Whispering Verse

Chapter 2062 Black Hand Gang

After appearing in the attic, Shade heard the sound of little Mia running up excitedly when he went down the stairs. But after seeing Shade, little Mia sniffed, then turned around and left wagging her tail, which again reminded Shade to take a bath as soon as possible.

After returning home after a day out, life is still so comfortable. After taking little Mia out for dinner, Miss Carina, who sent a letter to make an appointment this morning, also visited No. 6 Saint Teresa Square again with the maids at seven o'clock in the evening.

"I hope you don't want to tell me that I just told you that there is a witch in Yuewan, and you have already met her."

When she met Shade, the duchess did not forget to tease him.

"Of course not, but the Moon Bay area is indeed interesting."

Shade gave her a hug and wanted to sit down, but was held by the witch to go out.

"It's so late, where are you going?"

"Opera House, I have already booked the tickets for the box. Lesia can ask you to go on a date at the Opera House, can't I?"

Shade believes that there is a wonderful comparison mentality.

The date was at the Queen Maria Opera House, which Shade was familiar with. As for what was performed in the opera that night, Shade didn't listen very carefully. Of course, he did not do anything in public with Miss Carina, but talked about the new time key:

"I hope you can help me investigate the 'Brilliant Messenger' cruise ship. In 5180, the end of the Fifth Era, the death toll exceeded 3,000 people."

Shade has already roughly told the trouble he encountered this time, so Miss Carina also knows what he is going to do:

"Do you want to investigate the truth about the sinking of the ship during our time?"

"Yes, be prepared."

"So what are you going to do with the wishes and wishes of the ladies of the Fifth Age?"

she asked again.

“Most of the things in the notebook are small things, I just prepare some items in advance.

There are only two things that need to be solved: First, Miss Maxim, the maid next to Miss Teresa, wanted to read a book when she was a child, but for various reasons she never had the chance to read it. "Mirror Fairy Tales" is said to be a very popular fairy tale book in the late fifth era. Miss Maxim has heard of the fairy tales in it, but she has not been able to read it herself; secondly, Professor Evans of Zarath Academy of Literature once heard of the fairy tales in it when she was a girl. I drank a strange drink called 'Black Flame Ice Wine', but this ice wine produced in the extremely cold areas of the Northern Continent in the Fifth Era was difficult to buy, which was a small regret. "

"Why do you feel like you have become a traveler who fulfills the wishes of an ancient witch?"

She leaned on Shade's shoulder, her hair gently brushing Shade's chin.

Shade put his arms around her:

"I can't say that my wish comes true, but this mission gave me a weird feeling. The ladies I met may be hiding something. I will try to buy that book myself. I met them in Tobesk. Black marketeers are very powerful. As for wine, I have never heard of it, but since it is related to the Far North, I am afraid that I will trouble Miss Danister again."

"It seems like you have a good relationship with your teacher?"

"good relationship."


This exclamation was definitely questioning Shade. Shade wanted to open his mouth to refute, but the witch who sat upright covered Shade's mouth with her hand and looked at him with her beautiful golden eyes:

"Tonight is your date with me, don't mention anyone else."

She hugged Shade's neck and took a deep breath:

“It would be great if it was like this every day.”


"I'm not complaining about your philandering, but I'm complaining that there are always things you can't finish. I'm going to spend the night at your house tonight. I have no other intention. It's just that, even though I have to go to Yodel Palace tomorrow morning, But you can get up a little later."

Every time he spent a night with the Duchess, Shade would always be asked not to get up so early the next morning. Although witches themselves tend to be perfect and don't have to worry about skin and wrinkles as long as they don't stay up too late, Miss Carina is still extremely opposed to the habit of getting up early.

It was the same on Friday. At 6:30, the cat who spent the night with the maids downstairs ran to the bedroom door on the second floor and kept scratching at the door. Shade originally wanted to get up at this time, but was pulled back by the red-haired witch under the quilt:

"Do you hate me so much?"

Even in the early morning without dressing up, with bright red hair scattered on the pillow, and a soft and tired look on her eyebrows, she was still so beautiful.

At the same time, the cat outside the door stopped scratching the door. From the sound, Tifa took it away. So Shade slept lightly for a while and didn't get up until eight o'clock.

Miss Carina went to Yodel Palace, and Shade also started a new day. First, he went to Old John to buy ancient books. Although they were books from the Fifth Age, due to their huge circulation, Old John reassured Shade that he should be able to buy them:

"We have cooperated with the Apna Library, and they should have this book there. Although the price will be higher, haven't you recently made up your mind to eat the duchess's soft rice?"

