Whispering Verse

Chapter 2224 Exploding Cards and Lifespan Theory

The slender fingers had clearly picked up a divination card, but Luvia put it back. Behind her, the shadow of long-haired Luvia appeared, and she turned to look to the southwest in the direction of the Nanyue Bay area together with the short-haired Luvia.

Different from any previous Sixth Age, this Sixth Age has Shade, the "God Caller" at the forefront, and Luvia Anat has never attracted attention in any major events, even None of them have appeared in front of the Zhengshen Church. This also led to the fact that "Luvia Anat" in the Sixth Age did not attract anyone's attention, and therefore no one had ever tried to divine her in this Sixth Age.

The long-lost divination also caused the long-haired girl to fall into memories of stories from the past. As for counter-divination, she wasn't worried at all. Unlike Shade, a foreigner with a natural anti-divination ability due to his special origin, Luvia Fiocchi Anat experienced battles of blood and fire, tests of life and death. The characteristic of anti-divination has long been engraved in her soul. Even if Luvia does not inherit many experiences and memories from the past this time, anti-divination is the only instinct that they can never lose.

Short-haired Luvia didn't know what was appearing behind her, but she probably guessed who was divining her. After slightly raising his eyebrows to cover up his pause, he planned to make a small joke in response to this impolite offense.

Afterwards, she continued to explain her future love to the lady in front of her who came to divine her fortune:

"Yes, love will patronize anyone who desires to have his heart filled. I see your future. Be careful of deception, but don't give up your sincerity."

As for Belindel Manor in Moon Bay City, Shade, who was following the maid leading the way to the basement, suddenly heard a not very loud but very dull explosion.

He was suddenly startled:

"Explosion? Enemy attack? No, it was Emilia who messed up the alchemy experiment? No, that was the sound from upstairs!"

He took out the casting materials, closed his eyes and sensed the space, then stepped out in one step, disappeared into the corridor and appeared directly in the study on the third floor.

Originally prepared to face the attack, his raised right hand was even ready to throw out the moonlight, but all he saw was a charred carpet blown up by the exploding fortune telling cards, and the bewildered Miss Matilda and Shi. Shi Ran is like a witch that nothing happened here.

The beautiful countess with the fat-red birthmark on her eyebrows and Shade looked at each other for a moment, then faced Shade's probing gaze, and finally said softly:

"Divination is magical, right?"

The carpet between the two of them had been blasted with a hole, and smoke was still rising upwards. There were even scorch marks on the floor under the carpet. Seeing that the witch was holding the compass made by Luvia in her hand, Shade, who was still wondering what was going on here, felt as if he had guessed the truth.

He knew that it was very impolite for a professional fortune-teller to divine another professional fortune-teller. Therefore, he did not ask whether his guess was correct, but just whispered:

"It's better to be careful. If the patrol police passing by outside the manor have very good ears and hear the explosion just now, we will be in trouble."

The Countess was just trying to stay calm just now, but when she heard what he said, her ears immediately turned red. She nodded slightly and returned the compass to Shade. After Shade went out again, she turned her back to the door and covered her face. She didn't even mention that when the divination card exploded just now, she seemed to see purple eyes that were very similar to those that often appeared in recent nightmares. s eyes.

Miss Matilda pretended not to see anything, and immediately went out to call the other maids to prepare for changing the carpet and cleaning, and made up her mind never to mention this matter in the future.

Shade, who was amused by this incident, quickly arrived at the alchemy workshop in the basement and met Emilia and the little unicorn Liana.

I don’t know whether it was the witch’s preparation or Emilia’s attentiveness, but there was a soft cushion in the corner for the little unicorn to rest on. When it saw Shade appearing, especially since there was no cat this time, it happily stood up to greet it. Shade.

As for Emilia, the elf girl with pointed ears is standing in front of the experimental table to the east. She is wearing a white robe and corrosion-resistant and high-temperature dragon leather gloves on her hands. She is holding a piece of gray-green with a test tube clamp. It looks like a square metal piece covered with bacterial plaque, heated on an alcohol lamp.

Turning around, she saw Shade smiling and stroking the little unicorn's hair. She screamed in surprise, put the heated metal piece on the metal tray on the table, used the alcohol lamp cover to extinguish the flame, and then took off her gloves. Welcomed:

"Good morning, Mr. Watson."

