Whispering Verse

Chapter 2429 The Story of Ptolemy Albert

Chapter 2430 The Story of Ptolemy Albert

"The [Light Worshipers Training Group's] plan to turn Moon Bay into light can only be carried out after the Chosen Ceremony is held. And we can control whether the Chosen Ceremony is carried out, Shade, don't worry so much."

Luvia comforted her, and Iluna also said:

"I will bring this information back to the church. Since the lunatics of the [Light Worshiper Training Society] need to arrange rituals all over the city, we have a way to find those rituals and destroy them. Now everyone's cards are almost all displayed. Come out, and the rest depends on whose strategy is better."

Without further ado, everyone split up. Shade was not idle either. After throwing away his glass slippers and returning home, he went to the Randall Valley and saw the Guardian of the Earth who appeared in the image of "Thomas Granger" under the big tree in the courtyard of the "Church of the Forgotten". .

"Sunday to Tuesday, time undetermined."

"I see."

The guardian didn't say how he wanted to know things thousands of miles away, but he was in the heart of the earth, so he should have a way:

"Looking at your expression, this time is very troublesome?"

"It is almost certain that an evil god will appear, and there is a high probability that I will not be able to defeat it."

The two of them stood under the tree together, looking at the silhouette of the church in midsummer. Now the church is maintained by the girls left behind by Vanessa. Not only has the exterior wall been painted with new paint, but low wooden fences have also been used to surround small flower gardens at the corners.

No one spoke, and Shade felt the real summer atmosphere for the first time in a long time. After a long time, the soul aggregate asked:

"Would you sacrifice yourself if necessary?"


Shade answered without thinking, looking at the swing under the tree:

"I'm not alone anymore. There are many people who care about me. I can't just leave."

The guardian nodded slightly, changing from Mr. Thomas Granger to Mr. Willon Lassers:

"Yes, Sirius still needs your care. My unfit father left too early. I don't want the witch to be the only one left by her side."

Then the two fell into silence again. Due to the influence of the underground "Heart of the Earth" and the guardians, the Randall Valley area was not deeply affected by the special light. It is the last moment of summer, the sun is shining brightly, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

If there weren't still a lot of things to do, Shade would actually like to have a picnic with the girls in the courtyard, or hold little Mia against this big tree and take a peaceful nap, but he couldn't. arrive.

After saying goodbye to the Earth Guardian, Shade wanted to return to Tobesk to inform the doctor. But when he appeared in the signposted path wrapped in white mist, that is, the "Space Maze", he changed his mind and touched the signpost of the "Dark Night Temple" also located in the Randall Valley area.

Walking out of the cave under the temple, he turned into a butterfly and arrived at the Night Temple located on the side of the mountainside. The ruins of the ancient temple now only have the remains of three arches. Only in the open space at the end of the arch is the huge ritual array of the sun, moon and stars left behind when Shade "violated" time travel here last time. .

Shade didn't know what he was going to do here this time. He stood in the base array and looked at Lin Hai in the Randall Valley. After a long time, he threw away his glass slippers and left here (note).

Before lunch, he went to the doctor's clinic to explain the situation in Yuewan. Although time is a bit urgent, the doctor is happy to help:

"Between 11:30 pm and 1:00 am, during the hour and a half, just find a deserted intersection and summon me according to the method I taught you."

Lunch was eaten at home with Dorothy. The writer had packed her suitcase and set off with Shade early on Saturday morning.

When Shade returned to Moon Bay after lunch, as soon as he entered the manor, he was mysteriously pulled onto the boat by the smiling Luvia.

After emerging from the banquet hall in the cabin, she took Shade to the captain's cabin on the top floor. Then Shade saw that Megan, Miss Aurora and Miss Elise were all here, and they were watching Miss Belindle who looked unhappy.

Matilda was also here. The blonde maid nodded slightly after seeing Shade, as if nothing happened last night. As for the countess, golden dragon wings sprouted from her back at this moment, and as the wings slowly flapped, she was floating in the air:

"Do you know? The way you look at me now is like looking at a hamster in a cage."

"Did the attempt to activate the bloodline succeed?"

Shade also came forward and asked in surprise, Megan covered her mouth and smiled:

"It's not particularly successful. Apart from Bella growing wings and being able to fly, her strength has only increased a bit. Apart from that, she doesn't even have a single scale on her body. Miss Swift and I originally expected that she would at least be able to fly." A pair of small horns grew out, but obviously they didn't.

