Whispering Verse

Chapter 2202 The [Dragon Feast Order] of the Fifth Era

The old witch smiled and nodded:

"I thought my illusions could still deceive you like before. Okay, okay, even if you make the wrong choice, I will give you the news. Recently, some unfriendly guys have come to us. [Long Feast] Order], you should know this group of people. I have been living in this city since my retirement, and I know that there is nothing here that they can care about. The only big news in the city recently is the maiden voyage of the Radiant Messenger, You have to be careful, they might be interested in something on that ship."

Professor Evans was very puzzled:

"But I saw that ship in the port. Although the ship is very big, it is just a creation of ordinary people. Does the [Dragon Cult] want to steal this ship and transform it into something of its own?"

The old witch shook her head, she didn't know either:

"Just be careful yourself. [Dragon Cult] is also a cult after all. Don't let me, an old lady, rescue you if you are really in trouble in the end."

"Professor Enzo, don't worry, I will pay attention."

Professor Evans smiled and thanked him, but he didn't seem to take the matter of the Dragon Feast Order too seriously.

She stood up from the sofa and said to Shade behind her:

"Look, if I had taken this news seriously at that time and investigated it in advance, maybe nothing would have happened later."

"No one can predict the future in advance, and it's not your fault."

Shade said, but the phantom Professor Evans shook his head and pointed to the dark sea:

"I'm there. There's not much time left, both for you and for us. Go ahead and do it, young man, and believe in yourself."

Professor Evans said that he was about to disappear on the spot, but was stopped by Shade. He said hesitantly:

"Wait a minute, professor, what do you mean by what you just said? I don't have much time. You don't know who I am, do you?"

The professor's phantom smiled and said:

“I wasn’t sure at first, but now I am completely certain.

There have been strange rumors circulating in Zarath Academy of Literature, Serkessis Higher Medical School and St. Byrons Comprehensive College. When young and beautiful witches encounter fatal threats, fate will send a special outsider to help and save them. Although this sounds like the romantic fantasy of young girls in love, it is unfortunate that I have read a lot of previous materials in the academy for so many years. "

"What did you find?"

Shade asked curiously.

“When the Zalas Literary Academy was still just the ‘Zalas Society’, Miss Becky Samuel, a witch who was a contemporary of Miss Feliana, the founder of St. Byrons, once recorded some interesting stories. The stories weren’t comprehensive, but I read the underlying message.”

Shade suddenly realized that Miss Becky Samuel was the lady he met in the Gaddis Library in the Dead Valley with Miss Olanold and Fiona. Shade still remembered that she wore a pair of round-rimmed glasses, slovenly, but also had a scholarly temperament.

"Miss Samuel."

Obviously for him, it was just last year, but now that he thinks about it, it was really a long time ago.

Professor Evans disappeared silently in front of him. Shade rubbed the cat's little head on his chest, and then swung the fishing rod toward the sea again.

Putting aside for the time being that rumors about him seem to be spreading throughout the Fifth Era, the memory I just saw from Professor Evans is very interesting:

"So, this incident in the Fifth Era is actually related to the [Dragon Eater Order] again. It can't be such a coincidence, so the evil things that appear this time are most likely caused by them. Calling 'Evil Things in the Deep Sea-Nanabi's Did they actually master the ritual of the Player in the Fifth Era? They are worthy of being a cult group with a long history, and the god they believe in is also worthy of being the eldest son of the Ancient Dragon God."

But the key to this matter is not the relationship between the [Dragon Feast Order] and the evil creature in the deep sea. The key point is that most of the [Dragon Feast Order] actions are related to dragons. The purpose of anything they do can ultimately be related to " Dragon" is associated. Even if it was the Fifth Era instead of the Sixth Era, and they killed more than 3,000 people at once, what they were seeking was definitely not to summon the "Souler of the Seven Tails" to attack the city.

After all, the Witch Emperors at the end of the Fifth Era were much more terrifying than the Righteous God Church in the Sixth Era. The latter is a truly righteous organization and a positive character. As for the Witch Emperors, they are sometimes very righteous.

"So, [Dragon Feast Order] has spent so much effort, what exactly is it going to do?"

While thinking about it, huge force was already coming from the sea along the fishing line. Shade immediately put down those messy thoughts, and while leaning his body back, he pulled the thing hooked by the fishing line towards the floating board.

