Whispering Verse

Chapter 245: Balanced Understanding

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, Miss Bayas turned around in the darkness. Seeing it was Sha De, he smiled apologetically at him:

"I couldn't sleep at night, so I wanted to see the rain."

She placed the tea cup on the windowsill, and her hoarse voice blended perfectly with the sound of rain in the background:

"Your place is really nice. I was worried about waking you up, so I went to this room to watch the rain. I am always busy, and there are not many opportunities like this."

"Be careful not to catch a cold."

Shade reminded him kindly, hesitated for a moment, and instead of turning around and leaving, he walked into the room and came to the window.

Outside the living room windows of the two rooms is St. Teresa Square. Although the gas lamps in the square are still on, in the rain, the light of the gas lamps can only turn into a warm yellow halo, unable to illuminate large areas of the square. of darkness.

The raindrops were like tadpoles, swimming densely on the window glass in front of me. Amidst the clattering sound, Shade noticed that on the glass in front of Miss Bayas, there were words she had written with her fingers using the steam from the teacup.

It was not a contemporary language, but before Shade wanted to see it clearly, Miss Bayas reached out and erased it.

"Are you worried about what's going to happen tonight?"

Miss Anat is the oldest of the three. Shade, a stranger, has also experienced too many things. Only this 17-year-old girl is a little greener. Shade is worried that she will have bad thoughts due to pressure.

"It's certainly impossible to say that I'm not worried at all. But mainly... I'm still thinking about the 'chosen one' thing."

She looked towards the window:

"To be honest, I never thought that I would become the chosen one. There will be results tonight. Miss Anat said that I will gain great power, and the road ahead will become more... ..Magical, she used this word. Maybe I am sentimental, but after all, I am a little panicked about such a future."

"Do you want to be the chosen one?"


Her answer came without thinking.

"Then just move forward and don't think too much."

Shade said, he thought of himself a month ago and the story he heard in the cemetery yesterday:

"Sometimes, we can't choose what kind of future we are going to face, and we have no idea what kind of situations we will face... It's good that you can still make choices. And you are not alone, Miss Anat and I will always be by your side to help you. In addition to the two of us, there will be more chosen ones who will appear by our side in the future."

He wanted to reach out and pat Miss Bayas on the shoulder, but he hesitated about whether it was polite to touch the young girl's nightgown.

"This is probably really sentimental, Detective...Shadow, don't worry about it."

She turned her head and smiled at Shade:

"Standing here watching the rain alone, my mood will really get worse and worse, but you are right, thinking about these things, it is better to plan more arrangements for tonight."

Seeing that she adjusted her mood easily, Xia De didn't know whether it was his words that had an effect, or whether the other party was inherently strong.

At this time, I heard another sound at the door behind me. I turned my head and saw two luminous things floating in the darkness outside the door. But before he could be surprised, the sleepy cat walked in with short legs.

It probably came here after seeing that Shade hadn't gone back for a long time. Wandering to Shade's feet, he slowly stretched out his right front paw and pulled down Shade's pants a few times.

When Shade picked up the warm and soft cat, it actually fell asleep again. This cat's life is quite regular. He wakes up at six o'clock in the morning and urges Shade to make breakfast. And now, it's still its rest time.

Miss Bayas smiled and looked at Shade holding the cat:

"When everything is over in the future, I..."

"Stop! Don't say such things."

Xia De stopped her from saying these words quickly and reminded her seriously:

"Never say anything like that before doing something important."

"Is this some strange superstition? Shade, a magician cannot be superstitious."

Miss Bayas said with a smile, turned around and continued to look at the rain curtain outside:

"I really envy the life you have. It's quiet and peaceful. In your free time, you can hold a cat and watch the night rain. Although I am a church magician, I actually admire your founder of Byrons, the Thirteenth The sorceress of the ring, the benevolent witch, the witch of knowledge, build your own great career, and then enjoy life comfortably instead of running around all your life... It's not that I choose to be the chosen one, it's that I have to be The Chosen One. This is the power, this is the price, this is the curse, this is the blessing, this is...balance."

"The church seems to know that you are a candidate for the Chosen One?"

Shade asked again.

"Yes, the Church of the Sun, where I belong, and the Church of Peace, which has mastered some of the witch's relics, know about it."

"So after tonight's success, will you confess that you have officially become the chosen one from the candidate?"

"Yes, the value of being the chosen one is that I will be promoted to the 13th ring. This is nothing to hide. On the contrary, I will use this to fight for more power and freedom, so that I can cooperate with you to find more The chosen one. In the future, there will be many opportunities to cooperate with you and Miss Anat."

