Whispering Verse

Chapter 2231 Dreams, Kisses and the Eve of the Banquet

This dream was very long, and Shade described it in detail, but the more Miss Belindel listened, the more she felt something was wrong. Even the maids who were cleaning the basement gradually put down what they were holding and looked at Shade in surprise.

But Xia De was still talking to himself:

"After defeating the dessert giant with the snow elves and talking doves, we wore garlands and, surrounded by some small fairies and forest elves, climbed to the highest point in the middle of the forest covered with white snow, that is, icing sugar. treehouse. We sat together on the edge of the terrace at the top of the treehouse, watching the fireworks explode under the moon. The fireworks were so beautiful. When they went bang bang bang~, they not only reflected the forest in color, It also made Emilia’s face look colorful.”

Miss Belindel looked at him with more profound eyes:

"Then what?"

"Then? She suddenly asked me to turn around and look at her. Her hands were on the floor of the tree house terrace, and her feet were dangling in the air. She said she had something to tell me, but because the sound of the fireworks was too loud at the time, When she heard the sound, she came closer to me. When she came close enough, I mean, I could even clearly see the trembling of her eyelashes, so the two of us faced each other, and the background was constantly exploding. All kinds of colorful fireworks, the vast starry sky and the bright silver moon, and then..."

"What happened? What did you do?"

I don't know who asked subconsciously, and then Shade noticed that everyone was watching him tell the story:

"It seems that the girls all have similar childhood dreams."

Shade was thinking in his mind, and Miss Belindel urged:

"Speak quickly, what happens next?"

"Then you woke us up."

Shade said honestly. Seeing the witch froze there, she blinked:

"Then the dream ended, ending at the moment when we looked at each other up close amid the fireworks."

They gasped almost at the same time, and Shade even saw that Miss Matilda actually looked at her master and teacher with reproachful eyes for a moment.

Miss Belindel also took a deep breath subconsciously, and then shook her head violently:

"Fortunately, I woke you up, but I was also affected by the relics. Maybe I want to go outside to bask in the sun."

Saying that, he ignored Shade and left the basement.

Shade stood there confused and looked at the girls around him. They all looked away and went to do what they had just done. Only the blonde head maid was willing to look at him, and she asked curiously:

"Mr. Watson, did you do this on purpose or accidentally?"

"Sorry, what?"

Shade asked again, and the maid immediately shook her head and went to do her own thing:

"No wonder you can charm my young lady."

She whispered, but in fact everyone here could hear it.

If Emilia hadn't encountered the relic again, Shade would have planned to go home for lunch. But now when I woke up from Emilia's dream, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. Since some time had been lost, Shade was no longer in a hurry to go back. After walking out of the basement, he first went to find Emilia, who was blushing and unwilling to talk to him, to confirm her current situation and prevent anything from being left behind. There were side effects that neither he nor Miss Belindle noticed.

Then I found the witch standing on the second floor terrace, really basking in the sun. The weather is not bad today. Although the whole city is still shrouded in dark fog, at least the sunshine at two o'clock in the afternoon is not bad. The witch's blond hair seemed to be shining in the sun. She heard Shade's footsteps, so before Shade came to her side, she said:

"I was here just now and saw you talking to that elf lady."

A few days after Emilia moved into this manor, the witch already called her "Emilia". Saying "Miss Elf" at this time was undoubtedly teasing and reminding Shade.

"Yeah, I checked to see if there were any other problems left on her."

Shade looked at the courtyard below, where Emilia was grooming the snow-white beast in the sun with several maids who happened to be in the courtyard:

"I don't think this will be the last time, I really trouble you."

"I said, don't say such things again."

The witch snorted softly:

"During the meeting yesterday, I heard Vanessa and Sylvia say that the royal family has prepared to arrange for Margaret to visit Yuewan. It will be reported in the newspaper today and tomorrow. The distance between Willendale and Yuewan City is not far or close. , they will be here before the end of this week."

"What tasks has Margaret been assigned? How can the royal family trust her, a princess, to come to Moon Bay during such a troubled time?"

Shade asked immediately, and Miss Belindel looked at him suspiciously:

"I noticed that you didn't ask about Vanessa and Sylvia's arrangements immediately, but you were concerned about the princess."

She paused:

"Last time I said that in order to please you, they specially sent the princess to you, but I was half-joking at that time. Can you tell me honestly now, what is the relationship between you and Margaret of Anjou? "

Because they were about to arrive in half a week, Xia De didn't hide it:

"It's a lover's relationship."


"Yes, Your Highness the Princess is still pure."

