Whispering Verse

Chapter 2051

"Miss Teresa, open your mouth."

Shade guided the liquid to flow out from the mouth of the bottle. The comatose witch gradually woke up and swallowed the liquid subconsciously. For these high-level witches, as long as they wake up, there are many ways to stop themselves from being comatose.

Her eyelids trembled, her lips wriggled a few times, and she silently cast a few spells that Shade couldn't identify to restore her body temperature to normal. Opening her eyes, she saw Shade squatting in front of her and looking at her worriedly. For a moment, the twenty-six-year-old Schultz Theresa thought that she was just in a tent by the Lost Lake, in I had a long dream under the care of my aunt.

"How do you feel? Can you hear me?"

Shade asked concernedly, and the appearance of the voice made the young blond witch realize that this was not a dream.

Then some memories from before coma flooded into her mind, and when she looked at the terrifying surroundings, she completely remembered what the situation was like now:

"Shade? Is that you?"

"It seems you are awake. Yes, yes, it's been a long time. Miss Violet, how are you? Oh, don't talk yet, sit up and warm yourself by the fire. This place is even better than the lake we met last time. eccentric."

He took the initiative to reach out his hand, and then Miss Theresa felt herself grabbing his wrist uncontrollably, and she was completely confirmed that the Shade in front of her was the same person before.

The tenth-level purple-haired lady helped Miss Theresa sit up, but the latter was actually a higher level than the former. The middle-aged and elderly witch of the twelfth level went to check on the young ordinary girl after she regained consciousness.

She did not ask Shade for his identity, but asked for some more holy water from Shade. After using the witch's secret magic to heal the spirit, the girl finally woke up.

The swaying floating board was not suitable for standing, so even Shade sat down. The five people gathered around the metal brazier trying to absorb the warmth. Although everyone's clothes were steamed dry, the bone-chilling cold could not be dispelled. The sea water was turbulent, and the sky looked like the mouth of an abyss, which made everyone subconsciously not look up.

Listening to the sound of water, the ordinary girl of seventeen or eighteen years old said with a hoarse voice:

"Are we already dead? This is the legendary world after death."

Although Shade wondered why their souls were normal but their bodies seemed fake, he still rejected her idea:

"Certainly not."


The girl looked at him and saw Shade's serious expression:

"I've seen the afterlife, and it's not like this. It's beautiful, quiet, and there's a silver moon."

The trembling girl was calmed by these words, but at least the fact that she was not dead still made her a little happy.

And because Shade rescued a group of four people and even met Miss Theresa, although the witches present were still wondering about Shade's gender, they did not ask the question directly.

Three years have passed since Lost Lake, and Miss Violet, the original thirteenth-level witch emperor, has touched the edge of being a demigod. Therefore, as her apprentice and distant niece, Miss Teresa has a great reputation anywhere in the world.

While everyone was resting, they introduced their respective situations. Shade's guess was correct. They had indeed just encountered a shipwreck. The four of them fell into a coma after escaping to this floating board, and were only awakened by Sha De who came here just now.

"I am Sarah Evans, professor of geography at Zarath College of Liberal Arts. This time I accepted the college's project and went to the outer sea for investigation and data collection."

The twelfth-level witch, who already had some gray hair, first introduced her identity, and her identity was confirmed by Miss Teresa. The two had met before.

Miss Teresa, who was wearing glasses, greeted Professor Evans, and then, trembling unconsciously, she introduced Shade's identity to the professor:

"This is my aunt's friend. He has helped us a lot in the past."

She wanted to avoid using any gendered personal pronouns for Shad, but found it difficult:

"He is very capable, Professor. If you have any doubts about him, my aunt will explain it later."

The professor at Zarath School of Literature maintained great respect for the Witch Emperor. He wrapped himself in a blanket and nodded politely to Shade, whose face was swaying with flames. Miss Teresa continued to tremble in her cloak, smiled at Shade, and told him about her situation:

"I was on a graduation trip and I graduated successfully."

The smile on his face could not be concealed, and Xia De also congratulated softly:

"Congratulations on your successful graduation!"

When she was lost in the lake, Miss Teresa was still thinking about gaining wisdom from God to complete her graduation thesis. Of course, she didn't do it in the end. So it took another three years, but considering the power and rich knowledge of the witches in this era, it is not an exaggeration to complete the graduation thesis in three years.

Teresa shook her head sheepishly:

"I just barely graduated. The teacher gave me a lot of help. My aunt said that a witch can only graduate from the academy once in her life. After that, I studied with her. I probably didn't have much time for vacation, so she sponsored me this time. travel."

She looked at the tenth-level witch who had just helped her get up:

"This is the maid sent by my aunt to take care of me, Miss Maxim. Thanks to her along the way, I have been living in the college or with my aunt, and have very little life experience."

