Whispering Verse

Chapter 2225 The Suspected Chosen One

Shade made an appointment with three people from the [New World Mutual Aid Association] last night to meet. As for the location, he and Mr. Bernhardt chose the Spider Hotel. Although it was close to Coroner Mr. Albert's workplace, Mr. Bernhardt believed it would cause no trouble and that the most dangerous places were often the safest.

The agreed meeting time was 10:30 in the morning. After Shade said goodbye to Emilia, he arrived at Spider Alley in a hurry. Mr. Bernhardt was already at the wooden fence outside the hotel, looking at the chickens in the yard and waiting for Shad.

The two of them entered first and sat down. Within two minutes, a group of people from the [New World Mutual Aid Association] also arrived.

However, what appeared this morning was the young man with the "Wind King's Sword" John Flynn and a middle-aged man who did not appear last night. The young woman who appeared last night and another man who used a mace did not. Show up. The middle-aged man who came with John Flynn looked about forty years old, very elegant, wearing glasses and a brown robe. Somehow, Shade actually felt the temperament of a clergyman like Priest Augustus in the other party.

After the two parties sat down, they exchanged a few words like ordinary people meeting, and then each ordered drinks. There were not many people in this remote and simple downtown hotel on Monday morning. Even the two guards at the autopsy room were working hard instead of playing cards to kill time.

"Hello, my name is John Flynn."

The first person to speak was the young man from the [New World Mutual Aid Association]. Although he was much younger than his companions, it was obvious that he was the leader. He looked at Shade and Mr. Bernhardt, and quickly recognized that Shade was dressed as the powerful vampire last night:

"Thank you very much for your willingness to meet us here today. To be honest, we have seen too many ring warlocks in this kind of city, but most people here are wary of each other, and not many people are willing to talk openly."

"Because most people think that they can't defeat you holding a sage-level relic sword."

Shade said, but what he actually meant was that he was confident that he could beat the opponent:

"Let's not waste time. We're here today just to exchange information, right?"

He took out his notebook, tore off two pages, and placed one page in front of himself and the other person:

"Do you have a pen with you? Oh, just bring it with you. We will write down what we want to know to each other. If we agree after the exchange, we can speak."

John Flynn, who had blond hair, discussed with his companions, then picked up the pen and started writing. Shade looked at Mr. Bernhardt, who nodded slightly, and Shade also picked up his pen to write. Of course, he used his left hand.

After writing, they tore off this article from the page and exchanged it with each other. What Shade wrote was "What is the purpose of your coming to Moon Bay?" Some time ago, I met the other party on Hawthorne's ship transporting dragon egg fossils. The other party's answer was "looking for dragon eggs smuggled from the New World." Now it seems that was only part of the truth, otherwise they shouldn't still be here.

As for the note handed over by the other party, it said, "What is the purpose of [Dragon Cult] cultivating creatures with dragon veins locally?"

Mr. Bernhardt raised his eyebrows. He really didn't know this question, but Shade had some guesses about it.

He looked at the two people across the table:

"I can answer this question, but the problem is that you may not be able to pay the price."

The blond man across the table also shook the note in Shade's hand:

"I can answer this question, but you can't afford the price."

The two looked at each other for a moment before the former said softly:

"It has to do with the Chosen One."

Shade also said:

"It has to do with the Chosen One."

The two sides were silent for a while, and finally John Flynn, who initiated the invitation to meet, said:

"This information is still top secret, but according to the previous rules, people should know it before long. The Mutual Aid Association sent us to Moon Bay just for this, and they didn't let us keep it secret. If your information is worth it, In exchange, I think it’s not a bad idea to reveal it to you now.”

"What you said basically means you said nothing."

Schade pointed out:

"My information is related to a fragment of a poem."

The blond young man took a deep breath:

"The value of the reason why we stayed in Yuewan is no worse than yours. Well, I need to discuss it with my companions."


So the two people sitting opposite Shade and Mr. Bernhardt temporarily stood up and left the hotel. After about half a minute, Mr. Bernhardt said:

"They met two other companions in Mouse Alley to the east. Yes, those two people from last night. That John Flynn's perception is very strong, and my bat can't get too close to listen. What was said. Their discussion was over."

