Whispering Verse

Chapter 2236 The New Holy Grail

The light comes from all entities in that area, that is, all entities are emitting bright light. After understanding the general situation, Miss Belindel asked the ordinary people to leave first. She asked Miss Matilda to deal with the people in the farm who knew what was going on here. She and Shade continued to move forward until they came to the shed. It stopped just outside the glowing area:

"It looks more serious than the ones that happen in the city."

She chanted a spell softly, and first tried to use powers such as "Light Extinguishing Spell" and "Darkness Spell". After confirming that it had no effect, she threw two light-absorbing runestones she had made by herself into the light. This is an alchemical item specially made to deal with these strange lights based on the power she sensed when she was harmed.

But unfortunately, the rune stones only absorbed part of the light in the first two seconds. Then one of them exploded on the spot, and the broken stone fragments began to glow. The other one melted into the light like an ice cube meeting a flame. middle.

"The idea is correct, but ordinary materials cannot withstand these abnormal lights. It seems that even if strong enough materials are found in the future, it will be difficult to mass-produce such rune stones."

The witch said softly, then nodded to Shade. Shade took out a stack of cards from his pocket, rummaged through and found the [Disaster Card·Shadow of the Deep Sea], and then pointed his fingertips with the initial flame in the center of the card:

"Dark magic!"

Suddenly, it was as if there was a hole in the space itself, and all the light attached to the space was concentrated towards the cards suspended in the air.

Shade pushed forward slightly, and the card floated to the center of the glowing area. It's not Shade's fault that makes it float, but it itself has this effect. And "light absorption" is just an appearance. In fact, the darkness created by the cards is constantly neutralizing the abnormal light.

"The power of this card is equally foul and terrible."

Shade heard the witch beside him murmuring, but he did not explain what it was.

Three minutes later, the light intensity in the luminous area had dropped to a mild enough level, like a magical item filled with miraculous elements. And after that, Solitaire's "darkness" could no longer suppress the light.

"Didn't it completely return to normal? I remember the time we encountered danger in the Whispering Hills. Your cards completely suppressed the light."

The witch asked curiously, and Shade shook his head:

"That time it was an artificial light created by the ring magicians of the [Light Worshiper Training Group]. This time it is almost equivalent to a natural phenomenon. Of course, I cannot suppress it with my cards alone."

Of course, if Shade is not afraid of accelerating the end of the world and making the dark disaster further out of control, he can release the full power of [Calamity Card·Shadow of the Deep Sea] to erase these lights.

"Can't do it with cards alone."

After observing the situation, Shade shook his head again:

"Although it seems to be fine now, in fact my cards are still releasing power to suppress the light. Once I take it back, those lights will light up again."

"Can't you completely eliminate this effect?"

The witch asked again. Just as Xia De was about to shake his head, he had a new idea:

"You can give it a try."

After saying that, he actually continued to move forward. Before Miss Belindel could stop him, she saw him walking into the area that was still emitting a faint light.

Pure white light immediately attached to Shade's body surface, or in other words, he himself also glowed because of these special lights.

"come out faster!"

What he didn't expect was that the witch actually stretched out her hand to him without hesitation, even if her right arm also entered this dangerous area to catch him:

“No matter what you want to try, there’s no need to risk it yourself.”

With that said, he pulled Shad out, and both of them looked at him. Shade's body was still glowing, and the Witch's right hand was still glowing, but neither of them felt anything strange.

[Outlander, you have just entered the special "photochemical area". Due to its high enough light resistance, these lights cannot be assimilated into your body. 】

"In other words, can I resist the special light that is not strong enough?"

【Yes. 】

"Then Miss Belindle."

[Her body was partially actinized, but it was reversed again. In addition, the "source of chaos" is still in her body at this time, so she also has some resistance. 】

This is indeed good news. Shade told the witch the information he had obtained, and the latter was also very happy:

"But how do you fix it?"

Shade once again entered the area where the light was suppressed by the cards at the moment. He waved his hand to the ground aside, and a lump of soil flew from the ground in the normal area into his hand. The lump of soil immediately began to glow. Shade crushed it with a serious look on his face, then took some petals from his pocket, held them both in front of him with both hands, and sprinkled the soil and petals on the ground beneath his feet.

At the same time, thick white steam mist appeared behind Shade with scorching wind. The fat-red birthmark between the witch's eyebrows seemed to tremble, and she immediately stepped back so that she could fully see the huge life ring that appeared in the bullpen.

Shade then whispered the name:

"The power of the earth·healing aura!"

