Whispering Verse

Chapter 2402 The Power of Armor

Shade then quietly finished his second breakfast. When the maids removed the dishes from the dining table, Miss Knight's sword returned to Shade's hand.

Audrey and Miss Aurora believe that although this sword is just an ordinary item, it is still of great value for exploration:

"Although the Council has collected many personal belongings of the Fifth Age witches, there really is no such thing related to the birth of witches."

As they said that, the two of them looked at Shade together. Seeing their reluctance to leave, Shade smiled and lent the sword:

"Anyway, it's just a souvenir left in my hands. Here, return it to me after the Moon Bay incident. As long as you don't destroy this sword, you can study it as you like."

"I know you are never stingy with us."

Miss Aurora kissed the side of Shade's face reservedly. As for Audrey, the Gemini Witch just looked at him with a pursed smile. This reminded Shade of the glass cup she held during their reunion last week. The expression when holding the cup.

As for Luvia and Miss Belindel, who divined the luminous armor, it took Shade just one meal, but no matter how powerful they were, they couldn't draw many valid conclusions.

"But your guess is correct. Wearing this armor can indeed avoid the damage of special light to a certain extent."

Luvia said, and then asked Shade to put on the armor:

"Didn't the light of the lightsaber you brought back last time be collected by the 'empty bottle fruit'? Let's go and give it a try. Although this armor seems to be tailor-made for you, if it really It can resist that kind of light and can protect others even if it is worn loosely.”

Others were also curious about the experiment, but before they helped Shade put on the armor, Miss Matilda hurriedly sent a letter to Megan and Audrey.

After the wise witch opened the letter, she raised her eyebrows unexpectedly and said to Shade:

"There's news."

"What's the news?"

"My cousin Nadia Foran, she is finally willing to answer my letter. She promised to meet you and me in Moon Bay. She will decide the time and place, just this week. How about, get ready to meet her Yet?"

Sisters Nadia Fallon and Megan Audrey belong to the fifth generation of the "Edwards family" and share the same grandfather. The former is a cultist of the [Dragon Feast Order] and is also the bridge between the "ancestor" Laplace Howard and the [Dragon Feast Order].

Although she is the mother of the Fullan brothers of Willendale, Megan and Audrey are actually older than her. Of course, the Edwards family has a complex and "magical" bloodline, so this Ms. Nadia Foran does not look very old, just in her thirties.

On the eve of the Battle of Green Lake, she had provided Shade with important information. The last time I saw her was when everyone in the Edwards family reunited at the old mansion after the Battle of Green Lake.

"Finally contacted her? I thought she didn't want to talk to us. Yes, of course I want to meet her."

Nadia Foran's meeting with Shad and her witch cousin was of course risky for herself, because the meeting was arranged at night. Specifically, she stated in her letter that she wanted to meet at 8pm on Wednesday, the day after tomorrow, at the "Meris Book Club" in the lower town in the south of the city.

"This is where?"

Shade asked the Countess, and she recalled:

"I seem to have some impression. Three years ago, when I was trading relics with a local magician, I arranged for my followers to go there.

It was an ordinary library on the edge of the lower city. You could go there to read books at any time by paying a fee every year. Of course, you could also copy books, but you had to pay an additional amount of money, so it was appropriate to call it a club or a library. The library is close to the Tatton River, further south on the familiar Herring Street. To the east is the river bank, to the west are the alleys extending in all directions in Xiacheng District, and to the south is the dock area. Safety is very guaranteed. "

"Okay, Audrey, tell her we can meet."

Shade said, and the witch nodded slightly:

"I'll go with you then. I'll only meet her once, and then I'll go to the nearby area to look after you. If you have anything to do, just talk to her. After all, it's up to you to make the decision here. Although we are relatives, we can't completely trust her. , we still need to be vigilant about this.”

Next, they went to experiment with the special light resistance of the "Lion Armor of Light". The location was the basement of the manor, and even Emilia and Agelina came to join in the fun.

The witches helped Shade put on the cumbersome golden armor. When Shade participated in the "Tobesk Spring Ring Riding Competition", he actually did not install chain accessories on the armor, but this time under Luvia's With encouragement, the girls put all the parts of the armor on Shade.

"It's so gorgeous."

Although the lights were on in the basement, when Shade "appeared" in that glowing armor, he was still the brightest person in the room. The sense of solemnity and holiness made the pointed-eared elf girl couldn't help but sigh. Then she saw that the "empty bottle fruit" she had been asked to try many times for "light shaping" was brought over.

