The floating board looked like the wreckage of a ship, and some vague figures surrounded the flames. Shade knew that these were his friends this time.

The roar of the giant beast under the sea just now was so shocking, but it seemed that the people around the fire didn't notice it at all. The surging seawater was quite strange. It only caused the floating board to sway slightly on the water surface, and the people on the floating board also swayed. They did not see a group of dim red butterflies flying in the darkness.

Even when those butterflies fell on the edge of the floating board and made the panting Shade emerge, the people by the fire still didn't make any movement.

At this time, Shade also noticed that four people in robes were huddled by the fire as if they were unconscious. He listened to everyone's heartbeats to confirm that everyone was still alive. After walking over, he discovered that three of the four unconscious people were actually witches. The unconscious person who is not a witch is also a woman.

The flames came from the brazier, and what was burned seemed not to be wood, but something like black coal.

"They are all mortals and have not seen the gods. This time, do we have to find the gods first?"

Although it wasn't raining, the surrounding environment was unusually damp and cold. The lightless sea seemed to be able to continuously absorb the positive emotions in the heart. Even though he had just had breakfast with his cat and was in a good mood, Shade's mood had already dropped within just a few minutes after he came here:

"I wonder if Priest August is in a similar situation."

The women covered their faces with warm blankets, so Shade couldn't distinguish each person's features for the time being. He wanted to wake them up, so he took out a bottle of No. 3 holy water purchased from the priest - the priest could now mass-produce it, and fed it to them one by one.

There is also a higher quality Holy Water Shard, but the Tree Father does not allow it to be brought to the past era. But holy water No. 3 should be enough. Shade took turns to help them up, and they still had the instinctive reaction to swallow the liquid.

Through contact, Shade also learned the identity and level of each person. In fact, he felt that the bodies of these ladies were all a little fake. He could clearly feel that their souls were real, but there was definitely something wrong with their bodies.

He first rescued the only ordinary girl. She looked particularly young. She was about seventeen or eighteen years old like Iluna and Agelina. Although the robe she was wearing was a bit old, the gorgeous skirt that was half-dry underneath the robe looked like she was going to a banquet.

The clothes haven't dried yet, which also means that not too long has passed since the incident on the "Glory Messenger" cruise ship.

She groaned after drinking the holy water, but she couldn't wake up immediately. After all, she was just an ordinary person.

The second person Shade rescued was a slightly older woman. She originally had black hair, but there were already some white hairs in it. Although he looks like he is only in his thirties or forties from the looks of it, his actual age must be quite a lot.

This eldest lady is also the strongest witch among the four. If Shade's feeling is correct, she should be a twelfth-level witch, and a top twelfth-level witch. This lady recovered very quickly. In fact, when Shade tried to feed her some holy water, she became somewhat conscious in a daze. She even grabbed Shade's wrist to prevent him from feeding her the strange liquid. Shade didn't know why the first thing every witch who met him always grabbed his wrist.

The third lady is slightly younger, almost the same age as Miss Carina and Miss Aurora. Beautiful purple hair is obviously not natural. In this world where extraordinary powers exist, normal people's hair colors can only be black, brown, red, gold, etc. But Shade has seen Chloe's silver hair, so it's not surprising to see purple hair now.

This lady was a tenth-level witch. After taking a small amount of holy water and regaining consciousness, she did not ask Shade about his identity. Instead, she anxiously pointed at the young girl at the end, obviously wanting Shade to save her.

And when Shade helped the eleventh-level girl and saw the familiar round-framed glasses and the long golden hair tied into more than ten braids, he was shocked at first and immediately recognized who it was. :

"Have you really met an acquaintance? Miss Schultz Theresa?"

Schultz Teresa is the distant niece of Miss Violet, the witch emperor who sealed Mount Sikal in the future. They met Shade three years ago in the Lost Lake of the Broken Islands in Fifth Era 5177. To discover the secrets of eternal beauty. For Shade, that happened when Margaret visited Tobesk in the winter of 1853 in the Sixth Era.

Speaking of which, the location at that time was also outside the five main continents of east, west, south, north and middle, which was very similar to now.

It is now the year 5180 of the Fifth Era. We have not seen her for three years. The tenth-level witch who was originally waiting to graduate has now been promoted to the eleventh level. She doesn't seem to have changed much, and she doesn't look as energetic as she did when she responded to the "Word of Ascension" and appeared to aid Shade in the Battle of Pantanal. Because of the cold, the blond girl huddled up, her face turned blue, her brows furrowed, she didn't know what she was dreaming about while she was in a coma.

PS1: It’s October now, and monthly tickets are still tripled these days, so please vote at the beginning of the month.

PS2: Happy National Day to everyone!

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