Whispering Verse

Chapter 2233 Behind the Stage

Luvia and Dorothy naturally also stood up. They all heard the complimentary sentences uttered by the people around them. Luvia was not stingy with her praise, but her praise was not given to the actors. But for Dorothy:

"It not only shows the unity of the royal family members, but also shows the kindness and approachability of the king. At the same time, it also sneaks in some warnings to warn girls to look for men. How did you come up with this?"

Although Dorothy was smiling, she was not proud:

"Come on, Luvia, the story of this opera is really boring, and the direction and ending of the story are really vulgar. Even when I was still studying, I never wrote anything like this, which is like rubbish thrown away on the street. Script. I just handed in a neat answer sheet according to someone else's proposition. This is nothing worthy of praise. However, it seems that at the Kingdom Literary Award at the end of this year, I will finally have the opportunity to compete for awards other than popular literature. ”

Luvia was noncommittal, and Miss Writer watched the actors on the stage appear together, allowing reporters to take photos with the king. She suddenly turned to Luvia and asked:

"We will read the manuscript of "Summer Night Collection" with Shade later. Do you want to come with us? Don't be polite to us. We are all a family."

The purple-eyed girl raised her eyebrows, but shook her head with a smile:

"I won't disturb you anymore. This is your time. Have a good time. Did you bring the leaves?"

Dorothy blushed and smiled:

"Of course I brought it."

The opera that was the opening of the banquet finally officially ended after everyone took a group photo. If nothing else happens, this photo should be the front page of the newspaper tomorrow morning. As usual, His Majesty the King said a few words to thank everyone for attending his birthday party. At the same time, the people who had just participated in the opera had returned to the backstage to remove their makeup and change back into their original costumes.

Even the princesses had to change their clothes, and although the costumes were beautiful, it was not respectable to wear such clothes to a party. Shade naturally also wanted to take off the robe covered with small luminous sequins. He very much suspected that this dress was designed by Dorothy based on the "illuminating silver dragon".

He didn't have any makeup on, so he just took off his clothes and changed back into formal clothes and shoes. Lesia sent two maids to help Shade, but rather than smoothing the wrinkles on his clothes or reminding Shade that his tie was askew, their more important role was to lead Shade, who had changed his clothes, to Lesia. dressing room instead of having Shade running around.

Although it is located right next to the Jodel Palace and is even connected by an internal passage between the two, St. James's Palace is not strictly part of the Jodel Palace complex. This is a place specially used by the royal family to hold banquets, so the interior area is very large. Even for such a major occasion as the king's birthday, every corner cannot be used.

Because there are many empty rooms, Lesia can have a separate dressing room. When Shade walked in, Lesia was standing in front of the floor-length mirror, asking the maids to remove the bustle of the heavy dress. Although Lesia would most likely never wear this dress again, expensive dresses must be carefully preserved, so they took them apart very slowly.

In addition to Lecia, Dorothy is also here. But the writer lady was just sitting in front of the makeup mirror, fixing her makeup in front of the mirror. Seeing Shade walking in, Lesia waved her hand to let the irrelevant maids go out, leaving only those who were trustworthy.

Dorothy raised her eyebrows for herself and said:

"Luvia is outside now, listening to the King's speech with Carina. Counting the time, we are probably talking about the difficult times now and hope that everyone can overcome the difficulties together in the second half of 1854."

Shade sat down next to her, but instead of looking at her in the makeup mirror, he looked at Lesia. So Her Royal Highness opened her arms and showed off her figure wantonly:

"Dorothy, would you rate our performance?"

Dorothy is still concentrating on touching up her makeup:

"Very good, better than I thought. Is it true that there are no performances in the education courses of the Cavendish princesses?"

"Of course not, but we learn dance, music and at least one instrument. As for acting, that's the gift of the Cavendish."

Saying that, Lesia praised Shade again:

"Knight, your lines are really good. The words 'What do you want from me?' scared me. It's really good and majestic. When we came off the stage just now, my sisters were still praising you. Woolen cloth."

Shade smiled and decided to tell them about the effects of his thaumaturgy later.

At this time, the maids finally removed the bustle, and after placing it in place, they helped Her Royal Highness take off her skirt and replace it with the blue and white skirt that was displayed on the skirt rack next to it.

