Whispering Verse

Chapter 2221 Scarlet Breath

Since there was no life ring summoned, Shade was the fastest caster.

As his right foot touched the ground, a scarlet light emerged under his feet. At the same time, a pillar of blood mist like a volcanic eruption erupted from the bottom of the beach in the distance, and the center point of the explosion was just below the three people of the [Dragon Feast Order]. .

Although the man with black dragon scales on his face had not yet recovered, he still managed to escape the mist with the help of his companions. He had just witnessed the power of this move, and he did not forget to remind him:

"Don't come into contact with that blood mist. He is probably a very powerful vampire. This corrosive blood mist can't even stop the dragon scales of the things we cultivate!"

The blood mist after the explosion did not dissipate but dyed a large area of ​​sand red, and even caused blood and cracks like abscesses to appear on the surface of the sand. The high-ring vampires and the three members of the [New World Mutual Aid Association] who had already made contact consciously avoided that area. The four of them were all from the New World and seemed to know each other.

Although the cultists who were unable to dodge avoided the first wave of blood mist, they still stepped on the scarlet sand that quickly became weird.

Just touching the ground, the slight curse and the discomfort of their skin seeming to melt already made them feel wrong. And seeing Mr. Bernhard standing outside the scarlet sand, preparing to intercept, while Shade, the spellcaster, stepped directly on the sand, they understood that this was the home ground of these two vampires.

That's right. The corroded sand will not affect Shade, but the blood mist burst just now consumes a lot of spirit.

He still did not summon the life ring, but raised his hand and a bloody moonlight struck forward. He rarely used the power of "Red Moon" to use "Moonlight Slash", but this slash, which was almost bloody, had an almost ruby-like sheen.

The three cultists immediately gathered together, and the spiritual runes about the "dragon" in the three life circles glowed at the same time. The next second, a dragon scale phantom that was as tall as a person appeared directly in front of the three people, and as red jade-like luminous debris scattered, the dragon scale shield shattered, and at this time Xia The second ray of red moon light struck by De has also arrived in front of them.

"That vampire is a high-level warlock, let's capture him separately!"

The seriously injured cultist with jet-black dragon scales once again held up the shield, and after the shield was broken in the next second, at the cost of being completely comatose, he relied on the alienated dragon scales on his body to resist Shade's blow.

The scarlet sand has had an increasingly serious impact on these people with the power of dragons. The two people who were born with dragon horns and whose right hands transformed into dragon claws cannot fly, but they rely on their strong physical qualities to win over their companions. In a moment of opportunity, he bent his legs and almost catapulted towards Shade's direction.

They did not choose long-range spell battle, because obviously they could not take the attack of light or blood blade. The power of the dragon gave them extreme confidence in their physical strength, and the development of thaumaturgy caused the alienated form of the dragon on their bodies to expand more and more.

But Shade stood still and didn't even think about opening the shield.

He stared angrily and took a deep breath——


A week later, the roar of the dragon finally exploded at the pier of Yuewan Bay again. The sound wave containing a huge amount of energy even formed circles of strange ripples on the sand centered on Shade's standing point. The two cultists closest to Shade maintained a charging posture while blood oozed from their ears at the same time, and fell to the scarlet sand as if their whole bodies were stiff.

At that moment, the dragon's roar sounded, and what they heard was clearly the pure-blooded ancient dragon roaring in front of them. The effect of the suppression from the dragon's upper bloodline is even better than the sonic attack produced by the "Thumbs-Dragon Roar" itself.

Even Mr. Bernhardt, who was standing next to the scarlet sand, couldn't help but cover his ears and didn't pay attention to the fighting here. The four people fighting in the melee were shocked by the sudden dragon roar. The same illusion occurred at the same time:

"No, those three guys from the Dragon Feast Order summoned the dragon!"

They stopped at the same time and turned around to see that the source of the sound was clearly Shade in human form. I had a bad association in my mind, and even thought that this person was an ancient dragon transformed into a human. But they immediately denied this ridiculous conjecture, and the two people who fell stiffly on the ground also got up with difficulty at this time, and then kept the life rings behind their backs from disappearing, mustering up the last strength to wave at Sha De at the same time. The fist came out:

"The power of the black dragon!"

"The Fist of Samor!"

Shade still did not dodge, [Red Dragon Power] was turned on, and after obtaining the profane - [Dragon] spirit rune, although this spell has not yet been transformed into thaumaturgy, its effect has undergone a qualitative change, Shade I believe this has something to do with the flesh and blood he devoured.

