Whispering Verse

Chapter 2230 Childhood Dream

As Shade and Amelia continued running hand in hand in the snowy forest, the dream actually became more stable. Shade was very confused. He had no idea what he had done:

"But that's good. It turns out that Emilia likes running so much."

However, the relic's awakening effect on Emilia was still subtly affecting the evolution of the dream, because the two people running forward soon saw a large lake in front of the woods that they could not bypass. Emilia slowed down, and the surrounding scenery became blurry again at this moment:

"No, no, I can't go into the water!"

The elf girl instinctively felt that the two of them running together had come to an end, but Shade pulled Emilia without hesitation and continued to move forward:

"Believe me, as long as you are willing to hold my hand forward, the road under our feet will continue to extend."

Shade, who had received some basic knowledge about dreams from Dr. Schneider, used his mental power, which was much stronger than Emilia's, to try to induce her to imagine that there was actually a road on the big lake in front of her. He thought it wouldn't be easy, but he didn't expect that the running girl immediately smiled after hearing his words:

"Yes I do."

"Shouldn't answer: Yes, is there a road ahead?"

Shade thought in confusion, and when he took Emilia's hand and came to the lake, from the bottom of the large lake without any ups and downs, a huge yellow biscuit with small holes actually rose up. path of.

“Behold, the road does appear!”

Emilia said in surprise, and the dream stabilized again, and the two of them stepped on the row of cookies and continued running forward on the lake.

Emilia looked even more excited. Under the moonlit night, the elf girl's golden hair was pulled back to reveal spots of light, and her beautiful emerald green eyes were also shimmering. The soft little hand grasped Shade's big hand slightly. The stability of the dream at the moment made Shade doubtful that even if he told Amelia that it was a dream, she would not want to wake up.

"It's going so well for us here. I hope Miss Belindel doesn't encounter any trouble in reality."

The area of ​​the lake is much smaller than originally observed, and beyond the lake is the forest again. And as the time that Shade stayed in this dream that was almost defenseless to him increased, the abnormally large silver moon above their heads also spread more moonlight into Emilia's dream.

The moonlight does not illuminate everything around it like the sun does, but gives the wind more gentleness, the land more solidity, and the woods a more peaceful atmosphere. At the same time, the moonlight also gave the elf's dream a more stable spiritual power. Emilia smiled. She might just be enjoying the moment, but Shade noticed something even more unusual after leaving the big lake and entering the woods. is happening.

For example, he saw that the pine nuts hanging on the surrounding trees were turning into chocolate, and the snow on the ground and trees was turning into frosting. There are also those trees that were originally strangely shaped and are gradually becoming regular in shape, but in fact the wood material is changing into biscuits.

"What's going on? Wait, it can't be because of."

[The blessing of childhood dreams, Emilia Siam Nord’s spiritual world has no defense against you, and that blessing is taking effect. 】

The two of them ran faster and faster in the forest, as if they were blending into the wind, as if they had turned into Qi. The blessing from the gods is getting stronger and stronger, shaping the dream into a more bizarre appearance according to the memory and subconsciousness of the dream owner.

This also indirectly made the dream more stable, and even made the unknown thing chasing the two people behind them take form. Shade took the time to look back while running. It was now a "lava giant" the size of a small mountain. The specific ingredients were probably chocolate syrup, hot cocoa, icing sugar and milk.

"Look, there's a cliff ahead!"

Emilia said suddenly, but her face was not surprised at all. She didn't even need Xia De to guide her and said happily:

"Will you fly with me?"

Shade can indeed turn into a dragon and fly with her, and there is no need to worry about being unable to transform back after transforming in the dream. But before he could completely digest the dragon's power, he hoped to avoid using that power as much as possible:

"It's not me, little Lianna is already waiting for us in front, Emilia!"

The elf girl pulled Shade on the edge of the cliff and made a big jump. Then she laughed and fell with him into the snow-covered forest at the foot of the cliff. But the next moment, a large group of white unicorns took the two of them flying high into the sky.

It wasn't a real unicorn, not even a baby unicorn like little Leanna, it was a bunch of stuffed unicorns. Some of them even looked chubby because they were stuffed with too much cotton. And if Shade is lucky enough to go to Emilia's dormitory in the college, he will find that the shapes of these dolls are basically the same as the ones on her bed.

