Whispering Verse

Chapter 2428 Preparations for War

Chapter 2429 War Preparations

"Shadow, I've packed up. You can go home."

Megan knocked on the study door in a good mood. After waiting for a while, the two maids inside opened the door.

The witch walked in with a smile, but after passing the two maids, she suddenly stopped and stepped back.

She looked at Tifa and Matilda inquiringly. The former still had a calm smile on her face, while the latter looked a little unnatural and moved her eyes away, not daring to look at Megan.

So while Megan kept gazing, two white arms stretched out from behind her and hugged her neck. Then Audrey's head crossed Megan's left shoulder and faced Mathil Da sniffed lightly.

"A little reminder, in addition to spraying perfume and gargling, your hair should also be washed carefully. The witch's nose is very sensitive."

Megan said, before Audrey retracted behind Megan, she glanced at Tifa with an unclear look, and then Megan walked towards Shade with a smile:

"If you are hungry, tell me in advance. After eating the appetizers, what about the main meal later?"

That night, Shade did not throw away the glass slipper and go home. Instead, he and Megan went out of the city to the Dragon's Lair, and then returned home from there.

In fact, Dorothy, who was Lesia, had no objection to the appearance of the Twin Witches, and even asked her enthusiastically if she had brought her nightgown.

But the duchess obviously had a strong opinion. While Shade was going to the bathroom, she raised her head slightly:

"Aren't you at Bella's place? Why are you at my house again?"

"When did you change your name to Luvia Anat?"

Megan, who had just seen how "powerful" the other party's maid was, smiled and asked:

"If you were not Luvia, are you qualified to say this?"

Lesia on the side snickered, she liked to see things like this.

However, although Carina was a little unhappy, she was "reluctantly" pulled into the bedroom by Shada that night. Of course, Lesia, who was woken up with little Mia while lying on her side in the middle of the night, heard the cry of "Audrey! Megan! It's not fair!" and Shade followed closely, which made them all p/ At least the kitten doesn’t understand what a good sound means.

At the breakfast table on Thursday, Dorothy and Carina also learned about the news that Shade had learned from Ms. Foran last night. Audrey was happy that her relative was very useful, but thinking that the other two ladies at the table had the last name "Cavendish", she didn't say anything.

She acquiesced that Dorothy was Lesia.

"The council has prepared to use the relic to send me directly to Moon Bay."

The red-haired duchess in a nightgown said, and Dorothy nodded:

"Lesia and I can set off at any time, but I think it's best not to set off until the end. If something happens, I'm worried that we won't be able to make it."

"How about Saturday?"

Audrey asked Xia De, and Sha De thought for a while:

"Nadia Foran said that the divine descending ceremony will be between Sunday and Tuesday, Saturday is fine. However, if you really have to wait three days, do you have enough time?"

"Lesia and I have no problem. We have dealt with the things at hand in advance. But our 24 hours cannot be wasted. When the time comes, we will set off separately. I will go to the ship and let Lecia stay at the manor, or we can exchange them. ”

The blonde writer lady remained calm.

"No problem. If I have time, I will pick you up. If I don't have time, I will arrange for others."

But Carina hesitated for a moment:

"I didn't go to Moon Bay with Tifa this time because I was worried that the church would find out that if something big happened, I wouldn't be in Tobesk. If I stayed with a fake person, it would be even worse if I was discovered. Forget it, things in Moon Bay are even more complicated. It’s important. Let Dorothy and the others go on Saturday and I’ll leave on Sunday morning.”

Today is already Thursday. Although they all said they have time, they still have to use these two days to arrange things after leaving.

After Shade and Megan returned to Moon Bay with little Mia, all the great witches in Moon Bay had gathered on the Radiant Messenger.

The glowing mist seemed to become thicker, and Luvia, Sister Devlin, Miss Elisa, Audrey, Vanessa, Miss Sylvia, Miss Aurora and Miss Belindel gathered together, and even Even Iluna, who rushed over after receiving the news, appeared.

Except for the special elf girl Emilia, all girls, including the witch apprentices, were not allowed to observe this meeting. The meeting took place in the banquet hall of the "Glory Messenger". When everyone sat down, Shade repeated the current situation in a few words:

"The matter of the chosen one is not urgent this time, or the candidates this time are pretty good. Now the secret keeper-level [Star Sword Stone], clerical-level [Mirror of Mafalah] and [Mirror of Mafalla] are necessary for the ceremony of the chosen one. The Higgs Dragon Head Stone is all in our hands, and we even said we have controlled the scope of this selection.”

"I have new information!"

