Whispering Verse

Chapter 2222 Troubled Thoughts

"Ahem, ahem."

Of course, unlike the slightly hot Silver Moon power, during the process of spitting out the corrupted blood mist, Shade felt that his entire lungs and throat were being burned. So after confirming that the monster was really dead this time, he coughed several times. But the people around him were watching this scene nervously, fearing that he would open his mouth to "roar" again, and thought he was deliberately showing weakness.

Shade didn't care about other people's thoughts, and said hello to Mr. Bernhardt in the distance. He first recovered the last remains of the monster on the sea, and then turned into blood and disappeared with Lord Vampire Seed. on the sea.

The three people from the [Dragon Feast Order] were unconscious. The high-level vampire from the [Blood Spirit School] and the three people from the [New World Mutual Aid Association] looked at each other and left.

Almost as soon as they disappeared, the Dawn Church Ring Warlock team, which had been blocked for a moment by Mr. Bernhardt's blood mist, finally arrived on the beach. They did not immediately record traces of the scene, but jointly used various investigative techniques to confirm that the inexplicable chaotic battle on the beach was really over.

After it was confirmed that it was safe, the 11-person team ended the investigation and approached the unconscious three people. But soon came not-so-good news. The two people whose right arms exploded were all dead. The cause of death was a broken heart. The man whose face was covered with a small layer of black dragon scales actually took advantage of the waves. When the surge submerged his "corpse", it disappeared directly.

"Don't worry about the guy who escaped. His blood is still on the beach. There will be a way to divination later. Those two dead people. It seems that the [Dragon Feast Order] put a curse on each of them in order to keep their secrets."

The bearded captain who led the team guessed, and then looked at the putrid-smelling blood remaining on the bumpy beach floor:

"Scarlet corruption? Be careful not to step on that blood. Who is the ring warlock who used blood mist just now? Are there any such people in our local area?"

The tall deputy on the side thought for a moment:

"Probably not. The large diocese like Yuewan where we are located does not allow high-level warlocks who have the ability to corrupt the land to stay for a long time. The vampire should also have come from outside because of the matter of the chosen one. The strange magic weapon he used The magic is indistinguishable, but it doesn't look like normal thaumaturgy."

They did not doubt the "God Summoner". After all, the God Summoner had never shown similar abilities:

"The roar of the dragon is genuine. The alchemy items prepared by the church react to that sound. So, are you a candidate for the Chosen One?"

But this is just speculation.

When the Witch and Emilia saw Shad in the manor, it was already eleven o'clock that night.

The worried Shade came back from the night, and the witch took him directly to the restaurant. Emilia didn't really want to eat, but she wanted to hear stories, so she followed her. Then she saw Shade at the dining table holding a few bloody bones and handing them to the Countess:

"This is the skeleton of the vampire monster. Please help me divine where it has been hiding these days. I think if we can find its hiding place, there is a high probability that we will be surprised."

"Seriously, don't bring this out at the dinner table."

The witch said angrily, but still applied the sealing operation and asked the maid to put them away. Miss Matilda arranged for someone to bring a basin to wash her hands, and little Mia happily jumped from Amelia's arms to Shade.

Holding the cat, Shade's mood improved a lot.

The maids pushed the dining cart and brought the late night snacks. Considering that the night was already very dark, the late night snacks prepared by the kitchen were not very greasy. Fish tacos, raspberries, fruit tarts, slices of fluffy cheese filled the table, and the drink was red wine. Shade was indeed a little hungry. After thanking him softly, he stretched out his hand to eat, and then talked about his experience tonight.

Miss Belindell and Amelia listened attentively. When Shade told him that he and Mr. Bernhardt left the beach together, Miss Belindel asked from the side:

"Since tonight went well, why do you still look so sad?"

Shade glanced at Emilia and saw that she was very interested, so he didn't hide it from her:

"Although not many people showed up tonight, it was already very chaotic. The Dragon Feast Order, the Blood Spirit School, the New World Mutual Aid Association, and the church. The current situation is very delicate. Everyone is investigating, but no one knows what the other party is. How much information do you have?

After we left the beach just now, people from the New World Mutual Aid Association followed me and my friend from a distance, and left our contact information. They thought we were local vampires, so they wanted to meet us and talk about something. I think it has something to do with collaboration. But this also means that this organization, which rarely interferes in the affairs of the Old Continent, may have its own plans this time. "

He touched the obedient cat waiting to be fed:

"It feels like a drizzle before a storm right now."

