Whispering Verse

Chapter 211 The Eve of the Dinner Party

The so-called "reward heavier than a medal" aroused Shade's curiosity, so after seeing off his boss, he first mailed the letter to Mrs. Flamel, and then walked to the Dawn Church.

I sat on the bench in a pretentious manner and spent half an hour listening to the middle-aged priest standing behind the pulpit preaching about the deeds of the righteous god [Mr. Dawn], that is, religious myths. After the show ended, I found Priest August through the middle-aged priest. The priest was busy coordinating the time of the church choir, but he still took the time to talk to Shade:

"Yes, I heard from Bishop Owen that the church intends to help you win a heavier reward, but I haven't found out what the specific results will be. You know, I've been very busy recently."

The old priest pointed to the group of children waiting for him behind him. As a senior priest who had experienced countless Holy Prayer Festivals, Rat Augustus would never be idle before the end of the Holy Prayer Festival.

"Oh, one more thing, if a reporter interviews you at the banquet tonight, don't forget..."

He did not forget to remind him, and Shade smiled and nodded knowingly:

"Of course, thank you Mr. Dawn."

The priest immediately lowered his head, closed his eyes, and drew the Holy Emblem on his chest. This was a subconscious action.

The rest of the day was spent reading. Because Mr. Anlos repeatedly emphasized not to be late, the banquet was supposed to officially start at seven o'clock in the evening, but Shade was ready to leave at half past five.

Of course, I didn’t forget to feed the cat before leaving. Little Mia had no intention of following him out. The cat preferred the safety of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square to the "dangerous" outdoors.

We went to see Captain Rades first. I thought the captain was still preparing, but he didn't expect that he had already been waiting for Shade to come to the door. What happened tonight can only be regarded as a relatively important reward for Shade, but for the captain, it determines whether he can return to the front line, so he pays more attention to it than Shade.

Shade's formal attire was the same one he wore when he played cards with the Duke last time, but the captain was not wearing a black formal attire, but a red army uniform. There are no wrinkles on the clothes, and not a single stain can be found on the clean cloth.

On the way in the carriage, the captain told Shade that he had paid someone to clean and iron the clothes two days in advance. It cost him two shillings just to clean the clothes.

"But it's all worth it."

The captain's eyes seemed to be shining when he said these words. His life had been changed because of the relic, and now he was about to see the light of day again.

Although the banquet officially started at seven o'clock, in fact most of the guests had already appeared before seven o'clock. There is a specially built flat road from the city to the royal estate. As for whether taxpayers' money or the royal family's own gold pounds are spent, this is not something that Shade should consider.

After approaching the manor, I found many private carriages parked on the roadside. Relatively speaking, Captain Shade and Captain Rades, who came in a taxi, looked a little shabby.

Of the two of them, one thought he was a bad detective, and the other thought he was a nobody and no one would know him, but they didn't expect that they met an acquaintance as soon as they got off the carriage.

Captain Rades met his friends who served on the front line. Some of them returned to Tobesk on leave and were also invited to the banquet tonight.

As for Shade, he met Baron Lavender. The two of them haven't seen each other for a week and a half since they last discussed the Rhodes card disposal plan for [Ancient Fairy Tale·Match Girl].

The Baron also just got off the carriage. Seeing the Captain chatting with his friends, Shade couldn't leave for a while, so he said hello to him and left for the time being, and entered the manor with Baron Lavender.

"Mr. Hamilton, it's been a long time since I last saw you. I really didn't expect you to save Queen Diana."

Shade's MI6 identity cannot be revealed, but what he did has been reported. There was no photo in the newspaper, and it only mentioned the last name but not the first name, but when the baron saw Shade appearing here, he knew that Hamilton must be him.

It was still early, and the gentlemen and ladies who came to attend the banquet had just arrived. Walking on the courtyard path of the manor, the men in well-dressed formal suits and the gorgeous ladies in long dresses did not realize that the young people around them were one of the protagonists of the banquet.

"I think anyone else would have done the same thing if they had been there."

Shade said something that no one would believe, but everyone felt right when he said it.

Baron Lavender was not very concerned about the details of that day. After all, the description in the newspaper was more exciting than what Shade actually experienced. Walking side by side with Shade, the Baron shook his right index and middle fingers together at Shade. This was a very classic gesture of throwing away cards:

"Detective, do you have a Rhodes card on you?"

As he spoke, Baron Lavender himself laughed.


Shade patted the position of his pocket.

The smile on Baron Lavender's face became even thicker, it was a smile from the heart:

"How about it, after His Majesty the King's reward, do you want to play Rhodes with us? This time, I can introduce you to some new friends. After the card game at Lakeview Manor, I am looking forward to seeing you again. Gambling.”

