Whispering Verse

Chapter 2296 Margaret Manor Banquet

Margaret Manor covers a large area. Now as night falls, when the gas lamps in the courtyard and the house are lit one by one, you can see the entire manor decorated with splendor from a distance.

Although Shade and Miss Belindel arrived early, many people actually arrived earlier than them.

When the Belindel family's motorcade stopped at the gate of the manor, the people who had gathered at the gate to talk immediately dispersed. Margaret's personal maid and Countess Elmont from the princess's team represented Margaret. She was greeted by Mrs. Elmont, who was Margaret's cousin.

In short, the lively banquet officially started. The nobles of Yuewan gathered together, and the ladies' colorful jewelry was enough to dazzle anyone's eyes. Margaret wore a small silver crown and a golden dress to attend the banquet today. When she met Miss Belindel, she even winked at Shade quietly.

The most important part of this nominal welcome banquet was for Margaret to read to the local nobles a letter written by her father, King Lion Lion, to the citizens of Moon Bay.

This session took place at the official start of the banquet, when Shade was still standing with Miss Belindel and Miss Matilda. By the time the banquet officially started and Countess went to deal with the social interactions and conversations she had to deal with tonight, Shade had already quietly left. After changing a set of clothes, she met Mr. Bernhardt who was holding a glass of red wine. .

In fact, even without Xia De, he could still get an invitation letter by himself, but it was just more troublesome. When Shade saw him, he was talking to a middle-aged man with a mustache. Then when he greeted Sha De, he quietly pointed to the middle-aged man who was leaving:

"This baron is in the red wine business in Moon Bay and would like to ask me how the vineyards in Huntingdon are doing this summer and whether they have been affected by the weather."

"Are you affected?"

Shade asked curiously, Mr. Bernhardt nodded slightly:

"The situation is not optimistic. Grapes are plants that like warm seasons. Although Huntington does not snow in the summer like Moon Bay on the coast, the low temperature will definitely affect the ripening speed of the grapes and the quality of the finished product, which will greatly affect the 1854 The taste of this year’s batch of wines.”

He shook the red wine glass in his hand:

"Many people are already preparing to start stocking up on the market, stocking up on red wines from the 1853 and 1852 batches. If this abnormal weather continues for several years, then goods of ordinary quality in the past can also be sold in abnormal years. Big price, this is also the business I originally wanted to negotiate when I came to Yuewan."

He sighed and asked curiously:

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Don't you have to go and accompany the countess? We can meet again later. The banquet will last until late anyway."

Shade shook his head:

"Mr. Bernhardt, you probably have some misunderstanding about me. It's not that I accompanied her to the banquet, but she asked me to accompany her to the banquet."

Lord Vampire Seed nodded slowly:

"You are still awesome."

The remaining three targets tonight also all have great backgrounds. The most senior among them, the Marquis, has not shown up in the banquet hall yet. Shade plans to check later to see if he has not come or is talking to people elsewhere.

So the two of them went to meet the remaining two vampires first, one of whom was a real "vampire"——

"I have said it many times, I provide them with wages and remuneration, I even provide them with drinking water for free in the factory, why do they still oppose me?"

When Shade and Mr. Bernhardt saw Baron Chandler, he was complaining to his friends in a loud voice.

Viscount Chandler was the fattest person Shade had seen at this banquet so far, and he was wearing a black formal suit that didn't fit well.

This caused the buttons on his chest to burst open, and he was trying hard to keep the fabrics on the left and right sides from betraying each other.

"Why don't those workers understand? I spend money, and they have to work for me. Eight hours of work? Sure, then cut the current salary until I can use the same kronor to turn two shifts into Three shifts!”

He drank champagne angrily:

"Which factory doesn't do this now? I swear, if I really increase their wages and reduce overtime hours, my factory will be closed down before next week, before the weekend, and they will go to the streets by then. Begging? I am their benefactor, I gave them the opportunity to support their wives and children, why do they do this to me?"

His friend, who didn't have the little bat symbol on his head, was smiling awkwardly and didn't know how to answer this sentence. Fortunately, he saw Shade and Mr. Bernhard approaching, so he immediately said:

"Raymond, look, these two gentlemen seem to be here to see you."

The very fat Baron Chandler turned to look at them and frowned in confusion:

"Gentlemen, do I know you? Let me tell you first, I will not casually sponsor other people's research and inventions, let alone invest in projects that I do not understand."

