Whispering Verse

Chapter 2146 Storm

"No, we absolutely cannot let the church come!"

The Marchioness said at once, her voice quite high. Seeing that both Shade and Miss Belindel were looking at her, she explained hesitantly:

"My husband has no secrets that the church cannot know, but there are some kingdom secrets in this house. The church cannot search it unless it is absolutely necessary. After all, once the church investigates, what if it really finds out something?"

Although even if the church discovers something, it will not be leaked at will as long as it has nothing to do with the supernatural, but no one is willing to let the church search their home. After all, once the church makes up its mind to search, it can really find anything.

"Then seal this place first. If there are still problems later, you can come back to me and I will let him come again."

Miss Belindel said, and the Marquise Ankara nodded gently to thank her, and then arranged for a servant to take Shade to change clothes. His shirt and trousers were stained with dust, and his originally shiny leather shoes were stained with mud from entering the sewer.

After Shade left, the Marquise embarrassedly asked Miss Belindel:

"Bella, how much did your family spend to hire him?"

"What, you want to rob someone?"

The witch asked in surprise, and the latter immediately shook his head:

"Of course not, how can I do such a thing? But it must be difficult to hire such a capable person to help, right? Although I don't understand that world, he is so young, calm and capable. , even ordinary people are not easy to recruit, right? To satisfy my curiosity, how much did you spend? "

Of course, the great witch of fate could not tell the intricate "love, hate, and hatred" in the parliament, so she did not answer, but just smiled pretending to be profound.

The Marquise probably misunderstood, so she covered her mouth in surprise and whispered:

"Don't tell me you."

After whispering a few words in her ear, Miss Belindel's face immediately turned red:

"What are you talking about? Am I such a naughty girl? It's just that our family is related to his organization. You know, the seven major local families have their own secrets. As for him, although he looks good, I am As a countess of this generation, my husband cannot be someone who cannot reveal his true identity.”

"I thought you were attracted to him. In the past, you never got close to any men and liked to attend parties with only girls. In fact, some people said privately that you liked girls."

"This is slander. His appearance is indeed in line with my taste. Please don't laugh. There is nothing funny about it."

"I'm not laughing, I'm just curious about the difference between people like them and ordinary men."

The Marquise looked at the direction that Shade left:

"So young, tall, and with such strong arms. As you heard just now, he broke this wall. I'm really curious whether he was also so strong when he hit other things."

Married aristocratic ladies do not shy away from such topics in private. After all, this is an open and conservative era. Although Bella Belindel was very capable in other aspects, she could not handle such words.

All in all, apart from making one woman cry, the reading salon this afternoon was generally uneventful. Shade later found time to tell the witch what he had discovered underground. Miss Belindel also said that she would arrange for someone to investigate, but Shade did not think that any clues could be found here.

However, Miss Belindle's attempt to "sell" was a great success. When the steam train carrying Willendale's goods arrived, the fashion trend from the royal capital would surely sweep across the entire Moon Bay.

After the salon, Miss Belindel took the Marquise to visit her cousin. The whereabouts of the female werewolf will be determined after the visit.

Shade and Miss Belindel agreed on a time to meet in the evening, then threw their glass slippers home to prepare relics to face the situation they might encounter tonight.

It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon when she appeared at home. After hearing the sound, little Mia waggled her tail and followed Shade into the basement. She stood obediently on the top of the shelf where Shade placed his "souvenirs", watching him take stock of his relics and murmuring. :

"Should we take the [Night Watcher] with us? The Higgs Dragon Head Stone is the most important thing. Miss Belindel said that the church is on guard against cultists at the dock. I don't know if the [Dragon Eater Order] can really attract the dragon."

Considering that he didn’t know what time he would be back tonight, Shade took Mia to have dinner half an hour earlier than before, and then he was ready to set off:

"Even if something happens, I won't be unable to get back all night. I hope this thunderstorm can bring me something. If I can master [Adele's Regression Principle], tonight's things will be much easier."


The satiated cat meowed softly. Seeing that Shade was about to set off, it actually waggled its tail and followed Shade into the basement. Shade, who was thinking about the problem, did not notice the cat following him until he entered the hidden passage behind the wall, but this time he did not allow little Mia to follow:

"It's very dangerous tonight. I'll take you to Moon Bay later."

He carried the cat back upstairs. The orange-white cat stood obediently on the back of the sofa and watched Shade go away. That look made Shade a little unbearable, so he turned back and touched the cat's head. The cat also squinted its eyes and raised its head for Shade to stroke.


