Whispering Verse

Chapter 2154 Out-of-control Transformation

The rewinding sound waves collided with the energy stirred up by the evil phantom again, and the shocking explosion even dispersed the dark clouds in the sky. As for the giant silver dragon flying above the ocean, after its body rotation was completed, the dazzling silver moonlight in its mouth had completed its final charge.

But it did not immediately spit out the silver moonlight from its mouth. The dragon raised its neck and head, closed its mouth facing the moon that appeared above its head at an unknown time, and breathed deeply inward.

The dragon's chest stood out. Under the blizzard starry sky, silver moonlight and bright moonlight shot out uncontrollably from the corners of the dragon's mouth, eyes, nose, and even every inch of its scales. The chest made a sound that was even more penetrating than the roar of an open-mouthed dragon, and the silver moon above his head descended like a phantom until it coincided with the giant silver dragon.

So, when the dragon spread its wings and flew in the silver moon, under the watchful eyes of the witch below the dragon, the church ring wizards on the dock, and the countless unofficial ring wizards in the city who were concerned about the battle of the dock, the dragon roared again :



In front of the silver moon, the dragon's wings were fully unfolded as if to cover the entire night sky. The silver moonlight spat out from the giant dragon's mouth, and the huge silver light pillar formed on the sea surface even caused the sea water to part in all directions, revealing the uneven seabed. The holy light directly hit the illusory light and shadow in the depths of the ocean, and there was a loud sound of evil phantom making its final struggle, but the sticky darkness was dispersed by the moonlight before it could condense.

The silver beam of light completely penetrated the phantom without any suspense, defeating the power of the summoned evil creature from the deep sea.

Even though the blow ended quickly, the silver light trail left above the sea surface still lingered for a long time. The dragon wings swing up and down, and the moonlight makes the silver dragon, which exudes holy light all over its body, look even more sacred.

It raised its head and roared at the starry sky:


The dragon head on his neck stared at the three-wheeled moon behind the dark clouds, and then lowered his head to look at the pier of Yuewan City and the bustling urban area further away that was still illuminated by gas lights in the snowy night.

Every time the wings flap, it seems to cause a storm, and the dark golden light in the eyes spreads out of the eyes like flames with the wind. The people who were stared at by those eyes instinctively held their breath and stood motionless, fearing that it would destroy the city with another strike of moonlight. Fortunately, the giant dragon just looked at them from the air, and then rushed fiercely. downward.

The claws grabbed the small wooden boat on the sea. Before the witch could react, the dragon's claws flicked her upwards into the sky and landed on the dragon's glowing back.

The huge dragon wings flashed, and the golden vertical pupils did not look back at the dock, but faced the moonlight and carried the witch riding on the dragon's back, flying towards the depths of the ocean.

In the silver dragon's ears, "her" gentle voice sounded again:

[The current world, the sixth era, 1854 according to the universal calendar, midsummer, a snowstorm night. The midsummer blizzard unveiled a new scene for the drama. The dragon flying under the silver moon only glimpsed the corner of this grand drama. The ancient and rich harbor ushered in the Dragon of Destiny according to the prophecy, and the family that has been passed down for thousands of years will eventually meet the fate that has been destined for a long time. Outsiders, dragon slayers, dragon eaters, dragon transformers and the real ancient dragons have all been waiting behind the scenes for a long time. Your roar is the gong that officially opens the seventh act of the drama, and the light will eventually come to this dark land. 】

The blizzard temporarily stopped because the dark clouds dispersed, and the evil music and the roar of the dragon completely disappeared as the silver dragon moved away. The waves are still rough, and on the pier that is once again illuminated by the moonlight, you can only hear the sound of waves hitting the shore. This is also the music that has remained unchanged in Yuewan City for thousands of years.

The elements of agitation gradually returned to normal, and the lights of the divine rituals were extinguished one after another after confirming that the battle was truly over.

The strongest ring warlocks from the Church of the Five Gods in Yuewan Diocese gathered on the pier in front of the "Princess Trading Partner". The four twelve-ring warlocks and the "Glory of Glory" who were a little tired from using the word of sublimation Hands" and look out into the distance at the still turbulent sea:

"What kind of dragon is that? Although it is silver, it is definitely not a silver dragon."

"Will the prophecy of Yuewan come true? The dragon will eventually destroy this city. Will the Prophet Association know anything?"

"Although the matter is over, I still don't understand what the [Dragon Feast Order] and the silver dragon want to do at the dock tonight?"

"Although it's a blizzard, the noise tonight was too loud, and it's not easy to appease the people."

"The Chosen One of Light will probably really appear in Moon Bay."

Joshua Brooklyn said, and several others looked at him.

