Whispering Verse

Chapter 2430 Life Trajectory

Chapter 2431 Life Trajectory

Margaret quite agrees with Shade’s idea:

"His choice after graduation is indeed strange, and I can only give you a guess about this."

She lowered her voice again:

"I told you, don't tell the third person. It is said that, yes, it is just said that when Mr. Albert was about to graduate, one night, he was called out of the dormitory provided by the medical school. , he was seen boarding a carriage."

Her Royal Highness the blonde princess sighed again, with a pitiful expression:

"Well, I will marry you sooner or later, and there is nothing to hide from you. His suspected father, my cousin, talked to him after the death of his mother, Ms. Albert Two months ago. I don't know whether it was this incident that prompted him to stay away from Willendale, or some other reason. It is most likely related to my cousin, Count Zebelin.

In short, Ptolemy Albert, who graduated from St. York's Medical College in Willondale at the age of 26, took the initiative to apply to become a military doctor. Then he passed the review and traveled across the ocean to the other side of the world. "

For people living in the Old World, if the archipelago kingdom Kailagli is a very distant neighbor, then the New World is the "end of the world" that they will never go to.

"What about his story in the New World? Just an ordinary life as a military doctor, getting praise from friends and superiors, and then coming back?"

Shade asked again. When he bent down to get the remaining documents, he was surprised to find that Margaret had sat on his lap without knowing it.

Her Royal Highness the blonde princess happily reached out and helped him get the documents:

"He spent 8 years in the New World. Judging from the information that has been transmitted so far, there are not many stories about it. Just like what you said, everyone thinks that he is very upright, even upright and a bit old-fashioned. Oh, take a look at this, you might be interested."

Margaret handed over a handwritten investigation report. As Shade read it, Margaret curled up in his arms and summarized softly:

"It was the fifth year after Ptolemy Albert arrived in the New World. His troops received orders to cooperate with several special clergy from the Peace Church to go deep into the unexplored dense forests in the valley to search for ores.

Although the army has not explored it yet, the church's ring wizards have actually walked through it and determined that there is no problem there. But something went wrong during that operation. The report said they encountered unknown wild animals, but according to the hidden investigation report I obtained, they encountered a dragon. "

At this time, Shade was looking at the very blurry photo included in the report. There was indeed something strange captured in the photo. But if Margaret hadn’t said it, Shade himself wouldn’t have been able to imagine that the shiny thing was a dragon:

"Margaret, the report just said that they escaped after suffering heavy casualties and nothing happened after that."

"This is a public report, but the results in the files stored in Gray Gloves that I cannot have people copy are that only 16 people in the 58-man team escaped. But two days later, including Ptolemy Albert Eight people miraculously walked out of the jungle and survived.

The church certainly suspected something was wrong, especially where the dragon came from. But then no traces of the giant dragon were found in that area. Instead, traces of an extremely terrifying concentration of miraculous elements were found. "

As she spoke, she held Shade's neck and sniffed it gently. She was curious about what fragrance Shade usually used in bathing.

"In other words, the dragon may not be a dragon, but something weirder."

Shade frowned slightly, there were too many secrets in the New World. For example, the [Origin and Death] obtained by Joey Barton, according to him, was found in the hands of a bronze skeleton after falling into an ancient ruin outside the town of Umr in the southern part of the New World.

"Perhaps he came into contact with the secrets about the ancient gods during the New World period."

Shade said softly, and Margaret continued to summarize the information:

"Ptolemy Albert's experience in the New World was not very interesting. You can read those boring service reports yourself later.

The next step is his return to the Old Continent after being discharged from the army. Oh, the reason why he retired was not because he was punished or anything else, it was because of his own request, and we don’t know the reason.

He did not choose to return to Willundale, but temporarily lived in the city where he disembarked, that is, Yuewan City, and then lived there ten years later. Maybe you know that he still doesn't have his own house and currently rents on Herring Street in the Lower City, which is the street where you searched for the diamond.

He is a bachelor like an ascetic monk and has no hobby of spending money. Although he plays cards, he is not a bad player. The fact that he has not been able to buy a house in ten years is not entirely because of the housing prices in Yuewan. He often goes to orphanages or churches to donate money, which is easy to investigate. "

"Has he not had any plans to get married these years? Hasn't there been a suitable marriage partner around him?"

