Whispering Verse

Chapter 2203 Miss Malone’s Memory

Miss Malone just stared at Shade and asked in one word:

"Are you trying to say that I'm related to that cult group?"

"No, of course not. But I guess that the lost 'antique' is related to the [Dragon Feast Order]."

Shade said, and reminded the witches:

"At that time, the cultists were organizing to sacrifice the lives of the entire ship, possibly including themselves. In this case, why were there so many crew members helping the first-class lady find things?"

Shade easily discovered this doubt from an outsider's perspective, and Miss Theresa, who was shrinking next to him, also understood:

"You mean, that thing is related to the real intention of their actions?"

"Yes, the size of the antique must not be very large, and it does not have enough power for witches to detect easily. When it comes to dragons, the first thing I think of is dragon scales, but in fact"

"It's not a dragon scale. That valuable item is an egg, a dead dragon egg."

Miss Malone said suddenly, and then she realized that her voice was a bit loud. She lowered her head dejectedly and added in a small voice:

"Somehow, I suddenly knew about this."

Shade nodded to her hesitantly:

"Then everything is explained, but I'm afraid you haven't fully figured out your memory yet, right?"

"Yes, I feel very confused now. Could I be the baby dragon in that egg that was supposed to die?"

She was asking Shade and the witches for help, but no one could answer the question. Only Professor Evans pulled the blanket around him and said hesitantly in the light and shadow of the flames:

"Under normal circumstances, even dragon eggs that cannot hatch into young dragons should not be left outside. The concept of fertility of dragons is very different from that of humans. Dragon eggs that cannot hatch usually become the first eggs of young dragons that hatch successfully. A meal. But since the egg is really lost, it means that the creature in the egg is really dead. Even if it is not dead, its soul will not be as complete as you are now."

Professor Evans looked at Shade, and Shade nodded:

"Yes, your soul is a complete soul. Whatever you are, you are alive."

The black-haired girl looked at her hands, doubting her own existence:

"So what am I?"

"You should also be related to the 'Brilliant Messenger' itself. You have described the details of life on that ship. This is not what the egg should know."

Shade went on to say, Miss Malone looked at him as if grabbing a savior, and even grabbed his hand in Miss Theresa's very dissatisfied eyes:

"I'm not fake, am I?"

Her lips were a little white, in fact her whole face was a little white:

"I am a real person, and I won't disappear when you finally reveal the truth, right?"

"I don't think so."

Miss Maggie Malone, who originally had a strange face, now seemed to Shade to have a face that was actually somewhat similar to Miss Elise:

"But no matter what, you have to figure out what you have forgotten. Now come with us, let us witness your memory and explore the final truth."

The brazier placed in the center of the floating board was floated by the witches' spells, and then a group of five people walked to the edge of the floating board where the god was. Although she was a little dissatisfied with Miss Malone's "unauthorized" approach to Shade, Miss Theresa could also see that her identity would determine whether the group could successfully leave here, so she did not stop the poor girl. Take Shade's hand.

The witches hid behind Shade, and Shade said to God:

"God, I already have a rough idea of ​​what happened. I also already know how to rescue the child you want me to help save. The final evidence is in the last memory. Please allow me to do the final fishing."

The witches waited until Shade finished speaking, then timidly bowed to the gods. The childlike gods smiled at them, and then looked at Shade:

"If you only want to complete the task given by the tree father, you can leave immediately after this fishing. Saving that child is the task I want you to complete. You are also a child in my eyes, and I must remind you that this is dangerous .”

"I've experienced a lot of dangers, and besides, aren't you here?"

As Sha De said, the god laughed again, and the fishing rod came back into Sha De's hands.

The "baits" given by the three Miss Teresa were all related to their past experiences and wishes. Because Miss Malone could not remember the past, she insisted on saying "no wishes" at the time, and finally gave It's blood and hair.

At this time, the blood and hair were in the small test tube. Shade carefully wrapped the fishing line around it, and then threw it to the sea under the worried gaze of everyone.

A campfire was placed here, lighting up a corner of the edge of the floating board. The light and shadow swayed and jumped with the wind and waves. When the sudden huge force almost dragged Shade into the sea, Miss Teresa hugged Shade's waist, while Miss Maxim and Professor Evans held on to each other respectively. Taking Xia De's hand, everyone worked together to pull up the things in the sea.