A bit of golden light appeared from Shade's hand, and scattered along with the soil and petals. As the golden light spots like seeds fell into the glowing ground under his feet, the earthy yellow spiritual energy suddenly spurted out like a fountain. came out, finally suppressing those weak white lights.

Shade's glowing body and the life ring behind him became brighter and brighter, but this strange scene did not bring any sound. The khaki aura seemed to be swallowing up those rays of light. Under Miss Belindel's gaze, all the rays of light finally condensed at Shade's feet. After the weak white light completely disappeared, a golden figure emerged from the earth. Colored Holy Grail.

The witch almost completely held her breath.

The Holy Grail also exuded golden light and slowly floated in front of Shade. But when Shade held the cup, all the visions completely dissipated.

The ancient rune engraved on the Holy Grail this time is "Source of Light". The Holy Grail is not large, almost the largest wine glass in the tavern.

"Is this the Holy Grail of the Earth? So it turns out that during the Randall Valley incident, you provided the raw materials for the 'universal earth elixir' that could reverse petrification and was prepared by consuming the Holy Grail of the Earth."

Although she knew that Shade was very capable and even guessed that he was most likely the God Summoner, the ancient "Holy Grail of the Earth" could actually be artificially created, and it was created by reversing pollution. The Great Witch of Destiny had never thought of it before:

"The Holy Grail of the earth was born from the filth of the earth. Is this also a strange fate?"

The originally glowing area now only had a faint light that could hardly be distinguished by ordinary people's naked eyes. Even in the middle of the night, the remaining light in this area would only make people wonder, "This place seems to be brighter than next to it." Therefore, she Also came over:

"But I don't understand. Why can your miraculous technique, which is obviously used to purify the earth, also purify the light?"

Shade smiled:

“Because [the earth] is the foundation stone.”

Last time on the shore of the central island of Green Lake, part of the space fog was purified through the "Power of the Earth·Healing Spiritual Energy", and he learned more about the uses of this magic:

"But you see, the ground here is still glowing. Although my thaumaturgy has purified most of the light, some abnormal light still exists. Fortunately, as long as I don't stand here for several days and nights, it will not have any effect. Although the power of the earth and the healing aura are effective, it is not a thaumaturgy specifically aimed at this, and the purification is not very thorough."

"It's good enough. The Five Gods Church has not been able to come up with a way to deal with this kind of area so far."

She said with a smile and put her arms around Shade's neck:

"Thank you, you helped me solve another big problem."

As he spoke, he closed his eyes naturally, his eyelashes trembling slightly, and kissed Shade. After the two separated for a long time, she covered her red lips and looked at Shade with squinted eyes:

"As I said last time, your skills are really good."

Shade refused to answer this question. He looked down at the Holy Grail in his hand and handed it to the lady in front of him:

"I give this to you. Its effect seems to be just its own light. You see, it is still glowing now. Since it is the Holy Grail made by extracting abnormal light, maybe you can rely on this to predict the area where abnormal light will appear next."

"It's almost impossible."

She accepted the gift and asked again:

"Do you often give gifts after girls take the initiative to kiss you? This is really silly and cute."

Shade wasn't sure how she came up with these two adjectives, but he still explained:

"No, I am not the Holy Grail made by my hands like this. There are only four that still exist, and the one in your hand is the fourth."

The first one is the love token [Holy Grail of Youth] between Shade and Miss Carina, which is the most powerful Holy Grail that Shade has made so far - he was unable to fully digest the power of the earth at the time; the second one is [Mist] [Holy Grail], this Holy Grail is in Shade's pocket; the third is [Space Alienation Holy Grail], obtained from the land where colorful mushrooms grow in the Green Lake area. This Holy Grail is in the hands of the Megan sisters. They rely on this Holy Grail and the colorful Mushrooms, making eye drops that allow the user to see through abnormal areas in space.

"That's really a precious gift."

The countess nodded slightly, pursed her lips and looked at Shade from a close distance, and Shade also looked at her. After hearing the gentle laughter in his ears as a reminder, Xia Decai looked at the scenery outside the cowshed, and then asked the lady in front of him:

"Now that we have left the city and have solved the problems here, the weather is not bad today, why not..."


She said without waiting for Sha De to finish. Seeing Sha De looking at her with some surprise, she smiled and held Sha De's hand:

"What's wrong, don't you want to invite me to take a walk outside the city and see the scenery together? Yesterday you said that before they come, let me accompany you to see Moon Bay. Today is a good opportunity."

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