Whispering Verse

Chapter 2340 Two Divinations

"Is it burdening me? No, no, it doesn't matter. I'm not afraid of being burdened. Last time, I didn't know anything, so I took that person to Fort Rice. This credit is enough for me to rest on my credit book for the rest of my life."

Herr Bernhard shook his head.

The innkeeper, who was wiping his wine glass, watched the guests at the corner table talking secretly and pointing upwards. He first looked up in confusion, thinking that there was something wrong with the ceiling of his house, and then thought that the two of them must be criticizing the city council or the city. Criticizing the king must be talking about political issues.

"What is the specific method?"

"Have a big dream. If you can see the red moon in your dream, you will succeed."

As Mr. Bernhardt spoke, he put his hand into his pocket and fumbled for a while, and then took out a bracelet tied with a colorful rope. The bracelet was studded with crescent-shaped red gems, and it was filled with unmistakable... Blasphemy elements:

"Put it under the pillow. I will draw a ritual matrix for you later and arrange it under the bed. Remember to drink some before going to sleep. It can guide you into a deep sleep. The last part is the moon phase."

He pinched his fingers and muttered the calculations:

"You can do it before this week. If you are lucky, you will succeed once; if you are not lucky, you will never succeed. Although this ritual sounds simple, it is absolutely reliable. But I must remind you again, if you succeed, you will face it directly in your dream. "

He said pointing upward again.

Shade nodded slowly and seriously:

"You always have to give it a try. I think my relationship with that person isn't that bad."

Mr. Bernhardt had no intention of paying attention to this sentence with an expressionless face. Although he did not remember the aftermath of the Battle of Middleburg, he could now guess what happened at that time, so he just pretended that he did not understand what he just said. :

"How long will it take for you to divine those letters? We'll see you after the fortune telling."

"It's Tuesday morning now, oh, it's noon, give me a day and a half. See you on Thursday morning, still here. Then we will work together to solve this matter. If there is anything that needs to be contacted along the way, it will still be the original address."

"No problem, I'll still stay at the Goethe Hotel."

That is where the "Golden Dawn Opera Company" occupied an entire floor.

After saying goodbye to Mr. Bernhardt, Shade returned to Belindel Manor for lunch. After lunch, she waited until two o'clock in the afternoon until the countess came back, who was exhausted from dealing with the aftermath of the city's unrest. Although Shade couldn't bear to make her have any more trouble, he still mentioned the matter of divining the source of the letters:

"The source of these letters must have anti-divination measures, and it is even possible that the source is a relic."

"It doesn't matter, I'm a professional fortune teller."

Although she acted very confident, she still called Miss Aurora to help. In name, Miss Aurora is still on her way back from the New World with her family's fleet, so she will live here recently.

There is a divination room exclusively for the Countess in the manor, and this room is much more professional than the one Luvia arranged in Room 1 on the third floor of Shade's house. The maids helped set up the ritual array, and then both witches donated their hair for divination materials.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, after Miss Belindel locked herself in the room alone for divination, she came out with the letters in doubt:


This is the same result as Miss Rice:

"It's really weird, I can't see anything."

She looked at Shade with some embarrassment, but Shade had a serious look on his face:

"Looks like I'm in trouble again."

The witch with the fat-red birthmark between her eyebrows did not think about how troublesome this matter would be, but wanted to prove her professionalism and her usefulness:

"Just wait, this divination ceremony is too small. I will prepare well and give you another divination tomorrow. I will use my full strength this time, and I will definitely gain something."

Miss Aurora saw her thoughts and kindly helped, saying:

"Shad, if you wait one more day, Bella will definitely be able to divine what she wants. At worst, we can borrow the venue of the parliament."

"It doesn't matter. If this matter wasn't of great importance, it wouldn't be exchanged for information about [Blood Sorrow]."

Miss Aurora was then called away by the maid who delivered the letter, and Miss Sylvia sent a letter from Margaret Manor asking her to help. So the blonde countess took Shade to the balcony on the second floor alone and talked to him alone:

"Don't worry, I will definitely be able to divine the result tomorrow."

"It really doesn't matter. Don't take it to heart. I have other ways to investigate this matter."

he said with a smile.

"Is that Miss Luvia Anat?"

The witch suddenly raised her head:

"Go to her for help, but I bet she can't predict the results either."

"You don't have to compare with her."

Shade then gently held her shoulders, and the latter leaned into his arms obediently.

"Soothsayers are not omnipotent, I know this."

"Is this what she told you?"

