Whispering Verse

Chapter 2240 Doctor’s Weapon

Luvia counted out four requests. Neither Shade nor Iluna felt it was easy. Shade even said:

"History has recorded many events caused by dragons, such as Iluna's encounter with a dragon on an airship last year, but there has never been a clear record of the Sword of Light.

This shows that the disaster caused by the dragon is definitely not as simple as eating a few sheep, burning a forest or destroying a few houses. According to this inference, if the disaster has nothing to do with the dragon, I think the harshness of the conditions may have to rise to seriously affect the progress of civilization. "

Luvia raised her eyebrows:

"A disaster of the magnitude of the destruction of Moon Bay should be enough, right?"

Shade felt as if someone had knocked him on the head:

"You mean that prophecy was specially prepared for the Chosen One Ceremony?"

Luvia nodded and explained to Iluna who didn't know what they were thinking.

"What Shade said is the prophecy that Yuewan will be destroyed.

The emergence of the prophecy is related to the seven major local families, and the time when the seven major families appeared was in the middle and late fifth era. Although it is still not certain what kind of dragon the seven major families encountered, nor is it certain whether that dragon knew about "The Whispering Poems". But for now, even if they do nothing and just wait for the destined destruction, there will be a high probability that someone will draw their sword in the Moon Bay area to face the enemy. "

"So, because of that prophecy, the chosen one of light is destined to appear in Moon Bay?"

Iluna was stunned, but Luvia corrected her:

"It's also possible that the prophecy was passed down because the Chosen One of Light was chosen by the poem to appear in Moon Bay."

She has always been cautious about poems and would not draw firm conclusions:

"In short, if we choose this easy path, we don't have to be so nervous about the investigation next. Just wait for the destruction of Moon Bay, and the bright chosen one will definitely appear."

"But Shade wouldn't do that, would he?"

The eighteen-year-old girl asked Xiang De with a smile. Of course, Sha De would not choose this "easy" path:

"The permanent population of Yuewan area is the same as that of Tobesk, both in the millions. If Yuewan is allowed to be destroyed, even if the citizens are evacuated in advance, the number of casualties will still be staggering, and this does not include the subsequent adverse effects caused by property damage. . We are always looking for a better ending, and this time is no exception."

"Exactly what I thought~"

Iluna clapped her hands:

"Then when I arrive at Yuewan, the focus will be on investigating the source of the destruction of Yuewan City and the ritual of permanently pulling out the Sword of Light. The first way of drawing the sword is something you can't find, and the second way of drawing the sword only requires a ritual. , but there is no need to face disaster.”

"It's not like we have no direction for our investigation."

Luvia reminded:

"The previous events have proved that even if we don't look for the content of the Chosen One's ceremony, the Chosen One will understand it through wonderful ways. You can start from this direction first and determine the number of holy swords and the number of possessions. Of course, I don’t agree with you taking all those swords into your own hands, it’s completely unnecessary.”

Shade and Iluna both nodded. Qualification as a candidate cannot be obtained by force.

"Speaking of which, Luvia, when are you going to Moon Bay?"

Iluna asked again, and the purple-eyed girl was quite troubled by this:

"Originally, my registration application has been approved, but the association said that I will take the summer exam in St. Byrons at the end of this month, so my application was rejected during the final review. Today is Wednesday the 16th, and the exam is next week. It’s the 27th, and there are still 11 days in between.”

"Then what are you going to do? Go to Yuewan after taking the exam?"

Shade asked, Luvia pursed her lips and nodded:

"It is not necessary for me to be present in Yuewan now, and it would be very abrupt to take a long leave in the association. Wait until the exam is over, there are still eleven days. During this period, you should be more careful when moving in Yuewan, and communicate at any time if there is anything .”

Shade and Iluna both nodded. The night was already dark, and they all looked out the window at the street scene. Iluna's arrival at Moon Bay means that Shade's preliminary investigation is over, and the story of the seventh chosen one will open a new chapter.

That night Luvia and Iluna left Shade's house together, but soon the purple-eyed girl came back again, and Shade had already found her pajamas from the closet.

Nothing happened all night. Early Thursday morning, when Luvia was making breakfast for Shade and little Mia in the kitchen, Shade unexpectedly received a letter from St. Byrons. The envelope was written by Miss Danist. After opening it, it was revealed that Miss Danist had left the academy and went to meet the believers of the old god [Weaver of Harmony].

In her letter, she told Shade not to worry about her, and asked Shade to pay attention to his own safety while in Moon Bay. If Shade really needs help, he can take the ring she gave him at the end of the month and seek help from the team sent by St. Byrons Comprehensive College to Moon Bay this time.