They didn't stop what they were doing just because Shade was looking at Lesia. Of course Lesia's personal maid knew the unique relationship between the famous "Hamilton of Rejed" and the princess.

"If I weren't asked to wear such weird clothes, I would probably be satisfied."

Shade said again, which aroused dissatisfaction from Dorothy on the side:

"What, you're not satisfied with the clothes I picked out, are you?"

"Oh, Dorothy, for someone as conservative and old-fashioned as Shad, of course he can't stand such trendy clothes."

Lesia also joked, but then asked:

"How about it? Did you gain anything from this extracurricular practice? You don't need to write a report, but you have to report it to us orally."

So Shade sat up straight:

"Changes in ancient archetypal stories are all in response to changes in times and customs. People will always describe and adapt those stories in a way that they can understand and satisfy themselves to express their thoughts. Therefore, comparing different versions of fairy tales, It’s actually comparing different eras.”

He paused to formulate his words:

"For the fairy tale "The Mermaid Princess", Dorothy adapted this version into an opera, which was obviously to cater to the preferences of King Larousse III. Therefore, she did not modify most of the original fairy tale, but added a plot to reverse the tragedy , in order to highlight the mutual care within the royal family, to weaken people’s impression of the king’s harshness and majesty, and to enhance the king’s benevolence and responsibility to the family.”

He paused again:

"There's actually nothing much to say about this version of Dorothy's adaptation. I think it won't be long before people forget the content of this opera. And those fairy tales that can be passed down for a long time are not only close to the era in which they were adapted. For a longer period of time, there is a resonance of emotions and values.

The content of the first version of "The Mermaid Princess" cannot be verified, and although the current mainstream versions all have tragic endings, they are all sad for the ending of the Mermaid Princess, and they are also trying to warn girls not to be blinded by love, but "

“Say what you want to say and speak freely.”

Dorothy encouraged, and Shade concluded:

"Maybe some people don't agree with my point of view, but in fact, people regret what the mermaid princess did, but they praise her persistence in love. Some girls will think that praising such a story of losing their lives for love is actually an attempt by men to A subtle method of taming young girls. But I think the persistence of the mermaid princess who turned into bubbles in the sunshine and was able to use any means to fulfill her wishes is something that people can learn from."

"Well said."

Lesia clapped softly, and the maid helped comb her hair behind her. Different gowns and dresses go with different hairstyles, so she has to dress up again. His green eyes stared at Shade, with a full smile on his face:

"Although I know you are very talented, is it a bit exaggerated that you can speak so many sentences at once after just thinking for a second or two? If I didn't understand your learning status, I would even think that you used to I have gone through a long and boring reading comprehension training."

This sentence originally meant nothing, but the outsider still sighed in his heart:

"This is what you taught me well."

"Look, Dorothy, he really knows how to talk."

There is no rush in going to see the manuscript "Summer Night Collection" together. After all, Lesia can't stay away from the banquet all night. So after changing their clothes, the princess and the writer returned to the banquet hall with Shade.

Queen Diana, who was seven months pregnant, also came here, but she only showed up briefly before leaving. Before Queen Diana left, Lesia met Agelina who had changed her clothes, and then walked over with Shade and Dorothy. But even if Lesia and Agelina approached, they had to be inspected by the queen's maids before they could come to her.

Looking at her two daughters, the queen, who had difficulty walking now, held their hands respectively. She didn't talk much to Lesia, but she felt very sorry for her little daughter:

"Really, your father told you to go to another place to recuperate for a while. It's just a headache. It's not like there are no famous doctors in Tobesk, so how can he arrange for you to go to such a far place?"

Of course, the queen also knew about the ring magician, and even knew that Lecia had gone to school in a mysterious place to learn those skills. However, His Majesty the King had no intention of revealing the relationship between the Cavendish family and the Zalas Literary Academy for generations. In addition, he was worried about the Queen's pregnancy and was afraid that she would be worried. Therefore, he did not say what Agelina was going to do this time.


Agelina, whose eyes were a little red, spoke softly, opened her arms and hugged her gently. Recently, even the princesses find it difficult to get along with Queen Diana alone. As the birth approaches, Larrouse III is still cautious even though he already has enough children to rehearse a large opera. Regarding the fact that the queen is pregnant with twins, the doctor has also diagnosed it. Of course, the only ones who knew they were two boys were Shade and Lesia.

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