Whispering Verse

Chapter 2054 Half-life (more votes please)

The protagonist of the phantom is still the blonde girl wearing round glasses, but she has grown a lot compared to before, and now she is fifteen or sixteen years old. Her hairstyle is no longer braided, but rather fluffy and curly. Miss Teresa's blond hair had been straight throughout her childhood and adulthood, so it was probably the result of using a heated curling iron.

At this time, the girl who once again showed a distressed expression was standing in front of the blackboard holding the piece of chalk. There is a huge five-pointed star ritual matrix on the blackboard, and the ritual matrix is ​​filled with dense ancient runes.

Shade recognized that this was an ancient rune course. It was not a request for translation, but a request to find errors in the rune ritual array and correct them.

This is a field that only extraordinary people can deal with, so Miss Teresa should have become a witch at this time. The troubled expression on her face reminded Shade of the expression on his face when he heard Margaret talking about the math homework Miss Sylvia left for her.

"This ritual is an offset pentagram, a sacred blessing rune, a magical ritual from the Shanman language family. The Church of the Sun?"

Although I am a little surprised, fortunately this is still considered basic runic content. Shade has never seen this ritual base formation. If compared with the education Shade received at St. Byrons, the corresponding difficulty is probably equivalent to the fourth or fifth grade.

I have never seen the ritual matrix, so I can only guess from the meaning of the runes that the function of the ritual is "sleep and sweet dreams." Then through basic runes and related knowledge in "Witch's Reverberation", Shade reached out and erased the three runes on the blackboard, and used chalk to correct them to what he thought was correct.

"is that so?"

After he finished revising, the blond girl holding the chalk looked at the blackboard suspiciously and muttered to herself. But then, she smiled and threw the chalk aside:

"It doesn't matter, it's good enough to make three corrections! There will still be time to study in the future, so don't be too harsh on yourself."

As she said that, she pulled Shade's sleeve:

"Try again. The fishing position just now was not wrong, but your luck was a little bit worse."

She smiled and looked up at Shad, Miss Theresa, who was about the same age as Grace and Helen, and winked at him affectionately:

"I'm actually very good at studying runes."

[The stranger, the witch Remembrance Teresa, has received further corrections. 】

More advanced and complete knowledge about rituals entered Shade's mind, and the smiling young girl also disappeared at this time.

"The leisure and open-mindedness of girlhood have become the basis of adult character. People will always complain about many things they did wrong in the past when they become adults, but few people will remember those times when they made immature decisions for themselves. of joy.”

The child-like god seemed to be sighing. Seeing Shade holding his head to digest the knowledge, he added:

"You will also gain something by helping them. When dreams are reflected back to you and me, are we dreaming about them, or are they dreaming about us?"

The issue of dreams and reality is extremely complicated to begin with, and it becomes even more unclear once gods are involved. Shade threw the rod for the third time, and this time he waited for two minutes before getting a response. This time, the force transmitted from the other end of the taut fishing line was greater, and it almost dragged Shade into the water.

He felt as if he was wrestling with a giant dragon in the water. If the fishing rod hadn't been lent by the gods, it would have been damaged long ago. Unable to use any force, he slid from the edge of the floating board into the water little by little, while God just looked at this scene with a smile.

Shade suddenly remembered the time he went fishing with Mr. Edmond, and dim thunder danced in his hands. But this time he didn't throw the thunder gun into the strange sea, he just let the thunder enter the water along the fishing line.

The struggle on the side of the fishhook was indeed lighter, so Shade, who felt his arms trembling, finally won and successfully took the ribbon tied to his glasses in his hand. The god then reached out and brushed the ribbon. The sky-blue ribbon shimmered, and what came next was Miss Violet's voice:

"Did the trip go well?"


Shade was startled, then realized that this was not talking to him. Under the lightless sky, the Witch Emperor, who had not been seen for a long time, took on an even more unreal appearance, standing in front of her young distant niece.

The phantom of Miss Teresa, dressed exactly the same as now, smiled and nodded at her, with the ribbon tied in her hair:

"The Radiant Messenger has been setting off for two days. This trip is very interesting, and Miss Maxim takes good care of me. Aunt, thank you again for your willingness to sponsor my graduation trip."

