Whispering Verse

Chapter 2147 The Dragon and the Order (seeking for subscription)

Shade blinked:

"Sorry, did you just say that three dragons were heading towards Moon Bay?"

"Yes, at least that's the information coming out so far."

She looked worried:

"The Dragon Cult has dragons. This is nothing new. They absorb the power of devouring dragons through those weird and evil rituals at the ancient sacrificial site. But as long as they are not stupid, they should know the principles of sustainable development. But even if there are dragons in the [Dragon Feast Order], so far in the Sixth Era, they have never dared to let dragons fly to the Old Continent. Last year, a green dragon accidentally appeared in the Old Continent and was killed by the balanced chosen one. , it was later confirmed that the dragon probably came from the [Dragon Feast Order], but it only appeared in the civilized world by accident.

As for the three dragons that appeared tonight, they should not be ordinary dragons. Yuewan is an archdiocese, and the local Dawn Church has a resident thirteen-ring warlock. If they were just ordinary dragons, they would have died at sea long ago. Now I only know that the church team has been making preparations since yesterday, and the surrounding dioceses have also organized support troops. The Five Gods Church has made various plans. This is due to various major events that started last year. "

She had probably thought about how to tell Shade these things in advance, so she said so many words in one breath:

"This sudden storm will cover up the sound and light of the battle in the dock area tonight. To be honest, although so many things have happened in the material world since last summer, they did not happen around me after all, and my experience is not the same. It’s not very deep, and there hasn’t been such an action in Yuewan Diocese for a long time.”

If Shade was not sure before, now he can almost 100% believe that there will be an unexpected situation in the thunderstorm at Yuewan Pier tonight. The Dragon Feast Order most likely has the same purpose as him:

"The dragons have disappeared for so many years. They can't appear randomly. I probably guessed something."

"Is it going to be the same as what you're going to do tonight?"

The witch with a fat-red birthmark on her eyebrows asked worriedly.

The [Dragon Feast Order] is looking for traces of the divine war back then. Although they cannot find folklorists like Professor Manning, there should be other local investigation directions. They are also likely to know the connection between thunderstorms and dragon roars.

"If you're concerned about safety, tonight is the best option."

"Of course I'm going with you."

The blonde countess interrupted Shade without thinking. Seeing the man who was still looking at the scenery just now turn to look at her, the countess turned her head slightly and looked to her side with her hands behind her back:

"Don't get me wrong, it's just that Vanessa asked you to help me locally. If something happens to you, how can I talk to Vanessa in future meetings?"

The blond maid behind her had a sullen face to prevent herself from showing a strange expression, thinking that her master really couldn't speak. Fortunately, the conversation did not go in the direction the maid expected. The stranger pursed his lips and looked at the witch in front of him:

"What happened tonight is no joke. Please think carefully before following me."

"Yes, I have thought about it since the first time I saw you."

There was a faint blush on her face, but she still looked at Shade stubbornly. Her golden eyes met Shade's. She forced herself not to look away, but tried to see his secret from those charming eyes.

In the end, Shade was the first to look away and continued to look at the city in the storm. A faint smile finally appeared on the witch's face, and she knew he understood. The maid behind the two felt that she had misjudged the master. Maybe Bella Belindel was actually very good at this.

"If there is any danger tonight, you don't have to worry about me. I can deal with it myself."

"It seems that I am the stronger one."

Bella Belindel reminded softly, but found that Shade did not answer. She pursed her lips, planning to do some divination before officially setting off. Her eyes glanced at the two swords carried on Shade's back. She had seen one of them not long ago and knew that it was a special weapon reinforced by rare metal. As for the other, it was a long sword that was tightly wrapped.

His eyes just passed by, and he had the illusion that the tip of a sword was pointed at his eyes. She reached out to cover her right shoulder. Huang Yue's orb made her feel that her already powerful inspiration was becoming stronger recently. At this time, she actually felt that the sword might be more powerful than the sage-level relic in her body.

"Speaking of which, I have been having nightmares in the past few days, and the dreams are very similar. I don't know if this is related to your treatment."

She said hesitantly, walked up to Shade, held on to the railing and looked through the glass with him at the rainy cityscape.

"What did you dream about?"

Shade was very concerned. After all, it was his own idea to use this method.

"Well, I always forget it after I wake up, but it should be a pair of eyes, a woman's eyes. What color are they? I remember they are very beautiful, not as beautiful as human beings. Golden? Purple? Probably like this."