"This is just a prelude, and this situation has already occurred. Let the church summon a team to come to Yuewan. Just relying on a few of us will not be able to cope with the next situation. Besides, some of the problems of Yuewan Diocese itself should also be dealt with. solved."

The other four people had different expressions. Compared to other dioceses, there were indeed some problems within the church in the Yuewan area.

"Is the dragon just now related to the ring warlock who caught the thunder before the evil thing appeared?"

Suddenly someone asked again:

"Could they be the chosen ones this time?"

"They may also be the 'God Caller' who came from nowhere. The silver moonlight has become almost synonymous with her now, but I have never heard that the 'God Caller' has the transformation technique to transform into a dragon. She is not specialized in it. Moonlight and mythical locks?”

Someone else said.

The five of them looked at the sea together. Behind them, busy people were still dealing with the problems after the war.

On the distant sea, the silver dragon is still spreading its wings and flying. The boat had already disappeared on the dragon's back. Bella Belindel, who had countless doubts in her heart, raised her head from the dragon's back, wondering how it could be like this tonight.

She guessed what was going on with the dragon she was riding, but she didn't know where he was going.

Although the speed was very fast, the howling wind had almost no effect on her. She guessed that this was the power of the dragon itself. Riding on the back of the dragon and looking at the sea below, at the starry sky above her head, and then looking back at the disappeared Yuewan Pier, she felt like it was all a dream.

However, this flight did not last long. Without any warning, the giant dragon beneath her suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and she also fell from high altitude to the sea.


Shade, who fell prematurely, turned into an invisible black dot and went directly into the water. Although Bella Belindel could not fly, fortunately she mastered spells such as feather falling and walking on water. very nice.

But after stepping on the sea with both feet, I looked around but couldn't find the silver dragon or the figure of the man emerging from the water. He was a little anxious in his heart, worried that he had paid a heavy price for using that kind of power just now. After divining his current location, there was still no result, so he canceled the spell and let himself fall into the sea.

Although the eleventh-level witch has the ability to breathe underwater, she doesn't like the underwater environment. But in order to find the missing person, she could only keep swimming downwards in the water, and then with difficulty she saw the silver light shining further below.

Suddenly a giant dragon appeared on the bottom of the sea, and the surging tide pushed her upwards, but soon the dragon disappeared, giving her the opportunity to swim downward again. The temperature of the sea water gradually increased. When the witch finally saw that the dragon disappeared and turned into a cat and then a butterfly, she almost felt that the temperature of the water around her was close to boiling.

She wanted to use spells to resist the high temperature, but as the three forms of dragon, cat, and butterfly kept switching in the light, her own spellcasting was seriously interfered with. But the witch did not give up because of this, but struggled hard to continue swimming downstream, and finally succeeded in holding the cat in her arms after the silver dragon turned into a cat again on the seabed.

The temperature on the cat's body has definitely exceeded one hundred degrees, and fine bubbles are constantly appearing around it. After enduring the pain in her arms, she discovered that the position where her arms were in contact with the cat was gradually melting as if it was about to be absorbed by the cat:

She called out as hard as she could in the water:

"Watson, John Watson! What's going on? I knew this was definitely not his real name!"

While trying to float up, she took off the witch's gold bracelet and wrapped it around the cat's neck. This stopped the cat from transforming into a butterfly again in the silver light, and the cat's own assimilation into her body was also stopped. In fact, Miss Belindell didn't know why she put the bracelet on the cat. She just instinctively felt that it would be useful.

Her sixth sense was of course very accurate, which not only prevented the transformation from getting out of control, but even opened the eyes of the comatose "cat". The deep sea was illuminated by his own light, and he also saw who was trying to hold him up. His body temperature was gradually dropping and returning to normal. The knowledge he didn't know where he came from allowed him to know what his situation was at this time, and he also knew how dangerous it was for the witch to risk contact with him.


The blond lady's head finally popped out of the warm water again, and she climbed up from the water with difficulty while holding on to the surface. Holding the soaked silver cat in his hands, he did not choose to stand on the sea but slapped the water to create a huge ice floe, and then sat down with the wet "little thing" in his arms.

The silver Shade cat's eyes were half-closed, as if he was in a semi-conscious state, but the witch still knew who she was holding.

"I'm fine, I'm just too tired."

The cat spat out some water, and then made a man's voice:

"After absorbing something incredible, coupled with the added power, the transformation technique is out of control. This is really bad."

Away from the waters of Moon Bay, there are no violent storms or snowstorms here. The sea was very calm, and the blond lady who was soaked on the ice hugged the silver cat tightly in her arms. The moon shines on them and the sea breeze blows on them. The night is already dark, but the story of this night is still not over.

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