Whispering Verse

Chapter 2440

Chapter 2441 "Defecting Agent"

The team from [Eternal Light] didn't investigate this place carefully last time, so Shade called Mr. Albert to search carefully, especially if there were any hidden compartments under the carpet, behind the picture frame, or on the bottom of the cabinet.

Although the coroner didn't know the reason, seeing how "professional" Shade was, he began to follow his instructions.

The two of them were rummaging and talking, and Shade knew that Mrs. Fox had called the police, but the police just came to register and nothing more happened:

"This is not only because this is downtown, but also because the police have been in a lot of trouble recently. Mr. Watson, the days of peace are over."

The talent of vampires is indeed enviable. In addition to searching with his hands, Mr. Albert can also detect hidden spaces such as hidden spaces by coughing a few times and relying on the echo.

Of course, it won't work on those hidden cells hidden by extraordinary powers.

So the two quickly discovered the things hidden in the secret compartment of the closet and under the loose floorboard under the spare gas tank.

Mr. Albert still had doubts about randomly looking through other people's things, so Shade directly took out those things:

"My main ability is actually not fighting, but tracking, breaking into holes, smuggling, and playing cards."

Shade introduced himself. Mr. Albert opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, and somewhat doubting whether his understanding of the man in front of him was wrong.

"Firearms, bullets, forged identity documents, coins and bills from various countries, a key that I don't know where to open, a two-person ship ticket to the New World with no time limit, and personal souvenirs."

Shade found a small box at the bottom of the secret compartment. After opening it, there was a circular badge with a golden rose pattern inside.

He was stunned for a moment, then closed the box and restored everything.

"She still keeps this kind of thing. Is she dying?"

"what is that?"

Mr. Albert, who didn't know much about nobles, asked.

"The private badge of a distinguished lady of Willendale. Only trusted maids can obtain it. It seems that I really met an acquaintance. I thought they went to the New World. Wait a moment."

Shade closed his eyes again:

"Echoes from the past."

After listening carefully for a while, I heard nothing useful. It seems that they have not come back in the past two days:

"Mr. Albert, let's talk to Mrs. Fox again."

Back downstairs, the old lady was knitting a sweater and chatting with the fat lady.

Shade asked very directly:

"Mrs. Fox, where did your nephew and his wife come to join you?"

The old lady obviously hesitated for a moment and was about to answer, but Shade spoke first:

"If I'm not mistaken, it's Tobesk from the North Country, right?"

The old man's movement of raising his head changed to lowering his head slightly, and he did not speak.

"Don't worry, I am a friend of Mr. Albert. You can tell by my appearance that I am also from the North. I am a friend of Mr. Ferringa and Miss Brown. Of course, I don't know what Miss Brown's name is now. ”

The coroner on the side also said:

"Yes, Mr. Watson can be trusted. Mrs. Fox, I can vouch for it on my own honor."

As he spoke, he winked at the fat lady, who then consciously went to the kitchen.

The old lady stopped knitting, and neither Shade nor Mr. Albert urged her.

After a while, the old man asked:

"When they left Tobesk by train"

"No, they left by boat one night during Princess Margaret's visit to Tobesk last winter. It was I who took them through the sewers of the steam capital and came to Thailand with them. The small pier on the banks of the Larrel River and bid them farewell.”

Shade knew very well that Mrs. Fox had no one to rely on in the local area. Since she had taken in her nephew and his wife, she must have planned to rely on them to support her in her old age, so she would not tell those secrets easily.

Old Mrs. Fox looked at Shade with her brown eyes:

"What did my nephew give you before he left?"

She seemed to know a lot about the matter, and Mr. Ferringa and Miss Brown trusted her.

“The topographic map of the Tobesk Sewer contains abandoned pipes, hidden compartments for workers to rest and some pipes that were abandoned mid-construction.”

Although Shade hasn't used the topographic map of the Tobesk sewer yet, it doesn't mean it's useless. That map is of great value, and if Detective Sparrow Hamilton is still alive, he will definitely get it at any cost.

"Huh? Why do I feel like I'll see Detective Hamilton again soon?"

Shade thought suspiciously, and then said the most fatal words to Mrs. Fox:

"When Miss Brown is cooking at home, does she always have a complicated expression when she sees purple cabbage?"

Mr. Albert was very suspicious of the relationship between Shade and "Miss Brown", and old Mrs. Fox finally sighed after hearing this.