The close golden eyes looked at him. Seeing the stubborn look in her eyes, Shade stood up on his tiptoes and kissed her on the forehead. The witch yelled "Yeah~" and her face turned red with embarrassment, but she didn't bring up the topic of Luvia anymore:

"You really are. Emma and Vanessa also said that you always look like a gentleman, but why do you always touch me? You know, I'm really worried. That yellow moon's orb is in my In my shoulders, it guided me to see more of the future in my dreams, and I saw bad things.”

"Those purple eyes again?"

She said this.

"No, it is the burning Moon Bay. But it is a bigger flame than last week, and a greater disaster than last week. The prophecy passed down from generation to generation in Moon Bay is really going to come true."

She tilted her head and leaned on Shade's shoulder, looking at the peaceful afternoon of the city from the second floor.

Shade hugged her tighter, but did not immediately make a commitment. He will protect everyone around him, but it's hard to say whether he can protect the city this time. The long-haired girl with purple eyes had mentioned the dangers of this time, and he still didn't know where he would go in the future.

Shade did not leave the manor that afternoon, but cooperated with Miss Belindel in sorting out the documents of the seven major families in the study, hoping to find the whereabouts of the remaining four dragon scales.

It is known that "Desire" has a piece in his hand, but Shade can't get it until he completes the mission. As for the remaining three pieces, Shade estimated that at least one piece had fallen into the hands of other forces, so there were not many opportunities left for them.

It wasn't until after dinner, saying goodbye to the girls at the manor, and instructing Miss Swift to contact Granny Cassandra to help investigate the patterns he brought back from the "Gravel Sand Sea" that Shade seemed to be talking to Xiao De. Little Mia, who had a great time playing with the unicorn, said goodbye to the ladies and returned home.

Because Miss Carina and Dorothy are temporarily living here, the house is very lively. After getting off work, Luvia also came to Saint Teresa Square. After hearing what Shade said about those letters, she also made plans to try divination:

"The witch of fate can't see anything, can she?"

The location for the divination was the annex room on the third floor of the home that was added after the Green Lake incident. Dorothy and Miss Carina also came to help. Although the level of the divination ceremony was definitely not as strong as that of Miss Belindel in the afternoon, Luvia believed that something magical might happen during divination in this house. .

"What is a magical thing? Oh, Luvia, why do I feel like you are still teasing my house?"

Shade asked, before being temporarily kicked out of the room by Luvia who was ready.

She also conducted divination alone, and the conclusion she got was exactly the same as that of the great witch of fate:

"Can't see anything."

When everyone returned to the living room and sat down, the purple-eyed girl said, the maids brought hot tea and snacks. Little Mia squirmed desperately on Shade's lap for a while, and she stopped when she saw that Shade really didn't give it any snacks.

"Why does this usually happen?"

Dorothy asked curiously, and it was Miss Carina who answered the question:

"The opponent's skill in divination is much stronger than Luvia and Bella; a high-level relic, after all, the relic has its own anti-divination ability; or it is something protected by a super large ceremony, but what Shade is looking for is the sender , it’s not a hidden treasure.”

Luvia looked at Shade:

"In my current state, even if Laplace Klein Howard is resurrected on the spot, it is unlikely that my divination will be blank. There is a high probability that it will still be a relic, and it will be a relic related to fate, sage level or even Higher danger level.”

The red-haired duchess sat next to Shade and said lazily:

"Another high-level relic? Although I have already said it, I am still curious, why are there so many relics in Moon Bay?"

"It's hard to say. No, I don't plan to use special coins just yet."

Shade shook his head, while Luvia was not at all worried about the Countess in the afternoon:

"It's not that there is no other way. If the two of us do divination separately and there is no result, then we try to cooperate. The combined power of two professional fortune-tellers is not just addition."

There was a bright smile on her face:

"Xia De, I will use the [one-hit killer gun] to go to Moon Bay tomorrow morning."

"So fast?"

Dorothy asked with concern, Luvia shook her head:

"We can't wait any longer. Judging from Shade's description, things in Yuewan could break out completely at any time. If I had been there last weekend and could see the Dragon Feast Sacrifice with my own eyes, the current situation would have been better.

Dorothy, please ask Lesia to send an invitation to the association tomorrow morning and name me to go to Yodel Palace to help her with her divination. This way I have an excuse to be away on Wednesday, and then my annual leave on Thursday can be approved. I passed the [Registered Fortune Teller Examination] this summer, and I did have an excuse to go on vacation. "

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