Whispering Verse

Chapter 2285 Others’ Knights

Until 11:30 noon that day, when the Countess returned with Miss Matilda and other maids, Shade was still talking to the girls in the study about the current situation of Moon Bay and the next plan.

When Bella Belindel walked into her study and saw Shade sitting on her sofa surrounded by a circle of girls, she immediately felt empty in her heart, as if she had lost something.

"Miss Belindell, sit here, we just talked about Margaret's welcome banquet tomorrow night."

Shade patted the seat next to him, and Miss Benenice stood up with a smile, making way for her to sit. The countess nodded in a reserved manner.

The news that Emilia was able to stay before the Moon Bay incident was over also made Miss Belindel very happy. Besides the unicorn thing, she also really likes Emilia.

At twelve o'clock, everyone had lunch together. After lunch, Iluna, Miss Benanis, and Miss Sylvia left respectively. They all had their own matters to deal with.

Of course, Shade did not leave. In fact, after sending Miss Sylvia away, the Countess grabbed Shade's sleeves angrily and pulled him all the way to the study room upstairs:

"Shad Hamilton, right?"

There was no chance to be alone yesterday afternoon, and Shade left in the evening, so she couldn't find a chance to talk to Shade alone about these things. There were things she couldn't say in the presence of others.

And when the great witch of fate spoke at this time, even if Shade didn't know how to divination, he could still think of how she tossed and turned last night, thinking about how to ask Shade these things today.

So facing the lady in front of him, Shade decided to answer her in the simplest way.

After the Countess' token struggle, he opened his arms and embraced Bella Belindel. The latter then pursed his lips and put his head on Shade's shoulder. Both of them were silent for a while before she spoke:

"You said in advance that I might be angry. In fact, I have nothing to be angry about. You said at the beginning that you have other girls around you, so except that you concealed that you actually have several witch lovers, you didn't say anything to me. I lied."


"Vanessa and Emma both stayed the night, and they told me most of your stuff."

She snorted and tried to make a sarcastic tone:

"Carina, Emma, ​​Vanessa, Megan, Audrey, Xiwei, plus me, you have charmed 6 great witches in total, right?

I heard that you have a pretty good relationship with Mother-in-law Cassandra, but I didn’t expect that the Council was largely corrupted by you. I, the great witch who is responsible for protecting the secrets and safety of the Council, didn’t notice at all. "

Shade couldn't deny this. He wanted to apologize again. After all, it was indeed his fault, but the lady he was holding said:

"Speaking of which, I'm actually quite happy. After all, judging from the current situation, there's no need to worry. Our number has exceeded half. But..."

She took a deep breath:

"Since you have chosen this path, Shade, you cannot hesitate or look back. Emma told me a lot, and I also know what you have been doing."

Gently pushing Shade away, the two looked at each other at close range:

"The night you transformed into a dragon half a month ago, although I knew you were the God Caller, I have never been clear about your attitude towards the Whispering Psalm and the Chosen One. Now I understand what you are going to do. What, it’s been a hard road, but at least so far, you’re doing pretty well.”

"It's not just me, there are many people around me helping."


Golden eyes continued to look at him:

"That's why I said, you have no chance to look back. You made a choice in the performance of the drama off the stage. You cannot turn back time and regret your decision.

If I were the first witch you met, I might not be so generous. But now, take control of our Parliament, the most secret and ancient organization in the world. Shade, you can only go down this road, and then lead us to witness the end of destiny, the end of destiny."

He moved forward slightly, lightly touched Shade's lips with his lips, and then smiled:

"Hamilton of Rejed, the famous detective of Tobesk, the winner of seven [Original] series of Rhodes cards, the winner of the Ring City Riding Competition, and my lover."

Eyes slightly open, eyelashes trembling:

"Why didn't I think of that before? Who else could you be besides Shade Suellen Hamilton? It's so interesting. Before I got the answer, I never thought you would be the Duchess's lover. But this It’s not reasonable. As an ordinary person, isn’t Shad Hamilton a little too special?”

"Well, this is also one of my unique points. I have been committed to finding the secrets of myself that I don't even know."


She suddenly lowered her voice and said softly.


Shade blinked:

"Are you calling me by my middle name? No one has ever called me that. I prefer you to call me 'Shad'."