Shade hugged Her Royal Highness the Princess and asked, while the latter shook her head slightly:

"Before that incident at Yuewan Medical College, his profession was very respectable, but he had no romantic partners at that time. Later, after the accident, he became a coroner. This profession is not popular with girls. Oh, you know medical school That thing?”

"I know, I heard Mrs. Du Bois say so."

Mrs. Du Bois is also a local vampire and was once a student of Mr. Albert. Shade was entrusted by Mr. Albert to help him notify other vampires in Moon Bay of the dangerous situation when he met this lady:

"I remember the story I heard at the time was that a female student was missing from the school, but the police investigation left the matter without results. At that time, it was widely rumored that the missing person had been abducted by someone from the Eddington family. So the students collectively protested, and then It involved school reform and the stationing of the Royal Navy in Moon Bay. Mr. Albert supported them and participated in the suspension of classes, and then he was fired. "

Margaret nodded:

"Although the truth of the matter is that the missing person just traveled to Delrayon with his family without informing anyone. But the matter involves a very wide range of things, and even involves the Grey-headed Eagle."

She lay in Shade's arms, biting her lips to prevent herself from making strange sounds, and Shade's hand stopped moving:

"What? Grey-headed eagle?"

"When the incident at the medical school happened, Yuewan City was fighting for independence, otherwise the students wouldn't have made such a big fuss. My knight, if you calculate the time, you can guess that your dear 'uncle' was in Yuewan City at that time. Bay.”

Shade really didn't realize this:

"You don't mean to say that the missing female student is another MI6 spy, do you?"

"Why do you say that again? Oh, you don't have to stop. Of course not, no matter how powerful MI6 is, it won't be full of spies. In fact, she is a spy for Gray Gloves. Oh, be gentle~"

"Sorry sorry, what?"

The blonde princess pressed her face against Shade's chest and bit open the button at the collar of his shirt with her teeth:

"It's nothing. At that time, Yuewan really had an independent tendency and almost held an independence vote. MI6 and Gray Gloves were fighting fiercely in Yuewan. Although I don't know what the role of the girl who came back after missing was character, but she was indeed called away on an emergency mission.

Therefore, the Yuewan City Police Department dropped the matter after a hurried investigation. After all, the matter could not be investigated carefully, and she would be back soon, and the matter would be over. But I didn't expect that it would lead to further changes. The information stated that the subsequent events may have been caused by MI6. "

"In other words, the kind-hearted Mr. Albert was just swept into an undercurrent that he couldn't even see clearly?"

Shade was half sighing and half surprised, and the blond princess curled up like a cat hummed:

"His subsequent life was very rough. Ptolemy Albert left school and did not seek employment as a teacher or a doctor. He finally became a coroner affiliated with the local police station. Although he was He was fired, but because he has a high degree of education and rich experience, it is not difficult to find a job. He usually lives a simple life, but he has many friends. Upright and kind people are always good at making friends. "

Regarding the general life history of Mr. Albert, the coroner, Shade has been roughly informed by this point. Mr. Albert, who is most likely an illegitimate child, has always seemed to be fooled by fate in his life so far in his forties.

When he was a student, his father existed but he could not see him. When he was young, his mother died early and he stayed away from his hometown for various reasons. When he reached middle age, he obviously wanted to settle down, but he was involved in historical trends that had nothing to do with him and was swept away by a big wave. On the shore.

Shade couldn't comment on other people's stories. He could only say that everyone is a book, and each book contains experiences that others cannot imagine and speculate on. From these experiences, Shade can also understand a little bit about what Mr. Albert is doing now. He even admires this gentleman a little, at least he has never given up his ideas.

Margaret got a lot of information, so after she finished summarizing, Shade did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he hugged Her Royal Highness and continued to read. Then he talked to her about the information collected by the monastery provided by Old John. Information about [Eternal Light].

He came at about two o'clock in the afternoon, and it was almost five o'clock when he left.

After Shade left, Miss Sylvia walked into the study with a smile and looked at Margaret who was getting up to change clothes.

"Good afternoon, Teacher Sylvia."

She held the back of the sofa and said hello, not daring to look into the witch's eyes:

"When did you come back?"

"I should have complimented you about half an hour ago, Margaret, you're more tolerant than I thought.

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