Whispering Verse

Chapter 2286 Vampire investigation concluded

The second half of the sentence, "Anything is OK," was said by Tifa in a lowered voice, so only the two of them could hear it. It was obvious that after leaving Tobesk and being far away from her master, the maid lady also had her own little thoughts.

Shade nodded slightly and looked around pretending:

"Just get used to this place. If you need anything, please let me know at any time. You know for me. This city is only a round-trip ride on a carriage from Saint Teresa Square. Ahem."

He quietly held the hand of the black-haired maid, who also had a reddish complexion, her head slightly lowered, and her eyes raised upward to look at him with a certain charm.

"Anyway, things here may continue for a long time. Tifa, you must plan to stay here for a long time."

"Yes, I will often communicate with Matilda. She is also a maid. We will have many topics in common."

They continued to talk boring words one after another, and in fact their hands hidden in the shadows were squeezing each other. Although Shade knew that girls were very good with their hands, but just holding Tifa's hand, he felt that his palms were constantly sweating. This feeling was also strange to him.

[An affair, after all, is different from a serious relationship with a girl. 】

"She" teased with a chuckle, Shade ignored this statement.

[Also, in the morning, someone seemed to be talking about quitting sex? 】

Shade still ignored this sentence and just held hands, which was nothing at all.

Because he still wanted to find Mr. Bernhardt in the afternoon, Shade did not continue to covet the maid lady's equally sweaty hand for too long.

Of course, before leaving the manor, he did not forget to say goodbye to Miss Belindel who had not yet left. He also went to find Emilia, hoping that she could contact the family and ask if the Yuexi clan knew about the "Heart of the Oasis" .

The appointment with Mr. Bernhardt to meet that afternoon was not due to the "tacit understanding" between the two gentlemen, but to Anne Bonny of "Princess Trading Partner" when Shade was at Belindle Manor in the morning. The lady sent someone to forward a letter from the vampire seed lord.

After the heavy rain last weekend, the weather on Monday afternoon was surprisingly good. When Shade came to Spider Alley, he saw the sun casting mottled shadows on the ground from the gaps in the shade of the trees, and then he realized that it was still summer.

But compared to the good weather, Mr. Bernhardt's face in the Spider Hotel was obviously much worse.

He had arrived early, and when Shade sat down, he was flipping through a palm-sized black leather-covered notebook.

Between the two of them was a wooden table soaked with wine stains. A kerosene lamp illuminated the interior of the tavern, which was dark due to the narrow windows. The wooden wine glass in Mr. Bernhardt's hand was filled with wine that looked like horse urine.

"It's been a hard week investigating."

Shade said, and Lord Vampire Seed also moved his gaze from the notebook to Shade:

"Compared to you, I don't work hard. Forget about the dragon roar on the weekend. Don't tell me. I'm already involved in enough trouble."

The bartender came over and brought new glasses. After the two clinked their glasses, Mr. Bernhardt suddenly started talking:

“Although I expected that the progress of investigating the local tribe would not go smoothly, I didn’t expect that I would encounter so many unfortunate things.

Do you know how many things I found out? Smuggling weapons, selling illegal drugs, cheating on three people at the same time, and colluding with a human sorcerer to sell seasoned ketchup as a blood product. Oh, I even dressed up as a beggar and entered a local beggar’s den in the sewers in order to investigate an elusive fellow member. "

Shade is very interested in this topic:

"Did you find anything?"

"No, I worked undercover all night and found nothing except rescuing a girl who was abducted."

As he spoke, he drank heavily and angrily:

"I hope what I did to those beggars did not distress the church. I won't say that because I am on the side of justice, I have the right to use violence, but people will always encounter times when they can't control themselves, right? ?”

Shade nodded in agreement and did not ask what he had done:

"Isn't that kidnapped girl the same vampire species you want to investigate?"

"No, no, of course not. I have also read novels with similar plots, and I am very cautious. In short, now I have identified five key suspects, and they are all likely to cooperate with the cultists of the [Dragon Feast Order]. "

He said and put the notebook in front of Shade.

"There is also the matter of [Blood Sorrow], which gives me a headache when I talk about it. I visited the local people who can be trusted, but everyone has the attitude of 'This sacred object is actually here?'

I even have some doubts about whether those people from [New World Mutual Aid Association] told us the truth, or maybe, although the sword is in Yuewan, it is not in the hands of anyone, and it is still lying somewhere quietly waiting to be awakened again. . "

Shade nodded. There is actually no rush about [Blood Sorrow]. He already has [Night Watch], so he doesn't need a second holy sword for the time being. If it is really needed, Luvia can spend one coin. turn up.