She was hesitant and couldn't explain clearly, but because she was afraid that Shade would worry, she emphasized that although she was dreaming, her mental state and soul state were very good, and she was also drinking the potion on time:

"Those eyes are really beautiful, but even when I think about them now, I feel frightened, as if some nemesis is staring at me in a weird dream."

Shade suspected that what she dreamed about was most likely Luvia's eyes.

The heavy rain caused Yuewan City to jump from day to night. Similarly, the heavy rain could also hide the traces of Shade and Miss Belindle. Tonight, Shade did not let her take the other girls with her. , he probably guessed that things would be big tonight.

The curfew targets not only urban areas, but also the docks. In order to prevent this unpredictable storm from generating a tsunami, some residents have been relocated in the dock area. Therefore, the closer you get to the dock, the darker it becomes. Even the gas street lamps in the dock area are not lit at night.

The police set up barricades and sandbags at the intersection near the trestle, and the assembled church magicians began to arrange the magical rituals that Shade could feel from two streets away. Therefore, this ceremony probably also has the purpose of deterring other ring magicians in the city, so that they will not get involved tonight. But looking at the current situation, this will arouse some people's curiosity.

Even if it has an anchor, the ships moored in the port in the stormy waves are swaying from side to side like children's toys, as if they are about to capsize at the next moment. And when the rumbling thunder came from the sky, and then a white lightning suddenly lit up, even the boldest person had to repent in his heart at this moment for his past sins.

In a large parish like Yuewan City, the church certainly has many ring magicians. Therefore, after Miss Matilda personally drove Shade and Miss Belindel to the dock area, they were not in a hurry to break into the well-appointed buildings. of reconnaissance, defense, counterattack, detection and purification rituals. Shade hid on the street corner and sensed it. After confirming that he had not heard the roar of the dragon or noticed any abnormal spirits or elements, he used the [Door Key] to open the door of a lights-out tavern at will, and temporarily entered it with the witch to escape. The rain stopped.

The outside situation can be seen through the window of the tavern. The raindrops slide down along the glass like beads in a line, but it does not hinder Shade's view outside:

"I thought that in this kind of weather, the buildings on the pier would board up their windows to prevent the glass from breaking."

"That's what hurricanes do when they make landfall, and tonight is just a storm."

The witch explained softly, and white lightning flashed outside the house, illuminating the side of Shade's face:

"Now can you tell me, what is your goal tonight? You can't help the church repel the enemy, right?"

"Of course not. I'm looking for something. No, it's not [The Silmaril of Hope] tonight."

Now that we are here, there is no need to hide any more:

"It may surprise you to say that in the early fifth era, a divine war broke out in what is now the Moon Bay area. The giant dragon sought refuge from the ocean gods, but the god who swallowed the giant dragon [Dragon Eater Demon] When the dragons migrated to Moon Bay, the gods descended on their own initiative, and a battle broke out locally between the ocean gods and the evil god. I have reliable sources, and the battle between the gods that year left some remarkable traces in the local area. And those traces only appear on thunderstorm nights, and that’s the goal tonight.”

"While you were investigating [The Diamond of Hope] and the female corpse in Moon Bay, you could still investigate this? You don't have the thaumaturgy to turn one day into 48 hours, do you?"

The witch was surprised for a moment, then frowned and thought:

"Even though I'm a local, I've never heard of this."

"This matter was told to me by a lady. Her source of information is very special. It's normal that you haven't heard of it. Tonight's [Dragon Cult] is probably here for this reason. If there are clues about the chosen one, Until things become clearer, retrieving the local power left by the gods they believed in back then will make their actions smoother. I'm not sure who won back then, but it's most likely the gods of the sea. After all, according to the rumors of the current era, The dragons did migrate to the depths of the ocean, instead of all dying in Yue Bay, otherwise Yue Bay would not be a 'city of wealth' but a 'graveyard of dragons'."

Shade tried to make a little joke, but unfortunately his sense of humor was not enough, and Miss Belindell tossed a coin:

"There is a 100% chance that the [Dragon Cult] will show up tonight."

Shade did not feel surprised:

"Okay, let's wait until the dragon and the church fight before we go out and search for traces on the sea. I still insist on the request before departure. If an accident really happens, you don't need to worry about me and just leave by yourself. Tonight Things are very important to me, but I can’t let you get in trouble.”

"What is implicated?"

She actually seemed a little angry, and Shade turned to look at the witch in surprise. At this time, another flash of lightning flashed in the sky, and the light suddenly illuminated the two people in the darkness of the tavern, and the witch's golden eyes seemed to be glowing vaguely.

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