Whispering Verse

Chapter 2053 Fishing

Miss Maxim took off her pair of earrings:

"My mother gave these earrings to me when I was young. My grandmother gave these earrings to my mother when she got married. My mother was bedridden when I was young, worried that she would not be able to see me get married."

She is now a witch.

"Later, I met Her Majesty Violet. Her Majesty saw that I had the potential to become a witch, so he treated my mother and took me away. But I did not return the pair of earrings to my mother. I always hoped that my mother could live a healthy life. , I never want to see my mother sick again."

Professor Sarah Evans thought for a moment and took off her ring, which was some kind of alchemy item:

"This is a gift my tutor gave me when I celebrated my 14th birthday, and she hopes that like her, I can stay at Zarath School of Liberal Arts and become a professor. My tutor has left for many years, and I have also completed my childhood education. dream."

Everyone looked at Miss Maggie Malone. She pursed her lips and thought for a while:

"I was an orphan since I was a child. Although I was adopted, my childhood life was not happy. I don't have any childhood wishes. I just hope that I can live and grow up healthily."

"Then your blood or hair should be fine. You are your own gift."

Professor Evans said that Miss Malone hesitated, but finally pricked her finger with the pin she carried, took a small amount of blood, put it into the glass test tube provided by Shade, and put a piece of hair into it.

The four "gifts" were placed next to the fire. Miss Teresa murmured to herself:

“So, God rescued us and asks for these childhood wishes and memories in return?”

"Don't talk nonsense."

Shade reminded softly, and they all looked at Shade, and then lowered their heads suddenly. The ordinary Miss Malone even had her head tilted and bleeding from all her orifices, and she almost fainted.

Although Shade didn't know what they saw, at the moment they lowered their heads, they realized that some kind of existence that was indescribable and could be felt without even looking directly had arrived here.

So he twisted his body and looked back. The waves were surging, and at some point on the edge of the floating board directly behind him, a short man in a black robe, who looked like a child, appeared.

The "child" turned his back to everyone, facing the lightless sea, holding a fishing rod in his hand.

The moment he looked at the god, golden cracks penetrated Shade's eyes. And when he turned to face the bonfire again, the ladies who didn't dare to look behind Shade all saw golden cracks all over the surface of his body. Although the golden light was not as powerful as the flames, the appearance of the new light still made them feel at ease and safe.

Even Miss Teresa, who was keeping warm in Shad's arms, almost cried when she saw Shad's "special state" in the Lost Lake. Although, even she herself didn't know why she felt this way. But it didn't matter anymore. The unprecedented sense of security made her feel sleepy. Even though she knew it was still dangerous here, the sense of security had overcome all fears.

"where are you going?"

Noticing that Shade was about to push her away and get up again, Miss Witch asked pitifully.

"Talk to the great one and wait here for my return. Don't move."

Within a few seconds of leaving Shade's arms, her eyebrows began to frost. Knowing that she could not get close to the god, Miss Teresa, who felt increasingly weak, had no choice but to say goodbye to Shade.

So he picked up everyone's "gifts", climbed on the floating board and moved to the side of the black-robed fisherman.

Even though he was now at the seventh ring, as he gradually approached the figure, the influence of the gods on the surrounding environment and the oppression on the soul still made Shade feel suffocated. In his senses, the thin figure was pressed against the edge of the floating board like a mountain. But fortunately, this is just an illusion in the senses, otherwise the floating board would have lost its balance long ago.

But Shade's guess just now was correct. The god, the giver of dreams, really appeared here as a child.

But after Shade came to Him, the god still held the fishing rod and looked at the dark sea without talking to him. Shade then placed the four "gifts" in the hands of the gods, not worrying that the waves would sweep them away.

God then said softly:

"The innocent creator chose you to inherit the final work. It seems that he did not choose the wrong person."

Shade was a little ashamed:

"That god has helped me many times. His gift box also gave me many nice gifts, but I couldn't think of a way to repay him."

"God doesn't ask for anything in return. My son, you did a pretty good job."

It felt weird to be called "child" by a child, but before Shade could figure it out, God handed the fishing rod to Shade. The "child" looked at Shade with eyes as deep as the night sky:

"The first dream is for you to fish."

