Whispering Verse

Chapter 2237 Confession

The two walked out of the cowshed holding hands and looked at the pastures, fields and undulating hills in the distance under the blue sky. They seemed to feel much more relaxed. Xia De suddenly wanted to ask a question, but the lady beside him asked this question first:

"Do you really like me?"

She asked Xia De with a smile, and Xia De nodded without hesitation:

"Of course, you didn't leave that night and even jumped into the sea to fish me out. This is enough for me. No, it's not gratitude and thanks. You know, the red mark between your eyebrows is really beautiful. "

The blonde countess smiled and blinked:

"Are you going to ask me the same question?"

But she didn't let Shade answer. Instead, she reached out and covered Shade's mouth. The color in her golden eyes was more charming than the scenery in the countryside:

"Let me tell you the answer - do I like you very much? Of course, I like your appearance, I like your soul, because you are the one I am destined to be."

The pastoral style of the Yuewan area is still very different from that of the Tobesk area. Tobesk is located on the great plains in the middle of the Old World. Although the eastern part of the city is mountainous, the farms are located in plain areas. The terrain of Yuewan is extremely complex, which results in a variety of scenery in the countryside.

The weather was indeed very good this afternoon. The maids followed far behind on horseback. Their master shyly suggested riding on the same horse as Shade, sitting diagonally in front of Shade and walking with him.

"The last time I came back to the city from the Whispering Hills, I was asleep the whole time and didn't know anything."

She softly explained why she wanted to do this, and then smiled and asked Shade to ride faster. She wanted to feel the afternoon breeze of this cold summer.

For city dwellers, all the scenery outside the city is interesting. That afternoon, they rode wildly on the country roads together, visited the apple orchards in the nearby mountains to see the immature green apples, teased the donkeys under the windmill beside the Horwood River, a tributary of the Taton River, and played with the donkeys. I chased a squirrel in the country fields, and at sunset, we stood on the ridge of the field and watched the sunset rays fill the wheat fields that were destined to fail this autumn.

"It's so beautiful~"

Miss Matilda and the other maids were standing very far away, and Miss Belindel, who was holding hands with Shade at the moment, her whole face was flushed by the sunset. She sighed softly, and Shade nodded:

"It is indeed beautiful."

So the witch turned to look at Shade, with a smile on her red face:

"Do you know the origin of this birthmark?"

She pointed to her forehead, and the stranger in the dusk light hesitated:

"Isn't it there when you were born?"

The witch smiled:

"Of course it was present at birth. I mean, my teacher said when I officially became her follower, this is not just a birthmark, this is a special talent. In the ancient era, there was a kind of creature with three It is said that a race with only one eye can see through fate and time. But even so, that ancient race has long since disappeared. And my birthmark, according to the teacher, is similar to theirs and can help me better The embodiment of the gift of seeing through destiny.”

This was the first time Shade heard this statement, so he asked:

"Can I touch you?"


She leaned toward him, and Shade's fingers brushed her forehead. Witches usually don't use too much cosmetics, so they don't feel slippery or greasy to the touch.

"It's a little itchy."

She complained with a smile, and Shade took back his hand:

"It's indeed unusual. Can I touch it again in another way?"

She nodded lightly and agreed again. Her beautiful golden eyes reflected Xade's figure under the setting sun:

"This is what I want to do. Please let me touch you and let me see your fate."

The two of them reached out their hands and hugged each other's necks, and Shade put his forehead against hers.

In the glow of the setting sun, he closed his eyes with her. With their faces illuminated by the setting sun, the handsome foreigner and the beautiful witch are willing to believe in the person they are embracing. The beautiful picture moved the maids in the distance with excitement. They knew that their master finally got what he wanted.

The warm and wonderful touch on his forehead made Shade feel for a moment that he heard someone calling his name. He soon understood that it was not his imagination, because with his eyes closed, he actually felt a hand put on his shoulder from behind.

Not Miss Belindel, nor the maids watching this scene from a distance. The answer appeared quickly. Adele Isabella whispered in Shade's ear:

"The power and destiny of the Parliament are resonating. I see you again from the past era. Shade, Bella will be a good helper by your side. You need a diviner other than Luvia Anat by your side. Reporter Remember, absolute justice is not justice. The first requirement for drawing a sword is to draw the sword in the face of a strong person."

