Whispering Verse

Chapter 2093 Emilia’s Arrival

"It was just the two of you at the time? The third woman left with them? Do you know her?"

Shade asked, Miss Lisa nodded:

"I know her, Phoebe from the Bee Tavern. She is also a poor person. She was born as an orphan. When she grew up, she was deceived by men and took on huge debts. She didn't have any friends or family around her."

She looked at Shade:

"You came here this time because of her, right?"

"how do you know?"

"After that day, I never saw her again. The tavern where she worked sent people to look for her, but they only briefly asked the people around her. I knew that she was probably dead."

Shade did not deny this speculation:

"I am not a police officer, I just want to investigate the cause of her death for some reasons. Yes, she is dead, and it is related to the weird things you saw tonight. Please think carefully, what else do you have about that night? Any clues?"

Miss Lisa thought about it again and shook her head apologetically:

"Probably not. I haven't heard anything from her since that day."

The seven-ring warlock just said that she had no clues here, so Shade was prepared in advance and was not disappointed:

"If someone asks you about it later, if it's someone from the church, you should tell the truth; if it's someone else, you must insist that you don't remember anything. You are also a person who lives alone, so you should understand what I mean. .”

Miss Lisa nodded silently, and then saw Shade take out his wallet and put a wad of bills on the table. She pursed her lips but did not refuse, and Shade did not count them carefully. The banknotes were about ten or twenty crowns, which was two to three hundred pounds. Even for Shade, this is a big expense:

"Don't hide this money at home. It's not safe. Deposit it in a bank, and then let your daughter go to school. Go to a regular school and probably have some connections. That's no problem. When the church finds you, you can tell the church what you know. Tell them everything and mine, and the church will help you.”

He stood up:

"If you don't want your daughter to become you in the future, let her study and be literate, and let her know what the world is like. Since you have decided to raise her, you must take on this responsibility."

Miss Lisa nodded and wanted to say thank you, but was stopped again:

"You don't have to say thank you to me. If you really want to thank me, just do one thing for me - are you literate?"

After saying that, he led the woman to the living room outside. The girl who was holding the storybook she was reading immediately stood up from the chair and ran towards the two of them happily. Holding Miss Lisa's hand, she grabbed the storybook and wouldn't let go.

"It's okay to read some simple news."

So Shade nodded:

"Then if you have time, let's read more stories to Maria."

He paused for a moment and looked at the confused girl:

"Childhood is precious. Only by leaving some beautiful memories can we heal the damage that we are destined to suffer in adulthood. Some people use their whole lives to heal their childhood, but some people use their childhood to heal their whole lives. This book is for you. , little Maria.”

The girl took her mother's hand and hid behind her, feeling quite embarrassed. It wasn't until Miss Lisa asked her to thank her that she softly said "thank you" to Shade.

Shade showed a slight smile and felt the slight heat of the silver anchor in his pocket. Miss Eleser's first task was completed easily.

Seeing that Miss Lisa promised to have time to read stories to her daughter, Shade did not stay long. The mother and daughter sent Shade downstairs and watched him walk away along Herring Street.

"So, is Miss Elisa's mission really that simple?"

Walking along the riverside street, Shade took out the silver jewelry. The ornaments under the gas street lamp looked ordinary, but the simple anchor style was in line with Shade's aesthetics.

Shade must investigate the origin of this weird thing. Because he had to pick up the car at Tobesk Railway Station at ten o'clock the next day, Tuesday morning, he originally planned to go to Old John in the morning and ask him to help with the identification, but he didn't expect that Luvia would come back so early in the morning. After leaving in a hurry without eating breakfast, two red butterflies flew home.


The cat squatting on the dining table and watching Shade preparing breakfast in the kitchen meowed unhappily, and then Grace and Helen "fell from the sky" and landed on the chairs next to the dining table:

"Good morning, sir!"

"Good morning, sir!"

"Good morning, let's have breakfast together, but don't dislike my craftsmanship."

Shade turned around and said hello to the girls in black and white dresses, and then concentrated on the fried eggs in the pot.

The cat on the table was quite unhappy and said "meow~" again at Helen who was nearest to it. Shade did not turn around to look at it again. He probably guessed that the cat was worried that too many people at the table would cause it not to have enough food. .

Also because Shade didn't pay attention to this matter, he didn't see the fearful expression on Helen's face. Fortunately, Grace comforted her sister, and then quietly sat back in the chair, slightly away from the cat.

