Whispering Verse

Chapter 2403 Perfume

Both Emilia and Ajelina are shorter than Shade, and their body shapes cannot be compared with the standard adult male body shape like the foreigners. Although the great witch of light is about the same height as Shade, looking at her slender waist, one can tell that she doesn't fit well in this armor either.

But the good news is that the armor's effects work on everyone except Shade. Even though Agelina only mastered the very basic "Sunlight Flash Technique", the sunlight she summoned was still much more dazzling than the original effect.

"I'm really looking forward to seeing what Iluna will do when she throws the sun gun after wearing it, but it's a pity that it doesn't fit."

Luvia said with regret, watching Miss Aurora take off her armor with the help of the maids, but Audrey reminded:

"I remember there are many ways to make clothes that don't fit fit properly."

"Is this a secret technique created specifically to transform ancient armor?"

Agelina asked curiously. The great witch of knowledge and wisdom smiled and shook her head:

"Of course not, this is a magic trick created by the Witch Emperors to ensure that they can wear any beautiful dress.

It's not appropriate to directly engrave runes on the armor. I'm afraid it will destroy the power of the armor. I'll think of a way. In short, it will definitely be able to be worn by everyone before the final battle in Moon Bay. "

Since Audrey has made such a promise, this set of "Golden Lion Armor" will be temporarily stored with her. In fact, whether the armor is modified or not has no impact on Shade, but he certainly can't only care about himself.

Because they knew that Shade was going back home to say hello to Carina and Dorothy and open this week's [God's Gift Box], after the "experiment" the girls dispersed to do their own thing. things.

But Shade stopped Emilia again, and with the elf girl's confused eyes, he handed her the leaf in his hand:

"Letting you stay in Moon Bay to help take up your summer vacation time, and now I have to borrow your [Ocarina of Time]. Although there is no deal between us, please accept this gift. Borrowing angel-level relics Compared with the cost, this poet-level relic is certainly not valuable, but please accept it.”

Of course, the little unicorn and Agelina who usually acted together with Emilia were also nearby, and then the two of them watched Emilia's expression change from confusion to surprise, and then from surprise to shyness, until His whole face was horribly red.


The elf girl suddenly screamed, then turned and ran away with her face covered, leaving only a confused Shade and an equally confused Agelina.

Shade looked at the little princess, who shook her head blankly:

"I don't know either."

The little unicorn did not leave with Emilia. Instead, it approached Shade and wanted to smell the leaf. Then it was "driven away" by little Mia who was about to leave with Shade.

After throwing away the glass slipper and returning home, the Duchess had already gone out because it was getting late, but Dorothy was still at home catching up on the manuscript.

The blonde girl listened to Shade talking about what happened just now, and then couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing:

"I remember, don't you have knowledge about the elves? You should know the customs of the elves very well."

"Yes, but I don't remember any customs about this kind of leaf. The elves of the third era regarded this kind of leaf as a 'sacred object'. They were only allowed to wear it and were not allowed to chew it and consume it. But it was already tens of thousands. It happened years ago.”

The writer lady put down the pen in her hand:

"I understand, your knowledge is 'ancient' knowledge, and there are no relevant records from the Sixth Era. Now that I think about it, there seems to be no such content in the general education curriculum at St. Byrons."

She pretended to cough:

"Ahem, Shade, please remember: In today's Sixth Era, if someone presents [Eternal Youth Leaves] to an unmarried elf, it will be regarded as a very sacred wedding ceremony. Yes, this is not only Limited to gifts between members of the opposite sex.”

She watched Shade's expression change with satisfaction:

"Although Emilia is over fifty years old, according to elf standards, she is even older than Agelina."

"say no more!"

Shade immediately stopped her:

"I'll go downstairs to move the boxes. You can help me take care of little Mia."

He threw the cat casually, turned around and left the study. Dorothy heard the maids who were cleaning the living room ask Shade if he needed help, and also saw the cat land on the manuscript paper in front of her quite steadily, and then left a shallow cat paw mark on the paper. .

She then smiled and held her face, tilting her head to look at the still bright sun outside the study window. The sun illuminated her beautiful blond hair, and also illuminated her increasingly delicate face:

"It's a good life."

