Whispering Verse

Chapter 2441 Convenient Identity

Chapter 2442 Convenient Identity

In this way, everything is connected. Shade's boss, Director Anlos, has mentioned many times that an agent is missing in Yuewan City, and that agent is also involved in the matter of the three precious playing cards. .

Therefore, before the agent died, he somehow met his "defected colleague" Miss Brown, which caused the disappearance of Mrs. Fox's nephew and his wife, which then triggered the "Eternal Light", and finally involved Ben and this matter. Shad concerned.

After going around in such a big circle, the matter still fell on Shade's head.

Shade continued chatting with Mr. Dylan, and then quietly made a gesture to Mr. Albert beside him. The coroner, who had also disguised his face, had a spiritual light that could only be seen by the Ring Warlock. Shade guessed that this was the "Light Incarnation" clone technique he had used.

Not long after, the light came back, and Shade ended the conversation with Mr. Dylan:

"Besides this house, are there any clues about the suspicious person?"

"Sir, this"

Mr. Dylan did not answer immediately this time, but said awkwardly:

"You know, that's not your job."

Judging from his expression, it looked like he was afraid that Sha De would suddenly shoot him. The reputation of "Grey Eagle" was built by Sparrow Hamilton with other people's blood. The Kingsman is definitely not a soft-hearted person.

"Indeed, this is not my task."

Shade nodded, then leaned forward suddenly, making Mr. Dylan in front of him almost jump in fright.

"If you have any questions, please ask your new supervisor, Mr. Richard, to ask His Highness Margaret. I don't need to explain to you what I do."

"Yes Yes."

Sweat broke out on Mr. Dylan's forehead, and the other agents he brought with him remained silent in tacit agreement. This seems to be a matter between superiors. Remaining silent is the basic quality of a good agent.

"In addition to us and MI6, there are many people who are also looking for the mysterious man, because it is said that the man got a card from the death agent, a very precious card.

It may be the [Original] series, [Angel] series, [Demon] series or [Ancient Wise Kings] series. The value of that card is at least 500 crowns. "

That is more than 6,000 pounds, and if it is really these original series of Rhodes cards and they are genuine, you can't even buy them for 6,000 gold pounds.

"Any other information?"

Shade asked again, even if he didn't do anything specifically, but when he got serious, the mental suppression caused by the powerful soul had silenced the room with the open door, and Mr. Dylan, who was facing him, was even more frightened. :

"Sir, there is no other information for the moment. The intelligence obtained by the lurking MI6 agent is very important, but the cards are not important to us. The intelligence is about the local Gray Glove agents accepting bribes from the seven major families. That’s all, really that’s all.”

Even the clergy of the Orthodox Church will be corrupted by the "City of Fortune", and it is not unimaginable for agents to accept bribes. Therefore, the "mermaid" was right to choose this city.

"Okay, I understand. If you have any questions about my actions, just ask Her Highness Margaret."

Shade didn't think he dared to go, or even said he dared to tell what happened.

Having said this, he left together with Mr. Albert.

Back on the street, the coroner hesitated and was very curious about Shade's identity. He could see that "Mr. Watson" was most likely a big shot in Gray Gloves. But thinking about it carefully, it doesn’t matter, so I didn’t ask in the end:

"There are no documents or playing cards in the house, but I found this in the cracks of the floor."

He showed the key tied with a red string in his hand, and Shade smiled and said:

"As long as there are clues, Mr. Albert, do you want to do some divination?"

When the two met for the first time, Ptolemy Albert himself said that he was not a diviner (Chapter 2056), but at this time he said:

"There are certain errors in divination, so don't bother me. Can you wait for me? I'll ask a nearby locksmith. Maybe there will be clues."

So he walked into the misty fog, and Shade continued to walk forward, entering the snack shop that was still open at the intersection and intending to replenish his "toy inventory." When Shade walked out of the store holding the paper bag and stuffing the bag into his coat, he noticed that little Mia was still in the pocket, but he did not intend to let the cat come into contact with these harmful poisonous mist.

After all, little Mia is very fragile.

Mr. Albert soon returned with another carriage:

"The local locksmith has also joined the mutual aid association. Although he did not make the key, he can see whose craftsmanship it is. The locksmith profession has its own rules. Let's find the person who made the key."