God's gaze even reminded the outsider of his childhood in his hometown for a moment. And that ordinary fishing rod didn't feel as good as the one that Mr. Edmond lent to Shade.

Shade nodded slightly, picked up the fishing rod, and looked at the four "gifts" while feeling very unsure of his fishing skills:

"Which one should I start with?"

"It's your choice."

God watched Shade's choice, and after a few seconds of hesitation, Shade picked up Miss Schultz Theresa's round-rimmed glasses, pulled up the fishing line, and tied the glasses to the fishing line. This behavior was strange, but God was watching him with a smile and instructing him how to fish:

"Very good, now throw out the bait. Don't be nervous, fishing for other people's dreams is a lot of fun. It doesn't require too much skill, but more of your own curiosity and some good luck."

“But what exactly am I going to fish for?”

"Of course it is what the bait can attract, children, childhood dreams and past dreams, intertwined into the adult self. And when childhood is used as a beacon again to try to find the past, people can often see things that they have not noticed. thing."

The fishing line that tied the glasses was thrown into the lightless deep sea by Shade. Almost the second after his glasses hit the water, Shade immediately felt the force of the drag.

He hurriedly retracted the thread, but what he saw was a beautiful glass ball sandwiched between the two brackets of the glasses. This is a toy played by children, and can often be seen in 1854 of the Sixth Age.

"What does it mean?"

Shade held the glass ball and asked the god, but the child-like god smiled and flicked the glass ball, so it shimmered.

The light projected the figure of an eleven or twelve-year-old girl next to Shade. She was kneeling on the ground and looking in front of her in distress. The little girl wearing round glasses and braids also held the beautiful glass ball in her hand, and there were five other glass balls evenly scattered in front of her. She seemed to be playing a game, just hesitating. Still don't know how to start.

The child-like god looked at this scene with a smile, and Shade felt that he understood.

So Shade moved his body and placed the glass ball he caught in the depression formed by the curled index finger of his right hand. He touched the edge of the glass ball with his thumb, closed one eye and put his face on the wet floating board. .

[Left, right, go back a little, yes, don't use so much force, that's good. 】

The thumb flicked out the glass ball in his hand. The sound of the collision between the glass balls could not be heard in the sound of the waves. You could only see that the glass ball popped up by Shade hit the first one, then deflected and hit the second one. The two struck glass balls continued to roll and hit the third and fourth ones. The three and four glass balls collided with each other while rolling, and finally hit the fifth glass ball.

It was obviously Shade who popped the glass ball, but the eleven or twelve-year-old girl with braids stood up happily, smiled and clapped her hands. She held Shade's hand, and then pointed to the sea ahead and to the left:

"I'm here, so don't go in the wrong direction."

Then the little girl disappeared. Shade looked back at the four people who were huddled around the campfire and seemed to be sleeping again. He felt that he had completely understood the purpose of this time exploration:

"A child's dream?"

"Even after you become an adult, you may still be thinking about not completing a game in your childhood. The regrets in your childhood will turn into sweet or bitter wine in your memories as an adult. This may seem ordinary to others. It’s a small thing, but one day when she looks at the glass ball in the corner, she will definitely reveal a smile that only she knows.”

God commented, reaching out to Shade to take back the glass ball, and solemnly put it into his pocket, as if an ordinary glass ball was more precious than everything here.

Shade said:

"Can you please stop using wine as a metaphor? Children shouldn't drink."

The smile on God’s face became more and more obvious:

"The first fishing is not finished yet, let's continue using that bait. You should have guessed what you will catch in the end."

The fishing line binding the glasses was thrown out again, in the direction pointed out by the little girl who flicked the glass beads just now. This time, after waiting for more than ten seconds, the fishing line started to shake again. This time the "fish" struggled with greater strength. Since Shade couldn't use his strength on the floating board, he activated the [Red Dragon Power] and managed to catch the "fish".

A half piece of white chalk is sandwiched between the left temple and the frame. The chalk was completely soaked by sea water and was no longer usable. And the god brushed it, and with the appearance of the glimmer, a new phantom appeared next to Shade and the god. ■

PS: Not long after, there will be a return of a well-received and interesting (ish) relic, Not Desire. You can guess which one it is.

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