"Good morning, let me see you. What are you doing? I remember there is no summer homework at St. Byrons."

Emilia pulled up two chairs so that the two of them could sit down and said:

"It's not homework, I'm making amulets."

It was actually a gift for Shade, but it hadn't been made yet, so she didn't mention it.

"However, although there is no summer homework, in order to keep up with the courses after the fall semester starts, I can't just play around during the holidays."

She and Shade sat facing each other, and the little unicorn lay between them. The elf girl put her hands on her knees, looking very ladylike:

"I originally planned to deal with those things in the second half of the summer after returning to school. Since I have time now, I might as well make some preparations first. The alchemy laboratory and potion workshop here are very good, and they are even more open to those of us in Central than the academy. The warlock’s laboratory is even better.”

"But for an immortal race like you, is a year in the eyes of humans really the same as a year in your eyes? I hope you can spend this summer outside school well, and there is no need to put so much pressure on yourself. .”

Shade said, originally just to persuade her to relax, but unexpectedly the elf girl's eyes suddenly flickered, showing a somewhat sad expression, which was not very suitable for an elf of her age:

"In the ancient past, the age of elves was much longer than it is now. At least the bark documents from the end of the Fifth Age preserved by our clan say that the elves at that time could generally live to be five hundred years old. This It’s just the average age.”

Shade looked at her curiously. Although he had knowledge about the elven race, it was more about the ancient elves. He knew about modern elves, but not much:

"What now?"

"According to the statistics of the academy, the upper limit of the natural age of modern ordinary elves is around 260 years old. The regulations on the age of adulthood for elves are still inherited from the past, so I have also heard about changing the age of adulthood. However, like me Such a high elf."

She pointed at herself, still a little embarrassed:

"The high elves I refer to refer to noble elves who have the talent to become priests. In the long past, high elves like me were regarded as the chosen guardians of the World Tree. But the elves' World Tree has long since disappeared, and the so-called high elves It’s just that my talents are better and I live longer. The vitality is overflowing in my soul and body. I can probably live to be six hundred years old. If I break through the high ring before the age of 100, my maximum age may be exceeded. 800 years old.”


The little beast, whose whole body exuded holy white light, cried softly. As if she understood what it was saying, Emilia bent down and gently stroked its back:

"Compared to me, most of the people around me will only occupy a certain period of time in my life, but they will definitely leave earlier than me. And I will also watch people passing by me one by one, Only after the death of familiar people did I understand their communication and feelings with me. I actually don’t like discussing age with people.”

The pointed-eared elf girl did not look at Shade at this time:

"There is also a living 700-year-old elf nun in our clan. She told me that in our long life we ​​are destined to meet many people and then be separated forever, but in order not to leave too many regrets, sometimes I will cherish this summer for a brief moment in my life to think about the meaning of certain stories and encounters to our lives, Shade.”

She lowered her head and finally said Shade's name again:

"Cherish this, your summer with me."

After saying this, he raised his head and looked at Shade with red eyes. The stranger didn't know how he made the elf girl cry. She looked particularly sad. Later, he realized belatedly that it was probably because he talked about age that made Emilia, who was unwilling to let this pleasant summer pass like this, even more eager to seize the time in her hands.

In fact, Shade really wanted to tell her that the end would definitely arrive within fifty years or even ten years. If it didn't last, everyone would disappear, and it would be meaningless what the upper age limit would be then. But in order to prevent the elf girl from becoming more sad, Shade did not say this. Instead, he leaned forward slightly, then reached out and hugged her.

He didn't have to say anything, just the hug calmed Emilia down. She closed her eyes to feel the warmth of this silent embrace, while the little unicorn between the two looked at their movements with curiosity, and then let out a pleasant chirp again.

"I don't want to wait for this summer to end, for you to die in front of my eyes, before we talk, again."

After all, she didn't say what was in her heart, but hugged Shade. The two of them didn't speak for a long time, until Emilia took the initiative to push him away and stood up. Then she smoothed the wrinkles on her robe and said to Shade with a smile:

"Thank you for this summer."

"Summer isn't over yet."

Shade stood up:

"You still have many stories that you haven't seen yet, Emilia. I hope you like the summer of 1854, and I hope you like the stories that were born because of me."

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