She smiled softly at the glass, and Shade nodded, but before he could agree, Miss Bayas said again as if mumbling to herself:

“In the days since that Sunday night party, I’ve thought at length about the meaning of balance.”

"Anything gained?"

Shade, who was holding the cat, asked softly, thinking that with his foreigner's experience, he might be able to give her some advice, but Miss Bayas answered directly:

"To understand the meaning of balance, there is no numerical index for me to refer to. Since I became a ring wizard, I have been exploring my own special abilities. After meeting you, I realized that it is the power of the chosen one. I can Use the power of 'balance' to reduce the strength of ring warlocks who are higher than me to a level similar to mine."

The day Shade saw the "Sunshine Gun" for the first time, she used this power to defeat the Ring Warlock of [Mercury Blood].

"I can use the power of 'balance' to identify the good and evil of others."

Therefore, she has few friends. Even without summoning the golden scale, she can instinctively measure a person's balance of good and evil.

"I can even use this strange power to suppress the power of a powerful [relic] in a short period of time, allowing the whispering elements to maintain a balance with the surrounding enlightenment elements... Of course, this is very difficult, and I can only suppress [ Part of the power of the relic].”

But this is already amazing. As a second-level warlock, she is really very powerful.

"After the banquet that day, I thought deeply about the deeper meaning of my own power, trying to discover the essence of power from 'balance' itself, and then...I failed. This power is like drinking water, walking, raising hands, They are my own abilities, I just have to discover them step by step. They have no meaning, they are part of me, but for this reason, I understand a very simple truth."

"What's the point?"

Shade asked, the cat in his arms "meow~", but it was just talking in his sleep.

"I am balance."

Her eyes moved from the window to Shade, and the two looked at each other at close range:

"All balance is based on me. The power that is higher than me, I want to lower it; the judgment of good and evil is based on my thoughts; the power of balancing relics is based on my own enlightenment. Since I am a person favored by the ancient god of 'balance' [the hanging judge], then when I hold the scale, I am the fulcrum of all balances."

At this moment, there seemed to be golden light shining in her eyes.

But soon Xia De understood that it was definitely not "as if".

Miss Bayas raised her right hand, and the golden color naturally lit up from the palm of her hand. Behind her, amid the sound of whistles and bells, rings of life emerged from the thick steam.

The light in the palm of the hand was connected to the life ring behind it. The brass ring actually shone with a golden luster at this moment:

"Miss Anat is right. I used to only use power, not explore it. Now I can feel it. When the ceremony is over and I completely transform the life ring into gold material, I can truly master the power of balance."

She clenched her right palm suddenly, causing the light in her palm to disperse into light spots and float in all directions.

The rain was pattering, and Shade stared at the life ring behind Miss Bayas in stunned silence. He originally thought that understanding the "power of balance" would be very difficult, but he didn't expect that in just three days, the other party seemed to have understood everything:

"I thought you would need help, like dynamic balancing or something."

He smiled sheepishly:

"The balance I understand is not a line, but a line that fluctuates up and down to form a solid balance. Miss Bayas, you are very good."

"You're pretty good too. How about it, Shade, how about my power?"

Miss Bayas showed it to Shade excitedly, as if she wanted him to comment:

"I used that piece of [Witch's carbon paper] to copy the balancing power I used on myself in front of the mirror. In addition, when I was watching the rain here tonight, I thought of many, many things. When I just answered your question, I could I instinctively have the experience I have now.”

Shade praised sincerely:

"It's very powerful. It's not your strength, it's your talent and wisdom that are very powerful."

The outsiders have truly seen how unique "people chosen by fate" are. Compared with Miss Bayas, Shade's path as a ring wizard is really too ordinary.

"So, there will definitely be no problem with tonight's operation."

Miss Bayas said, making the life ring behind her disappear. But after the excitement, fatigue came back, and he could only bid farewell to Shade temporarily and go to sleep for a while before dawn.

Shade was left alone in the empty room, watching the rain in front of the window:

"The danger was predicted in advance, and everyone prepared new powers. Miss Bayas was only one step away from fully mastering the super-standard abilities... Under such circumstances, what happened tonight was unthinkable. What happened?"

【Do you really think so? 】

she asked softly in her ear.

"Although there are always accidents in life, with such careful planning, even if an accident does occur, it is not something we can change. Besides..."

He felt the power sleeping in his soul and life ring. He closed his eyes and seemed to see the golden divinity directly in front of him in the darkness:

"In tonight's operation, if something happens that they can't deal with, I won't begrudge this drop of divinity."

[Sacrificing a drop of precious divinity for Bayas? 】

"In order to have a powerful helper on the road to finding divinity in the future, I will sacrifice a drop of precious divinity. I will not do anything that I will regret after I die."

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