Whispering Verse

Chapter 244 Staying Overnight

Miss Bayas arrived just before eight o'clock, and as she followed Shade upstairs, Shade noticed that her hair was still wet. After sitting down, he complained to Shade and Miss Anat:

"This afternoon our team received a temporary mission and was sent to the sewers in the north of the city to catch a few bold guys selling contraband. Do you know the smell in Tobesk's underground pipes?"

She made a very indescribable expression:

"It's best that you never know. After the mission was over, I went home and took a shower for a full hour before I felt that the smell had faded away."

"I don't smell anything strange now."

Miss Anat said, while Shade went to the kitchen to get her some bread. Miss Bayas came here hungry, and her hair was not even dry yet.

"That's because I wore perfume, a very expensive perfume."

She tried to trace the shape of the perfume bottle with her hands:

"A small bottle of Kasenlik's imported product costs 3 pounds. It was a gift I gave myself on my birthday last year. In fact, I don't think it's worth the price after using it."

She took the bread from Shade, thanked her softly, and shook the bread towards Mia who was squatting on the back of the sofa. But the orange cat's cat food is much more expensive than the cheap bread essence that Shade bought, so he won't be attracted by this temptation at all.

"Have you finally caught someone?"

Shade asked as he sat down.

"We were caught. Everyone was very angry at the time. When we arrested them, we deliberately and accidentally hit them hard... Just pretend you didn't hear it."

She waved her hand sheepishly, and Shade couldn't help but smile.

"What kind of contraband are they selling?"

Miss Anat asked again.

"I don't know either. The captain refused to say anything and told us with a straight face that it was a secret. But when we arrested him, we searched him and found red salt in a small bottle. That was probably what they were planning to sell. , if you encounter it recently, remember to report it to me, and I will get the reward and share it with you."

While Miss Bayas was eating bread, Shade and Miss Anat confirmed their respective preparations for tomorrow night.

Shade learned the key thaumaturgy [Laleg's Leap], spent 43 pounds to buy [Bordeaux Candle] from Old John, and borrowed a real sage-level relic [Ancient Witch's Gold Necklace] 】.

Miss Anat recovered from the weakness after paying the price for divination on Sunday. She borrowed a compass from the association to guide the direction, and borrowed from her friend a poet-level relic that could see through illusions. The appearance was a single piece. glasses, and then obtained a few steam bombs from black market channels.

Steam bombs are completely useless against high-level warlocks, but they may have some effect on weak silver-eyed ones.

"However, which of your friends could actually lend you a sage-level relic?"

Looking at the jewelry box that Shade placed on the coffee table, Miss Bayas and Miss Anat were both surprised. Although there is only one level difference between Sage level (level 2) and Secret Keeper level (level 3), the preciousness of the former is self-evident:

"Even for high-level warlocks, this relic is quite attractive. The other party actually lent it to you directly? Why don't I have such a friend?"

"Of course it doesn't come without a price."

Shade explained that he was going to attend a charity banquet tomorrow night.

Miss Anat and Miss Bayas did not object, but hoped that Shade could stay at the dinner party. Rather than forcing his way into the ruins with them, the banquet where the Zhengshen Church ensures safety is where he should be.

They were worried about Sha De's safety, but Sha De was determined to get the gift left to him by the god of the fifth era.

Miss Anat took out her notepad:

"I have investigated the ruins in the past few days and made new discoveries. Since you have other arrangements, the plan needs to be readjusted. Now let me take a look at the originally planned action plan... At the same time, we We need to calibrate the pocket watch, Shade, you can do this. Oh, there are so many things to do, we are very busy tonight."

She shook her head in annoyance, while Shade looked out the window at the rainy night and hesitated and suggested:

"Why don't you stay here tonight? My house is very big. The weather outside is so bad, I don't think there is any need to go back late at night..."

After speaking, he emphasized again:

"I didn't say that for any other reason."

"It doesn't matter. You are lower than our ring wizards. Even if you do bad things, it won't be your turn."

Miss Anat waved her hands and joked, and Miss Bayas also smiled and nodded:

"You're right, this is a good idea. But we have to go home and get a change of clothes in a while. This way, we can make sure that everyone is together before we start tomorrow night."

However, although the house in Saint Teresa Square is large, there are only two beds. Shade's bed in the second bedroom was the larger one, and he could put on a new bedding so that the two girls could squeeze in. As for him, he could only sleep on Detective Sparrow's small bed.

[I thought you would have some psychological shadow on that bed. 】

"There are three Ring Warlocks here tonight. It's really going to be haunted, and Sparrow will definitely be the unlucky one."