"Gambling money?"

Shade asked softly.

He looked at the lawn with his peripheral vision. The neatly manicured grass was probably perfect for lying down and taking a nap. But the banquet was not held outdoors. This time it was a formal dinner held in the grand ballroom of the manor. The manor itself was built for the royal family to hold banquets, so there was no need to worry about whether it could accommodate so many people.

"No money is being gambled, but if you want, you can still use your special cards as chips."

whispered the Baron.

A smile appeared on Shade's face. He didn't know anyone anyway. Instead of wandering around with a glass of wine in boredom after receiving the award, it would be better to sit down and play a few exciting games of Rhodes:

"Of course I want to play, Baron. I got a few good cards during this period. I can show you some later."

"Oh? Then I'm really looking forward to it."

Both men had smiles on their faces, as if compared to the king, the Rhodes card was the most important thing tonight.

Because it was built for banquets, there is a banquet hall behind the gate of the manor house. The banquet hall is divided into three floors, connected by a central curved golden staircase, but ordinary guests are only allowed to move around on the first and second floors. The third floor is a lounge for royal members and VIPs.

Shade and the Baron entered the mansion together, and Baron Lavender, who had a wide range of friends, introduced Shade to his friends. Baron Rwanda, who played cards with him last time, is also there. He is still lukewarm towards Baron Lavender, but is happy to see Shade.

Of course, he was even happier when he heard that Shad was the "enthusiastic citizen" who helped Queen Diana take the bullet.

I heard that after the award ceremony, Shade also planned to play Rhodes with everyone. He was so happy that he almost forgot about his "hostile" relationship with Baron Lavender.

Most of the friends of the two barons also loved Rhodes. Before the banquet, everyone had nothing to do. A group of men stood together and talked about interesting cards, boring politics, or joking with each other and telling interesting things in the city. .

A week ago on Sunday, everyone has heard about the appearance of [Founder·Silver Moon] in the city. People can even tell the complete details of the game, but no one knows yet about the card and Lu Who is the old Duke Cass playing cards with?

Among Baron Lavender's friends, some showed up at the Duke's house that night, such as Baron Skaven. But they all abided by the Duke's instructions and did not reveal Shade's identity. However, whenever people excitedly talked about [Founder Silver Moon], they would raise their glasses or smile at Shade.

It seems that the secret that Shade is the holder of [Original Silver Moon] cannot be kept for long.

"But it doesn't matter if I know. Anyway, now I have Miss Carina as my backer."

He thought like this, looking towards the door of the banquet hall from time to time, worried that he would see an acquaintance like he did that night at Lakeview Manor.

In addition to the Rhodes cards, the gentlemen standing and chatting together learned from Baron Lavender that Shade was an "enthusiastic citizen" and invited him to tell what happened that day.

Rumors among citizens about what happened at the door of Tobesk Station at noon on Wednesday are increasingly deviating from the truth. Even if the National Police Agency's statement is published in the newspapers, people are still willing to believe the information they hear from tavern idlers or taxi drivers.

As for the truth in the newspapers, it must be false. Most people believe that the Town Hall and Ridwich Field never publish real news in the newspapers.

"The rumor I heard is that the man who saved Queen Diana was a fighting champion from a small southern town. He killed a bear with his bare hands in his hometown. At noon on Wednesday, he caught the bullet with his bare hands and walked down the street. Bian tore the gunman into two pieces on the spot."

Baron Lavender said in a joke-telling tone, making the people around him laugh.


Shade showed off his "thin" arms and also joked:

"Instead of saying that I can tear people in half in the street, it's better to say that I can attract meteorites and destroy an entire block."

"Oh, that's really interesting."

Baron Rwanda, who was a little short but looked very shrewd, had laughed to tears, although Shade didn't think he told a very funny joke.

Chatting with people is the best way to kill time, but Shade didn't spend too long here before a servant handed him a note.

After unfolding it, there is Miss Carina's handwriting on it. This special way of writing cursive letters is easy to identify. She asked Shade to go to the third floor to find her and have something to discuss.

When I think of Miss Carina, I naturally think of the information I got when I entered 1068 for the third time.

Shade confirmed that he was a male and had no problem with his physical characteristics, and God also confirmed this. But he was indeed unable to trigger the curse carried by the witches. In the sixth era, only the people from the Witch Council could explain this matter.

He has been considering these days whether he should take the initiative to talk to Miss Carina about this issue, or wait for the other party to speak first one day.

This meeting at the dinner gave him more ideas.

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