Whispering Verse

Chapter 2295

Mr. Bernhardt was silent for a few seconds before nodding:

"I understand what you mean. I will find time to go to the orphanage she runs, or sneak in there at night to see what she did to the children. I will not listen to her words and investigate The truth will come later. If she lied, I would make the right choice."

He did not say what he would do if what Mrs. Jude said was true.

“You have more to do.”

Shade said with a smile, while Mr. Bernhardt, who obviously couldn't laugh, just sighed. After taking a few steps forward, when they returned to the entrance of Cassandra Auction House, Mr. Bernhardt couldn't help but asked:

"Tell me, what is justice?"

"I don't know, Mr. Bernhardt. Justice will be different for everyone. It's up to you to find out for yourself."

"Then can you tell me what your justice is?"

He asked for advice, and Shade glanced at him:

"My justice, I really want to talk to you about some very abstract principles, such as paying attention to the welfare of others, but I don't think it is necessary - when I meet someone in need of help, if I happen to have nothing to do , and helping others won’t harm myself too much, so I’ll help others.”

A stranger looks at the street scene:

"It sounds a little egoistic, but there's only so much I can do."

"No, I think that if this is really your life principle, then you can be regarded as the best person."

He praised, and Shade shook his head. He actually only did things that made him happy. And changing those stories with bad endings was just a coincidence, and it was one of the things that made him happy.

[Outlander, you have come into contact with "Enlightenment" and you have some understanding of "Justice". 】

"Well don't scare me."

"What happened to the child you were talking about, the child in the trash can?"

Herr Bernhard asked again.

"Working as a helper in a large hotel, a pharmaceutical company will sponsor his education. I think this should be regarded as changing his life."

"Of course you are right, Mr. Watson, justice is really complicated."

The morning's affairs ended like this for the time being. Shade and the worried Mr. Bernhardt said goodbye for the time being, and agreed to meet again at Margaret Manor in the evening. The invitation letter Shade has been given to Mr. Bernhardt, and they will have a talk with the remaining three tonight.

Then Shade threw away the glass slipper and went home. After taking little Mia with him, he went to Yuewan again.

Considering that I am afraid I will have to go home very late today, and Dorothy and Luvia, who can take care of the cats, are both busy with exams. Considering that Tifa, Agelina, and Emilia are all in Belindle Manor now, it would be better to bring little Mia to the manor, where there are plenty of girls to take care of it.

It was already lunch time when we returned to Belindel Manor. Although the countess did not come back for dinner, the girls who stayed in the manor were still very happy.

After lunch, Shade was still thinking about whether to go to the city for a while or stay in the manor to prepare for the evening banquet. Unexpectedly, Emilia found him alone and met Agelina suspiciously. Her eyes called him to the corridor:

"I received news from my family that the information about 'Heart of Oasis' is in this leaf."

The elf girl whispered, as if she was afraid of being heard by others, but this was not something that could not be known by others:

"Put the leaf in front of your eyes and you can get the information inside. This is a one-time use. Just throw the leaf away when you are done using it."

She added, and after handing the leaf to Shade, she hesitated for a moment before asking again:

"Shade, you have mastered the power of time, so do you think, in our current era, can we use the power of time to affect reality on a large scale?"

Shade, who was looking at the green leaves in his hands with the cat on his shoulder, raised his head in confusion:

“This is a really strange question, but I guess it’s not possible.

Just like today's Sixth Age, the instability of space has caused most means of space movement to be no longer reliable. I think time should be similar. Seemingly stable time also has some unknown weaknesses, so large-scale modification of time will definitely cause problems. "

"As long as you understand."

The elf girl breathed a sigh of relief, there was no need for her to say it.

"Sorry, understand what?"

Shade asked doubtfully, Emilia immediately shook her head, and then said with a sweet smile:

"Agelina and I will stay in the manor these days, but we plan to wait until the weekend to go to the city for a walk. I have told you about this in advance. Maybe we can be in the city by then. I met you there."

After saying that, she turned and left, as if she was afraid that Shade would stop her and ask questions.

Shade can certainly feel that Emilia is hiding something, but everyone has their own secrets. Although the outsider has plenty of curiosity, he also respects the privacy of his friends around him.

