Whispering Verse

Chapter 2234 Sister and Sister

Queen Diana didn't say much to Shade and Dorothy, but only praised Dorothy's script and Shade's acting skills. After the servants escorted the queen away, Shade held the wine glass and asked:

"When is Agelina going to leave?"

"Today is Tuesday. Carina said that they are ready and will probably leave on Thursday night."

Dorothy said that she also wanted to go to Moon Bay with Tifa and her party, but she would come back from the dragon's lair when she got there, so she didn't think she was traveling far away.

"Has Agelina's luggage been packed?"

Shade asked again, and Lecia nodded while holding the wine glass:

"I helped her pack it. I expect she will stay there for more than half a month or even a whole month, so I have prepared a lot of luggage. But if there is something missing then, don't worry about trouble, I can deliver it in person."

Agelina nodded with a heavy expression. In fact, what she was thinking about was that she finally didn't have to be monitored by anyone to go to another place. Maybe she could take this opportunity to do something, such as her relationship with Shade.

"Agelina, don't miss home too much. If you're lucky, I can take you to see something that will surprise you when you arrive at Moon Bay."

Shade smiled again and said, this means that if the devil's matter is handled smoothly, Agelina can be allowed to visit the little unicorn with Emilia's consent.

Agelina nodded again and thought about whether she should take the opportunity to purchase a batch of books in Yuewan. After all, most of her books had been taken away by Lesia.

"Okay, okay, Agelina is also a seventeen-year-old girl. She is actually very mature. Let's not treat her like a child."

Lesia gave Agelina her wine glass, then pointed to the noble ladies standing together and waving to them:

"Look, your friends are waiting for you over there. Go quickly and remember to say goodbye to them. Have a good time at the party. There will be no such party in Yuewan."

"I know, sister."

The little princess in a golden dress said softly, and then heard Lesia pulling Shade's sleeve and saying:

"As for you, knight, let's go say hello to my aunt, and then I'd like to invite you to take a look at my newly found manuscript "The Collection of Summer Nights."

She smiled ambiguously and pushed Dorothy again:

"Or you can go first, and I'll go find you after I see my aunt."

Agelina pursed her lips, but couldn't stop her from doing so. Enduring the strange and unspeakable feeling in his heart, he waved goodbye to the three of them and left without looking back.

"You said these things in front of Agelina on purpose, right?"

Shade then asked, Dorothy just smiled and Her Royal Highness the Princess nodded:

"Of course it is intentional. I know her very well. She must have been praying in her heart just now that I would not go to Yuewan to visit her often. Agelina is always so simple, but I like her simplicity very much. So I want to warn her. Of course, if she really dares to do something beyond my expectations in Moon Bay, I will be very happy, but I think Agelina doesn’t have the guts for the time being.”

"You sisters have such a complicated relationship."

Shade said softly, but Lesia ignored the words and motioned for Shade and Dorothy to go with her:

"Let's go see Carina. Shade, don't worry, we have to walk around the banquet no matter what, and we can't leave until the atmosphere here becomes completely lively."

Luvia was still with Miss Carina at this time. After the three of them passed by, Miss Carina also confirmed Tifa's itinerary with Shade. Afterwards, Lecia stayed where she was, and Shade followed his female companion Dorothy to meet many celebrities and writers in the kingdom's cultural circles.

After completing this large circle, Shade took Dorothy back to the seating area in front of the open floor-to-ceiling windows of the banquet hall, and extended an invitation to Lesia, who was discussing tonight's horoscope with Luvia:

"Your Highness, I heard that you have a handwritten copy of "The Collection of Summer Nights"?"

The red-haired princess stood up with a smile. The duchess and the purple-eyed fortune teller said goodbye to her with ambiguous smiles. Then she stepped on high heels and left with Dorothy and Shade.

The room had been arranged, and none of the three people spoke, but followed the stairs to the top of the third floor. The maids who had gone upstairs in advance opened the door for them. After the three entered, they locked it from the outside and guarded the door.

As for the room, Lecia and Dorothy held hands in tacit understanding. After a red butterfly flew by, the two girls became one.

Her long golden-red hair was spread behind her, and her blue-and-white dress rotated as she turned around. Only her green eyes did not change at all:


She stretched out her hand to Shade, but then smiled and shook her head, and changed her name to another:

"A giant dragon~"

The two held hands together, and with a little force, Shade made the girl fall into his arms. Red light appeared from her body, and as the red butterflies flew in all directions, the girl Shade was holding became two people again.