"Other than that, you're not pure, are you?"

The witch nodded knowingly. For a small character like a witch apprentice, she didn't think she would be her opponent:

"That's fine. If you can really bind Margaret Anjou completely, it will be easier to convince more witches to accept your existence. As for the princess who came to Moon Bay, except for the one she had with you some time ago, In addition to the gentle attitude shown by the royal family to the local citizens, it is also because the royal family wants to warn the seven major families not to have strange ideas before the autumn harvest, and to warn our northern neighbors not to reach out casually; on the other hand, it is also Using Margaret of Anjou's visit as an excuse, let the Kingdom's navy stationed in Yuewan City move around and prepare in advance for the inevitable Civil War."

She added:

"Remember the Marchioness of Ankara, right? That woman who came from a werewolf family. She helped me get some information from the Marquis. Although it is not very confidential, it seems that the 'Lion' Ryan of Willendale wants to We must use Yuewan Port as a fulcrum for future wars, and if necessary, build this place into the northernmost battle fortress on the west coast of the kingdom."

Shade then asked:

"Are you asking the entire Moon Bay to fight for Kasenlik? It will definitely affect the city's trade, and it will also affect the ships coming from the New World. Will you agree to this kind of thing?"

"Of course I don't want to agree. Carsonrick and Delarion will fight whenever they want. Why do they involve us?"

The Countess snorted:

"But after all, Yuewan still belongs to Kasenrik in name, and it is impossible to shirk it completely. According to my opinion, helping Kasenrik is inevitable, but what do you want to do in fact? Does His Majesty Lion Lion Living far away in Willendale City, he can still come to Moon Bay in person to supervise our construction of the city wall and capture spies?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Shade:

"I am supporting the Belindel family by myself, and I am under great pressure now. Although Matilda can help me, she is only an assistant after all."

Shade knew how he should answer:

"I may be able to help. When Margaret and the others arrive at Moon Bay, you will know who I am. I hope you won't be too surprised."

After confessing his identity, it is no problem to use the influence of Margaret and Carina to help the Belindel family better mediate between the two countries. This can also be regarded as a way to make the Witch Council more united.

"As long as you don't tell me that you are actually a girl pretending to be a girl, I won't be surprised at all. Wait until they get to the local area."

Miss Belindel's tone was filled with lamentation, and she said without any concealment:

"Although it's nice that we have more helpers, I still like it when you only have me in front of you."

These words made Sha De a little embarrassed, so he said:

"Speaking of which, after I arrived at Yuewan, I was always busy with various things, and I haven't had a good look around the local area. Before Margaret and the others arrive, if you have time one day, take me with you to Yuewan. Let’s take a leisurely walk around the bay. Whether it’s within the city or outside the city, you can even go fishing in the sea.”

The blonde witch smiled and continued to look at the girls downstairs who were grooming the little unicorn:

"Okay, but I can't take you to the Candy Forest, and I can't find the Ice Cream Giant."


"No need to explain. If you give dreams to elves, can you give me a kiss?"

She blinked, then wrapped her arms around Shade's neck.

By the time Shad returned to his home in Tobesk, it was already half past two that afternoon.

Dorothy and the maids who were sent by Lesia to deliver dresses to Shade and help him change his clothes almost went crazy. This may be an exaggeration, but Dorothy, who had changed into a dark blue dress and had her long blond hair tied up with a ruby ​​hairband, did complain when she saw Shad:

"Mr. Knight, I thought you had forgotten what happened tonight. We arrived just after lunch. Where did you go?"

When he got closer, he sniffed suspiciously, but did not give Shade time to explain:

"Go and wash up and change clothes. The witch of Moon Bay is really rude. We will enter the Yodel Palace in advance to rehearse the opera. You don't need to understand the complete script. You will appear in the last scene, and the scenes are all written on that piece of paper. Just take a quick look at it."

She pointed to little Mia on the coffee table, and the cat lazily stood up, revealing the piece of paper that was underneath it. Shade's eyesight was perfect, and only half of the paper had words written on it.

"Okay, sorry, there's something going on over there. You look really pretty today."

Then the blonde girl covered her mouth and chuckled again:

"You're always like this. Go quickly. Your Highness Lesiya even sent a maid here just because she's worried that you won't be able to make it on time. Don't refuse this time. I don't care that they may take advantage of you. What else do you care about?"

"Dorothy, what are you talking about?"

So Shade followed the maids into the bedroom, and the others were in the living room helping Dorothy sort out the cumbersome dress. The cat also followed into the bedroom with its tail wagging at this time, wanting to protect Shade's safety.

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