Whispering Verse

Chapter 2241 “Hunting” preparation

Shade picked up the beads and looked at the sunshine outside the window. He felt like there was a red flame inside, and he felt like there were eyes looking at him. The cat standing on the window sill also cast a very interested look:

"Doctor, are you sure it can kill with one hit?"

"Of course, um."

The doctor did not give a definite answer this time:

"No one has ever done this, and luck is also a decisive factor. Therefore, I can only tell you that even if you can't kill with one hit, as long as you hit it, the opponent will definitely not be able to escape. I have the power of the Labyrinth Demon, and I will be seriously injured. It has no power to escape from my hands."

Shade was satisfied with the answer:

"So what's the plan? How to attract that thing? Does it need a suitable venue or a specific scene and story?"

"This is the purpose of my coming today. You go to Moon Bay first to make preparations. The space mobile relics from Papa John's side will probably not be delivered until the weekend, Saturday or Sunday. I prefer Sunday. As soon as I arrive Yuewan, let’s take action immediately. Again: you only have one chance.”

Shade spent the entire Thursday morning at home discussing plans and preparations with his doctor. However, Dr. Schneider did not have lunch with Shade. He had patients to receive in the afternoon and had to go back quickly. Even if he has to hunt demons, he still has to take care of daily patients, so Bill Schneider is a very modern demon hunter.

As for Shade, he was too lazy to cook or go out to find a restaurant, so he simply took the cat to Yuewan. It was lunch time when we arrived at Belindel Manor, and the witch's mother and sisters still hadn't returned, so there were only three people sitting at the dining table, Shade, the Countess, and Emilia.

Of course, little Mia and the little unicorn are here too.

"Princess Margaret and the others will arrive on Sunday."

Miss Belindel first informed Shade of the news. Shade nodded, not surprised at all:

"Margaret has been really hard this year. Since her visit to Tobesk City at the turn of last autumn and winter, she has been involved in almost everything. But I am curious, what do the people of Moon Bay think of this princess? "

"I used to think that she was no different from other members of the royal family. But since those beautiful stockings appeared in Willendale's shop, and our store began to sell such products, at least the ladies of Willendale began to I like this princess. Now this is a real hot commodity, even if you have gold, you may not be able to buy it."

She said with a faint smile on her face.

"What stockings?"

The pointed-eared elf girl who was eating fruit salad with a fork raised her head curiously and asked, so the countess covered her mouth and laughed, and then ordered her maid:

"Matilda, after lunch, I asked someone to take two unopened pairs of the things from the top drawer on the left side of the wardrobe in my room and send them to Amelia's room. They are also for her. Gift."

After speaking, he explained:

"It is a new product produced by the factory, using a new process. I think even in the city of St. Byrons Comprehensive College, there is no such product. After you go back, you can help promote it in St. Byrons, although it may The sex is very small, but I might have the opportunity to cooperate with you in the future.”

Emilia nodded ignorantly, filled with curiosity. Shade was reluctant to talk about the fabric on the girls' legs at the lunch table. He wanted to say that Tifa and his party were leaving this evening, but he thought that he couldn't say this yet:

"It just so happens that there are no clues about the vampires that my friend is investigating, and the other investigation directions we are working on are also unclear. I want to deal with Emilia's affairs in the next few days."

The elf girl looked at him, and the witch was a little worried, and her smile disappeared:

"Are you sure you can handle it?"

"should be no problem."

Shade touched the cat that squatted obediently next to his hand, and the cat nuzzled his hand very docilely:

"Don't worry so much. If I say it's okay, it's okay."

He did not meet their eyes.

After lunch, the three of them went to the study together. Shade asked Emilia to roll up her right sleeve. He took out a small bottle of black solution that was as viscous as caviar that the doctor gave him in the morning, and brushed it on the elf's white skin with a small brush.

During this period, Emilia kept laughing because she felt itchy, but she stopped laughing when Shade finished his work. After the layer of black solution was washed away, a tattoo similar to a crow appeared on her right arm.

"What's this?"

She stretched out her hand to touch, but Shade grabbed her left hand:

"Don't touch it. This pattern will disappear in ten minutes. This is a curse. You are right. You have other curses of misfortune on you. Now I make it visible to confirm for the last time that I have not mistakenly identified the source of the curse. If you guess wrong, it will be embarrassing. If you touch this pattern, the source of the curse will be discovered."

The witch on the side looked at the "crow" seriously:

"It seems that it is indeed that thing. I really didn't expect it. When are you going to do it? Do you need any help from me?"

"It's probably Sunday. I'd like to borrow Belindel's Big Ben. I hope there won't be anyone idle in the clock tower then."