So a few minutes later, Miss Teresa and Miss Maxim, who were sitting by the campfire, watched Shade walking toward them from the god's side, holding Professor Evans, who was pale and breathing weakly on his chest.

Miss Malone, who had just regained her energy, tilted her head and immediately fell asleep again. "Professor Evans", who was supported by Miss Maxim, stood up immediately, his face quickly turned pale, and the chill emitted by his body that had recovered its body temperature at that moment even made the two young witches subconsciously turn to him. Back away.

"Professor Evans" ignored them and rushed towards Shade as if gliding on a floating board.

"Be careful, the professor is level 12!"

Miss Teresa reminded, and Shade, who had been prepared, hugged Professor Evans' body and disappeared. When the pale "Professor Evans" stopped rushing forward and turned back, two dark chains fell from the sky and tied her neck. Then, Shade slammed the body of Professor Evans, who was being held by him, onto her body.

The soul broke away from the false body and re-entered the real body like magnets attracting each other. The fake body trembled and wanted to reach out and pinch the real body's neck, but because it lost the support of its soul, it eventually turned into transparent sea water and disappeared on the floating board.

Shade hurriedly helped Professor Evans up. She coughed a few times, and after spitting out a mouthful of seawater, she finally opened her weak eyes.

The maid, Miss Maxim, was better at taking care of people than Shade, so she took the initiative to take over Professor Evans, helped her sit down, and fed him the potion prepared in advance. Miss Malone also woke up again at this time, but she did not look at the people around her, but stared blankly at the flame that provided light and warmth to everyone.

"I've completed three of my four fishing trips, and now it's the last time. I have something to tell you."

Shade pulled Miss Theresa's hand, and then sat with her and everyone around the campfire. This time the five people were so close to the campfire, which was not very strong but extremely warm, that everyone could see how the light and dark shadows of the flames danced on the other people's faces.

The cat squirmed in the clothes on Shade's chest, and the witches all looked at Shade. Miss Malone's face in the rain was sad and confused, and Shade felt that she seemed to have regained some memories.

After making sure that everyone was listening carefully, Xia Decai explained in detail all the clues he had discovered so far, including the relationship between the [Dragon Cult] and evil objects, and dragons and ships.

Miss Teresa was still a little confused, and Miss Maxim had a guess after hearing the last part. Professor Evans even sighed softly when Shade was halfway through speaking. She already understood.

No one interrupted Shade's story telling. After Shade finished analyzing the clues, he asked the only "ordinary girl":

"Miss Malone, last time you mentioned that when you and the missing lady were dating in the boiler room, you saw some strange lines on the wall. Please see if this is it."

The brilliance of the starry sky on the book was suppressed by the darkness. After taking the book, Miss Malone just glanced at it and nodded gently:

"This is it."

Shade let out a sigh of relief. This was the key evidence:

"Then the entire process of the matter can be determined. The [Dragon Cult] infiltrated and controlled the 'Brilliant Messenger', and launched a ceremony after the ship left the port, sacrificing the entire ship, and finally I successfully summoned the evil thing from the deep sea. But due to unknown reasons, of course, there is a high probability that it is the god behind me."

Shade pointed back:

"Because of the help of gods, you who were supposed to die came to this lightless sea together with that evil thing, and then I appeared here."

"I'm sorry, kids, I should have known better."

Professor Evans, who had recovered a little, said softly, and Miss Theresa also pursed her lips and said:

"My aunt mentioned that evil thing to me, and I should have been prepared."

"Miss, I didn't take good care of you."

Miss Maxim also said, Shade shook his head:

"Don't talk about it yet. Even if the clues you have are pieced together in advance, they may not point to the truth. Besides, you never thought that such a thing would happen before. My reasoning on this matter now, the evidence comes from yours Memory and Miss Malone’s identification, but this is not enough, I think the final evidence should be in Miss Malone’s memory.”

So the witches all looked at this "ordinary person". In fact, they all had questions in their minds, so Shade spoke out for them;

"But there are still questions about Miss Malone, such as why she lost her memory before boarding the ship, why the girl who was supposed to sleep with her disappeared, and why she traveled first class even though she didn't steal anything. The customer said he lost a valuable antique."

Miss Malone pursed her lips and looked at Shade. She was wrapped in a blanket like the others, but she looked more fragile than the others. Her long black hair was wet and clinging softly to her skin, and the emotions in her blue eyes were quite complex.

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