It is not yet known whether there is a problem with the potion itself, or because Bella is already an eleventh-level witch, and the witch's power has affected her bloodline. But it's a good thing anyway, Bella can fly too. "

"It's not very fast, it can't be compared to you."

The countess finally landed back on the ground, and the wings behind her swayed twice more, and actually scattered golden light particles and disappeared.

This is different from the normal process of dragonborn covering up their physical features. Seeing that Shade was a little surprised, the Countess, who had a fat-red birthmark between her eyebrows, explained herself:

"I don't know why this is happening. It's probably because of my bloodline. So, can you all stop gathering here? Is there nothing to do? I still feel like you are treating me like a hamster in a cage."

Everyone laughed, and after everyone dispersed, Shade did not stay here for long, but went to Margaret Manor. There has been heavy fog in the city recently, and the princess rarely goes out. All activities are conducted in this royal manor.

She did have time this afternoon. After hearing Sha De's intention, she ordered the maid to get the documents:

"The coroner you asked me to help investigate has already found some information. If you don't come, I will go directly to you.

The most detailed information about his school days at Willendale includes his academic performance, circle of friends and the evaluation of him by the old professors. There is only part of the information about him as an accompanying military doctor from the New World Army, and the information about his ten years in Yuewan City is the least. "

The beautiful Princess took the initiative to invite Sha De to sit down for afternoon tea, and was somewhat thankful that her teacher had taken people out to survey the space stability of Yuewan City.

Little Mia was left on the boat to play with the baby unicorn so Shade didn't have to think about it. He thanked Margaret for the rose-filled sandwich biscuits and sank into the soft sofa.

His anxious mood improved a lot because of the comfortable environment. Shade, who came to know all Mr. Albert's past experiences, curiously asked:

"What is his background?"

The princess also sat down next to Shade, her pink lips were very shiny:

"'Albert' is not the surname of any nobleman. Because you said that no large-scale investigation can be carried out, the results in the report are not very detailed. His surname is the same as that of his mother who was buried in Willondale Public Cemetery, and his father is Nothing could be found. Her mother, the Lady Albert, was "

She pursed her lips and showed an embarrassed look, moved closer to Sha De, and grabbed Sha De's hand:

"My cousin, my father's cousin, Madame Albert, was the housekeeper of that house. I met that lady when I was a child. She died of incurable lung disease. The coroner at the time It’s almost time to graduate from medical school.”

Talking about these things, Margaret was not very happy:

"The location where Ms. Albert is buried is very unusual and of high standard. Although it is a public cemetery, it is there and even if Mr. Albert is not in Willendale all year round, the tomb is maintained and worshiped on a daily basis."

Shade heard what she meant:

"You don't mean to say that Mr. Ptolemy Albert is your relative, do you?"

"I don't know anything."

The blonde princess immediately shook her head. Even she couldn't explain this royal secret clearly:

"Although Ptolemy Albert was not wealthy during his studies, he lived a pretty good life. His teachers and old classmates spoke highly of him and thought he had a noble character and integrity, but some people thought he had some It's time to go too far.

One incident was discovered during the investigation. It was probably a teacher at St. York's Medical College in Willondale who overreported the equipment used in teaching all year round to make a profit. Everyone knew about this, but the young teacher's family was indeed not wealthy. And he doesn't make much with this kind of income, and no one cares about him. "

"Mr. Albert reported him?"

Shade asked, and Margaret shook her head again:

"Ptolemy Albert talked to the young teacher and asked him not to do it. Shortly afterwards, the young teacher committed suicide. There is no evidence of the reason for his suicide, and he only said in his suicide note He had been depressed for a long time, and it was the combination of various contradictions that prompted him to make such a decision.

But the incident still caused a stir. Some people said that Mr. Albert forced his teacher to death. Fortunately, things calmed down quickly, and the incident only stayed in the memories of those students at that time. "

Shade felt that he really couldn't comment on this matter:

"Then why did Mr. Ptolemy Albert choose to become a military doctor after graduation and follow him to the New World?"

The information obtained from the investigation has been delivered. After opening the document bag, the documents were scattered on the coffee table. Shade picked up Mr. Albert's student status information:

"His grades are quite good. Even though I don't know the situation at that school, it would be a pity to choose to become a military doctor with such grades, right? Even if he doesn't go to open a clinic to make money in a big city like Willondale, he can stay in It’s better to teach in school than to go to the New World.”

PS: This paragraph about the Black Night Temple is not about the number of words. I hope the moon can help, but I didn’t get a response.

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