Whispering Verse

Chapter 2217 Vampire Secret Technique

Emilia became more and more excited:

"Okay! I want to collect shells, conches, and fish! Oh, can we let little Liana go with us? I want to ride it and fly on the sea, and it has never seen anything like this before. Where’s the frozen ocean?”

St. Byrons is located on the large ice cap in the far north. It is actually very close to the sea called the "Arctic Ice Sea", but that sea only thaws for two months a year, and is full of ice floes. , so it is still very different from the ocean in Yuewan.

"I'll figure it out then. Don't think I'm verbose. I'll stress it again. You have to pay attention to what's going on around you this week. If anything goes wrong, tell me immediately. If I don't show up, tell Earl Belindle immediately. Okay?"

Shade asked again, and the elf girl nodded again and carefully hid her little thoughts.

After settling down Emilia, Shade told Miss Belindel that they must pay attention to whether there were any abnormal phenomena near the manor in the past few days, and then said goodbye to them. Of course, little Mia was temporarily left at Belinder Manor by Shade, and Emilia was asked to help take care of her. On the one hand, this is to let Emilia know that he will come back in the evening. On the other hand, it is also to hope that the elf girl and the little unicorn will not feel so lonely in a strange place with the company of a "familiar cat".

【What a method. 】

"She" spoke softly in my ear.

On this Sunday afternoon, the meeting place between Shade and Mr. Bernhardt was still the Spider Hotel, but before entering, the chickens that roamed in the yard of the hotel for some reason stared at Shade and followed his footsteps. They walked all the way and waited until he came in before leaving.

Shade told this matter to Mr. Bernhardt, who had arrived one step ahead. The latter waved his hand and ignored Shade's topic. It can be seen that he looks much more haggard than when they last met half a week ago. Shade guessed that his investigation was not going well:

"Is the origin of the hybrid monster in the sewer related to the city of Willondale?"

As he asked, he looked at the other people in the hotel. On a Sunday afternoon, even this worst drinking place in the slums had a lot of people. Of course, most people come here just to kill time, and most of them play cards.

"It's irrelevant. My compatriots and the great elders from Willundale have verified it for me."

Mr. Bernhardt shook his head, his expression getting darker and darker:

"This shows that there are indeed people of the same race who have betrayed the cult in Yuewan City. Using our blood to create monsters is a great blasphemy for vampires. But the situation is tense now, and there are rumors that something big is going to happen here in Yuewan , Willondale is unable to send anyone here to investigate for the time being. So the cult gave me this task."

He laughed dryly:

"Not only did they grant me a generous operation fund, they also sent me several good relic weapons. In fact, I have been pursuing this matter for a long time, and I would not give up even if I didn't have these. Since the cult attaches so much importance, It can only mean that this matter must be quite big.”

"It doesn't matter, we have to continue the investigation anyway, and it's a good thing to have additional support now. So, is there any progress in the investigation of Yuewan?"

Shade asked again. Mr. Bernhardt let out a long sigh, as if he wanted to let out all the depression in his heart, and then picked up the wine glass and took a sip:

"At least I confirmed that Ptolemy had nothing to do with this matter. I won't go into details about the method I used, but I'm sure he was not involved. In the past half week, I relied on my local connections to visit many local people of the same race. , probably identifying the candidates who are likely to cooperate with the [Dragon Cult]."

The candidate can be selected in half a week, not because Mr. Bernhardt is very efficient, but because there are not many vampires who meet the bloodline requirements.

"Is there anything missing?"

Shade then asked, Mr. Bernhardt nodded helplessly:

"Of course there will be, this is just the first step of screening. But I won't visit them today. With the support of the sect, I can use the identity of the sect to test the suspects first. Once the target is basically determined, Please come with me again. If there is any danger, I may not be able to fight it myself."

Although he was also in the seventh ring, he knew very well that Shade across the table might be able to defeat him with one hand.

"No problem, do you have time tonight? I want to capture that vampire monster. The plan has been made, it just depends on whether our bait can work."

"no problem."

Mr. Bernhardt picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Shade, and sighed softly:

"In the end, I got into trouble."

The information about the vampire monster was provided by Miss Belindel. The detailed information that Shade currently has is the general area where the monster operates, and that the thing likes the blood of drunken virgins under the age of 25.

During lunch at Belindel Manor, Shade also mentioned this matter to the witch, so she helped with a divination and believed that Shade's actions tonight would most likely yield some results.

