Whispering Verse

Chapter 2155 Cruise Ship and Flesh Transfiguration

Chapter 2154: Cruise Ship and Flesh Transfiguration

After adapting to his body, the weak Shade was in Miss Belinder's arms. He wanted to imitate little Mia, shaking his body to shake off the water on his body, but he found that he was limp and weak, and even if they were cats, he could not Didn’t master Xiao Mia’s skills. Fortunately, Miss Belindel saw his plan and put her hands on his body to steam dry his hair.

"What's going on? Can't you change back?"

She ignored her current situation and still lowered her head to care about the cat in her arms. The small silver cat looked pitiful in her arms. Even if she reached out to pet it, Shade Cat had no strength to object.

"Is this the price for using power just now?"

"Yes, I just turned into a dragon due to some accidents. Now, now I can't change back. This is not a simple transformation. It's like my body structure has changed. I haven't learned the art of human transformation, but fortunately I have. Cat Technique. It takes too much to maintain the dragon form, so I temporarily fixed my posture into a cat."

The cat's sleepy eyes looked toward the distant dock:

"This distance should be out of the church's surveillance range. Things are over for tonight, let's go back."

The witch knelt down on the ice and held the cat in her arms lovingly:

"I'll take you back now. Don't worry, you will change back."

Shade, who was about to fall asleep due to the use of the "divine overflow" state, nodded slightly and squirmed in the witch's arms, only to realize that she was still soaked through at the moment, and her condition was not very good:

"How are you now? Just now, you should have returned to the shore early."

"Then how do you control the out-of-control transformation in the sea?"

She tore off her bracelet from the cat's body. Now Shade just couldn't change back, but the uncontrollable physical deformation had eased.

"And in your current state, even if you don't need me to help control the transformation, do you still have the strength to go back? Do you have to swim back in cat form, or do you have to soak in the sea all night?"

She asked with her lips pursed. Although she knew it was inappropriate, she still wanted to laugh when she thought of the silver cat swimming.

The end of the "divine overflow" state will not cause excessive loss of spirit, because what is consumed is not spirit. The exception this time is that after the overflow of divinity ended, he was forced to maintain the "dragon" posture because he could not change back. All that consumption came from Shade:

"You're right. This would be a really bad time without you."

The silver cat said softly, then shook violently in her arms. Miss Belindell thought he wanted to jump out of her arms, but what she saw was a small pink bottle, "flying" out from the short hair of the silver cat - the body transformation technique got a new progress:

"Feed me this, just a little. I'm a little sleepy, sorry, I."

"Stop talking, let's go back now."

He hugged the cat with one hand and picked up the strange perfume bottle from his arms with the other hand. Even before she opened the bottle, she could smell the wonderful smell of pink essence in the bottle. She didn't get an answer from the cat. When she lowered her head and looked again, the silver cat had already fallen asleep deeply in her arms.

Looking at Shade Cat's sleeping face, the witch pursed her lips and smiled suddenly, still feeling that this night was as strange as a dream. She put the bottle in her pocket temporarily, planning to feed it after she set off. He stood up with the cat in his arms and looked towards the distant and almost invisible coast. Unexpectedly, a voice suddenly appeared from behind:

"The church has blocked the port. Even if your divination is very good, you are likely to be discovered if you go back like this."

"Who is speaking?!"

The frightened witch turned around and saw a girl with blue eyes and black hair appearing on the ice at some point, right behind her. Under the moonlight, there is a silver anchor ornament on the hat that is tilted. The slim figure and the white dress make Countess Bella Belindell, a witch, almost feel like a witch under the moonlight. Being compared.

That charm was definitely not normal, and the witch also recognized who it was. She was the girl who had talked to Shade one step ahead of her when she met Shade at the ship museum.

"Angel Elisetris, may the moonlight bless you and me, Miss Belindle. Of course, you can also call me 'Miss Glory'."

Her blue eyes were shining in the dark night, but they were not hostile. She motioned the witch to look behind her:

"Take my boat and I'll take you back."

The witch followed her eyes and looked towards the sea. At some point, an exaggeratedly large luxury cruise ship, even by the standards of this era, parked not far from the ice plate. But she didn't know anything about it just now. aware.

The cat in her arms quickly moved away from Miss Elisa. It was impossible for her to trust this strange girl in this situation.

The girl with blue eyes also understood the thoughts of the witch in front of her. She looked at the cat in the witch's arms tenderly:

"He is really exhausted. Take him back to rest. After he wakes up, don't tell him that I have appeared. Otherwise, as I promised him, I will tell him some secrets about Yuewan."

"Why are you helping us?"

The great witch of fate didn't care what she said.

"I am his friend. After I go back, I will collect the ritual information of the [Dragon Eater Order] to summon the evil creature in the deep sea - the 'Player of the Seven Tails'. He needs this."