The carriage drove the two people through the lower city. Although the old locksmith they found at the next stop had nothing to do with [Eternal Light], his nosy neighbor had also participated in [Eternal Light] activities.

After being persuaded by his neighbor, the old locksmith finally revealed that he had made the key half a month ago. And although he had only seen the key, he knew where the door was locked:

"This key is a copy of the original key. There was a number on the original key. Although it was deliberately erased, I still remember it roughly. Similar locks are produced by 'Yuewan United Lock Company'. The entire There is only one sales store in the city, and the lock with the corresponding number should have a sales record, of course, provided that the lock was sold within a year. "

So the next stop was a store selling door locks. This was the first time Shade knew of such a store. This time, the "Eternal Light" didn't have any effect. Shade used illusion magic to become invisible and looked through the sales records, and then he knew where the key corresponded.

"Let's go, downtown, No. 7 August Street, Building B August?"

This is not an uncommon name.

Shade and Mr. Albert continued to ride the carriage through the thick fog in the lower city. When they arrived at their destination this time, luckily the door was not opened and there was no gatekeeper. Unfortunately, Shade heard the number inside the door. Many heartbeats.

Shade stepped directly onto the steps. Mr. Albert, who also noticed something was wrong behind the door, wanted to stop him, but Shade shook his head:

"I know."

He didn't use the key, but knocked politely. After the knock on the door, the person behind the door apparently waited for a while before answering. The door was opened just a crack, and a man with a local appearance showed his face:

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

Shade thought for a while:

"Is Ryan Anjou here?"

As he spoke, he held the door with his fingers, and his longest middle finger extended directly into the door. "Ryan Anjou" was Margaret's father's name, so the man inside the door trembled at the corner of his mouth, and the muzzle of his gun stretched out from under the door lock:


"Wait a moment."

Another person's voice came from inside the door:

"I'm curious who is so bold and dares to make such a joke. No matter which party they are from, at least this kind of courage is amazing. Let them come in, since they are all friends here."

A series of sounds of pistols being loaded came from the door. Mr. Albert sighed, thinking that Shade wanted to kill everyone after entering the door this time, but Shade said again:

"Director, there is no need to welcome me like this, right?"

There was a tone of doubt coming from the door, so Shade took out his ID from his pocket and handed it to the person at the door. The latter's eyes widened immediately when he looked at the familiar ID. He passed the ID to the door, followed by a series of sounds of re-closing the safety of the pistol.

"Come in, I really didn't expect to meet you here."

Director Anlos' face appeared from the door, but he glanced at Mr. Albert again, and Shade assured:

"A friend you can trust."

So the two of them came indoors together, and Director Anlos returned the ID to Shade with a smile. As for how Sha De knew that his boss was inside the door, it was naturally because when he opened the door with his hand just now, his fingers were pointed towards the inside of the door, and "her" perception was not limited to Sha De's eyes.

"Why did you come to Moon Bay in person?"

The door was closed again, and all of Shade's colleagues consciously gave up the space in the foyer. Only Shade, Director Anlos and Mr. Albert were left here.

Director Anlos pressed the hat on his head so that his full face would not be exposed in front of Mr. Albert:

"You also know the recent situation in Moon Bay. Now the local police and Gray Gloves organization are busy maintaining law and order, so I thought of going there in person to do something while taking advantage of the chaos. And"

He lowered his voice:

"I heard that the ace of Gray Gloves, the Gray Eagle, is here too. I'm looking forward to playing against him."

So "Grey-Headed Eagle" nodded clearly:

"My friend and I are tracking down a Rhodes card. We have obtained some clues. This matter seems to involve the missing bottom fish."

Director Anlos felt that it was quite reasonable for Shade to appear here because he was "looking for cards":

"I didn't take the initiative to find you. You could have investigated it yourself. That's right, and our dead colleague gave the card and some important information to others before he died.

I came here to deal with this matter, which is not a big or small trouble. There is not much progress at the moment, but a few days ago some strangers sent us information through our channels and wanted to sell us the information.

I wanted to meet the person who took the information in person, but he didn't show up for a long time. We found this place after tracing. I suspect that the person who took away the information is also familiar with the Sixth Bureau, and has even met me before. He knows our internal information channels. "

Shade pretended not to know anything:

"Director, do you have any other news? I just want that card. You know my methods, so let me help."

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