"[New World Mutual Aid Association]? At least their reputation is pretty good."

The witch said, and Emilia also asked in a low voice:

"Mr. Watson, what is the relationship between the local vampires and the foreign vampires? My vampire classmates in the college always say that the vampires in the New World are all traitors to the ethnic group."

"Yes, my friend said the same thing. The intervention of the [Blood Spirit School] makes people doubt that they have a new plan. I don't know if the 'Bloodweeper' will appear again this time. Although he was I think it is the weakest of the Thirteen Rings, but after all, it is the real Thirteen Rings. Last time I saw him, his right hand was replaced with a mechanical arm. I suspect that they have a deeper connection with the [Truth Society]."

Shade sighed again, and the Countess, who had a fat-red birthmark on her eyebrows, grabbed his hand:

"Don't worry so much, our help will be arriving soon. I know what you are worried about, but at least you are doing well so far."

As he spoke, he didn't care that Amelia was there, and tilted his head to kiss the side of Shade's face. Shade nodded slightly and looked at Emilia again. The elf girl blushed inexplicably, and Shade asked:

"Emilia, are you still used to living here today?"

"It's a good place here, and the count treats me very well."

She didn't want to cause any more trouble to Shade, and she was indeed living a good life here.

Emilia originally thought that Shade would also live here, or even move into Count Belindel's bedroom, but in fact Shade had a supper and returned to his home with a satisfied little Mia.

Troubles before going to bed always bring about dreams, so that night he also had a series of weird dreams, but when he was woken up on time by the "Little Mia Alarm Clock" early on Monday morning, he only remembered that at the end of the dream, The huge red dragon that Fiona transformed into was intertwined with the silver "Moonlight Dragon" that he transformed into.

"Oh, is this an erotic dream?"

He was stretching and thinking, and he felt that this dream was very abnormal.

The new week has not brought much change to the outsider's life. At the breakfast table, he was still thinking about the things and many plans to be completed this week.

After breakfast, when I was carrying the [God's Gift Box] upstairs from the basement, there was a knock on the door. Shade, who was standing on the stairs, turned and looked back. After the sound of the key to open the door disappeared, Luvia and Iluna stood outside the door and waved to Shade with a smile:

"Good morning, Shade, we knew you wouldn't be leaving home so early on Monday."

A new week naturally means trying to get new gifts. Last week, Emilia, who lived here, got a yellow scarf with a cat pattern, and this week, Shade took out a pack of white candles.

The candles were wrapped in paper bags, and they were counted carefully, and there were 8 candles in total. These are no ordinary candles. According to the description on the paper package, these are candles that have been processed through alchemy. Each candle can burn for about 24 hours.

Of course, this was still of no use to Shade, but he didn't have high hopes, so he wasn't disappointed at all. As for this week’s task, when I go to the bathroom at night, try not to turn on the lights and just light candles for lighting.

At first, Shade thought this was to train the children's ability to use candles, but later he realized that this was to train the children's courage.

As for the reason why Luvia brought Iluna to visit so early, it was naturally because of the incident in Moon Bay.

"The church has given me a business trip notice. I will leave before this Friday. The specific time has not been set yet."

Iluna held the tea cup, looking eager to try:

"When I was at a low level, I relied on the help of my church companions on the same ship to kill the green dragon. Now that I am at the eighth level, I must try to complete the great feat of slaying the dragon by myself before reaching a high level!"

The purple-eyed girl smiled and explained to Shade:

"This is Iluna's dream since childhood. You boys know better about stories about brave men and dragon slayers."

"But did you know, Shade? [Sunshine Gun], a unique magic technique, has a special attack effect on dragon creatures."

Iluna said and made an action of throwing a "sunshine gun". Shade didn't know much about this. After all, the [Thunder Gun] he mastered did not have such an effect:


"According to the church's classic records, this is related to the ancient god, the Supreme Sunbinder, who hunted ancient dragons in ancient times."

Although Iluna is not very religious in her daily life, at least she remembers those interesting religious stories very clearly:

"The ancient sun god once walked the world in the form of a saint. When he met an evil dragon on the road, he intercepted a beam of sunlight and used it as a spear. He led mortals to hunt ancient dragons and taught them the skills of hunting giant dragons - this is about that man One of the legends of the ancient god is the miracle that the ancient god has passed down to this day. It is precisely because such miracles have appeared that we mortals who learned about the miracles of the ancient god in the sixth era can use the [Sunshine Gun] to attack the giant. Dragons produce special damage effects.”

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