Whispering Verse

Chapter 2218

Shade had all kinds of alcohol on him, and the coroner also provided alcohol for disinfection in the autopsy room. Mr. Bernhardt gave the suggestion that "drinking together may make you more likely to get drunk." So the wine and disinfectant alcohol were mixed with each other, and after accepting the blessings of the two vampires, Shade drank it in one gulp.

For today's foreigners, the strength of his physical fitness is not only reflected in his ability to easily punch through a wall, but also in his ability to control his own power.

Even if a high-level warlock has not specifically learned thaumaturgy to enhance physical fitness, nor has he performed a ritual to permanently enhance his physical fitness, his power will far exceed that of ordinary humans. After all, a high-level magician is not a pure spellcasting profession. But high-level sorcerers like Miss Carina never crush the glass when picking up a wine glass in their daily lives. Those famous thirteen-level sorcerers do not need to use particularly strong spoons and spoons when eating. Table knife, this is the embodiment of true power.

Of course, Shade can control his body in this way, so even if he hangs out with high-level witches on his bed, he never worries that the bed will collapse again. Just be careful not to be as crazy as that time. In short, controlling strength and controlling the body's response to alcohol are both manifestations of qualified control of one's body.

Therefore, after he drank the glass of bad-colored wine, his face showed a distorted expression that was extremely difficult to describe in words in the eyes of Mr. Bernhardt and Mr. Albert. Shade shook his head, and then his whole face began to turn red:

"I bet what I just swallowed was more violent than the fire in the center of the earth."

"Look at what he said, I bet he's drunk."

Mr. Bernhardt breathed a sigh of relief, and the coroner cautiously stretched out three fingers in front of Shade:

"What number is this?"

Shade, who felt a strange and slightly dizzy feeling, blinked:


"Great, let's start planning."

Miss Belindell has marked out on the map the location where the vampire monster may appear tonight, which is the vast lower town on the west bank of the Taton River centered on Herring Street.

Shade put on the "drunkard's clothes" provided by Mr. Bernhardt and staggered into the "Barking Dog Tavern" on Herring Street at eight o'clock in the evening. Not long after, he was carrying a black bottle of Lang Rumujiu staggered out again.

At this time, he had used illusion to disguise himself. Of course, Shade could not be stupid enough to pretend to be a noble lady in the lower city at such a late hour, so his appearance at this time looked more like "Prin." The one-eyed Lady Anne Bonny in Seth's Trading Partners.

In order to prevent herself from getting into trouble because of her appearance, Shade also made slight adjustments to her specific appearance, striving to make the best disguise without causing trouble.

Mr. Albert, the coroner, was on duty tonight and therefore did not follow. Only Mr. Bernhardt was responsible for the response at a distance. Shade also knew that the possibility of encountering the monster attack when he went out was very low, so after staggering out of the tavern, he leaned against the gas lamp pole by the roadside and pretended to be too drunk and needed a rest.

Both vampires said that the smell of blood on Shade's current body could be spread through the wind, so Shade deliberately chose a location with a wind outlet. When he felt that he had almost stopped, he carried the bottle of wine and staggered towards the bank of the Tatton River.

[It’s nothing like just pretending to be drunk. Do you want to say something? 】

"She" asked with a gentle smile, so Shade started muttering things like "Why do I have no money" and "Those damn thieves". But after talking for a while, he felt that this was not the reaction of a drunk person, so he turned to humming the Delarian folk songs he had heard in a quite off-key voice. The lyrics were naturally made up casually. Shade hoped that he could Showing the vulgarity of a drunken bastard:

"A cat ran from a distance,

Meowing and staring at my jujube,

I said cat, do you like to eat birds?

If you don’t eat it, catch fleas for me. "

[Some are too vulgar. 】

"She" reminded somewhat angrily.

"Yeah sorry."

So Shade just hummed.

He soon came to the streets along the river. In response to the city hall's call to "save energy," the street lights along the river are now turned off intermittently. Because of this, the streets along the river at night seemed darker than ever before. Coupled with people's worries about the current situation and the rumors that "the Taton River is home to countless unlucky people", when Shade came to this street , there wasn’t even a person on the road.

He staggered towards the railing by the river, then lay down on the railing and made a sound of retching. His head drooped downwards, and he pretended to lie on the railing and fell asleep. Shade himself praised his superb performance in his heart, but it was a pity that even after lying on the railing and "sleeping" for more than ten minutes, he failed to attract the target.