The ice floe slowly approached the cruise ship. Miss Elisa gently raised her hand, and the ice floe broke out of the water and took them towards the deck. Bella Belindel, who originally wanted to jump into the sea and leave, felt the strong traces of the miraculous element, but ultimately did not escape with the cat in her arms.

"I'll tell him you showed up."

The witch said this with a cold face.

"Of course you can."

The blue-eyed girl walked from the ice floe to the deck. When her black high heels touched the deck, the cruise ship set off towards the distant coastline.

"who are you?"

Miss Belindel also walked off the ice floe. Yuewan was her city, but she had never heard of the girl in front of her in Yuewan. Although I don’t know the opponent’s strength, the girl is definitely not a weakling.

Standing behind the bow of the ship at the end of the deck, the girl with blue eyes and black hair held her hands behind her back and looked up at the silver moon in the sky, but did not answer this question. The cruise ship cut through the silky black sea silently. If the witch of fate had not been vigilant and worried at the moment, she might have discovered that the portrait on the bow of the cruise ship was clearly that of Angel Elisetris herself. appearance.

(Little Mia is running.)

Shade first obtained the first drop of divinity at the "Blood Feast" in Tobesk's Lakeview Manor and used the power of "divine overflow". He just kicked and was unconscious for a whole day. But as he himself became stronger and gradually adapted to using the power of divinity, the sequelae of "divine overflow" were also alleviated.

This time he did not fall into a coma for a whole day. When he woke up, the surroundings were very bright, and he was still lying in the arms of a certain lady. As for why it is judged that she is a woman, it is naturally felt. The memory before coma emerged, and she was still in the form of a cat at this moment. But at least the surroundings were dry, and the sound of waves and wind could no longer be heard.

Feeling the cat squirming in her arms, the sitting countess immediately lowered her head to look, and then breathed a sigh of relief:

"You finally woke up."

The gas lamp was very bright, the witch was sitting on the sofa, and she had changed her clothes and seemed to have washed herself. She watched the cat in her arms squirm and get up. The cat's eyes were looking around cautiously. Although she had seen this man's alert look more than once, when he showed this expression after turning into a cat, instead of being cold, it was funny.

"What time is it now?"

"We've been back for an hour, and it's now ten o'clock in the evening. Do you want to eat something? Hmm. Can you eat human food in this form?"

Shade decided not to answer the question. He jumped out of the witch's arms and stood on the coffee table, discovering that it was indeed Belindle Manor. Snow was still falling outside the windows, which made the warm and cozy interior even more inviting. Miss Matilda was also in the study. When she saw the cat looking at her, she looked at the cat for two seconds and then took the initiative to look away.

Miss Belindel knew that Shade wanted to figure out the current situation, so she did not immediately disturb him. Shade Cat was indeed asking questions in her heart:

"What's going on now? I didn't turn into a vampire, a fish-man or a stone-man when I swallowed divinity before."

[Outlander, that piece of meat with the nameless divine dragon attached to it has changed your life form. 】

[Your spell: Transformation-Cat, is sublimated into Thaumaturgy: Transformation-Cat, which corresponds to the "flesh and blood" spirit rune. During the transformation, the belongings can be transformed together, but once they are taken out, they cannot be carried in cat form again. 】

[You have learned thaumaturgy: Transformation-Dragon, corresponding to the "flesh and blood" spiritual rune. 】

[Because you have swallowed the "flesh and blood of the nameless dragon", your physical strength and power have been greatly improved. 】

The silver cat flicked its tail, and even Miss Belindel could see his troubles at the moment. Then Shade saw the pink essence bottle placed on the edge of the coffee table, and there was an empty milk bottle next to it.

"Hmm, bottle?"

[Forty-three minutes ago, Bella Belindel asked her head maid to find a baby bottle, diluted two drops of essence, held you in her arms and fed it to you from the baby bottle. Need a more detailed description? 】

The voice was obviously gentle, but there were obviously other emotions in "her" smile.

"Don't worry, it's safe now. If you can't find a way to change back to human form for the time being, you can stay here tonight. It's very messy outside. We'll find a way after dawn."

The witch reached out to touch the soft back of the silver cat. Shade cat instinctively avoided it immediately. Then the cat on the coffee table turned to look at her, only to see that she was also looking at him. After looking at each other for a few seconds, Shade looked away first:

"I know someone can solve my problem, so I'm leaving now. If I'm lucky, I'll be back in human form tomorrow morning."

As he spoke, he shook his body violently, and a glass slipper was flung out from the cat's short hair.

The glass slipper landed on the coffee table, and the bright gas lamp light in the study reflected colorful light on the glass slipper. Because during the "Dice Story Collection", she knew that the man had a "beloved glass slipper", so although the countess pursed her lips, she did not ask what it was:

"You're leaving, aren't you?"

The tone became a little cold for some reason, and the golden eyes looking at Shade's cat seemed to have a little more sadness. Shade hoped that in his cat form, he would not misread other people's emotions.

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