The leaf that Emilia gave to Shad is a special item made by elves who believe in the "Tree Father". Its use is the same as the way to obtain the knowledge, thaumaturgy, and spiritual runes in the "Leaf of Youth." , but after Shade put it in front of his eyes and gained knowledge, the leaf withered. It was a withered yellow color that seemed to make a crisp sound when stepped on.

The leaves were placed on the windowsill for little Mia to play with. Shade stood at the window looking at the city scenery outside and sorting out the harvest.

The amount of information in this leaf was far smaller than the amount of information that Shade had obtained from any previous use of the [Eternal Youth Leaf], so Shade knew almost immediately what he knew:

"The 'Heart of the Oasis' is a materialized ancient god's blessing, coming from the [Mother Goddess of the Earth]. It is an enhanced version of the 'Power of the Earth and Field of Fertility' mastered by Luvia.

Its shape is a green crystal, which can not only permanently change the soil fertility and environment of a certain area and even affect the long-term climate, but also, after mastering effective means, it can also use its huge vitality to exert powerful healing abilities. "

The elves of the Yuexi Clan gave methods on how to use the Heart of Oasis for treatment, and also briefly explained other uses of the strange object, but they did not say where to find it, or how to sense it. its location.

However, Shade did not get the answer just by asking. Now that he knew the appearance and ability of the "Heart of Oasis", he at least ensured that he would not miss the item after seeing it.

This was already a great help to Shade. He even thought that if he had one or two extra pieces of [Eternal Youth Leaf] in his hand after the time key ended, he would give one to Emilia as a thank you.

The banquet at Margaret Manor was expected to start at seven o'clock in the evening, but because they needed to arrive early, they actually had to leave from Belindell Manor at six o'clock.

Therefore, this afternoon, even though Shade originally wanted to go to the crow's nest, he finally gave up at the insistence of Miss Belindel, who returned in the afternoon, and allowed the maids to put on makeup and dress up in the room.

He still wanted to use his "cousin" identity to accompany the countess to the banquet tonight, and the other two witches did not express any objection because this was Moon Bay.

However, Shade prepared two sets of costumes for himself. He and Mr. Bernhardt were going to meet other vampires on the way. If he was identified as his "cousin," it would get a lot of people into trouble.

The three great witches will naturally attend the banquet. As for the witch apprentices, only Miss Margaret and Matilda will attend.

Tifa's identity is sensitive, and Ms. Swift's arrival is not coming with much fanfare this time. Agelina was somewhat interested in this banquet, but she gave up considering her status.

In short, at six o'clock that evening, Shade left little Mia in the care of the maids. After saying goodbye to Tifa and Miss Swift, he set off in a carriage with the dressed-up Miss Belindle.

"I'm actually curious, why was this banquet to welcome Princess Margaret held in Margaret's own manor?"

On the way, Shade also asked:

"According to general rules, your seven major families should provide the venue for this banquet, right?"

The drop-shaped blue crystal hung by a gold thread perfectly covered the fat-red birthmark between the Countess' eyebrows. In this era, forehead jewelry has become widely popular. It usually consists of jewelry, decorations and headdresses. It is used in combination with hair accessories, hairbands or hairnets to embellish the hairline or forehead. Of course, more importantly, it is to show off women. their social status and wealth.

Of course, the witch doesn't have a hairline problem. She likes forehead ornaments just because she wants to cover the fat-red birthmark. Especially after Shade asked to kiss there last time.

She smiled and covered her lipsticked mouth:

"You are right. In fact, this banquet was originally planned to be held directly in the banquet hall of the City Council. It was Her Royal Highness Margaret who proposed to hold it in her own manor. She said that this was also a way for her to express her relationship with our seven major powers. A family way of bonding.”


Shade asked again. The Countess took Shade's hand and asked Shade to play with the ring on her finger.

"The King of Willendale was worried about security issues. The grey-headed eagle killed several important figures in the seven major families under the Moon Bay more than ten years ago. Since then, almost no important members of the Anjou royal family have visited the Moon Bay. The royal family is also worried about retaliation, so she didn’t dare hold a banquet outside when she first arrived in Yuewan.”

As he said that, regardless of whether there was Miss Matilda in the carriage, he hugged Shade's arm directly:

"If I told other people that gray eagles are in Moon Bay right now, they would get funny looks."

"Then my Earl, do you want me to kill someone for you?"

Shade asked with a smile, and the blonde countess shook her head:

"Of course not. I would rather dirty my hands than dirty yours."

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