Whispering Verse

Chapter 2092 Miss Lisa’s Story

Although the conversation just now was not very heated, as the two took steps step by step, the momentum and mental strength of both parties gradually increased. Every time Shade stepped on the ground, he felt like he was drawing strength from the earth. The process of moving forward was actually accumulating this strength. As for the man walking towards him, his frail body expanded little by little with each step, until the large windbreaker was almost stretched open.

When another black cloud floated from nowhere and completely covered the moon in the night sky, the two people who had already come to each other punched their fists at the same time.

For a moment, Shade seemed to hear the roar of a dragon from the sound that broke through the air, and the man with dragon scales in front of him seemed to have turned into a black dragon. In the other party's perception of inspiration, he didn't feel like he was fisting with a human being. He was clearly punching a mountain whose top he couldn't clearly see.

"The power of the black dragon!"

"The power of the red dragon!"

Neither side dared to hold back during the intertwining of inspirations. Whether it was a coincidence or necessity, the spells used in the end were surprisingly similar. And when two fists collided at close range, the stone slab under their feet simultaneously appeared with fine cracks like spider webs. The right arm of the man who was fisting with Shade exploded into fleshy foam, and his whole body collapsed. Flying into the distance:

"Red Dragon! It turns out to be you!"

Shade vaguely heard the other person say this word, but before he had time to pursue him, the man who seemed to have only his last breath rolled a few times after landing, then covered his broken arm, turned over and jumped directly in Into the Tatton River.

"What? What am I?"

When Shade leaned on the railing and looked down, there was no trace in the river:

"He's lucky. The only drawback of [Echo of Blood] is that he's afraid of water."

Then he looked at his fist again:

"I thought I had really met an opponent just now. His tone was so arrogant, his courage was so great, and his momentum was so strong. I thought I really had met a strong enemy, but in the end my strength was not that great."

The dark clouds had moved away from March, and the moonlight shone on Shade by the river. "She" smiled softly, but said nothing.

"That's right, it's just seven rings. Even if it's transformed into a human body and seizes the power of the dragon, it's only seven rings. Some time ago, I heard about the cooperation between the [Dragon Eater Order] and the [Light Worshiper Training Association] The thing is, since the man just now is most likely a member of the [Dragon Feast Order], I wonder if Nadia Fulan, the mother of the Fulan brothers and the fifth generation of Edwards, has also come to Moon Bay."

He thought about these things, turned around, picked up the unconscious woman, and walked away quickly along the street:

"The corpse matter actually involves the [Dragon Feast Order]. There was an egg-shaped Dongxiyuewan City in the corpse. It seems that we are really going to face a big problem."

When the unconscious Miss Lisa woke up, her instinctive reaction was not to check whether her clothes were intact, but to touch the hair accessories in her hair. The hair ornament was the only valuable item on her body. Although it was only silver-plated jewelry, it was extremely important to her.

".In this way, the princess and the prince lived happily together."

The hair accessories were still there, but before her eyes was the familiar ceiling. Then I heard a slightly familiar man's voice that seemed to be telling a fairy tale, and then a child's voice sounded:

"And then?"

"The story is over, the prince and the princess live happily together."

"Yes, what kind of happy life?"

"Well you'll know when you grow up."

"Can you tell me another story? Just one, one more story!!"

The girl's voice reached her ears, and the woman who woke up from the coma immediately sat up from the bed. Shade, who was telling a story to an eight-year-old girl, also smiled and shook his head:

"Look, your mother is awake."

The little blond girl wearing old but unpatched clothes immediately ran to the bedside. Shade also stood up and came to the bedside:

"From now on, let your mother tell you stories."

He handed the storybook to the little girl. Seeing that her mother had no problem, the latter glanced at Shade worriedly, and then left the room holding the expensive storybook with colorful illustrations.

This is Miss Lisa's rental apartment on Herring Street, and Shade brought her back directly. Of course the fat lady landlord downstairs wouldn't let him in, not even if he gave him money. I originally thought that the woman was discriminating against northerners to the core, but then the little girl appeared and convinced the landlady to let Shade carry her mother upstairs.

The fat woman kept telling the girl that if she was in trouble, just scream and the whole building could hear her.

The rental apartments in Xiacheng District are not very spacious, and the rooms are divided into two floors: inner and outer. The outer layer is the living room, dining room and kitchen, and the inner layer is the bedroom and small balcony. There is one bathroom on each floor, shared by three families.