"No, no, please introduce yourself. I am Armand Bernhard. I have written you a letter of visit."

Mr. Bernhardt handed over his business card. Baron Chandler took a look at it and raised his eyebrows:

"Oh, Viscount of Willendale, I remember your letter. But I am not in the wine business. My factory mainly produces cotton and gauze."

After speaking, he sniffed and showed an expression of sudden realization:

"Oh, it turns out they are relatives. I didn't know you before. Since this is the case, come here with your friends to chat with me. Maybe I haven't seen Willendale's relatives for a long time."

Although he had just spoken shamelessly about the workers in his factory, this Baron Raymond Chandler behaved very appropriately and humbly when dealing with his own race, or those who were close to him.

The baron's friend temporarily walked away, and the three of them came to the table on the west wall of the banquet hall. Together they picked up new wine glasses from the champagne tower on the table. Shade turned to face the banquet hall and took a look at Miss Belindel and Margaret. Then he went to search for other familiar figures. Behind him, Qian Baron Dele asked Mr. Bernhardt about the recent situation in Willendale.

Of course, the two did not forget to shake hands during the process, and Mr. Bernhardt judged again that he was not the one cooperating with the vampires.

As for the matter of "Blood Sorrow", Baron Chandler is also unclear. Even when Mr. Bernhardt hinted that the sword might be in Moon Bay, Baron Chandler's fat right hand directly cracked the glass:

"Is there such a thing?"

"Speaking of which, Mr. Bernhardt, who do you think is more hateful than Mrs. Jude this morning or this Baron Chandler?"

Baron Chandler also quickly said goodbye to the two of them and walked towards his business partner. Shade put his left hand in his pocket and asked his friend again.

Lord Vampire Seed pondered for a moment:

"No one is more hateful than anyone else. What they are doing is wrong. Even if my ability is limited and I cannot stop everything that I think is wrong, at least I must be able to distinguish what is right and what is wrong."

"It seems that after you returned home in the morning, you did think about something. But you are right, your 'relatives' in Yuewan really have all kinds of people."

"Suspect No. 3" was eliminated, leaving only the last two. The Marquis still didn't show up, but Shade saw at a glance that "Suspect No. 4" Miss Angora Rice was talking to Margaret.

Young Miss Angeli Rice is the youngest of all the subjects of Mr. Bernhardt's suspicions. In fact, she is even 8 months younger than Margaret, but she is also the current subject of suspicion. The one with the highest level. The level of the Sixth Ring is only one level lower than Mr. Shade and Mr. Bernhardt. This age is enough to be called a genius.

Miss Rice's father, Earl Rice, is one of the most famous nobles outside the seven major families in Yuewan City. As an only daughter, it is no surprise that she will inherit the family title in the future, so she will also be a countess in the future.

Mr. Bernhardt originally wanted to wait for her to finish talking to Princess Margaret before approaching her to talk, but he was led over by Shade.

Margaret smiled at the two of them:

"Look who this is, Viscount Bernhard. I didn't expect to see you here."

She knew what Shade was doing, so she took the initiative to introduce it to Miss Rice:

"These two are friends I met in Huntingdon during my visit to Delrayon last year. The red wine given to me by Viscount Bernhardt was very delicious. He has red wine business in Huntingdon and Willendale. ."

Mr. Bernhardt then reached out his hand, and later came to the conclusion that Miss Rice also did not come from the blood.

However, Miss Rice still had to talk to Margaret, so the two people who ostensibly came only to say hello to the princess did not stay long.

After walking far away, Xia De said doubtfully:

"So, we have found the answer now? Is it the Marquis who cooperates with those people from the [Dragon Feast Order]? But what is he trying to do? He has status and status, so why should he cooperate with the cultists? ?”

"I don't know either. I originally thought that the person with the least suspicion was actually Your Excellency."

Bernhardt is not so sure either:

"Let's talk about it after we meet, but is the Marquis really here?"

Xade didn't know whether the Marquis came or not, but he could get the answer by asking the manor's steward, since they were all his own anyway.

The butler did give the answer. The Marquis was already there, but he was talking with Earl Eddington in the study upstairs and would not come down for a while. Therefore, Shade and Mr. Bernhardt planned to wait. While they were chatting, Mr. Bernhardt reminded Shade:

"You have to be careful about that Miss Angora Rice."

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