This time, what was entangled with the fishing line was a beautiful glass goblet. When Shade picked up the glass, without even raising his hand to touch it, the light automatically emitted.

It's just that the phantom this time was completely different from the past. What the witches and Shade saw was not a scene from the past that appeared on the floating board. After a brief flash of white light, the setting sun actually illuminated everyone's eyes. face.

"what's the situation?"

The setting sun was not dazzling at all originally, but because everyone's eyes had adapted to the darkness of the Sunless Sea, the sudden appearance of the setting sun made them all subconsciously close their eyes. Then when he looked around, he saw a group of people standing on the deck of a huge cruise ship. As the sun sets, the clean deck even seems to glow due to the reflection.

Except for Shade, they all recognized where this was:

"Brilliant Messenger!"

"Is this ship really that big?"


The strangers and the cat, who had never seen the world, looked around in surprise. Of course, the cat was probably surprised because the sun came out so quickly.

Miss Malone, who was supposed to be standing with everyone, disappeared, but there was a girl who looked very similar to her standing on the bow of the boat.

It's just that the girl's body is almost completely transparent, and the setting sun passes through her body, as if it is dyeing her into a hazy color. She was holding a wine glass in her hand, and she could barely tell that her hair color was sky blue, not the familiar black.

"Go ahead."

Although she didn't know what the situation was, Miss Theresa tugged on Shade's sleeve. Shade nodded and walked up. After standing side by side with the girl, he discovered that the face was not Miss Malone. It was very similar, but not exactly the same.

She ignored Xia De, who was standing with her without permission, and still looked at the sunset with a sad look on her face while holding the wine glass, so Xia De took the initiative to ask:

"Madam, you are not here lamenting life and longing to jump off because you are forced to marry a rich boyfriend you don't like, right?"

The lady holding the wine glass still didn't look at him, but at least she spoke:

"Is this a new way to strike up a conversation? Can you see me?"

"Yes, am I honored to be the first human to talk to you?"

Shade asked again. The graceful girl did not answer, but it was obvious that Shade must have guessed correctly.

"You seem troubled?"

He continued to ask, and the girl with blue hair and blue eyes shook the wine glass in her hand, and then nodded slightly:

"I don't know what I am, nor why I was born, nor what the meaning of my existence is. Before this conversation started, I didn't even know if I was someone's dream. After all, no one To be able to prove that I existed.”

She threw the wine glass she got from nowhere directly into the boat:

"Even this sun has its own meaning. It sets and rises, shining on the earth, but I don't know anything."


Probably because it was no longer raining here, the cat managed to get out of the clothes, quickly climbed onto Shade's shoulder, and stared at the setting sun in the distance with wide eyes. This place seems like a fantasy, but it doesn't seem to be a fantasy. This is probably a real memory.

"Don't know what you are? So do you want to hear my story?"

Shade still looked at her with a smile. He understood her thoughts at this time:

"I come from a very far away place, and when I woke up from the chaos, I found that I could never go back to a familiar place. I was a very lonely person in a strange city. There were seemingly friendly people around me. , in my opinion, they are not my kind at all. At that time, I also had similar thoughts: What do I mean to this world?"

The girl with blue eyes was stunned for a moment. No one on this ship could lie to her. She could even feel the thoughts and moods of everyone who boarded the ship. Although this kind of telepathy was ineffective against the man in front of her, she still felt that these words were not false. So, she made a request:

"I thought you just wanted to capture me and study the reason for my birth. Can you let me feel your heart?"

Although he didn't know what she wanted to do, Shade guessed that the other party wanted to resonate with his emotions:

"Of course, if that's what you want."

So she reached out and took his hand, turned around and looked at him face to face at the bow of the ship at the end of the deck under the setting sun. After the two pairs of eyes looked at each other for a few seconds, the blue-eyed girl stretched her head forward slightly until her forehead rested against Shade's.

Both of them closed their eyes. As loneliness and confusion surged toward Shade like a sea wave, the blue-eyed girl holding his hand also felt his feelings.

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