Whispering Verse

Chapter 2063 Detective’s Work

Shade easily identified the target he was looking for among the six people on the "third floor", because only the man with a mustache was hugging a woman who was obviously not a legitimate professional, smiling and drinking.

Shade then wrote down the location of everyone here, then turned around and left, walked down the iron stairs again, and returned to the intersection where the debris was piled:

"From now on, I am an ordinary person, not a magician."

He said to himself in his mind, then pulled out a steel pipe from the pile of debris, shook it, and rushed forward quickly.

Arriving at the bottom of the stairs, he bent down and made soft footsteps, hiding in the shadows that were not illuminated by the gas lamp. The two men playing cards were quite involved, so Shade, who held his breath, counted three, two, and one in his mind, rushed out, and knocked down the man with his back to him with a stick.

While the man on the other side of the table looked horrified and wanted to reach for the machete, Shade grabbed the edge of the table with his left hand and lifted the table. The sounds of kerosene lamps and wine glasses falling to the ground were obscured by the cheers below. The table that was opened was kicked forward by Shade, and the table and the man were slapped on the wall:

"Very good, the stealth was successful."

Listening to the heartbeat above and finding that his position had not moved, he held his breath and continued to walk slowly up the stairs, stopping in front of the doorless doorframe at the end of the stairs:

"Three, two, one!"

Shade, who rushed in, swung his stick and hit the man on the head by the door, then rolled to avoid the thrown debris. When he got up, he hit the bearded man with his left fist who got up from the table, and the latter wailed. While standing, he used his body to block other people's sight.

He bent down, shifted his center of gravity, and slammed forward, knocking over the bearded man and the table together. Amidst the cheers coming from downstairs again, wine glasses and cards were scattered on the floor, and Shade, who was holding a steel pipe, had already collided with the remaining three people who were holding machetes.

The steel pipe collided with the blade, and Shade thought it was a sword in his hand. For his strength, it actually doesn't matter whether he has a sword or not. With the roaring sound, sparks flew out due to the impact of metal, and the steel pipe danced much faster than the machetes in the hands of the three people.

The longer steel pipe plays a better role in this kind of battle. In just five or six seconds, one of them lost his weapon and was knocked unconscious by Shade. Another person was kicked over by Shade and leaned against the wall without moving.

Finally, the man with the mustache looked around and found that he was the only one still standing. He straightened his back and took off his shirt, revealing his muscular upper body covered with scars:

"Young man, don't you know that my nickname is 'Double-Blade Mike'? You were probably not even born when I cut all the way from Herring Street to Pier Square Street."

He bent down and picked up the two machetes that had fallen by his feet. The weapons in his left and right hands collided with each other, causing sparks to appear. Then he raised his right hand and protected his chest with his left hand, assuming a very professional posture to face Sha De. The muscles on his body are pulsating, and his eyes are full of murderous intent and murderous intent:

"bring it on."

"Okay, come on."

Shade was still holding the steel pipe in his right hand. When picking up weapons from "Double Sword Mike" in his left hand, he already had a revolver equipped with a silencer. There was no murderous look on his face, but he actively suggested:

"I'll let you rush to me first and see who is faster."

The muzzle of the gun shook twice, and then with two clangs, the naked upper body "Double Sword Mike" dropped the weapon in his hand:

“Today’s young people are really”

He raised his hands and slowly retreated towards the wall. The woman against the wall still did not dare to move, and even covered her mouth, meaning that she would not make any sound, but Shade still walked over and knocked her unconscious. , this is protecting her.

The man with the mustache tried to get closer to the gun hanging on the wall, but the bullet hit his feet, making him dare not move again.

"Let me ask you, what is the Black Hand gang looking for recently?"

Shade spoke in proficient Kassenric, pointing the gun directly at the opponent's eyebrows, and the corners of the mustached man's mouth trembled:

"Friend, you are so unruly. Your accent sounds like you are not from Yuewan, right? The rules of this city are not like this. Ah~"

The bullet from the revolver passed through his right leg. He squatted down and opened his mouth to howl, but he heard the click of the hammer of the revolver being pressed down again, and saw that this time the muzzle of the gun was pointed at his head. He endured the pain and did not dare to call out loudly.

"This gun has six cylinders. I have fired twice, but unfortunately you only have one chance left."

The bloody steel pipe was thrown to the ground by him, and the revolver was switched from his left hand to his right hand:

"What are the Black Hand gang looking for lately?"