In the small, narrow bedroom, the gas lamp seemed a little dim. The woman who woke up sat down beside the bed and watched Shade move her lips, but she didn't know how to speak.

"If you're going to say thank you, forget it."

Shade shook his head:

"But don't worry, that weird person won't come to you again. He thinks you don't know anything. If you are still worried, you can go to the church to seek help later."

The woman immediately shook her head, looking like she was a little afraid of the church:

"my daughter."

"Oh, don't worry about that. I don't have any bad intentions. It's just that you have been unconscious. The girl named Maria and I were a little embarrassed to sit together without talking, so I wanted to read a story to her."

Shade's eyes squinted. In fact, the fact was that the silver anchor in his pocket suddenly glowed, which meant that Miss Lisa's daughter was the one "Miss Glory" wanted him to help. But the little girl didn't have any wishes that he needed to fulfill. She probably wanted this stranger to leave, but she just didn't have the courage to say it.

Fortunately, Shade had experience in communicating with children. Later, he realized that she wanted to hear fairy tales, so he started telling them.

Miss Lisa nodded, but chose to thank you softly, and then explained:

"I've never brought a man back here."

"I also live alone. I can see that you have decorated your home very warmly. People like you will not let your daughter see those things. Family and residence are the last bottom line for foreign visitors like us who have no support. I rushed in rashly Please accept my apology at home."

Shade commented, then added:

"I told the landlord downstairs that I am your distant cousin. Although she didn't seem to believe it, you can explain it later."

The woman shook her head:

"You are a good person, I can see that too."

Shade laughed:

"Then let me satisfy my curiosity as a good person. That little girl looks about eight or nine years old. Calculating the time, she was probably born when you were seventeen or eighteen. But unfortunately, I have studied some genetics. course, her eyelids, hair color and chin are not traits your offspring should exhibit."

He glanced outside the door to make sure the little girl wasn't eavesdropping, then lowered his voice:

"That's not your child."

Miss Lisa pursed her lips:

"I came to Yuewan alone when I was sixteen. Another friend who lived here with me was five years older than me. Maria was her child, and she died in childbirth."

Under the dim gas light, her originally gloomy look became even gloomier:

"We originally wanted to go to Shexin Hospital to deliver the baby, but in order to save money, she decided to give birth at home. By the time I found a doctor, the only one who survived was the baby."

Shade pursed his lips:

"Although it sounds cruel for me to say this, the normal way for people to do this is to send her to the Yuewan City Orphanage."

"She cried non-stop when she was born, and the nuns and doctors at Snake Heart Hospital couldn't coax her. She could only calm down when I held her in a hurry. At that time, she was small, ugly, and just a little girl. But she knows she is close to me. I know I have no money and I can’t give her a good life. At least, I want her not to become like me and her mother when she grows up.”

Her eye circles were already red, and Shade interrupted her:

"Okay, okay, I don't want to hear such sad stories at night. You are also a good person, so I did nothing wrong in sending you back."

He moved his position on the chair to make himself more comfortable:

"As for what happened to the man tonight, don't worry about it. That's something you shouldn't know. However, I still hope you can tell me the answer I want to know - last week in Gref, north of the city. What happened to Crowley's Steam Baths at 18 Main Street."

The woman nodded slightly and wiped her eyes, which also wiped away some eye shadow. Then she spoke loudly and asked the little girl outside the door to bring the teacup and teapot.

Of course she didn't have good tea at home, but Shade wasn't picky about it either. When he picked up the tea cup, Miss Lisa also started talking about what happened last week:

"This is not the first time I have gone to Crowley Steam Bath. The place itself does not provide women, but it does not prohibit guests from calling women from outside. There were six people present that day, and besides me there were two women. Among the three guests, I only know Mr. Freeman Hawthorne, but I heard him call the other two gentlemen Mr. Black and Mr. Wood."

This is consistent with the information obtained by Viscount Bernhardt.

"That night started out the same as before. They talked about business and played games together. Then somehow, I fell asleep."

She shook her head:

"I'm not lying, it was hot and muggy there, and I was very tired. At that time, I and another woman from the Parsifal Club were asleep, and I just listened to Mr. Black in a daze, saying that he was going to take them Let's go see something interesting together. When I woke up, those people were gone, but they had already paid. The only girl with me was the girl from the Parsifal Club. I woke her up, and then we left the bath together."

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