The lady who spoke tenderly kissed the side of Shade's face, and then disappeared.

Shade opened his eyes suddenly, feeling as if he had fallen asleep just now. He moved his forehead away from the witch and turned to look to the right rear, but there was nothing there. There were no footprints on the ground, and there was no scent of her perfume in the air.

[She didn’t come here, but what you just heard was definitely not an illusion. 】

"She" reminded gently. Just as Shade was about to speak, he heard the sharp blast of the whistle.

Looking at Miss Belindel again, the great witch of fate's eyes were dull, and her life ring had emerged from the depths of the steam mist behind her. The life ring rotated rapidly, and as the golden miraculous aura dyed the entire life ring into a dazzling gold, the light of the setting sun coated the life ring with a layer of brilliant light, and finally a brand new word was engraved on the witch's eleven rings. The spirit rune:


The aura converged, and the life ring returned to its normal rotation speed. The consciousness in the witch's godless eyes was returning. She and Shade looked at their life rings together, and then said softly:

"Miracle - Ming Yue, miracle - accident. After meeting you, I have obtained two spiritual runes in a row within half a month."

"There is still one blasphemous spirit rune left before the twelfth ring, right?"

Shade asked, and the life ring behind Miss Belindel disappeared. She didn't discuss what she just saw, nor did she care about her new power:

"Can you kiss me?"

Her red lips twitched, she looked at Shade and said softly:

"Here, now. It's no longer my initiative to do this, but your desire to do it. Before they arrive, I want to make sure of your intentions."


The two looked at each other, and the blond witch with pursed lips looked closer and closer to Shade's eyes, until she fell into that tenderness.

It was obvious to all the maids that the countess was quite satisfied with her outing in the countryside this afternoon. She kept smiling all the way back to the city, and even after returning to the manor, she announced that she would provide an extra meal allowance to every maid and servant in the manor.

Emilia was puzzled by her "landlord's" good mood, and asked Shade but got no answer. And because little Mia was also here, Shade did not go home, but stayed for dinner. It could be seen that little Mia also had a lot of fun that afternoon. She and the little unicorn were very good friends.

After dinner, even the elf girl could see that the Countess was "pestering" Shade and didn't want him to leave. So seeing that it was still early, Shade planned additional actions tonight:

"Want to accompany me around the city?"

He took the initiative to send an invitation to the countess:

"It just so happens that I have a small thing to do in the city that I'm not very urgent about. Why don't we go together?"

Of course Miss Belindel would not refuse.

Baker Street where "Crazy Land" appears is located in the east of the city, more specifically the houses at Nos. 8 and 9 on the west side of Baker Street, which runs east-west. The entire Baker Street is a three-storey apartment building. Now the people who turned into petrified trees in Nos. 8 and 9 have been removed. There are no survivors in this accident.

Even if Shade used the "Holy Grail of the Earth" to prepare a magical elixir, he could not save them. The effect of the elixir is to reverse the effects of petrification, but it cannot turn trees into humans.

Of course, Shade's destination that night was not No. 8 and No. 9 Baker Street, but No. 27 Baker Street on the other side of the street. There are no milk crates outside the house, and there are no newspaper or letter drop-off slots on the door. The house looked like no one lived in it regularly, but someone should come and clean it regularly. At least the glass was wiped clean and the door handle was not rusty.

"right here."

After getting off the carriage at the street corner, Shade, who was walking on foot, said to the countess who was wearing a veil behind him. After walking up the steps, he knocked on the door handle with his finger. With a soft "click~" sound inside the door, the door opened.

The two entered the house together and found that no one was living inside. All the furniture on the first floor of the house is available, but all the furniture is also covered with white cloth to prevent dust from falling.

The ground was still clean, and even the gas was still running in the house, but they didn't turn on the lights.

"Please follow me, upstairs."

Shade said, walking towards the stairs. Miss Belindel looked at this place curiously, and then said softly:

"Don't tell me the secret of this house yet. This time I will do the divination myself."

"You should be able to divine this time. This place has nothing to do with me."

Shade said with a smile.

So while going up the stairs, Miss Belindel kept drawing cards. When they entered the corridor on the second floor and Shade determined the location of the secret room based on the information he got from Gray Gloves, the witch said in surprise:

"Is this related to the Gray Gloves? Is it related to a murder many years ago? Is it related to a dead man?"

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