Two pairs of green eyes stared at Shade who was close at hand with similar emotions. The blonde bit her lip, while the red-haired girl put her lips to Shade's ear. Two similar but different perfumes mixed together, and Shade felt like he couldn't breathe:

"Dragon, oh dragon, you just helped our sisters, but you didn't receive any reward~"

Xia De was startled and looked at the rosy-faced girl in his arms:

"The sisterhood you showed me is enough."

The blond writer lady also said with a slightly red face:

"But didn't you imply that you can't ask for payment in front of so many people, so it was just a show of words?"

The red-haired princess smiled and nodded:

"Now that our sister has been rescued, we are willing to be paid by you. What do you want us to pay? Anything is fine."

There was shyness in Dorothy's eyes, and there was a meaning in Lesia's crooked eyes that made Shade's heart beat faster.

Seeing that Shade couldn't think of a suitable line for a moment, the considerate girls held his hand together and walked towards the four-poster bed with three layers of soft mattresses, red sheets and gauze curtains. :

"Dragon, dragon, please~eat us."

The duration of the Day of the Red Butterfly is a full twenty-four hours, so when the banquet celebrating His Majesty the King's birthday ended on Tuesday night, Agelina hurriedly took the maid and escorted the three of them back to Saint Teresa Square. Number.

The princesses spent the night here tonight. The little princess spent the night cuddling the cat who could not enter the bedroom. She did not see her sister again until ten o'clock on Wednesday morning.

At that time, Shade had already taken little Mia to Moon Bay. At the basement door, he waved goodbye to Shade with a sweet smile. Agelina adjusted her expression, and then took the maids back to the second floor. Asked in front of the still closed bedroom door:

"Sister, do you need to prepare your lunch at noon?"

"Agelina, come in."

Unable to distinguish whether it was Lesia or Dorothy's voice, Agelina hesitated and looked at the maids behind her, but the girls all cast helpless looks at their Highness.

So she had no choice but to push open the door and go in, only to find that the bedroom was not as chaotic as she had imagined.

The windows were opened, and bright morning sunlight poured into the room. There were no clothes or strange marks on the ground, and there was no blushing smell in the air. Everything was neat and tidy, even the beds were made. The pillows were neatly placed at the head of the bed, and the quilt was folded like a square in the middle of the bed. As for the sheets, there were not even a single wrinkle on them.

Agelina could even imagine how soft the bed would be, and she could even smell the unique and pleasant smell of the quilt being sun-dried.

And such a neat appearance also made the room seem a little empty. Her eyes were drawn to the red-blond haired girl who was looking at the city in front of the window. Her hair with strange luster was swaying slightly in the breeze. Her back was turned to Ah. Jelina did not turn around, so the little princess said softly:

"elder sister."

She knew some of Lesia's secrets, so she also understood what was going on.

"Shad used his thaumaturgy - [Fiona's domestic servant] to sacrifice a black gem in exchange for cleaning the room."

Lecia and Dorothy answered the questions in Agelina's mind, paused and said:

"Tomorrow evening, you will leave with my aunt's maid, Miss Servit. Before you leave, I have something to tell you. You don't need to speak, just listen carefully."

In the fusion state, she was almost equal to the chosen one in half the space. Even though it was just a simple conversation, Agelina felt strange pressure. She nodded silently, wondering why her sister waited until Shade left before saying these words.

"I know what you are saying, Agelina."

She rested her hands on the window sill, looking at this wonderful summer day in Tobesk:

"I also know what you want, Agelina."

The seventeen-year-old girl subconsciously clenched her fists, then pursed her lips and relaxed:

"Sister, I."

"Go and get it if you want it. This is my character and way of doing things. I don't mind if you do the same, Agelina, I never mind."

She finally turned around at this moment. When her back was turned to the sun, her green eyes were really shining:

"This time you go to Moon Bay, I don't ask you to learn too much, but you must at least understand what you want."

Agelina thought that she knew her desire very well now, and the green eyes opposite her seemed to read her thoughts:

"You want Shade, right?"

The neckline of her long blue and white dress was slightly open. Agelina glanced at the lower part of her neck, half of the hickey covered by the clothes. As for the lower part of the hickey, the little princess's eyes were lowered. She looked down and nodded gently after a long time. She thought it would be an insult to herself if she didn't admit it.

But Lecia and Dorothy were not satisfied:

"But I think, Agelina, you don't see yourself clearly."

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