The purple-haired lady respectfully said to Shade:

"Hello, Mr. Hamilton. The lady didn't ask me to follow the adventure on the lake, but I later heard the lady mention you. You are indeed as handsome as the lady said."

Miss Maxim stretched out her hand from the blanket and shook it briefly with Shade. Shade felt that she was still confirming her identity.

Miss Theresa and Miss Maxim, the maid, were traveling companions. Professor Sarah Evans was traveling alone, so none of them knew the ordinary girl.

However, the sunken "Shining Messenger" cruise ship was very large and had many tourists. In addition, the witches all live in first class, so it is normal not to know ordinary girls.

She made the final introduction, biting her lip and looking at the flames in front of her, trembling while her eyes turned red as she tried to suppress tears:

"My name is Maggie Malone. I went on a trip with my sister. I originally wanted to go to Silver Beach Island for a vacation."

According to their description, the "Glory Messenger" cruise ship departed from the port of the Western Continent, loaded with 2,224 passengers and 892 crew members, and headed to the famous tourist island "Silver Beach Island" located in the waters called "Outer Sea" on the west side of the Western Continent. , and will take the passengers back to the Western Continent after their two-week vacation.

The "Brilliant Messenger" cruise ship is the largest non-alchemy ship with the most luxurious internal facilities in this era, and this trip is the first voyage of this giant ship. It has the most complete steam power system, the best crew and the most experienced captain and first mate. When it was first completed, the ship was dubbed "unsinkable". But just three days after the ship left the port, the only living people on the ship were probably the four people trembling in front of Shade.

So Shade asked the most critical question:

"But how did the ship become like this? Did you encounter a storm or hit an iceberg? Did the witches on the ship do nothing?"

Miss Theresa knew that Shade was not familiar with things of this era, so she explained to him with a trembling voice:

"This is just a cruise ship built by ordinary people. There are not many witches on board."

In the Fifth Era, although ordinary people could also know and come into contact with the occult, the number of witches was actually not very large compared to the total population. Moreover, witches generally do not rely on ordinary people's ships when they go to sea. Even if they do not have their own magical animal mounts, they still have different occult and alchemy ships or flying carpets.

"The accident happened at night. When I felt the vibration of the ship, the surroundings had become like this. In less than five minutes, this lightless sea swallowed up the ship and most of the people. I am not sure what happened. what happened."

She pursed her lips, still a little scared about the situation at that time:

"It was like the whole world was spinning. Miss Maxim and I fell into the water together and we swam desperately. Everything around us was sinking rapidly. I even felt like there was something huge on the bottom of the sea looking at me."

The purple-haired Miss Maxim also nodded with a pale face:

"All the power of walking on the water cannot be used. Although underwater breathing can be used, immersing the body in the water will produce a strange sense of heaviness and panic. Fortunately, we saw the fire here and climbed up together. , and then they all passed out. This water will quickly absorb physical strength and spirit, so you cannot stay in the water for a long time."

While talking, the ladies all looked at the bonfire in front of them, not daring to look at the lightless rough sea. That is indeed terrible. Darkness is what humans have been afraid of since the beginning of their birth, and in this strange sea, darkness represents more dangers.

Mademoiselle Maxime and Mademoiselle Teresa lived together, so they acted together. The story of ordinary Miss Malone is similar to theirs, but she has better luck:

"I realized that the ship was sinking, and the door to the room was blocked by debris from outside, so I had no choice but to jump into the sea from the window. I'm pretty good at swimming, and the light here is very close to me. I desperately wanted to I grabbed other things, but everything was sinking. I could only struggle in the waves. Fortunately, the waves knocked me here. When I came here, the two witch ladies were already there, and I was also on the fire. Bian passed out."

She was shaking more violently than the witches. It was really difficult for ordinary people aged seventeen or eighteen to face the situation here.

None of the three Miss Teresa had much memory of the capsizing process of the ship. Fortunately, Professor Sarah Evans was able to provide some clues. The middle-aged witch recalled what happened before she fell into coma, and her face was equally pale:

"This ship probably encountered an unstable space storm. Before it happened, I felt the abnormal vibration of space power. This is definitely not a normal sea area. I am very sure that it is only two days' voyage from the coast of the Western Continent. , there is no such weird area. We should have encountered a small probability event, but the disappearance of the ship should be discovered soon, and Miss Theresa’s aunt will also come to find her. "

She said this mainly to comfort the ordinary girl. Miss Malone nodded and looked at the bonfire in front of her with some dejection, her mood still low.

"Miss Maxim is right, walking on the water is prohibited here. I could only swim here looking at the light of the fire. At that time, the three girls had already arrived. I tried to hold on and wanted to check on them, but I soon fainted. past."

In short, it is not the ladies' own will to enter this strange sea. Similarly, they don't know much about this place than Sha De who just arrived.

Shade discovered something extremely strange from their descriptions:

"Wait a minute, Professor, are you saying that you were the last to arrive? The flames in front of us were not lit by you?"

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