The man covering his legs immediately replied:

"Rhode cards! Three Rhodes cards!

We serve the big shots in this city. Recently, someone has been selling very precious special rules cards on the black market. We want to get them and give them to the big shots above. For some reasons, we had a conflict with the businessman peddling playing cards and hacked him to death. However, we did not find the playing cards in his house, but those playing cards must still be in Yuewan City. "

Shade was not interested in this matter. In fact, he was very interested in the three so-called precious special rules cards. But it’s more important to do serious things now, and the conflict between the “Princess Trading Partners” and the Mafia happened a few months ago. Ms. Bonnie said “doing things for the big shot” rather than “honoring the big shot.” ​​It’s obvious This is not a reference to the recent Rhodes incident.

"It's not this. Going back in time, what else have you been looking for? You were looking for something for the big shot you call me."

A man with cold sweat on his forehead because of pain, try to calm himself down:

"Sir, you know we are"

"If you want to test the hardness of your head, go ahead and test my patience."

"No, we don't"

Shade bent down and picked up the steel pipe again. In the frightened look of the moustachioed man, he held the steel pipe in his left hand and hit him heavily on his left shoulder. Then he kicked him over and made him lie on the ground.

Shade's boots stepped on his back, and the steel pipe hit his spine:

"I heard people say that you here often force people who can't repay loan sharks to engage in black boxing, and even let them fight tigers and black bears. I'm not as cruel as you, and I don't want to hear your explanation. Those who owe you money are He’s a gambler. Listen, do you think it’s more terrifying to die here, or to be paralyzed for life?”

The man lying on the ground wailed and said:

"I said, I said! But you will get into big trouble. Three months ago, the big shots above asked us to help a gentleman find something, something magical, in the lower city!"

Shade frowned:

"What's magical?"

"I don't know. I didn't participate in that operation, and those who participated in the operation refused to speak. This matter may involve people with strange abilities. Do you know what I'm talking about? Don't ask, this is not something we can do Things to discuss.”

"Is it related to the Ring Warlock? Looking for relics?"

Shade was surprised and guessed that he was originally here to investigate where Princess Prince's trading partner had offended the Hawthorne family, but he didn't expect that this matter actually involved the ring warlock.

"But looking for relics in the Lower City, isn't that what I'm doing?"

With a new idea in mind, he continued to ask:

"So have you found it?"

"I don't know, I really don't know. I didn't participate in that operation, I really don't know. This matter ended a long time ago, it ended three months ago!"

"Who in the Hawthorne family asked you to help strangers find things? Don't tell me that you don't know. It's impossible for a noble to have a different person to contact you every time, right?"

"You really can't say this. You will get into big trouble. Do you know what you are doing? The seven glorious families of Yuewan are the kings of this city. You can't"

In short, with Shade's fairly effective "persuasion" skills, "Double Mike" finally revealed a name. But obviously he didn't know much. He only knew that Mr. "Freeman Hawthorne" took care of the Black Hand Gang's business, but he would also send people to check the accounts every quarter and take away at least one-third of the money. income.

After getting the name, Shade had the next step of the investigation target. He originally planned to find out the cause of the conflict and then find a way to reconcile it and let the dock office let the "Princess Trading Partner" go, but now he needs to find out three things first. Who was looking for what relic months ago?

"It can't be such a coincidence to find relics in Xiacheng District, right?"

While thinking about it, he took back his pistol and turned towards the exit. The man lying on the ground vomiting blood looked up at him, then climbed hard to the wall and reached for the gun bag hanging on it.

While he grabbed the handle of the pistol, Shade fired back without looking back, then blew a puff of smoke from the muzzle of the gun, turned the gun back into a toy and put it away, still thinking about his own matter:

"Is there anyone still looking for the [Hope Diamond]?"

Although it was unclear who "Freeman Hawthorne" was, since he was a member of the Hawthorne family, Shade decided to first find out the identity and background of the other party, at least to know where he might be now.

It happened that when he walked out of the sewer where the underground boxing event was still lively, it was just ten o'clock in the morning, so he thought about meeting his local MI6 colleagues.

MI6 agents would certainly not open a local company to hide themselves. Director Anlos only gave Shade a contact in Yuewan City, and Shade should be able to get information from the other party.

The contact code-named "Boatman" usually also operates in the Lower City District of Yuewan City, but his working address is the "Sunday Review" newspaper headquarters on the east bank of the Taton River, not the Spider Hotel, Herring Street and the Coroner's Room. The West Bank is located.

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