Miss Brown's experience is also legendary. She was originally an elite agent of MI6 and was ordered to become a maid and hide from the teenage Margaret. But because Margaret scolded her for not eating purple cabbage, the maid was fired and soon set fire to herself at home.

In fact, he used the remains of a woman of the same age and faked his death to escape.

After Miss Brown returned to Tobesk, she was arranged to retire in the countryside. However, because she wanted to pursue her "artistic ideal", she faked her death again in the eyes of MI6 and returned to Tobesk to go to school, so she met Ferlinga. Husband and became the other party's fiancée.

Unfortunately, during Margaret's visit to Tobesk last year, she was discovered by both MI6 and Margaret. Although Margaret was still angry that she was actually a spy, she arranged for Shade to help them escape the "Steam City".

Shade told them not to stay in Delarian anymore, but they didn't expect them to come to Moon Bay. But if you think about it carefully, living in Moon Bay is actually a good choice. Mr. Ferringa has relatives here, this is not Delrayon, and Kasenrik does not have strong control over it. Coupled with the fact that there are ships leaving the Old World at the pier at any time, it is indeed okay here.

Even ordinary people in this world have their own complicated and exciting lives, such as Captain Rades, the "Captain Eight Guns", and Miss Brown, the "Fugitive Female Agent".

Mr. Albert, who also had his own story, did not understand this, but Mrs. Fox, who knew some facts, looked at Shade carefully and finally chose to trust him:

"They actually didn't disappear for no reason. They gave me a large sum of money before they left and told me that if they didn't come back, I wouldn't say anything. I asked my friends from [Eternal Light] to help me find them. In fact, it is to let people know that they left without saying goodbye. This is also the advice left by my niece. Sorry, Mr. Albert.”

"It doesn't matter, as long as I can help."

The coroner didn't mind at all:

"But if they are really in trouble, I feel it is better to find them. Mr. Watson is very professional and is their friend. We will help, but we need clues."

"They didn't leave Moon Bay."

The old woman said:

"I know they have purchased properties in Moon Bay under other identities, but I'm not sure they are still there at 28 Wende Street. Go there and have a look."

No. 28 Wende Street is located on the northern edge of the lower town centered on Herring Street, and further north is the prosperous Market Street.

Because it would take time to travel through the entire lower city, Shade thought about finding a carriage. But it was impossible to find the carriage in this heavy fog. Fortunately, Mr. Albert just led him through a street and saw the carriage coming towards him:

"I have a lot of friends in downtown who can help each other. Of course, not everyone here is my friend."

For example, his neighbors disliked his profession.

It was around 9:30 a.m. when we arrived at Wende Street. Because there was a house number, the location was easy to find. However, the door of No. 28 Wende Street was actually open. When Mr. Shade and Mr. Albert walked over, the two men standing guard at the door, wearing black clothes and clearly carrying guns at their waists, said directly:

"leave here."

Shade raised his eyebrows and glanced inward:

"Mr. Dylan~"

The Gray Glove agent contact who runs a bookstore in the city center was startled, thinking that he had been recognized by an acquaintance. Turning around to deal with this matter, I saw Sha De's face again, and was shocked again:

"Hello Hui!"

He subconsciously stood at attention and said, and with a wave of his hand, the two people blocking him at the door immediately moved aside to let Mr. Shade and Mr. Albert in.

The interior decoration of this narrow two-story apartment facing the street was simple. At this time, seven or eight people were rummaging around. Mr. Dylan was still standing at attention when Shade entered the house, so he joked:

"I thought you were just a liaison officer. According to the rules, you shouldn't go out in the field."

"Isn't this the new director of Yuewan District? I also have to show my performance."

The bookstore owner said embarrassedly, and Shade looked around again:

"Let me guess, are you looking for someone or something?"

Mr. Dylan only hesitated for a moment and then replied:

"Look for them all. Not long ago, an MI6 agent who had been hiding for many years died in our pursuit, but before he died, he gave the secrets in his hands to others.

We searched the entire Yue Bay and still couldn't find who he gave the things to. We only recently received information that one of the suspicious characters the agent encountered before his death had appeared here. "

Because there is no official identity registration system in this era, which is the so-called "ID card", it is actually very covert to do things after forging an identity. In this way, although Miss Brown and Mr. Ferringa are indeed being traced, they have not revealed their true identities.

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