Iluna raised her hand:

"The Sage-level [Unknown Swordsmith's Apron] church has been found. It is in an underground ancient relic in the mountainous area in the northeastern part of Moon Bay. The relic was only delivered to our church, Sun Church, during breakfast today. It will definitely not be Stolen."

"In this way, if the [Hafana Dragon Body Stone] is in the hands of the Dragon Feast Cult, the only ones that have not appeared yet are slugs."

Miss Aurora concluded, and Shade asked curiously:

"Is there any prop that can capture and contain relic creatures? For example, a red and white round ball or something."

"Although I don't know what you are talking about, relics must be used to capture such relics."

It was Megan who gave the answer:

"Don't worry, there are such relics in the council. The key now is to find the slug. According to the information given by Shade, the [Dragon Eater Order] is also looking for it. We don't have much time left."

"But it doesn't matter even if we can't find it, as long as the other relics are in our hands. [Oil Slug] is a species and is not unique, but the relics we have are all unique. Before the divine descending ceremony, If we can’t protect this boat, I will sail it out to sea.”

Miss Elise suggested, but was immediately rejected by Luvia:

"Have you heard? Most of the people from the seven major families who tried to leave Yuewan have encountered accidents on the road. Just like the contract signed by the seven major families and the descendants of the 'Four Sons of the Ancient God', they guaranteed that they There is no chance of escaping at the last moment, the Chosen One Ceremony and the "Mumbling Psalm" also ensure that these relics must be in Yue Bay now. Of course, strengthening security is necessary."

"We have enough manpower this time. Let Megan and Xiwe stay on the ship these two days. I will also be here starting from Saturday. Vanessa, you can find an excuse to suspend the opera troupe's performance and let the opera troupe also be here today." Get on board early.”

The great witch of "Space" suggested, and the witch of "Earth" also nodded:

"Xia De said that there is no rush for the ceremony of the chosen ones, but how to deal with the descending of the gods? This is the eldest son of the ancient god. He followed the prophecy left by the descendants of the four sons of the ancient god and came to destroy the city. But this time the righteous gods "

Before Shade could speak, Luvia suddenly said:

"So we have to gather all the forces we can use. I called Joey Barton to help, and Carina has contacted him and Marilyn Handel."

The Countess looked at her unexpectedly. Only they knew that calling the failed Death Chosen was just to deal with "death".

"It's good that they can come. I'll go to the Randall Valley later and talk to the chosen ones on earth. As for the chosen ones in space, Dorothy and Lesia will come over on Saturday, and Grace and Helen can also come. Show up anytime.”

Shade added, but the ladies looked at him, and they all understood that all the chosen ones today have not yet grown to the point where they can become opponents of gods. At best, they can only barely deal with evil things beyond the thirteen rings.

Finally, it was Sister Devlin who asked the question that everyone was concerned about:

"Are you sure you can fight against that god?"

The elf girl's eyes immediately widened. Although she had known a lot of things recently, she was still shocked when someone said such words in front of her.

"It's probably no problem. As you know, I always have my own arrangements. Besides, nothing is ever 100% sure. I can only say that according to the current plan, it's no problem, okay."

After saying that, he didn’t give them a chance to ask questions:

"There is not much time left. Luvia, Miss Belinder, I leave you with the task of divining the last dragon scale. There must be results."

"no problem."

Both fortune tellers nodded.

"Miss Aurora, ask the mermaid girls to go offshore to check and report any traces of evil beings summoned at any time. You and Megan will live on the boat with Miss Elisa for the next two days."


The three women answered together.

"Miss Sylvia, please stay with Margaret for a day or two. Although the matter of the chosen one is very important, Margaret's safety is also very important. If something happens to her, what will happen next? The situation on the mainland is really dangerous. Isn't there a banquet at Margaret Manor on Friday? At least don't leave before then.

And Vanessa, the Golden Dawn Opera Troupe got on board as soon as possible and prepared for the decisive battle. "

The great witch of earth and space nodded in agreement.

"Sister Devlin, you and Iluna will go to the church later and communicate with the church about this operation. I don't want to meet people from the church, but I need to know their plans and arrangements."

The nun also nodded slightly.

"As for the others, Gao Huan's followers are in full swing. Except for the [Dragon Feast Sacrificial Site], I don't believe there is a suitable local ceremony venue. In addition, full preparations for urban war. Yes, this time it is a war. Yuewan Even if we fall into the sea of ​​fire as predicted, at least we will try to change the ending of this story.”

He stared at the map of the Yuewan area spread out on the table:

"As for me, the vampires' connection with the [Dragon Eater Order] still needs to be finalized. On the one hand, I will delve into the secrets of the cultists, and on the other hand, I will be given the opportunity to contact the first candidate. There is also the [Light Worshiper Training Society] These people are really good at hiding things.”

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