Whispering Verse

Chapter 2220 Brawl

The face of the vampire monster hidden under the hood is dark and uncertain, and the cultists are also waiting for its answer. But it suddenly raised its head and took off the hood of its robe, revealing its big bald head and face covered with scars:

"You created me, but I was not born of you."

The cultist under the moon frowned and looked at it:

"You want to rebel against your Creator?"

"You who claim to be creators know less about what awe is than I do."

As the words fell, the blood mist erupted behind it formed the shape of dragon wings, causing it to fly directly into the sky. The cultist with black dragon scales on his face stood on the beach and watched the opponent fly higher and higher, then took out a strange-looking, finger-shaped bone whistle and put it in his mouth:


The sound of the whistle was not sharp, but rather low. It was just a strange sound in Shade's ears, but it made the monster that had already risen into the air scream and fall back to the ground heavily.

The sound of the waves slightly suppressed the whistle, and things seemed to be getting more and more interesting.

"Why don't you think about it carefully? Since we created you, do you think we didn't think that you would resist us?"

The cultist with black dragon scales on his face asked with a smile, but the whistle was still in his mouth when he spoke, and he did not relax at all:

"I admit, it's unexpected that you used that prostitute's body to escape while that damn Black was taking people to have fun, but it's better to let yourself learn to grow and fight than in a dirty laboratory in the sewers. Much better.”

He took a sharp breath and blew the strange bone whistle again. After confirming that the screaming and rolling monster on the ground was not in disguise, he slowly approached it:

"Take me now to see what you find underground. Don't think that I dare not kill you. If we can create the first you, we can create the second one."

He deliberately spoke in a very relaxed tone, but Shade could see that his whole body was nervously wary of the monster lying on the beach. The dim moonlight illuminated this scene. Although there was no evidence, the silver cat knew in his heart that the man had probably fallen into a trap.

So in the next second, the humanoid monster on the beach exploded on the spot like a steam bomb. While the highly corrosive blood mist expanded, the man with black dragon scales on his face stepped back and blew the whistle again.



The sound of the whistle came out successfully, but was immediately overwhelmed by another, sharper and weirder sound.

From the blood mist, a bat monster with one-third of its body covered in dragon scales flapped its wings and glided out. The sound waves emitted from its wide-open mouth overwhelmed the volume of the whistle.

Not only that, the sound waves emitted by the bat monster even caused blood to ooze from the cultists' ears. He quickly retreated while trying to make a louder sound with the whistle, but within seconds the bone whistle exploded into pieces due to the sound waves.

The strong sound waves eventually caused the cultist to fall down on the beach with bleeding from all his orifices, his body twitching and falling into a predicament of being unable to move. This scene was exactly the opposite of what he had just done.

But the bat monster flying on the beach did not kill him, but looked towards the beach closer to the city.

No one showed up, but the wind blade struck out by the sword appeared first. The bat monster relied on its extremely fast speed to avoid the attack in the air, and then dozens of bloody bats flew out of its body in the direction of the attack.

John Flynn, holding an invisible sword, was seen quickly arriving on the beach, but the two people the Dragon Feast Order used to cut off and his own teammates did not appear.

He only took a few glances to see the current situation clearly. The huge six-ring life ring appeared behind him, which allowed Shade to see his core spiritual runes: Enlightenment [Knight], [Movement] and [Life].

Miracle - [Blade] At the same time as the golden aura emerged, John Flynn jumped upwards and disappeared into the air. After a soft bang~, he appeared behind the bat monster in the air, with an invisible hand in his hand. The sword was completely released, and the long sword with its slender blade and elven runes penetrated directly into the heart of the bat monster, which did not expect its opponent to have the ability to move in space.

The two fell together, but before landing, the monster turned into scarlet blood mist again and fled towards the ocean.

The wind blade was swung out by the long sword again, but unfortunately the invisible wind was not very effective against monsters in the fog state. Fortunately, on the ocean illuminated by the moonlight, Shade's figure appeared silently, and spit out an even more terrifying red mist at the blood mist:

"Corrupted Blood Mist!"

The red mist transformed by the monster hit the blood mist spitted out by Shade, and the screams were heard for the first time tonight. It desperately tried to retreat back to the beach, drawing an S-shaped trajectory in the air and falling. When it fell heavily on the sand, it had once again turned into a pool of blood-red mud shrouded in black robes, but the next moment the blood The mist surged out again, wanting to help it heal as quickly as possible.

"The vitality is so tenacious."

Shade also followed it to the beach. If there was such a big noise here, the church team should arrive soon. Time was tight and Shade didn't say anything nonsense. The dark chains emerging from his sleeves left traces on the beach like a long snake, and immediately locked the monster that emerged from the blood mist tightly.

