Whispering Verse

Chapter 2339

Shade showed an expression that was indeed true. Mr. Bernhardt leaned forward slightly and asked:

"What is it? Is it related to Mrs. Jude?"

Then the lady smiled at him:

"Yes, let me talk about this matter. In fact, it is not a big deal. I have received several harassing letters recently. The general message is that I should stop my current evil behavior, otherwise I will be punished."

"That wouldn't mean"

Shade deliberately paused here.

"Probably referring to Mrs. Jude's little hobby."

Miss Rice's right index finger and thumb rubbed the little finger of her left hand, and she painted purple-red nail polish:

"Mrs. Jude came here to ask me for help, and I owe her a favor. You also came to me for help, so I can only ask you to help her. Those letters should not be a prank. There is something wrong with the letter paper. I can trace it with a piece of paper in my hand. When the relics were traced back to their origins, nothing could be seen.”

"Did you bring the letter?"

Shade asked, which actually meant that he had accepted the task.

The letters that Mrs. Jude did bring were actually just two letters, both in envelopes without stamps. It's just that the envelope and letter paper are completely normal, with no reaction at all.

If Miss Rice hadn't said that the source couldn't be traced, even Shade wouldn't have thought there was anything wrong with them.

"We accept the task, but I also have requirements."

Mr. Bernhardt said with a serious face:

"Mrs. Jude, at least until this series of events in Moon Bay is over, and before the church gives up its investigation and pursuit of the same people, don't continue your little hobby. This is not only good for you, but also good for all of us. "


"Viscount Bernhard's request makes sense."

Miss Rice interrupted Mrs. Jude, and she looked at the lady beside her calmly:

"Sometimes it is good for everyone to control yourself a little. I will help Viscount Bernhard investigate the local people, the Viscount and his friends will help you investigate the threat, and you have to control yourself. This is fair, isn't it? ?”

She talks really intimidatingly.

"Viscount Bernhard captured Baron Chandler some time ago. You should know about this."

Shade suddenly said again, and after Miss Rice nodded, he continued to ask:

"At that time, Mr. Bernhardt and Mr. Albert relied on personal relationships and orders from the cult to mobilize some local vampires who were willing to help. So, Miss Rice, can you convince more people that maybe in the future? Help us in what happened? Dozens of vampires are enough to conquer the Yuewan Police Department, and hundreds of them gather together, even the church must pay attention."

"Do you want to conquer the church?"

Miss Rice asked teasingly, Shade shook his head:

"If you want the church to change its perception of you, of course you have to do something. The turmoil on Sunday night is definitely not the last. You can perform better next time. Isn't this an opportunity?"

"But how do I feel that you want me and my people to become the power in your hands? Speaking of which, sir, I don't know which force you represent."

Looking at Shade with black eyes, Shade thought for a moment:

"A force you can't afford to offend."

The noble girl smiled:

"If Viscount Bernhard takes out the Order's warrant and orders me, I can probably gather dozens of people. But if you help Mrs. Jude solve the problem neatly and beautifully, I might really be able to gather a few hundred people. You are right. , handsome sir, we need the church to change its mind about us, and the next urban unrest is the opportunity.

Helping you is also helping us. I regard it as cooperation, and solving Mrs. Jude's matter is the first step in our cooperation. "

After agreeing to visit Miss Rice and Mrs. Jude again if necessary, Shade and Mr. Bernhardt left here.

After the two of them returned to the street side by side, Shade wiped his neck. Mr. Bernhardt immediately shook his head:

"No, we can't force her to tell the clues. The people of Yuewan don't really listen to the order of the Order, but that doesn't mean they are completely in disarray. Although Miss Rice is young, she is really capable. No As a last resort, don't do anything to her for the time being, otherwise we will offend all the local people at once."

Shade was stunned for a moment before shaking his head:

"No, I mean you just unbuttoned your collar indoors, should you fasten it now?"

"Oh, okay, okay."

It was still early, and they wanted to discuss this troublesome matter with Mr. Albert, so they returned to Spider Alley. It was just an unfortunate coincidence that this time, the coroner went to the Yuewan City Police Department to help with the autopsy of the bodies that were caught in the fire on Sunday night. He was temporarily absent, so the two went to the Spider Hotel to sit down.

Shade was very satisfied with this place. Although it was a bit dilapidated, it was precisely because of its dilapidation and remoteness that it became a good place for conversation.

"Each of us will take half of these threatening letters."