The time when the Hongdie sisters come to Shade is not fixed, but they usually only appear in the morning and evening. And what's very amazing is that they have never bumped into another girl here in Shade, whether it is morning or night, and they don't know what this skill is.

Helen sat at the table and looked at the mermaid oil painting in the living room not far away. Shade had already brought breakfast over. Since they just arrived, Shade talked about Miss Elisa at the dinner table, and took out the silver anchor for the two sisters to look at.

"Genuine magical items. That Miss Elisa must be a devout believer."

The two sisters just sniffed and concluded:

"We can't tell which god this item points to, but don't worry, the power of this magic is very gentle, and it must point to a good god."

"Since it is an anchor-shaped ornament, is it possible that it corresponds to a god related to the ocean?"

Shade guessed, and Grace thought seriously for a moment:

"It's possible, but there are too many targets. It's just that since the old gods have left, it should be her own idea that Miss Elise seeks you. Maybe you can get in touch with her more so that you can understand her. Purpose."

Helen on the side still smiled and said:

"Sir, if you think she is not human, try to find a way to get her hair or blood. Maybe she is an acquaintance of ours."

The arrival of Grace and Helen did not delay Shade's departure to the Tobesk train station at ten o'clock. The Hongdie girls did not come to Shade just for that kind of thing. After breakfast, they were actually reading with Shade in the study. When Shade was about to set off, they said goodbye to him with a smile. .

And by the time Shade saw Dr. Schneider and Dorothy at the train station, holding the cat who was actually reluctant to go out, the time had already reached nine-fifty. Probably in order to leave a good impression on the official students of the college, both of them dressed formally.

"Good morning, detective. There's no need to be in such a hurry. The train is late."

The doctor looked at the pocket watch in his hand and said hello to Shade:

"We estimate we will have to wait half an hour."

In fact, within twenty minutes, the train coming from the north had already stopped at Tobesk Station. When the train entered the station, Shade blocked the cat's ears, but it seemed that little Mia was not afraid of this.

The college bought first-class tickets for the students, so they did not have to be with the second- and third-class passengers when leaving the station, so Shade, Dr. Schneider and Dorothy went to a separate exit where there were not many people. wait. As the scattered passengers walked out of the passage, not long after, Shade saw a blond girl carrying a suitcase, wearing a dress and a wide-brimmed hat, waving to him from a distance with a smile:


This is none other than Elf Miss Emilia, but although her current outfit is suitable for aristocratic girls to travel, it is only suitable for girls of Dorothy, Lesia and Luvia's age. Although Miss Elf is actually older than them all, her face looks similar to Agelina, so the contrast created by this kind of dressing up is also very interesting.

"Oh, little Mia is here too!"

She also knew the cat who was very familiar with her unicorn, and the little Mia on Shade's shoulder obviously still remembered the elf in front of her, and said a lazy "meow~" as a greeting.

The enthusiastic girl came to Shade, and what hit her face was not the strange smell caused by train travel, but the fragrance of flowers from the forest. The hat covered the elf's unique pointed ears, and the long golden hair was braided into dozens of braids. Although it was very eye-catching in the crowd, it didn't look too out of place. Although Dorothy also had standard blond hair, when the two appeared in Shade's sight at the same time, Shade felt that Amelia's hair had some self-luminous properties.

"Good morning, Emilia, how was your trip?"

Shade also smiled and said.

The other two ring warlocks who were doing this summer practice with Emilia had also appeared in front of the three of them. They were also dressed in dusty clothes. The older man was almost thirty years old, and the other lady looked slightly older than Dorothy. Compared to Emilia, who was familiar with Shade, the latter two seemed a little more reserved, so the enthusiastic elf girl took the initiative to introduce:

"This is Mr. Shade Hamilton, a well-known detective in Tobesk City. He and I took the same elective course. Shade, long time no see. These two are my classmates in the School of Chemistry, Rio Enci. Mr. Erl and Mademoiselle Matilla Deras."

Shade then also introduced Dr. Schneider and Dorothy who were nearby. Because acquaintances were present, the meeting seemed very pleasant. And when the group of people left the train station and prepared to take the rented carriage to the Three Cats Hotel, Miss Elf was holding her suitcase and looking around, as if she had not been out much.

"Well didn't she meet ordinary people in the Randall Valley?"

Shade was puzzled by this.

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