"What kind of fog is this? Flesh! Scarlet! Corruption! Withering! Who are you!"

Before completely losing the ability to move, the monster whose skin was completely corroded still roared and asked Shade, who was standing on the beach with his back to the moon on the sea.

Of course, Shade ignored him, but looked at the young man walking towards him with a long sword.

The "Wind King's Sword" once again hid the sword body, but Shade could still roughly sense the existence of the weapon by relying on the fluctuations of the spirit. In order to successfully disguise himself tonight, he did not carry any weapons, and even the ones he used just now were newly acquired thaumaturgy. But fortunately, the man walking towards him was not his enemy.

Although Shade believed that the other party was a "young man," John Flynn's appearance was that he was in his twenties, but his actual age was estimated to be upwards of thirty. He stopped at just the right place, but he didn't recognize who the man who could spit out blood mist was.

"You want it too?"

Shade took the initiative to ask, but John Flynn shook his head:

"Although I do want it and its secrets, you caught it, so this is your trophy. Even if I wanted to take it away from you, I would only track and investigate you later, not Take action now."

He took the initiative to withdraw the life ring from behind, turned his back to Shade and looked in the direction of the city:

"My companions just delayed the two cultists and did not come."

But it was not his companions and the two cultists who stepped into the beach. The swarms of bloody bats almost covered the entire starry sky, and then the bats condensed into two figures. One is naturally Mr. Bernhardt. His right hand is holding his left shoulder and his condition does not look good. Although the other one is also a vampire, he is not the two people Shade saw just now.

The person who appeared holding the black top hat was undoubtedly a high-level warlock. He did not hide his true appearance as a vampire. On his dehydrated and wrinkled face, the two sharp teeth exposed in the mouth shone coldly in the middle of the night.

As soon as he appeared, he abandoned Mr. Bernhardt, passed over John Flynn's head, turned into blood and rushed towards Shade, who was closest to the ocean on the beach. As Shade spurted out another mouthful of blood mist, the high-ring vampire immediately retreated to his original position, regained his human form and nervously played with his hat, whispering softly:

"What kind of thaumaturgy is this? It's like a power that specifically targets blood. It corrupts flesh and blood. What have the guys in Willendale discovered?"

It seemed that he regarded Shade as a vampire.

"The two people were seriously injured by me just now. When I wanted to question them, this guy appeared. He is also a member of the [Blood Spirit School]. He is very powerful. Nine or ten rings."

Mr. Bernhard answered Shade's doubts and retreated to him panting. But after he got closer, Xia De realized that his injuries were not particularly serious.

Excluding the monster currently chained by the [Sin Chain] and the black dragon-scaled man seriously injured by the [Dragon Eater Order], the current situation seems to be one to three. The holder of the [Wind King's Sword] obviously also regards the vampire as an enemy. .

But before the people who were sizing each other up could test each other, a figure appeared again from the direction of the city.

The lady who had just followed John Flynn entered the beach area under the cover of a strong man holding a hammer, and behind them, two cultists from the [Dragon Feast Order] followed closely. .

The four of them had obviously gone through a battle, and it was obvious that the two from the [New World Mutual Aid Association] were at a disadvantage. But they were stunned when they came to the beach. They didn't expect that there were so many people here. It's just that no one took the lead. The high-level vampire didn't even stop the three people from the [New World Mutual Aid Association] from reuniting, and Mr. Shade and Bernhardt didn't stop the two cultists from rescuing their seriously injured companions.

So the situation became between Shade and Mr. Bernhardt, the three members of the [New World Mutual Aid Association] headed by John Flynn, the high-level vampires of the [Blood Spirit School], and the [Dragon Cult] with the power of the dragon. There are three people in the group, a total of 9 people from all directions facing each other.

Everyone knew that the church's team would appear at any time, but no one was in a hurry to take action. The weather at the pier is sunny tonight, and the evening breeze with the sound of waves is even pleasant. People from all directions looked at each other, and as people adjusted their positions little by little, they finally became people from all directions standing around the blood-sucking monsters that were still motionless.

Everyone's goal was it, and in the end, among the sound of the waves, the first noise that appeared was that the dark chains loosened the monster that had lost its fighting power, and returned to Shade along the groove just pulled out on the beach. in the sleeve.

Shade even deliberately made the chain make such a loud noise to test the patience of others. So, just when the last section of the chain broke away from the sand and penetrated into Shade's sleeve, everyone moved at the same time.

In addition to Shade, eight people's life rings appeared behind them at the same time. There was no possibility of holding back in such a chaotic situation. And in the four-color aura that was enough to illuminate the entire beach, Shade, who did not summon the life ring, suddenly raised his right foot and stepped on the sand.

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