She seemed to be communicating remotely with Miss Violet on the ship. The Witch Emperor, with sparkles in her eyes, nodded with satisfaction. There was an illusory silhouette of her environment behind her. She was in a huge alchemy workshop:

"As long as you like this trip. It's night, so you should go and rest quickly. Even after graduation, you should maintain the habit of going to bed early and getting up early. Oh, I received the news in the morning. On the route of the Radiant Messenger, there will be two months. Something that shouldn't have appeared has appeared before. Let's guess what it is. The clues are: black lightning, storms, fish with their heads cut off, frogs falling from the sky, and an invisible player."

Miss Theresa once again showed distress, then looked at Shade with an expression asking for help:

"what is it then?"

Of course, Miss Teresa, who has a false body and a real soul, is still next to the brazier, and what is here is just the phantom from the ribbon.

Normally, when encountering such a strange problem, it would be Shade's turn to look for information at his own time. But this time after hesitating for a while, Shade actually felt that he could give the answer.

There are countless evil things and unnamed terrifying monsters that exist in the deep sea, such as the thing that peeked into the hotel through the [Sea View Window] in the Battle of Green Lake. According to the clues provided by Miss Violet, Shade really found a corresponding evil object.

However, even in the fifth era, there is no reason for that thing to appear on the waterway:

"The evil thing of the deep sea - the player of Nanao.

The body is said to be an ancient stone statue that sank into the deep sea in the First Era and became alive for unknown reasons. He has been entrenched and existed in the deep sea all year round, and has never been recorded rising to the surface. Each tail slaps the water and plays a different note. The music played from the deep seabed abyss is always tempting intelligent life that dares to peek into the deep sea, and enters the seabed abyss with it, dancing to the music forever. "

This knowledge comes from the incomplete knowledge that comes with the divinity after absorbing the divinity of the evil god-the drowned man of the deep sea. This weird evil thing obeys the orders of this god. Shade even knows a ritual known as "Contacting the Seven-Tails Player", which can summon this evil thing in the ocean area. Of course, since the ritual requires a large number of living sacrifices, Shade will never use them.

"Correct answer, Schulz, I'm surprised you even know this kind of knowledge."

The imaginary Miss Violet smiled and said to Miss Theresa, who was a little embarrassed:

"Aunt, this kind of dangerous thing appeared near the waterway two months ago, right?"

"It shouldn't be the real body. It's just that there are reports that the witch in charge of monitoring this area by the council heard the weird music that belongs to that evil thing, but after careful investigation, nothing was found. It's still unclear what the reason is. In short, be careful. Some."

"Yes. Then I will go back and rest, and we will contact you tomorrow. Good night, Your Majesty."

"Okay, I'll contact you tomorrow. Have a good time."

Miss Violet's figure disappeared, Miss Theresa patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief, then turned around and tugged on Shade's sleeve, asking him to throw the pole again:

"Try again~try again~it will definitely work next time!"

After saying that, he disappeared. Shade frowned slightly and asked the god who was watching this scene:

"Could it be said that the accident on the Radiant Messenger cruise ship is related to what the Witch Emperor mentioned?"

The god shook his head:

"I'm just here for fishing. As for the truth of the matter, if you are interested, you can find it yourself."

Time was running out, and Shade threw out the fishing rod for the fourth time. After waiting for tens of seconds, the pulling force of the fishing line was not very strong this time.

He carefully reeled in the line, and with his own light, he saw that what was "caught" this time was a big thing.

"Finally took the bait."

God said with a smile, but had no intention of helping. And when Shade controlled the fishing line, the shadow finally came near the water, and he could clearly see that it was the outline of a human body. He already had a guess in his mind, so he reached into the water and picked up Miss Schultz Theresa from the water.

The blonde girl's body was cold and her face was pale. She had been immersed in the sea water for an unknown period of time, and she could only breathe the weakest breath. Shade untied the fishing line that tied her, pushed aside the wet hair that covered her eyes, and put the glasses on her face. She hugged Shade almost immediately relying on instinct.

The trembling body seemed to be able to draw warmth from him. Shade did not push her away, but nodded to the god, hugged her and returned to the brazier.

The ladies at the brazier first saw Shade approaching with a person in his arms, and thought he had met a new survivor. But when the familiar figure was illuminated by the firelight, the faces of the ladies wrapped in blankets by the campfire turned completely pale.

Originally, only when Shade came into contact, he could detect the four false bodies, which seemed to have completely lost their vitality. The four of them froze there. After Miss Theresa, who was being held by Shade, spit out a mouthful of seawater and coughed violently, the other three sat there blankly. Miss Theresa with the fake body stood still. Get up:

"So, that's what it is."

She opened her arms and pounced on Shade, or the girl in his arms, like an evil spirit.

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