Even though he didn't call out the life ring, when he fully mobilized his power, the sound of breaking through the air at the moment of punching was still like a dragon's roar. So the four fists of the three people collided. In the heart-wrenching sound of bones shattering, the right arms of the two cultists exploded into blood mist at the same time, and their bodies flew backwards towards The moonlight did not illuminate the darkness at the edge of the beach.

Shade glanced at his fist, then looked at the direction in which the two flew out. The light of the lantern has appeared, and the church procession is coming.

"Stop them."

Shade said to Mr. Bernhardt. Lord Vampire Seed nodded and turned into a ball of blood mist and flew into the air. Although he definitely couldn't beat a full church team, he could still do it if he blocked it.

Shade ignored the other four people who stopped at this moment, but turned to look at the ocean, looking at the vampire monster that spread out its genuine dragon wings in front of the moon, but its body was still like a big bat.

"Is the vitality and resilience of this thing too exaggerated?"

The monster, which left the beach while everyone was fighting, did not try to escape this time. Tonight the yellow moon is almost full, and it shows its most primitive posture in front of the stars and the yellow moon in the sky, on the bay.

The body of the blood-sucking demon beast was stitched with the wings of a giant dragon, one-third of the body's skin belonging to humans was embedded with dragon scales, and behind it was a huge dragon tail that was not commensurate with its body.

When everyone, including Shade, looked at it, its big mouth had already completed a full charge of dragon breath. The moment the crimson flame was about to be spit out, it seemed to be storing all the anger and unwillingness of its owner tonight. And this time, all means of escape were abandoned, and the target of the strongest blow just for revenge was everyone on the beach at the pier.

[Higgs Dragon Head Stone] slipped from Shade's sleeve into his hand. He took a deep breath and originally thought about transforming the power of the moonlight, but suddenly he had a new idea and bit the tip of his tongue violently, blood red. The corruptive mist suddenly surged back toward Shade from the surrounding sand, and flowed back into his body along his pores and facial features as he took a deep breath.

The moment the monster under the moon and Shade on the beach opened their mouths at the same time, the blazing flames and the corrupted blood mist pulled out dazzling light traces in the air under the moonlit night and collided together, and the overlapping dragon roars were unknown again. How many people’s dreams have been disturbed tonight.

On the rooftop of the Belindel Manor in the distance, the witch looked at the flickering light in the direction of the dock. Emilia was followed by a sleepy little unicorn, and on the unicorn's back lay little Mia, who was waiting for Shade to return.

The pure white little beast was very worried, but the resting cat with squinted eyes was not worried at all. The elf girl's eyesight was also excellent, and she could also clearly see two abnormal red lights in the distance:

"Is that Mr. Xia Watson?"

The witch glanced at her suspiciously, suspecting that she had almost told the man's real name just now. But this also let her know that the underage elf girl in her fifties next to her had a high probability of knowing who Shade was:

"Based on my experience in the past month, any unusual things that happen locally can be attributed to him. I remember that he went to catch that vampire monster tonight. Don't worry, he is more powerful than you think. But there’s so much commotion there, he’s probably coming back. Matilda, go tell the kitchen to prepare supper.”

"Yes, miss."

The blonde head maid replied, turning around gracefully and leaving the roof of the mansion from the stairs. Emilia pursed her lips and watched as the two red lights in the distance gradually disappeared, but the remaining traces of the spirit still left long-lasting scars on her retina:

"I seemed to hear a dragon roar just now. It was very similar to the sound the professor played for us during class."

"Yes, that's why I said that it is most likely related to him."

The corners of the witch's mouth raised, probably thinking of something happy. Just when he was about to test whether the elves also knew about the transfiguration, Emilia unexpectedly took the initiative and said;

"But it's not the same as his voice after transformation. I heard the cry when I was flying with his cat in my arms. This time is different from that time."

Then the smile on the witch's face disappeared, and she glanced at the beautiful blond elf again, and for a moment she was not sure whether she meant to say these words at this time.

At the edge of the beach in the dock area, the scarlet blood mist spit out by Shade completely broke through the flame breath, and the blood mist carrying terrifying corrosiveness completely swallowed up the monsters in the sky in front of the bright yellow moon. This time, Shade didn't hold back at all. He didn't close his mouth until the monster, which was born in the basement sewer and had sucked out the blood and killed the "mother" when he was born, was corroded to the last remnants of his body.

The opponent made two mistakes. The first was to compete with him in terms of energy release ability under the moon at night. The second was that the opponent was obviously a dragon. Although the [Higgs Dragon Head Stone] has a very small range of effects, it has a special attack on dragons. The effect is also unquestionable.

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