In last week's gift box, little Mia's tail "rolled" out an original copy of "Maria Thorne's Treasure Map" drawn by the old god [The Giver of Dreams]. This magical item was given to Dorothy and Lesia by Shad, but unfortunately it could not be made into a new "Red Butterfly Solitaire".

What little Mia needed to do last week was to live without Shade for at least 24 hours. Because this is cumulative, Xiao Mia has already met it.

And this week, Shade, who didn’t want little Mia to “spent her luck” all the time, wanted to give it a try himself. He specially washed his hands, rubbed the cat with both hands, and then put his hand into the gift box.

Dorothy watched this scene with interest, and then saw Shade take out a pink perfume bottle from the box.

This bottle had the element of a low whisper. Both of them were startled for a moment, and then they realized that this was definitely not a replica of Shade's weird perfume bottle.

“The whisper element is very light.”

Shade whispered, he was really scared just now. However, in order to reassure himself, he opened the perfume bottle and smelled it gently, and then said with certainty:

"Not my little pink perfume bottle."

"It's okay if it's not. Although you haven't told me the origin of your perfume bottle, I always feel that if you take out the second one, you will definitely get into trouble."

Dorothy sat down in the chair again:

"So what do you need to do with this bottle of perfume?"

"Pick flowers."

The blonde girl immediately looked at Shade with a scrutinizing look, and Shade realized that this was a very indecent metaphor, which usually meant an inappropriate relationship with a young woman:

"It's really about picking flowers. Pick three flowers of any variety and give them to others."

As he spoke, Shade looked at the flowerpot Luvia placed on the window sill, then shook his head to stop his thoughts:

"There are a lot of flowers in Miss Belindle's garden. I'll pick those. Oh, Dorothy, this perfume is for you. It should be some kind of relic derivative. You can go to Old John to identify it and you will know. What is this? If it is useful, keep it. If it is not, feel free to dispose of it.

"I'm not the kind of girl who asks for gifts casually, but this is the first time you've given me perfume."

Dorothy said with a smile, then bit her red lips and asked Shade:

"Besides, don't I smell good?"

Shade then sniffed, then moved closer to her and whispered a few words in her ear.

The face of the writer in a blue skirt suddenly turned red. She looked at the half-open door, curled her fingers slightly, and the door was closed directly:

"Didn't you say that you want to tell me about the experience of that time key? Maybe this can be postponed to the evening, when Miss Carina comes back. As for now, do you have an hour? I want you to know, what do I have? Very fragrant.”

"Of course, but, um, in the study? But you seem to be 'unwell' in the past few days, don't you?"

Shade asked. Miss Writer smiled and sat there, raising her head and opening her arms to him:

"Knight, your tricks are not limited to those of Lesia. Don't talk in my heart. I won't trade with you."

Shade blushed a little, but still moved closer and let her hug his neck.

Little Mia lay on the desk bored, looking at the sunshine outside the window, ignoring what was happening around her. As for the maids preparing lunch in the living room and restaurant outside the door, they looked at each other in a tacit understanding, and then they all blushed and laughed.

She was said to stay for an hour, but in fact it was already close to noon by the time Dorothy asked the maids in the study to bring her clothes to change. But Shade did not stay at home for lunch. After Dorothy helped him change his clothes, he took little Mia back to Moon Bay.

There was heavy fog in Yuewan, so Shade still turned into a cat and moved quickly towards the city center on the roof. He didn't dare to let little Mia out, so the cat still turned into a toy.

When we returned to the manor, it was already half past eleven this Monday. When Luvia saw Shade returning, she smiled and teased:

"Back from home? You smell of Dorothy's perfume all over you."

"Really? I obviously have"

"I don't know if you are really stupid or if you are just trying to make me happy."

The girl with purple eyes took Shade's hand:

"Let's go to the boat and talk some more before lunch. The three documents have been sorted out."

The so-called three materials, one refers to the investigation report that MI6 helped investigate the corresponding accounts of major banks in Yuewan, the other is the investigation report of [Eternal Light] given by Old John, and the last one is the investigation report on "The Edge of Life and Death" last night. "In "Light Chaser", the notebook left behind when he was defeated and escaped.

Of course, everyone suspected that the notebook was deliberately left behind by the "Light Chaser".

This time there was no discussion at the Belindel Manor because after the manor and the "Brilliant Messenger" had a portal connecting each other, everyone, including the countess herself, believed that it was safer on the ship.

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