This requirement is almost impossible for others, but for Bella Belindel it couldn't be easier:

"No problem. I divined the weather a few days ago. I found that from Saturday afternoon to Monday, the weather in Yuewan Bay was stormy and bad. I can use this as an excuse to temporarily close the bell tower to the public. Can't I be there then? ?”

Shade glanced at her and shook his head slightly:

"better not."

The great witch of fate just pursed her red lips and did not argue with Shade about this matter:

"Okay, but you must at least bring what I prepared for you. Since I heard you talk about this last time, I have also made some preparations."

Shade smiled and nodded, and Emilia asked:

"It's something more dangerous than the cultists in Tobesk, right? The last time you came to the academy in the middle of the night to find me and asked me to take you to find that passage, your expression was almost this serious."

I wanted to say "sorry" or "thank you" again, but in the end I just said:

"I will listen to you in everything. What preparations should I make in advance? Will little Lianna follow me then?"


The pure white beast gently rubbed the back of Emilia's hand with its unicorn, which was the unicorn's expression of blessing.

"It will follow you when the time comes. As for these few days, you don't need to make too many preparations. Just keep your mood calm."

Emilia nodded. For the first time in more than fifty years of her life, the elf felt that she couldn't do anything despite not working hard enough in the past. She looked down at the raven "tattoo" on her arm, watching the pattern become lighter and lighter.

In a daze, she actually saw the crow blinking at her. At that moment, she felt an inexplicable numbness running down her arms toward her heart. But at the same time, seeing that Shade ignored it for a long time, little Mia used Emilia's shoulder as a springboard to jump from the back of the little unicorn into Shade's arms.

The cat's little paws on my shoulders felt no pain at all, and the hallucinatory feeling of heart paralysis disappeared. Amelia looked at the "crow" on her arm that became lighter in color again in confusion, but found nothing unusual.

"Can you give me some of your hair?"

Shade asked Emilia again, and the somewhat distracted elf girl looked up at him in surprise:

"What? Oh, I mean of course."

"You are such a simple girl. You cannot give away something as important as your hair."

The witch on the side laughed, but Emilia still firmly twisted her hair and pulled out three strands. She handed her hair to Shade, and then watched Shade take out a white steel ring that seemed to be made of factory steel.

The outer surface of the ring was quite smooth with no traces, but the inner surface had a very fine wavy groove. Shade embedded Emilia's hair into the groove, and then put the ring on his own. Put it on your left hand and gently turn it twice to make sure the hair will not slip out:

"I will keep wearing this ring for the next few days, Emilia, and when things are over at the weekend, I will return the hair to you. Miss Belindle is right, hair is not something that can be given to others easily."

"But you're not someone else."

She whispered, and Shade smiled. The witch continued to look at Shade with a strange expression, very doubtful about the relationship between the two. She decided to wait until Miss Benenice and Miss Sylvia arrived on Sunday, and then focus on questioning them. The elf in front of her was still a minor according to the ancient elf tradition, and she could not let Shade make mistakes.

Emilia's affairs were temporarily arranged, and the countess also talked about her own affairs:

"I have almost determined the location of the two people who attacked our [Light Worshiper Training Group] in the Whispering Hills a few weeks ago. But if we don't take action now, we will wait until our helpers come from outside, and then we can act together. The other party is There are thirteen-ring warlocks, I know this very well.”

She is really steady in what she does:

"As for the black dragon scale we found deep in the sewer, I have made new research progress. Come with me."

She took Shade to the basement. Amelia knew that there were some things that she was not suitable to know, so she did not go with her. She was very curious about what the witch and Shade were talking about during lunch, so she took the little unicorn, who obviously wanted to walk around the manor, back to her room.

By chance, Miss Matilda happened to come with the pair of fabrics, so she gave it directly to Amelia.

This is truly high-end stuff, with the fabric packaged in a slim cardboard box with the slogan "Make Girls More Beautiful" and a logo printed on the box.

Amelia opened it curiously and saw white fabric:

"Oh, is this silk fabric? Oh! So thin? Oh, so light."

After taking out the fabric and unfolding it, she could see where the clothes were. Then her fair little face suddenly turned red. Fortunately, there was only Miss Matilda who was smiling:

"Go and try it in front of the floor-length mirror."

Emilia asked softly:

"Isn't this expensive?"

"It doesn't matter, this is also a gift given to the lady."

She didn't say it was a thank you gift and hush money for helping "take care of" Shade, so after Emilia put it on, she looked at it in front of the mirror for a while with a red face:

"Humans are really amazing."

She whispered, very satisfied with the gift, and even thinking about how to give it in return. The blonde maid looked at the beautiful elf in the mirror, pursed her lips and reminded with a smile:

"It's not that humans are great, it's that civilization is great."

PS: It seems like this volume will have another three to four hundred chapters. Look up at the sky.

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