So he let out another long "hum" and pretended to be waking up from a dream. After looking around, he took the bottle and walked along the street towards the south. As he walked, he said some words that he himself could not understand. Intermittent comments were also mixed with criticisms of the government and the royal family, as well as some desires for sudden wealth.

After walking two hundred meters, Shade's feet simply gave out and he lay down directly on the stone bench by the river. His hands slowly climbed up the bench, letting his body cover the bench like an insect's chrysalis. After lying down, he pulled a crumpled newspaper from his pocket and covered himself. Then he curled up his legs and fell asleep directly on the stool. And on the upward page of the newspaper, coincidentally, there was a picture of Margaret.

[I feel like you are very skilled at doing this kind of thing. 】

"She" said in Shade's heart again. Shade kept his breathing with his eyes closed, trying hard not to disrupt his breathing rate:

"If I had not inherited the detective agency but fled directly, my original plan would have been to find a similar place to deal with it for one night. Why haven't I come yet?"

Shade, who was quite perseverant, lay on a bench along the river for more than an hour on this very low summer night. When it was close to ten o'clock in the evening and his drunken feeling had long since disappeared, some strange feeling of being watched finally appeared.

Ring warlocks with high perception can easily detect the behavior of "looking", but at this time, Shade only felt the eyes staring at him suddenly, as if licking his skin. This feeling was quite uncomfortable. Even if Shade tried to imagine this as little Mia licking goat's milk, he had to control his body not to get goosebumps.

"What direction?"

[The distance is too far, please wait. 】

He said to wait, but it was only a second.

[On the roof in the northeast, the target used illusion. I can't see the specific appearance at the moment, but it's most likely the same person you met with the witch in the alley last Sunday. 】

Shade was currently curled up, his face facing the direction of the Taton River, so the thing was staring at his back.

[The opponent moved and turned into a colony of bats. It entered the alley in the blind spot and walked out. It looked like a woman with blond hair and a high nose. 】

"Is it also an illusion?"

[No, transfiguration. 】

The sound of high heels hitting the pavement was not concealed at all, and the humanoid monster with "blond hair and a high nose" walked straight towards Shade. Shade, who was curled up on the bench, seemed to wake up in a daze because he heard the footsteps.

Before the woman came completely close, he sat up on the chair, still holding the black bottle of rum in his left hand.

"Ma'am, are you okay?"

The blond "woman" with a high nose asked. Shade let the newspaper covering his body blow away in the wind, looked up at her, and then had to admit that the other party was really good at deforming. She couldn't be called very beautiful, but she was very approachable.

"I'm fine, just a little drunk."

As he spoke, he staggered and tried to stand up, and the humanoid monster naturally stretched out his hand to support Shade:

"I can't let you go back by yourself so late. Where do you live? Shall I take you back? Girls need to help each other."

"I'm fine, I'm really fine. Well, I'm probably a little drunk."

The two of them walked together towards the alley with no lights at all when the woman appeared. At the moment when Shade's figure was completely obscured by the shadows in the alley, the "woman" who was originally supporting him turned her head and opened her mouth. The flame of desire is kindled:

"Honey, you are so beautiful, I want to give you a kiss."

In the open mouth were the fangs of the vampire race, and it bit Shade's neck in one bite.

But after a soft sound, Shade exploded into a swarm of red butterflies on the spot. The "woman" who bit the empty piece opened her eyes in surprise, and then the black wine bottle exploded from its head, causing it to scream:

"Black blood!"

What was in the bottle was not rum, but another alcohol that smelled of blood. The alcohol stained the woman's skin, and the skin immediately began to fester and expose the flesh and blood tissue underneath the skin.

"Black blood" is a strange magic potion specially used to deal with vampires. It has only a small amount of toxicity to races other than vampires. In addition to "external use", you can also drink the magic potion to make your blood vessels contain the toxic components of "black blood" within a few hours, in order to assassinate those vampire races who dare to suck blood.

The formula of this strange potion is strictly controlled by the [Vampire Order]. The finished potion this time is a support item sent to Mr. Bernhardt by Willendale.

The effect of this potion was even better than Shade thought. Although the blood-sucking monster summoned a gust of wind at the moment the bottle exploded, at least one third of the alcohol was blown away, but the remaining liquid was poured on it. On his body, in just a few seconds, its flesh and blood collapsed in front of Sha De's eyes, as if melting.

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