Whispering Verse

Chapter 2424 Demonologist and Cats and Dogs

Chapter 2425 Demonologist and Cats and Dogs

In order to create a library atmosphere in the club, although the indoor lights are enough for reading, they still look a bit dim. The "Demonologist" on the other side of the bookshelf raised his eyes slightly, and when he saw Shade across the "gap", he also showed a slightly surprised expression, but then changed to a cautious but slightly cold smile. meaning:

"What a coincidence, I meet you again, Mr. John Watson."

It has been more than two months since we parted ways in front of the Rainy Night Flower Shop in Green Lake. The "demonologist" appeared again in such an accidental but very reasonable way, and Shade really didn't expect it.

He glanced at the rose on the cover of the book in his hand, and then quietly invited Mr. Asmon to come and talk.

There was no one at the long table on the side of the second floor, so they didn't have to go to the booths on the third floor.

Shade sat at one end of the long table, and the demonologist in robes sat on the side of the long table next to him.

He didn't hold a book in his hand, but still held the black notebook with rolled corners that he always carried with him whenever he appeared.

Because Shade's "membership" was the highest level in this club, the waiter also brought black tea and sugar to the two of them. The conversation didn't officially begin until the smoke rose upwards from the porcelain tea cup.

"A night like this, a reunion like this, it's so fun."

Shade smiled and said, of course, in a lowered voice. Mr. Asmon also nodded. Although the expression on his face and his black eyes were very strange, Shade was used to it.

"Since Green Lake left, Mr. Asmon, how did you come here across half a continent? Oh, I am still traveling and writing. The story of Moon Bay is really exciting."

Mr. Asmon lowered his voice and responded. When he lowered his voice, his voice sounded like a hissing snake:

"I adopted a pair of cats and dogs in Green Lake and traveled with them randomly. Not long ago, I received a letter from an old customer. He wanted to entrust me again to help him answer some demonology problems and help him identify some books. , that’s why I’m here.”

Shade then asked curiously:

"So that gentleman really found the 'real thing'?"

Mr. Asmon stared at Shade and slowly shook his head:

"Of course not. If the devil could be found so easily, Mr. Watson, I would have died in a dark corner while traveling around the world and serving as a consultant. But thanks to him, I have enough funds for my travels. A lot.”

"It's really good business."

Shade sighed softly, and at the same time, he put the right hand that had just quietly put on the "Demon Hunting Seal" in the bookshelf aisle, and naturally placed it on the side of the table close to the "demon scholar".

Then nothing happened. The man wearing a desert-like robe just glanced at the "ugly" black iron ring and looked away.

"So, are there any clues about demons in the Moon Bay area?"

Shade asked again, and the weird smile on Mr. Asmon's face appeared again:

"Of course there is, but I'm still investigating. The city of wealth, the place where desires accumulate, this is really suitable for my job."

But then he mentioned something else:

"On a night like this, let's not talk about disappointing topics like demons. Since we meet again in a strange city, Mr. Watson, are you interested in playing a game?"

"Want to play a game of Rhodes with me?"

Shade raised his eyebrows, but Sean Asmon shook his head again:

"It's not Rhodes cards, but it does have something to do with it. Take a look at this first. This was given to me by my old customer as part of the reward. I think you will be interested."

He opened his notebook and handed a card contained in it to Shade.

As expected, this is another special rules card. On the card, a cat and a dog are guarding the door of a dilapidated and gloomy mansion, and two floating leaves are painted on the ground to express the atmosphere.

[The Song of Cats and Dogs·Eternal Guard], suit and color: Star 10.

When this card is drawn, if this card is the "even" card, and there are only two different suits of cards in hand when the points are settled, the points of this card can be adjusted between 9 and 10.

[The Song of Cats and Dogs] is a brand new series of decks released in recent years. Although this series has not been reprinted, it has been released three times, which means that a total of three different sets of special rules cards have been released.

The meaning of "The Song of Cats and Dogs" is those stories and legends related to "cats" and "dogs". Among them, "Eternal Guard" tells the story of loyal cats and dogs who still stick to each other for twenty years after the death of their owners. in front of the owner's former residence until their death on the same day.

This is a fairy tale that promotes "loyalty". It is impossible to verify where the prototype of the story comes from. But according to Lesia:

"This kind of story is most likely made up by the writer himself, Shade, and not all stories have prototypes. For example, the popular knight adventure stories and vulgar palace romance novels, sometimes the latter really have prototypes. "

"This card is very good."

