Whispering Verse

Chapter 2425 Demon Story (Part 6)

Chapter 2426 Demon Story (Part 6)

"Although the boy has had extraordinary strength, magical spells and a long life since he was a child because of the sealed demon, he will eventually grow old. It's just that he doesn't want to change the life forms of cats and dogs. After all, he also knew that this was probably what the devil wanted.

So time flew by, and the man who had been on the journey since he was a child and shouldered the responsibility of his grandfather finally became an old man many years later. He knew his time was running out, and once he died, the terrifying presence would be unleashed again. Therefore, he decided to take the initiative to find the next person who volunteered to seal the devil before he died. "

"I'm afraid it won't be easy. The responsibility is too heavy."

Shade commented again, reaching out and turning over the card in front of Mr. Asmon. When he saw that it was Moon 5, he also put it aside.

Mr. Asmon nodded slowly:

"Of course it's not easy. Especially, what the old man wants to find is a child, so that he can seal the devil for as long as possible. As for what happens next, that's not what he should care about. Let's go through it. After a long life and a long journey, the old man knows that people cannot be too greedy. "

"That's better than most people today."

Shade continued to turn over the third card. After seeing that it was the 4 of the Sun, he put the first three cards together, and then went to bring the black tea in front of him. The club's black tea tastes very good, and foreigners speak highly of it.

"The old man knows that it is difficult to find the ideal candidate, but at least he is stronger than when he voluntarily made that heroic choice. He has no purpose, just traveling forward with cats and dogs. Finally, under a On a snowy winter day, the cat ran out to play and brought good news: Hey, I think I found the right person for you.

The old man and the dog then followed the cat into the farm, and in the cold woodshed they found a seriously ill woman, a young girl who fainted from hunger, and a teenager who had returned with black bread given by a kindhearted person. boy. "

Shade shook his head and sipped the black tea again, but this time he was not in a hurry to lift the card.

Mr. Asmon clasped his hands together and placed them on the table. He was telling a story without touching his drink in front of him:

"The old man then knew what the cat meant, so he took the cat and dog into the woodshed and said to the boy: Son, maybe I can help you.

Although the boy was wary, he looked at the weather-beaten old man with a longing expression: Can you help me cure my mother?

The seriously ill woman did not know that a stranger had arrived in her 'home', while the young girl was sleeping next to her mother due to cold and hunger.

When the old man saw this scene, he smiled and nodded: Of course, I can not only cure your mother, but I can even make them live a prosperous life. But you have to promise me one thing, kid, and you won’t be allowed to go back on it.

As he spoke, a roll of parchment contract appeared out of thin air in the old man's hand. "

"Mr. Asmon, wait a moment!"

Shade turned over the fourth card and threw it aside and asked:

"What is this contract? Is this mentioned in our story?"

The second floor of the library is quiet, and the aroma of coffee and black tea can easily make people feel drowsy. Even though both men lowered their voices, their conversation was still clear. The fully sanded and polished wooden table surface is almost reflective. Compared with the previous stories told in the tavern or in the rain, this time although it is quiet, it is very stylish.

"Mr. Watson, you should be aware that the long symbiosis with the devil has allowed the old man to master part of the devil's power. So in the previous story, he even exchanged the girl's soul."

Mr. Asmon tapped the table with his fingers:

"Okay, let's continue the story this time - holding the parchment contract, the old man who came from the snow with the cat and dog said to the boy: Child, if you want to realize your wish, just sign this contract and then follow I will travel far away and never come back, and I will forget your mother and sister. When I die, you will bury me and use the powerful power I gave you to devour and keep my soul in the form of a living person."

Shade nodded understandingly and praised:

"So that's it. The old man obviously didn't transfer the demon's power. After all, he just sealed the demon with his wish. And if he took the initiative to release the demon, the demon would probably no longer ask questions like 'Do you want to make a wish' to the current boy?" .

But if the boy voluntarily swallows and keeps the old man's soul, the boy will inherit that wish and become the new 'old man'. While there may be some issues here, the approach at least sounds feasible. "

Mr. Asmon looked at Shad and shook his finger:

"The boy asked again: Sir, what kind of power can I get?

The old man replied: The most powerful power you can imagine, sign the contract and you can have it now. You have the opportunity to be a hero, to become a warrior, and to gain everything, but the price is to forget everything you have in the past and spend the rest of your life on an endless journey until your life reaches the end. "

Opening the fifth card, Shade, who found that he was still not the king, sighed:

"Why does this old man act so like a devil?"

"No, Mr. Watson, he did not seduce the boy."

