Whispering Verse

Chapter 2156 Two Cats

The blond maid, who knew her master's temper well, immediately wanted to give the silver cat a hint, but of course Shade couldn't make a mistake.

The cat then jumped lightly from the coffee table to the witch's lap again, and then looked up at her:

"I'm leaving now and can come back tomorrow morning. I don't like to get along with the girls around me in my cat form. Can I have breakfast here tomorrow? I will answer your questions then."

After saying that, the cat nodded heavily:

"You saved me tonight, otherwise I might still be floating on the sea."

The countess blushed a little after the cat jumped back to her knees. When he said this, the anger and disappointment that had just surged away also disappeared:

"I didn't save you, you saved yourself. Moreover, it wasn't me who brought you back. It was your friends who brought us back safely to Yuewan Port. You know, the church is probably going crazy now. , they probably want to check every drop of water and every grain of sand outside the harbor, but your friends are very capable.”


Shade's first reaction was Mr. Bernhardt, but then he realized that the vampire seed lord did not have such ability.

"Yes, the person you talked to at the ship museum said she was Miss Elisa. But you told me at the time that she was just a stranger."

The witch's hand pinched the cat's little paw, then her eyes lit up, and she went to pinch other cat's paws. In order to prevent Sha De from objecting, she also used words to distract Sha De:

"She appeared suddenly and took us back on a large cruise ship. She also asked me to collect the ritual information of the [Dragon Feast Cult] summoning the evil creature of the deep sea - the Seven-Tailed Player. She said that it would be very good for you. it works."

The silver cat immediately became energetic:

"Yes, it is indeed very useful."

Her tail flicked, and the witch sitting on the sofa looked at him with a smile.

"It seems that my guess is right. That Miss Elisa is indeed the one. But in this case, I still need to meet with her to confirm some things."

"That girl didn't say anything about meeting you next time. She just sent us to the shore and left. She is so beautiful, almost as good as us witches."

She said that on purpose.

"Miss Elese is most likely not a human being, but I'm not sure what she is yet. After all, I've never heard of a ship being able to become a spirit before."



The silver cat immediately shook its head, and the witch took this opportunity to touch its little head again. Then Shade jumped from her lap back to the coffee table. The blonde countess was not angry, but looked at him with a smile:

"Your cat-like appearance is only a little bit better than your real appearance."

The cat understands what she means:

"You are also exhausted tonight. This damn weather is really not suitable for going out. Have a cup of hot tea and go to the bedroom to rest. We will see you tomorrow. Thank you again for not leaving at that time, Miss Belindel, good night."

The witch stood up halfway, stretched out her hand to grab the cat's waist, and actually picked it up:

"Don't say thank you. We'll see you tomorrow morning. Remember? You still owe me a lot of unanswered questions."

"Yeah, I understand. Then we'll see you tomorrow."

The cat had no choice but to say this. The countess smiled softly and put Shade back on the coffee table.

So a slender black chain protruded from the cat's little paws to lock the perfume bottle, and the cat put its head on the glass slipper and pushed it off the edge of the coffee table. There was no sound of the shoe hitting the ground, because before the glass slipper landed on the carpet, the cat, perfume bottle and the shoe disappeared together.

Miss Matilda on the side did not pay much attention to this magical scene, but carefully asked her master:

"Miss, so what happened at the dock tonight was really your fault?"

The blonde witch sighed, leaning on the back of the sofa and looking up at the crystal chandelier:

"What did you see from the city?"

After she came back, she didn't have time to discuss this matter with her apprentice.

"At first it was just an unclear dragon roar, and then there was black thunder. Then there was a dragon roar that could be heard very clearly even in the manor, and the silver moonlight appeared in the direction of the dock, and then it became quiet again."

Bella Belindel nodded slightly, without discussing the matter of dragons and thunder, but said softly:

"Tonight, I kissed the moon on the boat, just once."

Raising her hand to touch her lips, the maid on the side looked at her master with a smile, pleased with her boldness and progress.

It was snowing heavily outside, and the witch's golden hair seemed to glow under the indoor light. Today must be a very magical day for Bella Belindel. Life seems to be becoming more and more unusual as the man arrives at Moon Bay.

(Iluna is praying.)

Although Shade was not at home, a gas lamp was still lit in the living room on the second floor of No. 6 Place Saint Teresa. This was because Shade was unwilling to leave the cat alone in a dark home.