"Miss Daniste said that the principal of our school, Mr. Pigman, is even more powerful than her. I always thought that Miss Daniste and the principal were at about the same level. After all, they both have thirteen rings."

Shade said this when Luvia came from the kitchen carrying a dinner plate and wearing an apron.

The purple-eyed girl thought for a while:

"I have heard other people talk about this topic before, and it seems that the sublime words of the principal, Mr. Pigman, are more powerful. The principal is known as the 'Guardian of Silver', and he is proficient in the power of space and seals. When I was still teaching. , he is a professor at your school of history. It is said that no one in the entire material world can stop his words of sublimation."

After saying that, he took off his apron and sat next to Shade. Shade smiled and kissed the side of her face:

"Thank you for your hard work, let's start eating. Oh, since I can't stop it, can I avoid it?"

"I don't know about this. The principal only participated in the battle at Fort Midhill. During the Green Lake incident, I heard from my colleagues who came to the association headquarters that in response to the final riot in the narrow space of life and death, among them One of the plans was actually to have the principal use the words of sublimation. But things didn’t develop to that point, so I don’t know what the principal’s words of sublimation were.”

Because St. Teresa's Square is very close to the Prophet's Association on Silver Cross Avenue, Luvia didn't have to rush to work after breakfast. She washed the dishes in the kitchen with Shade, and then discussed the recent weather and the news in the newspaper with Shade before being sent downstairs by Shade.

But what was a little embarrassing was that when Luvia opened the door downstairs and was about to turn around and say goodbye to Shade, she happened to see Dr. Schneider carrying a black suitcase and preparing to walk up the steps to the door of No. 6.

The doctor and Luvia outside the door looked at each other for a few seconds, and then the two of them greeted each other in a tacit understanding as if this scene was normal:

"Good morning, Anat."

"Good morning, doctor."

Then Luvia said goodbye to Shade with a smile, but her steps were obviously much faster than before when she left. Although everyone in the group knew the relationship between Luvia and Shade, she still felt embarrassed to be "blocked" by the doctor in front of Shade's house.

After all, she and Shade were not married. Even if she didn't care about other people's opinions, she couldn't talk about this kind of thing openly.

Of course Dr. Schneider, who followed Shade through the door, would not discuss this issue again. After closing the door, he pointed to the suitcase he was carrying:

"It went very well. The weapon is ready."

Xia De was startled:

"So fast? Great, when will we set off?"

The sooner things happen to Emilia, the better. Although since she moved into Belindle Manor, it may be because of the good protection provided by the witch, or because of the power of the little unicorn, Emilia has only He encountered a relic of the lowest level, but Shade couldn't guarantee that nothing would happen next.

"Don't be so anxious, there are still some problems, let's go upstairs and talk."

The two came to the second floor together. Little Mia, who thought Shade was going out, saw new guests coming to the house, so she got up from the sofa and jumped onto the window sill to make way for them.

The doctor didn't say any more useless words. After placing the suitcase on the coffee table and opening it, he showed Shade the deadly "weapon" he had made.

Shade looked over inquiringly, and then asked doubtfully:

"Doctor, you used so much metal, bone products and liquids, how did you make the final product just glass beads?"

Two glass beads are firmly fixed in the lining of the box. The size of the glass beads is almost the same as the ones children play with on the street. But inside the transparent glass bead, there are dim silver-gray runes that are consistent with the ring surface pattern of the [Demon Hunting Seal].

"This is spiritual alchemy, a relatively partial alchemy craft."

The doctor shook his head and did not explain the principle further:

"I don't know if I transferred it recently. I thought that the materials were only enough to make one. In the end, I was very lucky and did not waste the materials at all. I made two finished products. Each of us holds one. This is a weapon."

"Well if the material is enough to make it the size of a glass bead, why not polish it into a bullet warhead?"

Shade twisted one of them and let the cold glass beads roll in his palm. This bead undoubtedly has demonic power, and it is extremely powerful demonic power. The doctor's idea is obviously to use demons to deal with demons.

"Because it must be a round spherical shape."

The doctor also picked up another bead, bent his right index finger, placed the glass bead in the crook of his finger, and made an ejection gesture with his thumb:

"Although this cannot be called a common weapon, I know that your strength is no less than mine. In our hands, even a glass bead is much more powerful than the best high-pressure steam sniper rifle. I found that The crow then ejects. Although we have two chances, in fact as long as the first person takes the shot, no matter whether it is successful or not, there is no need for the other person to fire again."

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