The girls stood up and prepared to go home to get a change of clothes and toiletries. Shade also stood up and thought of another thing:

"Oh, speaking of which, could I ask your weight?"

When it was proposed to spend the night here, they were not very alert, but this question made the two girls with brown hair alert:

"That's not polite, Shade."

Miss Bayas said angrily.

"No, no, it's about the candle. I got a very nice candle."

That night, they talked until early in the morning before going to rest separately. Shade's candle can help the three of them become invisible together, and the others have also obtained good relics, which can help them make targeted adjustments to their plans.

In addition to talking about plans and arrangements for tomorrow night, Miss Bayas also returned the [Witch's Carbon Paper] that had been imprinted with the Thirteenth Ring Warlock's thaumaturgy [Sunshine Sword] to Shade.

According to the characteristics of this relic, Shade burned the carbon paper, mixed the remaining ashes into the water, stirred continuously, and finally drank every drop while holding his nose.

After drinking it, I got some hints from the voice in my head. I tilted my head and thought for a moment, then stretched out my right index finger, and a slender silver moon light jumped out from the fingertip like a short knife. After a little experimentation, the sharp blade emerging from the fingertips has quite good cutting performance. Without the blessing of [Ancient Witch's Gold Necklace], its ability to break defenses is better than [Silver Moon Slash].

This thaumaturgy should be a melee ability and can be paired with [Blade of Disrupted Time]. Moreover, Shade could feel that the witch's carbon paper was still being digested, and the current harvest was only the prototype of thaumaturgy.

It requires a "digestion" process before he can fully master thaumaturgy. It is not the digestion of the stomach and intestines, but the soul that digests that power. Miss Bayas has investigated the information on [Witch's Carbon Paper]. According to the records, since he had such power from the beginning, his harvest should not be so simple. It is most likely to be an extremely close to [Sunshine Great Sword]. powerful thaumaturgy.

What he finally obtained was related to Shade's own spiritual rune type and his strongest thoughts. He was full of expectations for it.

"There will definitely be no problem with our actions tomorrow night."

This was Shade's thought when he was lying in the owner's bedroom No. 1 on the second floor, preparing to fall asleep.

The cat lying on the pillow had just run over. Mia had just seen Shade go to the bathroom to wash up, and knowing that he was ready to rest, she rushed into his room. But after a while, he saw that it was not Sha De but a woman who entered the door. He rushed out of the bedroom door and found Sha De in the next room.

It seems that the cat may have mistakenly thought that Miss Bayas and Miss Anat had killed Shade and occupied the house.

Fortunately, little Mia didn't recognize the bed and fell asleep faster than Shade. Shade, who was thinking about something in his mind, lay with his eyes closed for a long time before falling asleep.

At this time, it was still raining outside.

(Little Mia is running...)

It seemed that opening and closing the eyes only took a matter of two or three seconds. The sound of rain hitting the window was still heard in my ears. If you listened carefully, you could also hear the weak and even breathing of the cat.

Shade opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. Thaumatology told him that the time was now five o'clock on Thursday morning. He only slept for less than four hours, but when he woke up, he was not sleepy at all.

"Is it still raining? I hope it won't affect things tonight."

After looking at the slightly unfamiliar ceiling for a while, I quietly left the bed. The cat, who was very alert when sleeping, was of course awakened, but stood up and looked around to see that there was no danger, and then leaned over the pillow again.

This is the bedroom that belonged to Sparrow Hamilton. After the detective passed away, Shade only came here occasionally to clean the room or come here to look for information left by the previous detective.

This was the first morning that Shade saw this room. When he was sitting on the edge of the bed, he was still wondering whether the room in front of Detective Sparrow when he woke up every morning was the same as his now. Feeling.

Because there were other people at home, Shade tried not to make any noise when he walked out of the room. It was still early and it was still raining outside, so the living room without lights seemed a little dark.

Standing at the door of the bedroom and glancing around, the door of the room where the girls were resting was still closed, presumably they were all still sleeping.

Xia De woke up a little too early and didn't know what he should do now. Standing in the living room and looking around again, I saw that the door was actually opened a crack:

"Who's out?"

I walked to the corridor on the second floor in my slippers. There was no light downstairs, but the door of room 2 on the second floor next door was also open.

Shade pushed the door open and entered. The room without gas lights and furniture was empty and a little cold. The sound of rain here seemed louder than the sound of rain next door.

He immediately saw Miss Bayas standing in front of the window.

The girl with long brown hair stood in front of the window, holding a tea cup in one hand and holding the elbow of the other hand. She looked out the window at the rain in St. Teresa Square in the darkness. She was wearing the nightgown she took from the rented apartment last night.

Shade at the door could only see her profile. For some reason, Shade thought this profile was so lonely.

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