The key now is the information about the vampires who are cooperating with the [Dragon Eater Order]. Miss Belindel has found the location of the [Light Worshiper Training Group], and the witches are in place. She will soon organize everyone in the council to start a mission. action.

But the whereabouts of the [Dragon Feast Order] are still unknown, and behind those cultists, there is a genuine old god.

That was also the nameless eldest son of the ancient god and the original ancient dragon.

"Including Ptolemy, there are still a few trustworthy members of the local clan. The five names on the notebook now are most likely to have an affair with cultists, but they are also the most difficult to investigate."

"It's understandable that there is actually a Marquis. Mr. Bernhardt, your kindred is very powerful. If you hadn't told me, I would never have imagined that this person is actually a vampire."

Shade returned the notebook, folded his hands and placed them on the table:

"But I have a question. Are you sure there is only one person working with the vampires? Could there be more than one?"

"This is also what I am worried about, so these five people stayed and did not start investigating immediately."

Mr. Bernhardt sighed:

"They all have a certain social background. If two or more of them are connected, rash action will only lead to the loss of clues. The situation we are facing now is that these people are standing high up with wine glasses, only showing their faces. It is very likely that the members of the same clan have important secrets.

You have a very good relationship with Earl Belindel, and Princess Margaret is also in Moon Bay now, so we need to use the help of these forces to visit and investigate with legitimate reasons, rather than conducting secret investigations. "

Shade nodded to express his understanding:

"Five people, this is a big project, I'm afraid it won't be finished within a week or two."

"No, no, it won't take that long."

Mr. Bernhardt immediately shook his head:

"I collected some blood from the monster in the sewer laboratory, and I also kept the remains of the vampire monster you killed on the beach.

Relying on these and the support of the Willendale Order, I made a small detection prop that can detect the source of the blood at close range. "

"That is, if you are close enough, you can find out who provided the blood for the experiment (note)?"

"Yes, yes, but we need to be at least as close as a handshake to ensure the accuracy of detection, so we just need to find a suitable reason to approach these suspects."

He looked around to make sure no one in the tavern was paying attention, then took out the five photos from the notebook and arranged them in three columns on the table.

"Three of the five people, including the Marquis, will attend the welcome banquet of Her Majesty Margaret tomorrow night. Shade, I need an invitation letter."

He pointed to the three photos in the first column.

"This is very simple."

Shade nodded.

“Of the two remaining, this Lady Jude is the widow of a wealthy merchant.

She is very rich, not as rich as the ladies you know, but richer than most nobles. She lives in seclusion on weekdays and rarely leaves the house except to take care of the orphanage she runs and attend afternoon tea parties with ladies.

But the good news is that I found out that she will go to the Cassandra Auction House in this city tomorrow morning. I know you have a relationship with this auction house, Shade, and this is our itinerary tomorrow morning. "

He pointed to the photo in the second row. In the photo, the lady with a hat covering her face looked very mature. Shade had no impression of her. The ladies around Miss Belindel were all big nobles, and wealthy businessmen were not qualified to appear next to the Countess.

As for the uncommon surname "Jude", Shade remembered that the antique collector of the "Scarlet Order" he met in Coldwater Port last year had this surname.

"No problem, we will still meet here tomorrow morning."

Shade nodded again. According to the itinerary, Miss Swift and her party will arrive at Moon Bay tonight. The old witch has no heirs. As the last apprentice to be trained, Miss Swift is basically the next owner of Cassandra Auction House.

"Then the last one is"

Shade pointed to the last photo.

"Captain Rudolf has 12 merchant ships under his name. However, he does not run the New World route, but travels north and south to do import and export trade between the two countries."

Mr. Bernhardt clicked on the photo:

"The captain is not in Moon Bay all year round, but fortunately he has been in the past few weeks. He is not a good-tempered person. Although he and I are of the same race, he will not be happy to see me.

However, I inquired and found out that the 'Princess Trading Partner', which is the address you left me, is well-known among the gangs in the dock area, and it seems that he can help introduce him. "

"No problem. It's only two o'clock in the afternoon, so without further ado, let's set off now."

Shade said and stood up.

"I appreciate your resolute character, but don't leave in a hurry. No, no, I'm not asking you to pay for the drink. I mean, go to Ptolemy first. He also has new clues."

PS1: The blood of these monsters has been mixed and changed with other blood. Shade's [Echo of Blood] cannot be traced back to its source, and can only use the secret method of vampires.

PS2: This picture is the most beautiful one after drawing so many tifas.

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