Whispering Verse

Chapter 212 Knight Title

After bidding farewell to Baron Lavender and his friends for the time being, Shade went up the stairs under the guidance of his servant. The first and second floors are in the style of a grand banquet hall, but on the third floor it turns into a very ordinary corridor with rooms on both sides.

Miss Carina and the maid Lana were waiting for Shade in the study near the stairs. Shade found that the witch seemed to like to talk to people in the study.

"Good evening, Miss Carina."

This time we met directly, not through the door. The red-haired duchess sat on the chair behind the desk, and Miss Tifa Servit, the personal maid, stood beside her. The Duchess was wearing a black and white evening dress, and she looked even more beautiful than the last time we met. Since she was dressed like this, Shade guessed that she would appear in public soon.

"Good evening, Detective."

She motioned to Shade to find a place to sit down.

The conversation did not start immediately. Miss Carina looked at Shade curiously before speaking:

"I really don't see it. You actually think Lesia?"

"Who? Oh, Princess Lesia Cavendish, yes, I know...yes, I know."

I haven’t figured out the situation yet, so I can only go along with the words.

"Congratulations, detective, there is a big surprise waiting for you tonight. Do you want to guess what the surprise is?"

Miss Carina asked. Shade sat on the sofa and suddenly thought of what Mr. Anlos said in the morning. There was no need for Shade to guess, Miss Carina gave the answer directly:

"A knighthood that has not been awarded for hundreds of years is about to be awarded again."

Her lady said, and then she saw the confusion and surprise on Shade's face with satisfaction:

"Knight title? Me?"

Shade really didn't expect this surprise. The title of knight was not at all in line with the background of the steam era.

"Yes, the knighthood. Originally, Anros and I helped you get it, but it was only the Dralion Honorary Knight Medal. I didn't expect that you actually knew Lesiya. Lesiya wrote back specifically. She was very happy. Cleverly, you did not write directly to His Majesty the King, but wrote to Queen Diana, and then asked the Queen to lobby the King, so the knighthood belongs to you."

She sighed, and then asked in a teasing tone:

"Tell me, detective, what is your relationship with my great-niece?"

This way of addressing made Shade think about it for a while before he straightened it out:


This must have been written by Miss Louisa to Princess Lesia, so the princess, who was on her way back from a foreign visit, would write back to fight for Shade's title.

This once again made Shade understand how good the relationship between the female writer and the princess really is. He owed the blonde more and more favors.


Not only Miss Carina didn't believe it, but the maid also smiled, obviously not believing it, but fortunately they didn't ask any more questions:

"Anyway, congratulations to you, detective. I have received the news in advance that you have been awarded the title of 'Knight of Rejed'. Of course, there is only a title, but no fiefdom. This is equivalent to an honor and cannot be passed on to you. Descendants. But compared to medals of honor, knighthood is already a high compliment."

"Reged" is a small town under the city of Tobesk. In the past, knight titles often meant a small fiefdom, so they corresponded to the place name.

Seeing that Shade hadn't reacted yet, Miss Carina added:

"Let me think about it, with this title, when you introduce yourself in the future, you can call yourself...'legend of Hamilton'. Oh, doesn't it feel good? "

"very nice......"

Shade nodded, not having much real sense of this honor. After all, he was not a person living in this era. I don’t have a deep understanding of things like glory, and the title of knight is just a title. Are there any gold pounds that I can get:

"Miss Carina, what are the benefits of this title...?"

This was what he cared about. The duchess behind the table had long expected that Shade would ask this question:

"The title itself is an honor. You can be regarded as a noble...the lowest level of noble, but at least it is not a commoner. With this, if you can contribute to the kingdom again, the difficulty of direct knighthood will be greatly reduced in the next step. .”

"No, I mean, does the title itself..."

He twirled his fingers in embarrassment. It was not the first day that Miss Carina met Shade, so she was not surprised by his thoughts:

"No, even the former knights have to pay part of the territory's taxes to the kingdom on a regular basis. But if you are short of money, when the awards will be given later, it seems that in addition to the title, there will also be rewards from the royal family..."

She turned to the maid and asked:

"What exactly are you giving? In the era we live in, no one has ever seen this kind of knighthood ceremony."

"The Honorary Knight Medal of Delrayon, and a knight's long sword that symbolizes status. Because the kingdom has not awarded a knighthood for a long time, this sword is an antique found in the warehouse. The price of the medal is inestimable, because there is no Someone has sold it, and the specific valuation of that antique knight's sword will not be less than 100 pounds...but it is best not to sell it, this is an honor."