Compared to the violent snowstorm in Yuewan City, the weather in Tobesk City tonight is pretty good. Although the streets are still filled with night fog, this is just the usual appearance of this city. The police officers on patrol walked through the night fog and passed Saint Teresa Square. Looking up, they could catch a glimpse of the lights on the second floor of No. 6, but they could never see the cat sleeping on the back of the sofa in the living room.

This position is quite good for it. If you tilt your head slightly, you can see the door of the room, and you can catch a glimpse of the bedroom and the window from the corner of your eye. It's just that the house is quiet at this time, so little Mia doesn't need to check anything.

Suddenly, accompanied by the sound of two heavy objects falling to the ground, the cat raised its head alertly. The big amber eyes looked up upstairs, and the furry little ears twitched twice. Then the cat happily jumped off the sofa and rushed out of the door, jumping up the stairs very quickly.

Not long after, the two chasing cats came down from the dark third floor:

"Oh, Mia, I know you're excited, but don't lick me. I say it again, Mia, don't lick me."

The first one to run into the second floor was the silver cat. Shade used his paws to stop the orange cat from being intimate, but the latter still wanted to get closer to him excitedly.

After returning home, Shade still failed to transform back into a human being, but he did come back specifically to find someone for help:

"I'm going out now, please wait for me at home. Oh, don't rub against me anymore, Mia, be obedient!"

He said to the house cat, jumping quickly from the second floor to the first floor. But little Mia followed him as expected. Even if Shade used the "moving object" spell to open the door a crack, the cat was very different from usual and decisively followed him out of the door. Got to the street.

The orange and white cat squatted energetically on the steps of the house. Its big amber eyes stared at the silver cat excitedly, but Shade didn't want it to follow him.

"Mia, don't come out. If you run around and get lost, I won't be able to find you like this."

"She" chuckled in Shade's ear, as if she was laughing at Shade's thoughts. Shade also knew what "she" was laughing at. Looking at Mia's appearance at the moment, even if Shade got lost, it could still find him.

Since Mia couldn't be kept at home, Shade had no choice but to take her out with her. After confirming that the door to the house was locked, the silver cat trotted forward two steps into the night fog. He could see little Mia following him closely without turning around. Only then did he feel relieved and took little Mia into the depths of the fog. at.

It is worth mentioning that although Shade can only switch between cat-dragon-butterfly forms for the time being due to strange reasons, this does not mean that he is powerless to fight back in the face of danger. Although his body was weakened by the cat form, his spellcasting ability was still retained. This was why Shade did not rest at Belindle Manor, but wanted to solve the problem tonight.

In fact, Tobesk did not have much of a problem tonight. They were even running around in the form of cats on the street, and even the police would not pay attention to them. On the way forward, the only problem Shade and Little Mia encountered was that the wild cats on the street seemed to regard them as coming to grab territory.

Groups of wild cats sprang out from the dark alleys and blocked them with claws and teeth. They were scared away by little Mia, who was never afraid of her own kind and even dared to chase tigers.

The cat was very fast. When he came to Quill Street in the university district where Dorothy lived, Shade the cat didn't feel tired at all. And little Mia, who had probably never done such strenuous exercise, ran all the way behind Shade, still looking excited at this moment.

"So when I left you alone to look after the house, you were secretly exercising without telling me, right?"

Little Mia didn't know what Shade was talking about. When Shade looked up, she squinted her eyes and rubbed against him.

"Dorothy lives on the third floor of the apartment."

The lights in that window were indeed turned off. I guess Dorothy didn't stay up late tonight to finish the manuscript, so Shade raised his paw and patted little Mia's little head, and then said to her:

"Wait for me here. Don't run around. I'll be back soon."

Then he dispersed into a group of red butterflies and flew high into the sky. After releasing the spell from the third floor window, it was a pity that he did not change back to a human being, but instead turned back into a silver cat:

"If this problem can't be solved, I'm going to be in big trouble."

Complaining in his heart, the silver cat squatted on the window sill and looked down again, worried that little Mia would get lost if she was left unattended. But what I didn't expect to see was that the orange cat took a few steps back under the street light, then accelerated forward. After reaching the bottom of the wall, it ran up the wall along the steam pipe. In just a few breaths, it was done. He arrived next to the silver cat and squatted on the window sill on the third floor with him.

The whole process went smoothly and smoothly.

There were two flower pots outside the window sill. Between the flower pots, Shade looked at the cat he had raised for more than a year. For the first time, he realized that although it was a lazy cat, it still maintained the flexibility of a cat.

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