The elf girl giggled and sat on the centermost unicorn among the group of unicorns with Shade, wandering above the mountain forest. Suddenly, the group of unicorn dolls exploded into pink smoke in the air. But after the smoke cleared, Shade and Emilia did not fall into the forest, because small white wings grew out from behind Emilia.

She smiled and held Shade's hand and flew in the air. Shade's body did not fall due to gravity, but instead followed closely behind Amelia as if it was being held by an invisible force.

"This is indeed a good dream. I'm glad that there are no wings on my back."

[Very few people can directly influence your consciousness in dreams without your consent. 】

"Her" voice became gentler under the moonlight. Holding Amelia's hand in the wind, Shade admitted that this was a good dream. In fact, this dream might be a little good and extraordinary.

(Little Mia is running.)


With a reluctant moan, the blond elf girl who was forced to sleep due to the strange potion and was lying on the bed in the middle of the dark basement opened her eyes.

Because the dream was so magnificent and beautiful that even when she opened her eyes and saw the unfamiliar dark ceiling, she was still immersed in the last moments of that beautiful dream. Only when she heard a voice that was not her own did she gradually regain consciousness.

"Are you awake? What's wrong with Emilia? The effect of the sleeping potion should have been offset by the antidote. Come on, can you see clearly what this is?"

Miss Belindel said worriedly, waving three fingers in front of Emilia's eyes a few times, but Emilia was still in a daze, so she did not answer immediately.

"How much is this?"

Shade's steady voice appeared, and Emilia subconsciously saw Shade's hand clearly in front of her:


"How much is this?"

Next comes two fingers.


"So what does one plus one equal?"

Next comes three fingers.

"3Oh, Mr. Xia Watson!"

She suddenly woke up completely, and because she was so angry and shy, she almost shouted out Sha De's real name. Even Sha De on the side was surprised that she actually held back.

The witch on the side looked at Shade suspiciously. She was very sure that the girl on the bed was about to say a name that was unfamiliar to her. But because Emilia only uttered half a syllable, and it was called in the Drarian language, the witch still had no way of knowing what that name was.

There was a soft bang, and the gas lamp on the wall was turned on. Emilia narrowed her eyes subconsciously, and then heard footsteps and a familiar voice——


The figure of the little unicorn appeared beside the bed, looking happy to accept Emilia's touch. The maids also came in to help clean up the basement that had been damaged on a small scale. The whisper element that appeared at the same time because of the footsteps has disappeared. The basement seems to have experienced a small-scale battle, but the Countess' breath is stable. It seems that after Shade fell into a dream, she handled things smoothly in reality.

"After you fell into a deep sleep, I found the source of the footsteps in the moonlight. Speaking of which, although I have seen the appearance of the relic from the data, forget it, I will not describe that terrifying thing. What on earth is it? In short, I have become the third person in history to completely defeat the relic - [Midnight Footsteps] in the form of frontal expulsion. This thing will not appear in the material world for at least ten years."

Bella Belindel said quite proudly.

"Well done, thanks to you this time."

Shade also sent his thanks, and then said to Amelia on the bed:

"Get up quickly and go for a walk in the sunshine outside, but don't leave the manor. Just soak in the sun and forget about this matter."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to pull her up from the bed, and Emilia looked at the hands held together with Shade's, and her face suddenly turned red.

She almost rolled out of bed as fast as she could, and left the basement as if running away with her shoes on. The little unicorn, who didn't know what was going on, yelled at Shade, and then ran out with its hooves. The maids all laughed. The little beast probably thought that Emilia was going to play chase with it again, and the elf girl was very good at this.

"I'm curious about what you did in your dreams."

The witch asked slowly, her eyes curious.

Shade thought about it and felt that it was nothing:

"First we held hands and ran in the forest in the snow, then crossed the lake on biscuit pavement, and continued running in the woods covered with chocolate and frosting. We jumped off the cliff and were surrounded by a group of snow-white unicorns. The beast doll flew under the moon, then grew wings and flew to the stars together, and then fell onto the rainbow. It slid to the ground on the rainbow like a slide. The source of the rainbow was a pudding lake, and the pink octopus doll in the lake Delivered us to the shore."

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