The great witch of "light", Sivi Aurora, personally wore special gloves and uncorked the bottle. After making sure that Shade had put on the helmet, she poured out the light as if pouring water from the bottle. Sprinkle" on him.

Everyone immediately retreated, and the ritual symbols on the ground surrounding Shade's position lit up at the same time, almost completely blocking the weakened light. This was also the result of the research of the witches in recent times.

And when those rays of light came into contact with the glowing armor on Shad's body, the armor did not suddenly brighten or darken, but the light that was "splashed" weakened slightly, and then dispersed evenly around Shad. space, making the basement brighter.

"Shad, how do you feel?"

Audrey asked, and a slightly muffled voice came from the helmet:

"Other than the feeling that this armor is suddenly getting warmer, there is no other feeling. Oh, the temperature is gradually dropping, and the temperature has returned to its original state."

"Absorb part of the specific light and convert it into temperature?"

So Miss Aurora guessed, she thought for a while and then asked:

"How do you feel the intensity of these lights compared to the intensity of sunlight you encountered in that desert?"

"Far weaker than the sunlight in the Golden Sand Sea."

"Since this armor can absorb stronger special light, it is normal to absorb the light here."

Luvia commented and issued another "order" to Shade:

"I remember that you can use the thaumaturgy of emitting sunlight. Now try it while wearing this suit of armor."

"Shadow, wait!"

The Countess said immediately, turning around and giving instructions to Miss Matilda. After a while, the maids brought a large urn. After the witch whispered a spell, a skeleton stood up from the big urn.

She controlled the resurrected undead to gradually approach Shade, while the others consciously stayed away from the skeleton.

So Xia De raised his hand and pointed:

"Solar Ray!"

The first light that appeared was not at the fingertips, but the warm sunlight on the armor quickly surged along the arm armor and gauntlet toward the fingertips of the gauntlet. Then, golden rays as thick as the mouth of a bowl spurted out, directly evaporating the skeleton's Most of the body continued to shoot towards the back of the skeleton without weakening at all.

Miss Eleser, who also came to "watch the fun", was well prepared and raised her hand to block the beam of light. With just a slight squeeze, the beam of light was crushed by her.

But she still frowned and looked at her palm. A small black area that looked like burnt appeared in the center of her originally delicate and red palm. But thanks to her extremely strong physical fitness, this injury is recovering:

"It's really strong sunlight. This secret technique looks familiar. Did you learn it from Miss Violet? I remember that the original sunlight rays, as long as the power is not deliberately amplified, are basically only effective against undead, demons and other creatures." damage effect."

Miss Aurora then asked:

"So, this armor can enhance the power related to the sun? Shade, do you feel that the armor itself is drained of power?"

"At least I haven't felt it yet."

Subsequent experiments proved that only the power related to "sunlight" can be increased. "Feliana's Witch's Light" and "Moonlight Sword" are related to "light" but do not involve the "sun". Thaumaturgy is still its original power.

During the continuous experiments, Shade also discovered that this increase in the power of the "sun" did not consume the light that the armor itself had absorbed.

This also means an astonishing fact. Before reaching the upper limit of absorption and enhancement of this set of armor, this set of armor's continued exposure to sunlight and those special rays is actually equivalent to continuously enhancing the effect of this set of armor.

"So why can the owner of little Mia come up with such a thing?"

The little red-haired princess asked in confusion. She also glanced back at the cat being held by Tifa, and then immediately turned her head back to prevent herself from unnecessary comparison.

"Shade said that this armor is in an abnormal area like the Sand Sea, and can only absorb sunlight through the enhancement of the altar of the Temple of the Ancient God. Maybe there is something wrong with the armor itself, maybe this is just a coincidence that cannot be copied. But in short , with this set of armor, a lot of things will be saved in the future.”

Luvia said with a smile, and then motioned for Shade to take off his armor:

"Agelina, Emilia, you go and try."


The little princess and the pointed-eared elf girl both pointed at themselves, but Miss Aurora understood Luvia's intention:

"Agelina is the first level of the low level, Emilia is the first level of the middle level, and Shade's level is basically the high level. You all try the enhancement effect of this set of armor, which will also help in the evaluation. It works. Of course, it’s up to me to try it in the end.”

PS: Figure 1 of this chapter: Edwards family lineage

Picture 2 of this chapter: "Cat Armor (Not)"

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