Father John will probably continue to joke about this, at least for half a year.

The matter of "Black Flame Ice Wine" is going to trouble Miss Danister, and Shade had already sent her a letter through the poem pages last night. The reply has not yet been sent, and Shade hopes that the librarian will not mind this interruption.

After returning from Old John, he set out again for Yuewan City. It started to rain lightly in the urban area of ​​Yuewan City today. Shade, who entered the city from the St. George Stone Bridge holding a black umbrella, got off the carriage and looked at the "Moon Bay" that was still under construction under the rainy sky again by the Tatton River. Bridge over the Bay.”

"It's really spectacular."

On the gradually closing bridge above the broad river, workers as small as ants are still working. Shade couldn't help but have the idea of ​​going to the bridge to see the scenery, but obviously this was not what he wanted to do today.

The agents who went to find MI6 could wait a moment. Today, Shade decided to go see what secrets the "Black Hand Gang" in the dock area had.

Miss Anne Bonny provided the location for the well-known gang in the dock area. Similar to the "Bad Eyes Barre" in Green Lake, they also ran illegal businesses such as casinos and underground boxing rings. This time there was no big witch like Megan accompanying him, and Shade didn't plan to destroy the vibrant social organizations in the new city as soon as he arrived.

He held an umbrella and watched the scenery by the river for a while, then turned around and walked into the winding alleys of the lower city in the rain.

The sewer system in Yuewan City can almost be regarded as the oldest sewer system still in use on the West Coast. Most of those complex pipes still serve cities today, but some of the extensive sewer systems also have other responsibilities.

For example, the autopsy room in downtown uses a section of pipe, and the underground boxing ring run by the gang is also in the sewer.

The entrance to the sewer is hidden in an inconspicuous corner of the lower city. Judging from the appearance, no one knows what is going on inside. There is still an iron gate blocking the entrance, but the guards here are much more dedicated than those in the autopsy room.

Fortunately, you don't need a special invitation to enter here. You just need to pay money and explain who introduced you.

Although Shade had no introducer, he gave him a little extra tip, so the guard did not embarrass him and opened the door directly to let him in:

"Don't wander around, don't make any noise, and you don't want to spend the night at the bottom of the Tatton River tonight, right?"

"It's so blatant. Isn't this also a legal taxable industry?"

Thinking in his mind, he walked along the wide corridor of the sewer toward the slope, relying on the gas lamp on the wall to illuminate without fear of stepping on dirty things. At the end, lively cheers could be heard. Turning to the right, under the watchful eyes of the guards sitting by the wall playing Rhodes, Shade continued to move forward. After passing another downhill road, he reached the sewer crossroads ahead. I chose to move on.

The pipe on the right side of the intersection is blocked by various debris, and the pipe on the left leads deeper underground, where the boxing contestants enter the area.

The smell from the underground pipes wasn't great, but it was extremely damp and cold. The cheers and applause became clearer and louder. When Shade arrived at his final destination, he saw people wearing various clothes gathered in front of a square railing, looking at the two naked upper-body people below. Men are fighting.

The structure here is similar to a patio, and the audience watching the boxing match includes both ordinary civilians in the lower city and well-dressed businessmen.

No one noticed the arrival of Sha De, so Sha De also stepped forward and looked down. Then he looked at the surrounding audience and found no one who looked like a gang leader here:

"But it's impossible for a place like this to make money without a key leader guarding it. Either he didn't come to watch the boxing match, or he was hiding in a place I didn't find. Strong spatial perception."

In a scene like an underground pipe, the thaumaturgy of perceiving space works particularly well. After Shade roughly understood the surrounding terrain, he used "Heart of Stone" to listen to the nearby heartbeats, and then knew where the person he was looking for was:

"The 'arena' below is considered the first floor, the auditorium here is considered the second floor, and there are originally three floors above."

He came quietly and walked quietly, relying on the concealment of illusion to return to the intersection of the pipeline just now, and then crossed the position blocked by debris and entered the right side of the pipeline. Continuing forward and walking around the corner, there were two men sitting at the square table playing Rhodes cards, but this was not Shade's goal. Continuing forward, you will see the iron ladder. Follow the ladder to the top, lower your head and pass through the doorway, and officially enter the "third floor".

It is also similar to a patio, surrounded by square fences, but the area is much smaller than the auditorium on the second floor.

Three tables were scattered here, one table was empty, and six people were drinking and playing cards at the other two tables. Keychains and weapons were hung on the walls, most of which were cold weapons such as machetes, but there were also three small-caliber firearms.

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