Mr. Asmon's black eyes were still staring at him, and the corners of his mouth were raised in a weird smile:

"The old man then told the boy everything he was carrying, the story of his respectable grandfather and the story of his life, and advised the boy to think clearly. The boy confirmed: Sir, the contract was signed, Can my mother and sister live a happy life?

The old man nodded, but at this moment, an accident happened! "

Shade was worried about hearing words like "I'll talk about it next time", but fortunately the demonologist only paused for a moment:

"The old man who was awake just now was instantly swallowed by his shadow, so the devil appeared from his shadow and temporarily took control of his body. The wish the old man made back then was coming to an end, and it could briefly come out to move around. "

"Oh, isn't this another tragedy?"

Xia De asked regretfully, but the "scholar" with only hair on his head did not give an answer immediately:

"'It's interesting,' the dark demon said to the boy. 'Promise to his contract, but do not abide by it, let alone devour his soul. You will lose your power because of this, but I promise you that your soul will become a great one after your death. When the time comes, you will still have great power and can come back to find your mother and sister. The price is just to break your oath.'

The evil spirits that appear because of people's thoughts do have such power. The boy looked at it with hope, and then nodded: I promise you.

He made a pact with the devil that burned with black fire.

The cat and dog witnessed all this, but they could not tell the old man who woke up from the shadow and didn't know what happened.

The boy then signed the old man's contract, and then watched the old man cast a spell to cure his mother, and use his power to completely change the lives of mother and daughter. After everything was over, on that snowy morning, on the last day before they were ready to leave and travel far away, the boy wanted to take a last look at his mother and sister living in them outside the window of the castle. "

"Wait a moment."

Shade said again, throwing away the sixth card:

"Why do I have a bad feeling again?"

The unreadable expression on Mr. Asmon's face intensified as he continued:

"The old man left first with the cat and dog, leaving time for him. Not long after, the aberration was so powerful that the old man was a little surprised. The soul found the old man: I'm sorry, sir, I violated the contract I signed with you, but I abide by it. Another contract.

The boy reached out to the old man and used his own power to transform the old man back into the child he once was. So the boy's soul was shattered because he had fooled the strange evil spirit, leaving only the child guarding the devil, standing in surprise in the heavy snow together with the cat and dog. "


The story ended faster than Shade thought. He did not rush to reveal the remaining card, but put down the teacup in his hand:

"Am I wrong in my understanding: The contract between the boy and the old man who guards the devil is to devour the old man's dead soul while the boy is alive so as to take over the responsibility of guarding the devil. After all, only the soul cannot compete with the devil; and he and The content of the contract signed by the devil is that if he breaks his contract with the old man, the reward is that the boy will become a powerful being after death. "

Shade took a deep breath:

"So he took the initiative to commit suicide? This means that it is absolutely impossible for him to complete the contract with the old man, so he completed the contract with the devil all at once?"

Mr. Asmon nodded slowly:

"Is such that."

Shade shook his head. The turn of the story came too suddenly:

"Let me summarize the ending of this story:

The boy's mother and sister got a happy and prosperous life; the old man who guarded the devil turned back into a child due to the influence of the devil's own power, and could continue his responsibilities for a longer time; the devil still wanted to fulfill the old man's childhood wish and continue Sealed; but the boy who helped his mother and sister change their lives, and helped the old man realize his wish in an alternative way, left. "

"That's right, Mr. Watson. This is a story related to demons. Don't use common sense to speculate on its connotations."

Mr. Asmon nodded, while Shade frowned. He really didn't know how to evaluate this story:

"I'd love to say this is another tragedy, but when you think about it, it doesn't seem particularly tragic."

Sean Asmon's eyes narrowed slightly, and his low voice still sounded like a snake's neighing:

"Mr. Watson, at least the devil is still safely sealed by the boy. This is a good thing for everyone, isn't it?"


Shade nodded slowly:

"I was just thinking, that kid, no, not the one who still sealed the devil, but the one who signed two contracts. He is too, well, too brave."

"Children are always brave and innocent. They are easy to be deceived, but they are also easy to do things that adults cannot do."

The demonologist admitted, finally picking up the teacup in front of him. Shade also picked up the tea cup and let the smoke linger in front of him.

He spent some time reviewing the story this time, and finally came out of the ending:

"Then the old man in the story turned back into a boy and continued his journey with cats and dogs, right?"


"So what's their next stop, what's their next story?"

Shade asked, and Sean Asmon looked at him. He shook his head slightly after at least five seconds and took back his notebook:

"Don't be too impatient, Mr. Watson, that's a story for next time.

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