Therefore, Shade devised a simple bait plan, in which the bait was, of course, a "drunk virgin under the age of 25." Such a girl is very easy to find at Belindel Manor, because the Countess' age did not meet the requirements, so she recommended her apprentice and head maid, Miss Matilda, to assist Shade.

However, this suggestion was also rejected by Shade. The church was also investigating the matter, so he did not want anyone from Belindel Manor to be involved in this matter. Therefore, after getting an answer from Mr. Bernhardt at the Spider Hotel in the afternoon that he was willing to work together, and learning about a wonderful vampire secret method, he returned to Belindel Manor in the evening and simply asked the witch for the appropriate amount of money. Blood required.

"So, you want to dress up as a woman, carry that blood, and walk around Moon Bay tonight like a girl?"

At the dinner table, the Countess asked Shade curiously. Shade suddenly thought of the [Metamorphosis Ring]. Emilia's pointed ears moved and she looked at Shade curiously. Shade immediately shook his head:

"Of course not, I don't have that kind of weird hobby. My vampire friend can make the smell of blood from one person exactly the same as that of another person. I plan to use this method to make those blood The smell of it tainted my body, and then I used illusions to disguise myself."

"But wouldn't that monster be suspicious?"

Amelia asked curiously, Shade didn't hide this from her.

"It doesn't matter. My vampire friend added some 'material' to the blood, which can make the monster lose its mind and want to suck it when it smells it. It's like..."

Shade looked around to give an example, and then he saw little Mia:

"Like catnip does to cats."

So the ladies nodded in understanding, and Shade thought that little Mia seemed to have never seen catnip.

After dinner, Shade hurried to the sewer autopsy room at the end of Spider Alley, where Mr. Ptolemy Albert and Mr. Bernhardt cast spells to help Shade get infected with the alluring smell of blood.

The process of the ceremony is very simple, but it is quite troublesome for Shade. Because he needs to wear simple clothes and lie on a stone platform with a human-shaped groove, and two vampires will pour the potion made of "drunken virgin blood" into the groove until Shade's whole body is submerged. .

It is worth mentioning that the extra chicken blood is used to turn a small bottle of blood into a large bucket of blood. As for what the stone platform with the human-shaped grooves was originally used for. The coroner in a burqa kindly advised Shade not to ask:

"This is an antique I acquired, related to some ancient criminal laws."

In short, Shade held his breath for five minutes while being drowned in blood. During this period, the ritual symbols carved with blood on the stone platform lit up one after another, until the blood that had drowned Shade also began to emit a scarlet light. The temperature of the blood changes from cold to hot, and then drops to such a low temperature that it seems to freeze.

The sounds of Herr Bernhardt and Herr Albert, the coroner, chanting incantations became strangely strange because of the isolation of the liquid. After receiving the tapping signal of "dong dong dong~", Shade suddenly sat up from the stone platform, panting heavily and wiping the red liquid on his face:

"I wonder if this ritual is a bit exaggerated. I have never used a ritual that requires so much blood."

"The monster's sense of smell is very sensitive, and we don't want the smell of blood on your heels or other parts to reveal that you are a male due to an oversight."

Mr. Bernhardt joked on the sidelines, and the coroner gave Shad a wet towel stained with a special agent and asked him to wipe the liquid off his body.

"But do I really have the 'smell of virgin blood' now? Why didn't I smell it?"

He tried to twitch his nose, and then coughed a few times due to the smell of blood.

"This is not a smell that human noses can smell, but the smell is quite obvious to the two of us. To give an inappropriate example, you are almost like wearing the highest-end women's perfume now,"

Mr. Bernhardt said, and Mr. Albert looked up and down at Shade:

"Although we trust your illusion skills, to be on the safe side, I suggest you drink some wine and stay tipsy."

Shade hesitated for a moment:

"With my physical condition, it's hard for me to imagine how I could get drunk. Well, I tried to control myself. Speaking of which, I have never been drunk in my life."

The stranger's words surprised the two vampires, and Mr. Albert even asked:

"Are you naturally good at drinking?"

"No, I don't like drinking very much. Even if I want to drink, I am very cautious, so I have never been drunk."

So the vampire coroner expressed his admiration without hesitation:

"If those drunkards who died drunkenly on the streets, fell to their deaths, or fought to death had thoughts like yours, my daily work would be many times easier."

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