She smiled:

"I am a professional diviner. Even if your destiny is hidden at the bottom of the world, I can still touch its trajectory. Su Lun, the moon, the bright moonlight, some even say that this is the oldest moon god , the name I used when walking in the mortal world.”

Shade raised his eyebrows, actually listening to the sounds in his ears, but he heard nothing.

The witch reached out and touched his shoulder:

"If our world is an adventure story with you as the protagonist, then I didn't officially join the team until halfway through the book."

"But the main character in The Whispering Cantos is Iluna Beas, and you've met her."

Shade corrected in a low voice.

"Yes, a young girl who is as dazzling as the sun has the qualifications to be favored by fate that none of us have, and has the courage and strength to move forward. But for me, Shade, you are my protagonist."

The words that were almost affectionate confession made Shade almost suffocate, so he really suffocated. The passionate kiss seemed to have the taste of wine. At this time, the great witch of fate officially gave her answer:

"Xia De, because of feelings, because of responsibility, and because of my mission, I will become your arm and your sword like them. But please also lead me to witness the legend of the chosen one, to witness the first The last epic of the Sixth Age."

"Yes, my lord."

"Then please continue to kiss my other knights."


"This is fun. Carina is not here anyway. Just concentrate and don't think of others at this time."

Witches seem to have this weird hobby.

"Is this comfort enough?"

Soon after, when Shade met Dorothy in the corridor, the blonde writer asked teasingly.

Shade glanced at her expression:

"Dorothy, don't make fun of me. Speaking of which, I plan to go back in the evening. Let's go together then. Do you need my help to pack your luggage?"

"No need, I didn't bring too many things. Lecia specifically told me to tell Agelina to take care of herself. I want to stay with her in the afternoon."

Miss Writer didn't talk about Belindel anymore. She cared more about her sister than the witch:

"But I think Agelina is very happy now. She is with that elf lady. I think she completely treats this as a vacation."

"I really hope she can always feel the holiday atmosphere, but the storm will come sooner or later. I'm going to meet a vampire friend this afternoon. Do you want to come with me?"

Dorothy shook her head and brushed her hair from her ears:

"Go on your own. Although I really want to go with you, Agelina probably needs me more.

In addition to asking me to take good care of her, Lesiya also asked me to go through her suitcase and take back the 'contraband'. But I’m not a cruel sister like Lesia, so I will leave half of it to Agelina, as long as it’s not too much.

A girl of this age should have some little secrets of her own, and Lecia is really too strict sometimes. "

Shade didn't know what contraband Agelina could have.

"Go home after dinner. Shade, pick me up at eight o'clock. Lesia and I want to spend the rest of the day with Agelina."

Before leaving the manor, Shade went to see Tifa one last time. There have been more and more things going on in Moon Bay in recent years. Miss Belindel has to consider not only the responsibilities brought by her status as an earl, but also the investigation of the chosen one. Therefore, the manpower is already tight. The arrival of the Northern Maid Group just relieves her. Urgent need.

Of course, it is impossible for her to let Tifa and the others participate in the political activities of Moon Bay City like Miss Matilda, but besides that, there are many things about the investigation of the chosen ones.

She also knew that Tifa was the truly outstanding one among this generation of witch apprentices in all aspects, so she also gave Tifa corresponding power in the manor.

When Shade found them in the alchemy workshop in the basement that afternoon, the Northern Maid Group and the maids in the manor were preparing to strengthen the manor.

"Miss Belindle said that she was inspired by the report after the Battle of Green Lake, and wanted to turn this manor into a stronghold or even a battle fortress. Even if it is not used, at least it must ensure that abnormal light or filthy earth will not be used. Will appear within the confines of the estate.”

The maids continued to be busy. In addition to preparing for the reinforcement of the manor, they were also making more potions and alchemy items that could be used. Potions have expiration dates, so some things can only be prepared on the fly.

Tifa stood alone chatting with Shade. The black-haired maid with a very good figure was still handsome even in Moon Bay City. The dark brown eyes looked at Shade with a smile, and the straight bridge of his nose was very white, which made Shade want him to look away with a blush on his face. The smile on Tifa's face became more obvious:

"Earl Belindel has arranged accommodation for us, and the conditions here are very good. Shade, if you need us to do anything, please feel free to ask us anything."

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