Shade watched it for a while and then returned the cards to Mr. Asmon:

"What kind of game are you going to play?"

"Mr. Watson, I haven't been short of crowns and gold pounds recently. Since I met a friend by chance, let's not gamble with money, but how about betting on special cards?"

The demonologist lowered his head and looked at Shade and asked. Shade thought for a moment and then agreed:


As he said that, he took out his deck and pulled out the [Ancient Alchemy·Dragon Stone] that he got when he participated in the card game of Parsifal Club last week.

Mr. Asmon obviously also has common sense about Rhodes cards. He continued to lower his voice and reminded:

"The value of this card is much higher than mine."

"It doesn't matter, I have won many special cards from you. The bets at that time were not bigger than the value of the cards. Since you don't care, I don't care either. Oh, this card caused quite a stir in Yuewan. Feng Bo, if you win, don’t take out this card in Yuewan.”

Shade said, placing the cards on the table:

"But didn't you just say that you won't play Rhodes?"

"Yes, I have something to do for a while, and I'm afraid I don't have time for a long card game. Let's play some interesting card games. While playing, we can continue to tell the story we didn't finish last time."

"Yes, I enjoy hearing your devilish stories."

Shade had no problem with that at all.

Mr. Asmon then took out his deck, drew out the "King" and said:

"I will put five by five, a total of 25 cards on the table with their backs facing up. You have seven chances to reveal any card. If you find the 'King', you win, [The Song of Cats and Dogs·Eternal" Guard] is yours. If you don’t find it, you need to pay 50 gold pounds to redeem your [Ancient Alchemy·Dragon Stone].”

In other words, he didn't want Shade's expensive playing card, and still chose to use his own cards to gamble against Shade's gold pounds. The gamble was certainly not good for Shade, but the price of 50 pounds was not enough for "The Song of Cats and Dogs."

Shade nodded again:

"Then you lay out the cards, and I'll recall where our story has progressed."

He made a gesture of invitation, squinted his eyes and looked up at the gas wall lamp above the wall. The demonologist's mouth curled up in an even weirder arc:

"Yes, where does the story go?"

"I think about a wonderful existence that has the power of the rumored devil because of people's recognition. It brings disaster to the world, until it meets a person who has no wish, and because of the other person's 'wish' to seal the devil, he stays with him That man has gone through life.

After the man died, the demon took his soul and returned to his hometown, devouring all his relatives. But those respectable people tried their best to protect the last boy. The boy did not protect himself by keeping silent, but made the same wish as the first man: just like my grandfather, I will use my life to seal you.

He then walked a long way until one day, the grown-up boy met the girl he loved and fell in love with her. When she wanted to persuade the young man to stay, the young man killed her just to ensure that after his death, the devil would not turn into his appearance and come to collect the girl's soul.

Many years later, the traveling middle-aged man met a troubled noble lady and her cat and dog. While accompanying her home, the two fell in love with each other but neither spoke. Many years later, the middle-aged man returned to the city again and learned that the girl had been sacrificed long ago by giving the cat and dog wisdom and strength. So he communicated with the great being and exchanged the girl's soul for her to go to the end. Finally, he took the cat and dog with him and left the city that was destroyed by plague and disaster in the fire. "

Since the first time he met this demonologist in Cold Water Port, Shade has listened to five "Devil Stories", but each time the story made him think deeply, this time he was also looking forward to interesting stories.

After Shade briefly summarized the previous story, Mr. Asmon had also finished laying out the cards.

Shade stood up again and turned back, giving Mr. Asmon the opportunity to switch the cards again. At the same time, he also told "her" in his heart that there was no need to tell him the answer.

[Yes, dear stranger. 】

After everything was ready, facing the neatly arranged cards, Shade was ready to stretch out his hand, and the demonologist at the long table also started a story:

"After that incident, the middle-aged man took his cat and dog for a long, long walk. When he was thirsty, he went to drink from the stream, and when he was hungry, he went to pick fruits. He was determined not to have any deep friendship with anyone. "

"It's a smart decision."

Shade said, turning over the card in the upper left corner, and then threw Star 13 aside.

PS: Every time, I have to summarize the content of the "Devil Story" in the previous article. Although it seems like a water word count, it is really not a water word count.

This is very necessary, now is the sixth chapter of the demon story. If it is not summarized, the reader will have to read the previous five times to recall what happened.

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