The maid also knows Shade very well.

"I won't sell it."

Shade said, actually he was calculating how much money he still had left so that he could repair his third floor without affecting his life.

"Rejed's Hamilton...what a strange statement."

He himself sighed.

"This kind of title is often found in knight novels, but in reality, very few people call themselves this. After all, the era of knights is over, but people seem to think that the spirit of chivalry still exists."

Miss Carina said, but the first half of the sentence is not entirely correct, because nobles with fiefdoms can call themselves this way. For example, if Miss Carina's fiefdom is Saladir County, she can call herself "Gavindish of Saladir".

"Chivalry? No, I don't have that spirit."

Because they were all acquaintances, Xia De didn't have to avoid anything. What happened at noon on Wednesday was purely a coincidence, he happened to have time, and it didn't do much harm to his own interests.

"I can't say that your point of view is wrong, but people always fail to evaluate themselves correctly."

Miss Carina said.

"Who said the second part?"

Xia De asked curiously, thinking it was a sentence left by a literary giant in this world.

"I said."

The witch answered while playing with the golden pen in her hand.

With rewards and remuneration in hand, Xia De naturally has to pay a little attention to the development of the case. Mr. Anlos said last time that this was not a man from Gray Gloves, but nothing more happened after that:

"Speaking of which, Miss Carina, has the background of the murderer who assassinated the queen been found out?"

"This matter, the investigation has ended."

The Duchess shook her head and said with a regretful expression.

"Do you know who sent the shooter?"

Shade asked again, and then saw the maid standing next to Miss Carina, shaking her head slightly at him.

"Of course I don't know. Detective, I know you're curious why you didn't investigate further. That's because MI6 didn't dare to investigate further."

"What's the meaning?"

Miss Carina just smiled and said nothing, and the maid behind her answered instead:

"The royal family specifically spoke to the Orthodox Church and requested the ring warlock team to protect the Yodel Palace, but no suspicious persons were found. Queen Diana was attacked immediately after appearing in public for the first time these days. The attacker seemed to know about Yoder Palace. The vicinity of Del Palace is dangerous, and the queen who is out is not escorted by the Zhengshen Church. This is a bit of a coincidence in itself."

Shade was shocked. A foreigner who was used to seeing similar plots in his hometown immediately came to a shocking conclusion under the tone of the conspiracy theory, so he lowered his voice and asked in a low voice:

"Is it... the king? In order to frame Kasenrik in order to provoke a war? In order to achieve his ambition to unify the old continent."

Miss Carina and the maid both laughed:

"Oh, why would you think that? Of course not."

Miss Carina shook her head with a smile and put down the pen in her hand:

"No one wants to continue fighting now, including our king. MI6 found out that it was one of his several unfulfilled sons... Detective, you should know that in recent years, with the succession of the heir, As people come of age one after another, their thoughts about that crown... Moreover, Queen Diana is not the first wife of the current king. Among the current princes and princesses, only a few such as Lesia are. .....Not all the others are hers..."

The duchess paused and winked at Shade:

"Do you still need me to continue talking?"

"No, no, no."

Shade immediately shook his head. He didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing:

"This information is enough to make me think about the complex political struggles in the palace that are absolutely incomprehensible to outsiders, or the plots of those vulgar palace erotic novels. These things have nothing to do with me, so please don't let me know."

This is true. The political struggle in the palace is not something that newcomers can participate in, and there is no benefit in getting involved.

"As long as you know how to be cautious, I don't even want to pay attention to this kind of thing. However, you actually read palace erotic novels?"

She looked at Shade in surprise, but in fact Shade just looked through Sparrow's belongings to determine which novel was the so-called "code book".

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter. So let's get back to the topic. I'm not just here to tell you about the knight title. That's right. The ceremony for awarding the knight title is very complicated. Do you understand the rules? ?”

Miss Carina asked again, but her tone changed slightly. After the conversation about the identity of the shooter, her mood suddenly seemed to get a little worse.

"don't know."

"Then you go and learn it one hour before the king appears. I think it will be too late for the king's etiquette officer to teach you urgently."

She waved her hand to the maid behind her, and the maid wanted to lead Shade out.

But Shade sat there without moving, but looked at Miss Carina, who looked at him doubtfully, knowing that he still had something to say.

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