Half a minute later, the two people who left the hotel came back. When the two of them sat down, the blond man stretched out his hand to shake Shade's hand:

"I wish us success in our cooperation. The purpose of our coming here is just to wait for things to further ferment. The Mutual Aid Association has discovered many fragments of poems in the New World over the years. They seem to think that I am the seventh chosen one, or at least a candidate. .”

Schad and Mr. Bernhardt both had expressionless faces, because it was inappropriate to say anything at this time. Shade couldn't verify whether this was the truth or a lie, but the existence of [Wind King's Sword] made him think like this from the beginning:

"Well, my answer is: [Dragon Eater Order] also cultivates dragon-blooded monsters to qualify as candidates. We found a fragment of a poem, which contains the description of 'dragon that breaks its shell'. This refers to the new born Dragons, or non-immortal species with the power of dragons.”

After finishing speaking, Shade paused:

"Just like you, I don't know what dragon your dragon power comes from, but it must be related to the wind."

The newly swallowed drop of divinity gave Shade the ability to sense the power of the dragon. It was impossible for him to not feel anything while sitting together and talking at such a close distance. It's a pity that Shade doesn't have Luvia's unique ability, and he can't tell whether the opponent is the chosen one just by "looking".

But both parties are quite satisfied with this first round of transactions. If John Flynn's description of himself is correct, Shade even thinks that he has taken advantage of it. So they each picked up paper and pen and began to write a second question. This time the question was discussed after Shade and Mr. Bernhardt took a "walk" on the beach last night:

[Who is the local vampire who cooperates with the Dragon Feast Order? 】

He didn't think the other party could know the answer to this question, it was just a further test.

This time the question given by the other party was:

[Which offshore island are the dragons of the Dragon Feast Order hidden on? 】

This was also a question that Shade couldn't answer, so both parties shook their heads and came to the third question.

The third question is still discussed between Shade and Mr. Bernhardt——

[Why did you want to find that vampire monster last night? 】

The problem that Shade saw was:

[Do you know that the God Caller has appeared locally. 】

Of course Shade knew about his own problems.

This time he answered the question first:

"Some time ago, the Godcaller appeared and came into contact with a relic related to destiny with the local church. The location was Belindle Big Ben. On Sunday eight days ago, the Godcaller who appeared at the Battle of the Pier naturally did not use it. I’ll say more. We haven’t had much interaction with this elusive thirteen-ring warlock, but at least we’re sure he’s still here.”

John Flynn exchanged glances with his companion:

"Even the church is not sure what happened in the war eight days ago."

"Come on, Mr. Flynn, now everyone knows that the God Caller's anti-divination resistance is higher than the church's statues and holy symbols. He is the living body of the saint. Of course, the church cannot be sure that it is him. But according to With past experience, and seeing that bright silver moonlight, who else but that one?”

Shade said, and Mr. Bernhardt also suppressed the smile in his heart and added:

"The church wants to find him, and everyone wants to know what he wants to do. We can only confirm that the gentleman or lady is indeed still local. Any information about that person is almost as important as the chosen one."

Shade continued to add:

"After all, anything he or she does may directly point to the chosen one."

I have to say that what the outsider has done this year has been very effective. Even if the information he provided is basically useless, the two people across the table drinking cheap watered real beer still think this information is very important.

So they also came up with their own answers:

"We wanted that vampire monster, but we didn't expect it to be related to the [Dragon Eater Order] at first. We only found out about it after we went back yesterday."

At this point, the middle-aged man who looked like a clergyman who spoke was also a little embarrassed:

"We originally thought it was related to the local vampires, that is, you. Your race is very unwelcome to outsiders, and we want to use it to find a relic."

He didn't show off, but admitted honestly:

"What we are looking for is a sage-level relic. You are vampires, so you must know it. [Blood Sorrow], this is"

"A legendary treasure recognized by vampires as the 'Holy Sword'. It is said that a legendary level vampire demon hunter from the Third Age used that sword."

Mr. Bernhardt could no longer hide his surprise:

"Using that holy sword to expel and nearly kill an ancient evil spirit demon. The story of that vampire demon hunter can still be found in today's 'Church of Dawn' and our scriptures, and that This holy sword is also regarded as the most important treasure of our clan."

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