After the cat meowed softly, little Mia sprayed out sparks from her mouth. Shade smiled and flicked them with his fingers, and the sparks flew towards the cat again. The big amber eyes showed a look of surprise. The cat turned around and flicked its tail neatly, and then threw those sparks towards Shade. Shade pinched those warm sparks while the cat waggled its tail and rubbed it quickly with its furry face. Holding Shade's hand.

"Sure enough, little Mia is very adaptable to her own power. I think she shouldn't be afraid of other flames. As long as the flames are not very strong and do not exceed the upper limit of its endurance, it can use its tail to turn it back. The bloodline of the 'Son of the Sun' is really Is it so powerful?"

He thought to himself, saying goodbye to the cat before going downstairs. When Shade was walking down the stairwell, he was suddenly startled again:

"Can you bear the upper limit?"

The scene of the cat turning around and beautifully using its tail to push back the sparks kept repeating in Shade's mind. He was slightly dazed, then turned to look at the top of the stairs behind him:

"Is my spellcasting failure because my own strength is not enough to withstand the attack force? If I can find some kind of carrier as an intermediary during spellcasting to take over and reverse the flick that little Mia turned around just now, it will be really... beautiful."

He narrowed his eyes and then spun around on the stairs several times as if he was stupid. He raised his head and thought about it for a while, as if in a daze. The cat's turning and tail-swishing movements became more profound and clear in his mind:

"The action just now was as natural and natural as the golden ratio. Did you turn around and flick your tail?"

[You don't have a tail as a medium for casting spells, unless you are in cat form and try to use that thaumaturgy. 】

"She" smiled softly.

"Don't encourage me to turn into a cat to practice this magic trick. Even if I succeed, what will the girls think of me in the future? What will Miss Adele Isabella think of me in the future? I am a ring magician, not a cat. Warlock.”

"She" continued to smile softly, but Shade already had an idea. It may not be successful, but it's definitely worth a try. So after returning to the hidden space in the basement, he put the [Night Watch] in the scabbard, wrapped it in cloth and carried it behind his back. Then he picked up the "Dragon Scale Sword" that he and the Witch used when they went out of the city at night. It was a straight sword that had been strengthened by the [Dragon Scale Coin], and carried it behind his back.

"It's safe now."

Then he reached out and touched the statue of the ancient god.

[With such complete preparations, do you think you will be able to obtain divinity tonight? 】

"This is a sixth sense. Even if you don't get divinity, something big will happen in the Yuewan area on this thunderstorm Sunday night. Ancient prophecies, the city of wealth. The surging undercurrent is about to surface, this The story caused by all the conflicts and disputes is finally about to begin."

When he left Moon Bay more than an hour ago, the weather here was still extremely gloomy. When Shade walked out of the dragon's nest, the strong wind that poured into the cave outside the dragon's nest from the grove was so strong that he could hardly open his eyes. . The temperature in the morning could still be close to 30 degrees, but now it was close to freezing sleet outside, even mixed with ice particles.

It was not easy to find a taxi in this weather. There were almost no people on the streets, only policemen wearing ponchos running on the streets. After seeing Shade, the patrolman loudly warned him:

"The city is under martial law after seven o'clock tonight. Sir, go back to where you live and don't come out. Oh, this damn weather, may God bless the people who are still at sea."

It's not like Yuewan City has never encountered such bad weather. If it's just because of this, it would be a bit exaggerated to impose a curfew.

Shade wanted to ask about the reason for the martial law, but the policeman had already run away. So he could only search for the carriage while heading towards Belindel's Big Ben in the center of the city. But until he reached his destination, he could not find an empty carriage. Fortunately, he was not late. When he saw the witch at the top of the bell tower, it was three minutes earlier than the agreed six-fifty.

The roof of the viewing platform at the back of the clock tower has been unfolded, so you don’t have to worry about your hat being blown away by the wind or your shoulders getting wet from the rain while standing here to enjoy the scenery.

The countess with the fat-red birthmark was also looking at Yu. When she saw Shade dispelling the illusion and revealing the two swords on his back, she confirmed again with concern:

"What you want to do must be completed tonight, right?"

Shade glanced at the cumulonimbus clouds hanging over the city:

"Yes, it must be tonight, this matter is very important to me. What is going on in the city? The police on the street said there was a curfew tonight, and I didn't hear anything before I left."

"Forty minutes ago, the city announced a curfew tonight. It has nothing to do with the weather. Not long ago, the Church of Nature, which is responsible for monitoring the ocean, discovered three behemoths approaching Yuewan Pier from the open sea. Yes, the three-headed dragon was flying from the deep sea to Yuewan. .”

PS: You can guess how Shade will use "Adele's Regression Principle".

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