Shade said:

"I have two very powerful diviners around me, including the famous Miss Amethyst from Yuewan City. I can find them. I asked them to try to divine the source of the letter."

Mr. Bernhardt sat across the table and shook his head:

"You can take them all. Although I also know some people who are good at divination, such as Wilson from Huntington City, they are definitely not as good as the people you know."

Mr. Wilson was the soothsayer Shade and his team found at the "Bloody Rose Inn" in Huntington. He seemed to have predicted the "original" outcome of the Battle of the Pantanal (Chapter 1085).

"Mr. Watson, you go find the fortune teller, and I will try to investigate Mrs. Jude and Miss Rice from the side. I have never found out that the two have such a good relationship before, and I was scared when I saw Mrs. Jude just now. One jump.”

"Could it be that kind of relationship?"

Shade raised his eyebrows, and Mr. Bernhardt immediately shook his head:

"It's impossible. The girl Miss Rice likes is about the same as you. She won't be that mature."

"Well, actually, you just need to explain, there's no need to involve me."

Mr. Bernhardt smiled and raised his glass to salute Shade:

"You are willing to help me like this, I really don't know how to repay you."

"Don't say such things, we are friends. Besides, [Blood Sorrow] is also related to the matter I am investigating."

Shade sighed and looked at the empty tavern on Tuesday morning and the sleepy hotel owner cleaning wine glasses behind the counter:

"Since we met here, first there was the case of the unknown female corpse and the headless murder case, then there was the vampire monster, and recently there has been a series of heart attacks. Your kindred was first suspected of providing blood, and now it has become an evil spirit. The believers are cooperating on a large scale. In addition, the Holy Sword vortex, which seems to have been in the local area for a long time but has not shown up, is spreading more and more."

"I wouldn't be surprised if it affects Willendale later."

Mr. Bernhardt said. Seeing that Shade hesitated to speak, he took the initiative to say:

"If you want to say it directly, there is something in front of me that I cannot say."

Shade hesitated for a moment, then lowered his head slightly and lowered his voice:

"Willondale gave you a lot of good things?"

"Yes, not to mention the special materials and connections. Those relics are richer than my own family. It's a pity that the guy who specially sent these things to me refused to keep them. He left the package and ran away."

"Well, can I ask for something? No, no, I don't want to ask for payment, I just want to..."

Shade finally decided to tell the truth:

"Do you have any magical items in your hand that can directly communicate with that 'Duke'?"


Mr. Bernhard looked at him doubtfully. After thinking about it for a second, he almost spit out the wine in his mouth:

"you say."

His trembling fingers pointed to the roof above. Shade nodded slowly and expressionlessly:

"I'm looking for Him. I mean I'm looking for your God for something."

Some things must be prepared in advance. Long-haired Luvia said that Shade was no match for the god who swallowed the dragon, so in addition to Miss Isabella as a trump card, Shade must make other preparations.

Even though he had always known that Shade was bold and capable, the vampire seed lord was still shocked this time:

"Don't tell me what you want to do, no, I just said these words and some crazy ideas came to my mind."

He drank all the wine in the glass with a big gulp, and then put the glass down with a thump:

"With our relationship, I won't go around in circles with you."

He took a big breath and blew out a breath from his nose:

"Yes, there is, but it is different from what you think. I only have items in my hand that are used to pray to the gods in exchange for divine protection. If you want to communicate directly, it is impossible without a large priesthood or a temple. Are you right? The Church of God also knows about it, have you heard of any magical items that can directly communicate with the righteous gods?"

Shade recalled:

"That's true. Well, is it possible?"

"It's impossible. They won't come over at all. If I can call those old guys over, why do you think I'm still investigating almost alone?"

Mr. Bernhard seemed to know what Shade was thinking, and Shade did think so.

"Well, if you help me think of a solution, this time it will be very troublesome. Let me tell you."

Shade pointed upward:

"Not even the Five Gods Church."

Then he pointed upward again:

"Although I can do it, I can't defeat it alone. (Note)"

"You really want to do this?"

Mr. Bernhard once again miraculously fully understood what Shade meant. He did not ask why the "ceiling" of the Orthodox Church was not working, but frowned and thought carefully for a while:

"Your courage is really terrifying. It's not impossible, but it's very dangerous."

He also pointed upward:

"If you succeed, you're facing it head-on. Are you sure you can do it?"

"You can give it a try, but what I'm worried about is"

Shade pointed upward again:

"This will involve you. After all, it was you who gave me the method."

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